root 2 роки тому
3 змінених файлів з 2900 додано та 7 видалено
  1. 305 0
  2. 7 7
  3. 2588 0

+ 305 - 0

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+    (1)自行配备上网的所需设备,包括个人电脑、调制解调器或其他必备上网装置。
+    (2)自行负担个人上网所支付的与此服务有关的电话费用、网络费用。
+    (1)反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;
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+    (3).损害国家荣誉和利益的;
+    (4).煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;
+    (5).破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
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+    (7).散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
+    (8).侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;
+    (9).含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。
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+        (b)相应的法律及程序要求本网站提供用户的个人资料。
+5. 用户在注册时应当选择稳定性及安全性相对较好的电子邮箱
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+9. 拒绝提供担保
+ 用户必须遵循:
+    (1) 使用信息服务不作非法用途。
+    (2) 不干扰或混乱网络服务。
+    (3) 遵守所有使用服务的网络协议、规定、程序和惯例。用户的行为准则是以因特网法规,政策、程序和惯例为根据的。
+    (1) 不再使用本网站信息服务。
+    (2) 通知本网站停止对该用户的服务。
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+ 7 - 7

@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ U.UF.F.windowMinimize = function (el) {
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+        _el = null; //移除整个窗体
+    }
+    else {
+        _el.css("display", "none");
+    }

+ 2588 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2588 @@
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+    // { "Name": "AI体验", "Url": "AIprogram2", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/AIprogram2.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "Python", "Url": "Pythonprogram", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/Pythonprogram.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "AI编程", "Url": "AIprogram", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/AIprogram.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "源码编辑", "Url": "codeEdit", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/code.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "MindMap", "Url": "MindMap", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/MIndMap.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "翻译", "Url": "translation", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/translation.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": " 魔盒识字", "Url": "mohe", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/mohe.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "24点", "Url": "24game", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/24game.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "数学画板", "Url": "netWorkPanel", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/networkPanel.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "GeoGebra", "Url": "GeoGebra", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/GeoGebra.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "国家教育", "Url": "resources", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/resources.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "汉字宫", "Url": "han", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/han.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.schoolDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "project", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/project.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "study", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/study.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluate", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/evaluation.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "通知公告", "Url": "notice", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/news.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习资料", "Url": "stuLibrary", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/library.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "电子白板", "Url": "whiteboard", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "问卷调查", "Url": "investigation", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/ask.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "思维导图", "Url": "mind", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "协同文档", "Url": "doc", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/doc.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "思维网格", "Url": "mindNetwork", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "目标管理", "Url": "sys", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/evalua.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "课程设计", "Url": "courseDesign", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/courseDesign.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "训练平台", "Url": "train", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/trainPlatform.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "编程平台", "Url": "program", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/program.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "AI体验", "Url": "AIprogram2", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/AIprogram2.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "Python", "Url": "Pythonprogram", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/Pythonprogram.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "AI编程", "Url": "AIprogram", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/AIprogram.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "源码编辑", "Url": "codeEdit", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/code.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "MindMap", "Url": "MindMap", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/MIndMap.png)" } },
+    // { "Name": "国家教育", "Url": "resources", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/resources.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.orgDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "project", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgProject.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "study", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgStudy.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluate", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgEva.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "项目进展", "Url": "case", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgCase.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.orgStemDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "project", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgProject.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "study", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgStudy.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生管理", "Url": "student", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/student.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluate", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgEva.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "我的资料", "Url": "my", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "目标管理", "Url": "sys", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/evalua.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "课程设计", "Url": "courseDesign", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/courseDesign.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "项目进展", "Url": "case", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/case.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.hanDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "project", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgProject.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "study", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgStudy.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluate", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/orgIcon/orgEva.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "汉字家族", "Url": "hanFamily", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/hanFamily.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "国学经典", "Url": "hanClassics", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/hanClassics.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "笔画训练", "Url": "hanTraining", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/hanTraining.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "书法课堂", "Url": "hanClass", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/hanClass.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "汉字宫", "Url": "han", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/han.png)" } },
+    { "Name": " 魔盒识字", "Url": "mohe", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/mohe.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.GMteacherDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "projectGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/courseMange.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "studyGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/learning.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生管理", "Url": "studentGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/student.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluateGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/evaluate.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "班级管理", "Url": "classGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/class.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "我的资料", "Url": "dataGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/data.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "项目进展", "Url": "caseGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/case.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "素材库", "Url": "meterialGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/material.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.GMstudentDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "studyGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/learning.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "我的评价", "Url": "evaluateSGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/evaluate.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "我的资料", "Url": "dataGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/data.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "素材库", "Url": "meterialGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/material.png)" } },
+U.MD.D.I.teacherDeskIcon = [
+    { "Name": "项目管理", "Url": "projectGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/courseMange.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学习中心", "Url": "studyGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/learning.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生管理", "Url": "studentGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/student.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "学生评价", "Url": "evaluateGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/evaluate.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "班级管理", "Url": "classGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/class.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "我的资料", "Url": "dataGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/data.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "项目进展", "Url": "caseGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/case.png)" } },
+    { "Name": "素材库", "Url": "meterialGM", "style": { "cssText": "background-image:url(/img/icon/gm/material.png)" } },
+//#region 桌面初始化a
+ * 初始化桌面的起始函数
+ *
+ */
+U.MD.D.I.init = function() {
+    if ($("#U_MD_D_K")[0]) {
+        //初始化桌面图标
+        U.MD.D.I.initDesktopIcons($("#U_MD_D_K")[0]);
+        // var clickUrl = ':12588/requestIp.php';
+        // U.MD.D.I.Mysqlrequest(clickUrl,function(data){
+        //     U.MD.D.I.Ip = data; 
+        //     var AccessUrl = ':12588/useAccess.php?ip=' + U.MD.D.I.Ip;
+        //     U.MD.D.I.Mysqlrequest(AccessUrl,function(data){
+        //         U.selectEl("#U_MD_D_RW").css("width", US.width - 165 + "px");
+        //     })
+        //     //初始化任务栏,因为是静态的,所以直接改变样式即可.
