var iconv, inherits = require('util').inherits, stream = require('stream'); var regex = /(?:charset|encoding)\s*=\s*['"]? *([\w\-]+)/i; inherits(StreamDecoder, stream.Transform); function StreamDecoder(charset) { if (!(this instanceof StreamDecoder)) return new StreamDecoder(charset);, charset); this.charset = charset; this.parsed_chunk = false; } StreamDecoder.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) { // try to get charset from chunk, but just once if (!this.parsed_chunk && (this.charset == 'utf-8' || this.charset == 'utf8')) { this.parsed_chunk = true; var matches = regex.exec(chunk.toString()); if (matches) { var found = matches[1].toLowerCase().replace('utf8', 'utf-8'); // canonicalize; // set charset, but only if iconv can handle it if (iconv.encodingExists(found)) this.charset = found; } } if (this.charset == 'utf-8') { // no need to decode, just pass through this.push(chunk); return done(); } // initialize stream decoder if not present var self = this; if (!this.decoder) { this.decoder = iconv.decodeStream(this.charset); this.decoder.on('data', function(decoded_chunk) { self.push(decoded_chunk); }); }; this.decoder.write(chunk); done(); } module.exports = function(charset) { try { if (!iconv) iconv = require('iconv-lite'); } catch(e) { /* iconv not found */ } if (iconv) return new StreamDecoder(charset); else return new stream.PassThrough; }