+        // })
+    }
+ * 隐藏任务栏
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ */
+U.MD.D.I.hiddenTaskbar = function(el) {
+    //任务栏位置变小
+    U.selectEl(el).parentElement(3).css({ "bottom": "-60px" });
+    //桌面的位置变大
+    //  U.selectEl("#U_MD_D_K").css({ "left": "5px" });
+ * 隐藏任务栏
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ */
+U.MD.D.I.hiddenTaskbarout = function(el) {
+    //任务栏位置变小
+    if (!U.UF.EV.stopBubbleMouseOutOrOver(el)) {
+        //任务栏位置变化
+        U.selectEl(el).css({ "bottom": "-60px" });
+        //桌面的位置变大
+        //  U.selectEl("#U_MD_D_K").css({ "left": "5px" });
+    }
+ * 初始化打印桌面图标
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ */
+U.MD.D.I.initDesktopIcons = function(el) {
+    var i, //用于循环
+        _content, //桌面图标元素
+        _iconcontent, //桌面图标元素
+        _frag = $$("frag"), //定义一个碎片元素
+        _type = US.userInfo.type,
+        _org =,
+        _oid = US.userInfo.organizeid,
+        _teacherDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.teacherDeskIcon, //获取教师端桌面图标
+        _studentDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.studentDeskIcon, //获取学生端桌面图标
+        _orgDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.orgDeskIcon, //获取组织桌面图标
+        _orgStemDeskIcon = U.MD.D.I.orgStemDeskIcon,
+        _hanDeskIcon = U.MD.D.I.hanDeskIcon,
+        _schoolDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.schoolDeskIcon, //获取测试学校桌面图标
+        _GMteacherDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.GMteacherDeskIcon, //获取光明学校桌面图标
+        _GMstudentDesktopIconInfo = U.MD.D.I.GMstudentDeskIcon; //获取光明学校桌面图标
+    //清楚桌面图标
+    el.innerHTML = "";
+    //循环创建桌面图标
+    if (_type == 2 && _oid != "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5" && _org != "eb2af5e9-ac3d-46b6-9fe3-3c1c364f0217") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _studentDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_studentDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_studentDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _studentDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _studentDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _oid == "d9db3320-503a-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _hanDeskIcon.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_hanDeskIcon[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_hanDeskIcon[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _hanDeskIcon[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _hanDeskIcon[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _org == "7ada499f-4ec7-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _orgStemDeskIcon.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_orgStemDeskIcon[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_orgStemDeskIcon[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _orgStemDeskIcon[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _orgStemDeskIcon[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _org == "eb2af5e9-ac3d-46b6-9fe3-3c1c364f018d") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _orgDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_orgDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_orgDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _orgDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _orgDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _oid == "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _schoolDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_schoolDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_schoolDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _schoolDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _schoolDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if (_type == 2 && _oid == "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _studentDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_studentDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_studentDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _studentDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _studentDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    }else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _org == "eb2af5e9-ac3d-46b6-9fe3-3c1c364f0217") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _GMteacherDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_GMteacherDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_GMteacherDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _GMteacherDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _GMteacherDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else if (_type == 2 && _org == "eb2af5e9-ac3d-46b6-9fe3-3c1c364f0217") {
+        for (i = 0; i < _GMstudentDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_GMstudentDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_GMstudentDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _GMstudentDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _GMstudentDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (i = 0; i < _teacherDesktopIconInfo.length; i++) {
+            _content = $$("div", {
+                className: "U_MD_D_KO",
+                "onmousedown": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_teacherDesktopIconInfo[i]]),
+                "onclick": U.UF.C.closure(function(obj) {
+                    //防止拖动图标即打开了桌面应用
+          , obj);
+                }, [_teacherDesktopIconInfo[i]])
+            }, _frag); // 
+            _iconcontent = $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOA" }, _content);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOS U_Img", "style": _teacherDesktopIconInfo[i].style }, _iconcontent);
+            $$("div", { className: "U_MD_D_KOX", "innerHTML": _teacherDesktopIconInfo[i].Name }, _iconcontent);
+        }
+    }
+    //加载好后给图标定位
+    U.MD.D.iconPostion($(_frag).Child());
+    //把图标加载到页面
+    el.appendChild(_frag);
+ * 显示任务栏
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ */
+U.MD.D.I.displayTaskbar = function(el) {
+    //判断是否需要形式任务栏,由于用了mouseover事件会冒泡响应多次,这里做了过滤
+    if (!U.UF.EV.stopBubbleMouseOutOrOver(el) && U.selectEl(el).css("bottom") != "0px") {
+        //任务栏位置变化
+        U.selectEl(el).css({ "bottom": "0px" });
+        //桌面位置变话
+        //  U.selectEl("#U_MD_D_K").css({ "left": "70px" });
+    }
+//#region 桌面图标拖动逻辑
+ * 桌面排列图标
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ * @param  {object} 上下相距的距离
+ * @param  {object} 左右相距的距离
+ * @return  {object} 命名空间
+ */
+U.MD.D.iconPostion = function(childs, top, left) {
+    var i; //用于循环处理
+    top = top || 15; //如果没有设置元素的间距处理默认上间距为15
+    left = left || 20; //如果没有设置元素的间距处理默认左间距为15
+    //循环所有的图标,设置每个图标的间距,打印顺序是竖排打印的方式
+    for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
+        //如果竖排top超过了范围处理
+        if (top + 95 > US.height - 10) {
+            //left超过了页面范围处理,则向上重叠打印处理
+            if ((left + 180) > US.width) {
+                top -= 110;
+                left -= 90;
+            }
+            //没有超过范围,那么left+90添加到下一个竖排打印
+            else {
+                left += 90;
+                top = 15;
+            };
+        }
+        //给图标的位置赋值
+        U.selectEl(childs[i]).css({ top: top + "px", left: left + "px" });
+        if (i < childs.length - 1) {
+            //页面图标每次向下加95
+            top += 95;
+        }
+    }
+    //返回最后调用的图标的位置
+    return [top, left];
+ * 桌面点击事件逻辑
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 桌面元素
+ * @param  {object} 上下相距的距离
+ * @param  {object} 左右相距的距离
+ * @return  {object} 命名空间
+ */ = function(el, obj) {
+    var _buttonnumber = event.button; //点击的按钮的事件值
+    var _userinfo = US.userInfo;
+    U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); //阻止向上冒泡
+    //onmousedown 包含了左键和右键 这里大于2是为了兼容 所有浏览器的右键处理
+    if (_buttonnumber < 2) {
+        //如果是click事件的处理
+        if (event.type == "click") {
+            //如果元素在mousemove事件中没有移动则出发click事件
+            if (!U.MD.D.I.IsDrag) {
+                if (!_userinfo || Object.keys(_userinfo).length === 0) {
+                    U.alert("请先登录您的账号!");
+                    setTimeout(() => {
+                        U.MD.U.L.login();
+                    }, 2000);
+                } else {
+                    //打开应用处理
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(obj.Url, { "userid": US.userInfo.userid, "directoryid": US.FTPFOLDERID });
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //如果是mouse事件的处理
+        else {
+            //拖动处理,添加拖动和拖动结束事件
+            U.UF.F.drag(el, U.MD.D.iconMove, U.MD.D.iconUp);
+        }
+        U.MD.D.I.IsDrag = false;
+    }
+ * 拖动的处理
+ *
+ */
+U.MD.D.iconMove = function() {
+    //如果当前位置点击初始化的位置出现了变化,则设置是否拖动的属性   U.MD.D.I.IsDrag为true
+    U.MD.D.I.IsDrag = true;
+ * 拖动结束后,这里是定位处理,以网状的形式定位
+ *
+ * @param  {element} 拖动的元素
+ * @return  {object} 命名空间
+ */
+U.MD.D.iconUp = function(el) {
+    var _top = 15,
+        _left = 20,
+        _margin,
+        _childs = U.selectEl("#U_MD_D_K").Child(), //桌面所有的图标
+        _positioninfo = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(el); //获取拖动结束的元素的位置
+    if (_positioninfo["OT"] > 15) {
+        //网状的形式定位,如果差超过了55,那么向下定位,否则向上定位
+        _margin = ((_positioninfo["OT"] - 15) % 95 > 55 && _positioninfo["OT"] + 95 < US.height) ? 1 : 0;
+        _top = (Math.floor((_positioninfo["OT"] - 15) / 95) + _margin) * 95 + 15;
+    }
+    if (_positioninfo["OL"] > 20) {
+        //网状的形式定位,如果差超过了90,那么向右定位,否则向左定位
+        _margin = ((_positioninfo["OL"] - 20) % 90 > 45 && _positioninfo["OL"] + 90 < US.width) ? 1 : 0;
+        _left = (Math.floor((_positioninfo["OL"] - 20) / 90) + _margin) * 90 + 20
+    }
+    //while循环判断么一个重叠的元素
+    do {
+        _positioninfo = U.MD.D.iconPostion([el], _top, _left); //给重叠的元素向下定位
+        _top = _positioninfo[0] + 95; //得到定位后的top
+        _left = _positioninfo[1]; //得到定位后的left
+    } while (el = U.MD.D.isOverlap(el, _childs, _positioninfo))
+* 判断拖动后图标是否重叠
+* @param  {element} 拖动的元素
+* @param  {element} 桌面所有的元素
+* @param  {array} 拖动元素的位置
+----------[0]  上 top
+----------[1]  左 left
+* @return  {object} 命名空间
+U.MD.D.isOverlap = function(el, childs, postionarray) {
+    //循环所有的图标
+    for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
+        //判断有没有和该图标诶子重叠的元素
+        if (el != childs[i] && (childs[i].offsetTop == postionarray[0] && childs[i].offsetLeft == postionarray[1])) {
+            return childs[i]; //如果有返回
+        }
+    }
+//#region 桌面应用
+* 打开应用
+* @param  {string} 类型
+-----------------Disk 网盘系统
+-----------------PDisk 学习系统网盘
+-----------------Poto 图片
+-----------------Video 视频
+-----------------Music 音乐
+-----------------Word word
+-----------------Excel excel
+-----------------Txt 记事本
+-----------------PB 学习系统
+-----------------Blog 朋友圈系统
+-----------------FTP ftp系统
+-----------------Group 好友群
+-----------------SY 首页系统
+-----------------Set 个人设置
+-----------------XSet 系统设置
+-----------------App 我们所有的app
+-----------------BC 平台
+-----------------CWeb 变成平台
+-----------------其他的外联系统 我们统一用iframe打开
+* @param  {array} 类型
+* @returns {array} 
+window.addEventListener('message', function(e) { // 监听 message 事件
+    // alert(;
+    if ( && == "2") { //项目管理传入
+        U.MD.D.I.openInApplication("studyDetail",,, 4)
+            //3是展示全部阶段  2学生 1老师 4专家
+    } else if ( && == "3") { //项目管理传入
+        U.MD.D.I.openInApplication("studyDetail",, 2, 1)
+    }if ( && == "2gm") { //项目管理传入
+        U.MD.D.I.openInApplication("studyDetailGM",,, 4)
+            //3是展示全部阶段  2学生 1老师 4专家
+    } else if ( && == "3gm") { //项目管理传入
+        U.MD.D.I.openInApplication("studyDetailGM",, 2, 1)
+    } else if ( && == "1") { //更新用户信息
+        U.MD.D.I.selectUser();
+    } else if ( && == "1") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("study");
+        U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "2") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("studyDetail");
+        U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "2gm") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("studyDetail");
+        U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "3") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("studentStudy");
+        U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "6") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("study");
+        //如果最大化了,那么就把他缩小
+        // if (_formel.ismaximize) {
+        //     return;
+        // }
+        // U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+        U.UF.F.topWindow(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "4") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("studyDetail");
+        //如果最大化了,那么就把他缩小
+        // if (_formel.ismaximize) {
+        //     return;
+        // }
+        // U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+        U.UF.F.topWindow(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "5") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("studentStudy");
+        // if (_formel.ismaximize) {
+        //     return;
+        // }
+        // U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+        U.UF.F.topWindow(_formel);
+    } else if ( && == "5gm") {
+        var _formel = document.getElementById("study");
+        // if (_formel.ismaximize) {
+        //     return;
+        // }
+        // U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formel);
+        U.UF.F.topWindow(_formel);
+    }  else if ( && == "1") {
+        // U.MD.D.I.openApplication("whiteboard")
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie("whiteboard",,,,
+    } else if ( && == "2") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("note")
+    } else if ( && == "3") {
+        // U.MD.D.I.openApplication("mind")
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie("mind",,,,
+    } else if ( && == "4") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("investigation")
+    } else if ( && == "6") {
+        // U.MD.D.I.openApplication("doc")
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie("doc",,,,
+    } else if ( && == "7") {
+        // U.MD.D.I.openApplication("mindNetwork")
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie("mindNetwork",,,,
+    } else if ( && == "8") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("library")
+    } else if ( && == "17") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("stuLibrary")
+    } else if ( && == "18") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("train")
+    } else if ( && == "21") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("program")
+    } else if ( && == "22") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("AIprogram2")
+    } else if ( && == "23") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("Pythonprogram")
+    } else if ( && == "24") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("AIprogram")
+    } else if ( && == "25") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("sys")
+    } else if ( && == "26") {
+        // U.MD.D.I.openApplication("courseDesign")
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie("courseDesign",,,,
+    } else if ( && == "31") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("netWorkPanel")
+    } else if ( && == "32") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("codeEdit")
+    } else if ( && == "28") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("translation")
+    } else if ( && == "37") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("mohe")
+    } else if ( && == "38") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("24game")
+    } else if ( && == "39") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("GeoGebra")
+    } else if ( && == "43") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("studentEvaluate")
+    } else if ( && == "44") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openInApplication("hanUrl", '', '', '')
+    } else if ( && == "46") {
+        U.MD.D.I.openApplication("project")
+    }
+U.MD.D.I.selectUser = function() {
+    U.A.Request(US.Config.pbl + "selectUser?userid=" + US.userInfo.userid, [], function(res) { //US.userInfo.userid
+        if (res.value[0].length > 0) {
+            US.userInfo = res.value[0][0];
+            $(".userName")[0].innerHTML = US.userInfo.username;
+        }
+    }, [], { "type": "GET", "withCredentials": true });
+U.MD.D.I.openInApplication = function(str, data, screenType, tType) {
+    var _userinfo = US.userInfo, //登录用户信息
+        _userid = US.userInfo.userid, //登录用户id
+        _oid = _userinfo.organizeid,
+        _type = US.userInfo.type,
+        _org =,
+        _classId = US.userInfo.classid;
+    if (_type == 4) {
+        tType = 4
+    }
+    switch (str) {
+        case "studyDetail":
+            if (!_userinfo || Object.keys(_userinfo).length === 0) {
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    U.MD.U.L.login();
+                }, 2000);
+            } else {
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "项目详情",
+                    $$("iframe", { "allow": "camera *; microphone *", "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&courseId=" + data + "&tType=" + tType + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + screenType }), {
+                    "id": "studyDetail",
+                    "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function () { }
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function () { }
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/study.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function () { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            }
+        case "studyDetailGM":
+                if (!_userinfo || Object.keys(_userinfo).length === 0) {
+                    setTimeout(() => {
+                        U.MD.U.L.login();
+                    }, 2000);
+                } else {
+                    _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                        "项目详情",
+                        $$("iframe", { "allow": "camera *; microphone *", "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&courseId=" + data + "&tType=" + tType + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + screenType }), {
+                        "id": "studyDetail",
+                        "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function () { }
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function () { }
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                    _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/learning.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function () { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                    break;
+                }
+        case "hanUrl":
+            if (!_userinfo || Object.keys(_userinfo).length === 0) {
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    U.MD.U.L.login();
+                }, 2000);
+            } else {
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "汉字宫",
+                    $$("iframe", { "allow": "camera *; microphone *", "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "hanUrl",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function () { }
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function () { }
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/hanClass.png)" }, "name": "汉字宫", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function () { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            }
+    }
+U.MD.D.I.openApplication = function(str, obj, info) {
+    obj = obj || {};
+    var _taskbar, //_taskbar 作为任务栏显示的元素,包含图标和名字
+        _formdiv, //创建任务栏时同时弹出的窗体元素。
+        _userinfo = US.userInfo, //登录用户信息
+        _userid = obj.userid || US.userInfo.userid, //登录用户id
+        _oid = obj.organizeid || _userinfo.organizeid,
+        _type = US.userInfo.type,
+        _org =,
+        _classId = US.userInfo.classid,
+        _TscreenType = 1
+    _screenType = 2,
+        _SscreenType = 3;
+    if (_type == 2 && _oid != "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        switch (str) {
+            case "studnetProject": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的项目",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _SscreenType }), {
+                        "id": "studnetProject",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/project.png)" }, "name": "我的项目", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentEvaluate": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "studentEvaluate",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evaluation.png)" }, "name": "我的评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "my":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "my",
+                        "style": { "width": "42%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "我的资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "program":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "编程平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "program",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "编程平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "library":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "素材库",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "library",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/library.png)" }, "name": "素材库", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "whiteboard":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "电子白板",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "whiteboard",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)" }, "name": "电子白板", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "investigation":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "问卷调查",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "investigation",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/ask.png)" }, "name": "问卷调查", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "note":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "便签分类",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "note",
+                        "style": { "width": "20%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/note.png)" }, "name": "便签分类", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+                // case "score":
+                //     _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                //         "量规评分",
+                //         $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                //             "id": "score",
+                //             "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                //             "onresize": function() {}
+                //         }, {
+                //             closecallback: function() {}
+                //         }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                //     _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/score.png)" }, "name": "量规评分", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                //     break;
+            case "mind":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维导图",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/kityminder-editor/dist/index.html" }), { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                        "id": "mind",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)" }, "name": "思维导图", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "doc":
+                // U.MD.D.I.isRoom();
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "协同文档",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm" }), { //"/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm" 
+                        "id": "doc",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                // U.UF.DL.iframeLoad($("iframe", _formdiv)[0], function () {
+                //     $("iframe", _formdiv)[0].contentWindow.U.MD.O.W.load();
+                // })
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/doc.png)" }, "name": "协同文档", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentStudy":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习中心",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _SscreenType }), { //
+                        "id": "studentStudy",
+                        "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/study.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "train": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "训练平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "train",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/trainPlatform.png)" }, "name": "训练平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "mindNetwork": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维网格",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "mindNetwork",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)" }, "name": "思维网格", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentClassRoom": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "实时课堂",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "studentClassRoom",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/classRoom.png)" }, "name": "实时课堂", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formdiv)
+                }, 0);
+                break;
+        }
+    } else if (_type == 2 && _oid == "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        switch (str) {
+            case "studnetProject": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的项目",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _SscreenType }), {
+                        "id": "studnetProject",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/project.png)" }, "name": "我的项目", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentEvaluate": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "studentEvaluate",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evaluation.png)" }, "name": "我的评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "my":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "my",
+                        "style": { "width": "42%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "我的资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "program":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "编程平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "program",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "编程平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "library":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "素材库",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "library",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/library.png)" }, "name": "素材库", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "whiteboard":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "电子白板",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "whiteboard",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)" }, "name": "电子白板", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "investigation":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "问卷调查",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "investigation",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/ask.png)" }, "name": "问卷调查", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "note":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "便签分类",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "note",
+                        "style": { "width": "20%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/note.png)" }, "name": "便签分类", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+                // case "score":
+                //     _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                //         "量规评分",
+                //         $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                //             "id": "score",
+                //             "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                //             "onresize": function() {}
+                //         }, {
+                //             closecallback: function() {}
+                //         }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                //     _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/score.png)" }, "name": "量规评分", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                //     break;
+            case "mind":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维导图",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/kityminder-editor/dist/index.html" }), { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                        "id": "mind",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)" }, "name": "思维导图", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "doc":
+                // U.MD.D.I.isRoom();
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "协同文档",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm" }), {
+                        "id": "doc",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                U.UF.DL.iframeLoad($("iframe", _formdiv)[0], function() {
+                    $("iframe", _formdiv)[0].contentWindow.U.MD.O.W.load();
+                })
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/doc.png)" }, "name": "协同文档", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "train": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "训练平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "train",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/trainPlatform.png)" }, "name": "训练平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentStudy":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习中心",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _SscreenType }), { //
+                        "id": "studentStudy",
+                        "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/study.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "mindNetwork": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维网格",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "mindNetwork",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)" }, "name": "思维网格", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "studentClassRoom": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "实时课堂",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "studentClassRoom",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/classRoom.png)" }, "name": "实时课堂", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formdiv)
+                }, 0);
+                break;
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _oid != "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        //选择应用处理
+        switch (str) {
+            case "project": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "项目管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "project",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/project.png)" }, "name": "项目管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "student":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学生管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&cid=" + _classId + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "student",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/student.png)" }, "name": "学生管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "evaluate":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学生评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "evaluate",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evaluation.png)" }, "name": "学生评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "sys":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "目标管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "sys",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evalua.png)" }, "name": "目标管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "courseDesign":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "课程设计",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/course-design-vue" }), {
+                        "id": "courseDesign",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/courseDesign.png)" }, "name": "课程设计", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "program":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "编程平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "program",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "编程平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "class":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "班级管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "class",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/class.png)" }, "name": "班级管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "my":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "my",
+                        "style": { "width": "42%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "我的资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "notice":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "通知公告",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "notice",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/news.png)" }, "name": "通知公告", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "library":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "素材库",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "library",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/library.png)" }, "name": "素材库", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "whiteboard":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "电子白板",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "whiteboard",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)" }, "name": "电子白板", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "investigation":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "问卷调查",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "investigation",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/ask.png)" }, "name": "问卷调查", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "note":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "便签分类",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "note",
+                        "style": { "width": "20%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/note.png)" }, "name": "便签分类", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+                // case "score":
+                //     _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                //         "量规评分",
+                //         $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                //             "id": "score",
+                //             "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                //             "onresize": function() {}
+                //         }, {
+                //             closecallback: function() {}
+                //         }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                //     _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/score.png)" }, "name": "量规评分", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                //     break;
+            case "mind":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维导图",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/kityminder-editor/dist/index.html" }), { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                        "id": "mind",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)" }, "name": "思维导图", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "doc":
+                // U.MD.D.I.isRoom();
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "协同文档",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm" }), {
+                        "id": "doc",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                U.UF.DL.iframeLoad($("iframe", _formdiv)[0], function() {
+                    $("iframe", _formdiv)[0].contentWindow.U.MD.O.W.load();
+                })
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/doc.png)" }, "name": "协同文档", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "study":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习中心",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _TscreenType }), { //
+                        "id": "study",
+                        "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/study.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "mindNetwork": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维网格",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "mindNetwork",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)" }, "name": "思维网格", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "train": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "训练平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "mindNetwork",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/trainPlatform.png)" }, "name": "训练平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "teacherClassRoom": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "实时课堂",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "teacherClassRoom",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/classRoom.png)" }, "name": "实时课堂", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    U.UF.F.windowZooming(_formdiv)
+                }, 0);
+                break;
+        }
+    } else if ((_type == 1 || _type == 4) && _oid == "91305d49-01ba-11ed-8c78-005056b86db5") {
+        switch (str) {
+            case "project": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "项目管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "project",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/project.png)" }, "name": "项目管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "evaluate":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学生评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "evaluate",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evaluation.png)" }, "name": "学生评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "notice":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "通知公告",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "notice",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/news.png)" }, "name": "通知公告", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "stuLibrary":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "stuLibrary",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/stuLibrary.png)" }, "name": "学习资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "program":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "编程平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "program",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "编程平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "whiteboard":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "电子白板",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "whiteboard",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)" }, "name": "电子白板", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "investigation":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "问卷调查",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "investigation",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/ask.png)" }, "name": "问卷调查", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "mind":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维导图",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/kityminder-editor/dist/index.html" }), { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                        "id": "mind",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)" }, "name": "思维导图", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "doc":
+                // U.MD.D.I.isRoom();
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "协同文档",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm" }), {
+                        "id": "doc",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                U.UF.DL.iframeLoad($("iframe", _formdiv)[0], function() {
+                    $("iframe", _formdiv)[0].contentWindow.U.MD.O.W.load();
+                })
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/doc.png)" }, "name": "协同文档", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "study":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习中心",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _TscreenType }), { //
+                        "id": "study",
+                        "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/study.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "mindNetwork": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "思维网格",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "mindNetwork",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)" }, "name": "思维网格", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "train": //好友打开
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "训练平台",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" }), {
+                        "id": "train",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/trainPlatform.png)" }, "name": "训练平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "sys":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "目标管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "sys",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/evalua.png)" }, "name": "目标管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "courseDesign":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "课程设计",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "/course-design-vue" }), {
+                        "id": "courseDesign",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/courseDesign.png)" }, "name": "课程设计", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+        }
+    } else if (!_type) {
+        switch (str) {
+            case "my":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "my",
+                        "style": { "width": "42%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/myMessage.png)" }, "name": "我的资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    switch (str) {
+        // AIprogram2 AI体验
+        // Pythonprogram Python编程
+        // AIprogram AI编程
+        case "AIprogram2": //AI体验
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "AI体验",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "allow": "camera", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "AIprogram2",
+                    "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/AIprogram2.png)" }, "name": "AI体验", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "Pythonprogram": //python编程
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "Python编程",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "Pythonprogram",
+                    "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/Pythonprogram.png)" }, "name": "Python编程", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "AIprogram": //ai编程
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "AI编程平台",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "AIprogram",
+                    "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/AIprogram.png)" }, "name": "AI编程平台", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "resources": //国家教育
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "国家教育",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "resources",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/resources.png)" }, "name": "国家教育", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "codeEdit": //源码编辑
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "源码编辑",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "codeEdit",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/code.png)" }, "name": "源码编辑", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break; //
+        case "MindMap": //MindMap
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "MindMap",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "MindMap",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/MIndMap.png)" }, "name": "MindMap", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "netWorkPanel": //netWorkPanel
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "netWorkPanel",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "netWorkPanel",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/netWorkPanel.png)" }, "name": "netWorkPanel", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "GeoGebra": //GeoGebra
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "GeoGebra",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "GeoGebra",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/GeoGebra.png)" }, "name": "GeoGebra", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "translation": //翻译
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "翻译",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "translation",
+                    "style": { "width": "80%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/translation.png)" }, "name": "翻译", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "mohe": //魔盒
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "魔盒识字",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "mohe",
+                    "style": { "width": "375px", "height": "667px", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mohe.png)" }, "name": "魔盒识字", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "24game": //24点
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "24点",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "24game",
+                    "style": { "width": "375px", "height": "667px", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/24game.png)" }, "name": "24点", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "case":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "项目进展",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                    "id": "case",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/case.png)" }, "name": "项目进展", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "snf":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "赛诺梵",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "//" }), {
+                    "id": "snf",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/snf.png)" }, "name": "赛诺梵", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "hanFamily":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "汉字家族",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "hanFamily",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/hanFamily.png)" }, "name": "汉字家族", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "hanClassics":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "国学经典",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "hanClassics",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/hanClassics.png)" }, "name": "国学经典", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "hanTraining":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "笔画训练",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "hanTraining",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/hanTraining.png)" }, "name": "笔画训练", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "hanClass":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "书法课堂",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "hanClass",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/hanClass.png)" }, "name": "书法课堂", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+        case "han":
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "汉字宫",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" }), {
+                    "id": "han",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/han.png)" }, "name": "汉字宫", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+            case "projectGM": //项目管理
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "项目管理",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                    "id": "projectGM",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/courseMange.png)" }, "name": "项目管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+            case "studyGM"://学习中心
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学习中心",
+                    $$("iframe", { "webkitallowfullscreen": "", "mozallowfullscreen": "", "allowfullscreen": "", "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org + "&tType=" + _type + "&cid=" + _classId + "&screenType=" + _TscreenType }), { //
+                    "id": "study",
+                    "style": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function () { }
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function () { }
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/learning.png)" }, "name": "学习中心", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function () { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+            // studentGM
+            case "studentGM"://学生管理
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学生管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&cid=" + _classId + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "studentGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/student.png)" }, "name": "学生管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            case "evaluateGM"://学生评价
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "学生评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "evaluateGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/evaluate.png)" }, "name": "学生评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            // classGM
+            case "classGM"://班级管理
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "班级管理",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "classGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/class.png)" }, "name": "班级管理", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            // dataGM
+            case "dataGM":
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的资料",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "dataGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "42%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/data.png)" }, "name": "我的资料", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            // caseGM
+            case "caseGM"://项目进展
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "项目进展",
+                $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                    "id": "caseGM",
+                    "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/case.png)" }, "name": "项目进展", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+            break;
+            // meterialGM
+            case "meterialGM"://素材库
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "素材库",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "meterialGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "90%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/material.png)" }, "name": "素材库", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+            // evaluateSGM
+            case "evaluateSGM": //我的评价
+                _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                    "我的评价",
+                    $$("iframe", { "frameborder": "no", "border": "0", "scrolling ": "no", "style": { "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%" }, "src": "" + _userid + "&oid=" + _oid + "&org=" + _org }), {
+                        "id": "evaluateSGM",
+                        "style": { "width": "70%", "height": "90%", "overflow": 'hidden' },
+                        "onresize": function() {}
+                    }, {
+                        closecallback: function() {}
+                    }, { "style": { "height": "36px" } }).form; //创建窗体
+                _taskbar = { "id": str +, "style": { "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/gm/evaluate.png)" }, "name": "我的评价", "forms": _formdiv, "click": function() { U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info); } }
+                break;
+    }
+    //U.MD.D.I.openClick(str);
+    //如果有任务栏信息
+    if (_taskbar) {
+        U.MD.D.T.taskbar(_taskbar); //创建任务处理
+    }
+// U.MD.D.I.openClick = function(str){
+//        var click = '';
+//         switch(str){
+//                 case 'friend':
+//                     click = '我的好友';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'domain':
+//                     click = '域名管理';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'disk':
+//                     click = '我的云盘';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'word':
+//                     click = 'Word';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'excel':
+//                     click = 'Execl';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'txt':
+//                     click = '文本文件';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'lookupFriend':
+//                     click = '查找好友';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'ftp':
+//                     click = 'FTP';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'group':
+//                     click = '群组';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'set':
+//                     click = '我的设置';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'systemSet':
+//                     click = '系统设置';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'boomYun':
+//                     click = '互联办公';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'xz':
+//                     click = '云端下载';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'client':
+//                     click = '有思浏览器';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'backEndProgramming':
+//                     click = '在线后台编程';
+//                     break;
+//                 case 'frontEndProgramming':
+//                     click = '在线前端编程';
+//                     break;
+//                 default: break;
+//             }
+//             if(U.MD.D.I.Ip && click){
+//                 var clickUrl = ':12588/useClick.php?name=' + click + '&ip=' + U.MD.D.I.Ip;
+//                 U.MD.D.I.Mysqlrequest(clickUrl,function(data){
+//             })
+//         }
+// }
+ *函数作用:ajax简易函数,使用post格式
+ *@param url   {data}    后台地址
+ *@param data  {data}    参数json
+ *@param fn    {data}    回调函数
+ *
+ */
+// U.MD.D.I.Mysqlrequest = function(url,fn){
+//     var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+//     xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+//     xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
+//         if(xhr.readyState == 4 && (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 304)){
+//   ,xhr.responseText);
+//         }
+//     };
+//     xhr.send();
+// }
+// U.MD.D.I.isInnerIPFn = function(str){
+//     var curPageUrl = str;
+//     var reg1 = /(http|ftp|https|www):\/\//g;//去掉前缀
+//     curPageUrl =curPageUrl.replace(reg1,'');
+//     // console.log('curPageUrl-1  '+curPageUrl);
+//     var reg2 = /\:+/g;//替换冒号为一点
+//     curPageUrl =curPageUrl.replace(reg2,'.');
+//     // console.log('curPageUrl-2  '+curPageUrl);
+//     curPageUrl = curPageUrl.split('.');//通过一点来划分数组
+//     var ipAddress = curPageUrl[0]+'.'+curPageUrl[1]+'.'+curPageUrl[2]+'.'+curPageUrl[3];
+//     if(curPageUrl[2] != '16'){
+//         return ipAddress;
+//     }else{
+//         return false;
+//     }
+// }
+// U.MD.D.I.getUserIP = function(onNewIP) { //  onNewIp - your listener function for new IPs
+//       //compatibility for firefox and chrome
+//       var myPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
+//       var pc = new myPeerConnection({
+//          iceServers: []
+//      }),
+//      noop = function() {},
+//      localIPs = {},
+//      ipRegex = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/g,
+//      key;
+//      function iterateIP(ip) {
+//          if (!localIPs[ip]) onNewIP(ip);
+//          localIPs[ip] = true;
+//     }
+//       //create a bogus data channel
+//      pc.createDataChannel("");
+//      // create offer and set local description
+//      pc.createOffer().then(function(sdp) {
+//          sdp.sdp.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
+//              if (line.indexOf('candidate') < 0) return;
+//              line.match(ipRegex).forEach(iterateIP);
+//          });
+//          pc.setLocalDescription(sdp, noop, noop);
+//      }).catch(function(reason) {
+//          // An error occurred, so handle the failure to connect
+//      });
+//      //sten for candidate events
+//      pc.onicecandidate = function(ice) {
+//          if (!ice || !ice.candidate || !ice.candidate.candidate || !ice.candidate.candidate.match(ipRegex)) return;
+//          ice.candidate.candidate.match(ipRegex).forEach(iterateIP);
+//      };
+// }
+// U.MD.D.I.getUserIpBool = function(callback){
+//     U.MD.D.I.getUserIP(function(ip){
+//      alert("Got IP! :" + ip);
+// });
+U.MD.D.I.openApplicationJie = function(str, cid, stage, task, tool) {
+    var _taskbar, //_taskbar 作为任务栏显示的元素,包含图标和名字
+        _formdiv, //创建任务栏时同时弹出的窗体元素。
+        _userinfo = US.userInfo, //登录用户信息
+        _userid = US.userInfo.userid //登录用户id
+    let _iframe;
+    var _jie = $$("div", {
+        "style": {
+            "position": "absolute",
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+            "backgroundColor": "#2268bc",
+            "color": "#fff",
+            "padding": "12px 20px",
+            "cursor": "pointer",
+            "borderRadius": "4px",
+        },
+        "innerHTML": "提交作业"
+    })
+    let _loading = document.createElement('div')
+ = "width:100%;height:100%;background:#0000008f;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:99999999999999;display: none;justify-content: center;align-items: center;"
+        // = "";
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+    let _limg = document.createElement('img')
+    _limg.src = ''
+ = "width: 26px;margin-right: 10px;"
+    _lchild.appendChild(_limg)
+    let _lspan = document.createElement('span')
+    _lspan.innerHTML = "上传中..."
+    _lchild.appendChild(_lspan)
+ = "color: #fff;padding: 15px;background: #00000070;border-radius: 5px;font-size: 18px;display:flex;align-items:center;"
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+    })
+    _box.appendChild(_loading)
+ = str + '_loadLi'
+    switch (str) {
+        case "whiteboard":
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "frameborder": "no",
+                "border": "0",
+                "scrolling ": "no",
+                "style": {
+                    "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%"
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+                "src": ""
+            })
+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "电子白板",
+                _box, {
+                    "id": "whiteboard",
+                    "style": {
+                        "width": "90%",
+                        "height": "90%",
+                        "overflow": 'hidden'
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+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, {
+                    "style": {
+                        "height": "36px"
+                    }
+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/whiteBoard.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "电子白板",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "mind":
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "frameborder": "no",
+                "border": "0",
+                "scrolling ": "no",
+                "style": {
+                    "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%"
+                },
+                "src": "/kityminder-editor/dist/index.html"
+            })
+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "思维导图",
+                _box, { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                    "id": "mind",
+                    "style": {
+                        "width": "90%",
+                        "height": "90%",
+                        "overflow": 'hidden'
+                    },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, {
+                    "style": {
+                        "height": "36px"
+                    }
+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "思维导图",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "MindMap":
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "frameborder": "no",
+                "border": "0",
+                "scrolling ": "no",
+                "style": {
+                    "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%"
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+                "src": "//"
+            })
+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "思维导图",
+                _box, { //"/jsmind/example/demo.html" 
+                    "id": "mind",
+                    "style": {
+                        "width": "90%",
+                        "height": "90%",
+                        "overflow": 'hidden'
+                    },
+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, {
+                    "style": {
+                        "height": "36px"
+                    }
+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindMapping.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "思维导图",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "doc":
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "frameborder": "no",
+                "border": "0",
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+                    "cssText": "border:0;width:100%;height:100%"
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+                "src": "/Office/Word/WordEditArea.htm"
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+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
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+                "协同文档",
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+                    closecallback: function() {}
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+                    "style": {
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+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            U.UF.DL.iframeLoad($("iframe", _formdiv)[0], function() {
+                $("iframe", _formdiv)[0].contentWindow.U.MD.O.W.load();
+            })
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/doc.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "协同文档",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "mindNetwork": //好友打开
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "webkitallowfullscreen": "",
+                "mozallowfullscreen": "",
+                "allowfullscreen": "",
+                "frameborder": "no",
+                "border": "0",
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+                "style": {
+                    "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;"
+                },
+                "src": "" + _userid
+            })
+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "思维网格",
+                _box, {
+                    "id": "mindNetwork",
+                    "style": {
+                        "width": "90%",
+                        "height": "90%",
+                        "overflow": 'hidden'
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+                    "onresize": function() {}
+                }, {
+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, {
+                    "style": {
+                        "height": "36px"
+                    }
+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/mindNetwork.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "思维网格",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "courseDesign":
+            _iframe = $$("iframe", {
+                "webkitallowfullscreen": "",
+                "mozallowfullscreen": "",
+                "allowfullscreen": "",
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+                "border": "0",
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+                    "cssText": "border:0; width:100%; height:100%;"
+                },
+                "src": "/course-design-vue"
+            })
+            _box.appendChild(_iframe);
+            _box.appendChild(_jie);
+            _formdiv = new U.UF.UI.form(
+                "课程设计",
+                _box, {
+                    "id": "courseDesign",
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+                        "width": "90%",
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+                    closecallback: function() {}
+                }, {
+                    "style": {
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+                }).form; //创建窗体
+            _taskbar = {
+                "id": str +,
+                "style": {
+                    "backgroundImage": "url(/img/icon/courseDesign.png)"
+                },
+                "name": "课程设计",
+                "forms": _formdiv,
+                "click": function() {
+                    U.MD.D.I.openApplication(str, obj, info);
+                }
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+            break;
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+    if (_iframe) {
+        if (str == 'doc') {
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+            U.UF.DL.iframeLoad(_iframe, function() {
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+                "'" +
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+                task +
+                "'" +
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+                "'" +
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+    }
+    //U.MD.D.I.openClick(str);
+    //如果有任务栏信息
+    if (_taskbar) {
+        U.MD.D.T.taskbar(_taskbar); //创建任务处理
+    }