/** * Copyright (c) 2010 Chris O'Hara <cohara87@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //Note: cli includes kof/node-natives and creationix/stack. I couldn't find //license information for either - contact me if you want your license added var cli = exports, argv, curr_opt, curr_val, full_opt, is_long, short_tags = [], opt_list, parsed = {}, usage, argv_parsed, command_list, commands, daemon, daemon_arg, no_color, show_debug; cli.app = null; cli.version = null; cli.argv = []; cli.argc = 0; cli.options = {}; cli.args = []; cli.command = null; cli.width = 70; cli.option_width = 25; /** * Bind kof's node-natives (https://github.com/kof/node-natives) to `cli.native` * * Rather than requiring node natives (e.g. var fs = require('fs')), all * native modules can be accessed like `cli.native.fs` */ cli.native = {}; var define_native = function (module) { Object.defineProperty(cli.native, module, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function() { delete cli.native[module]; return (cli.native[module] = require(module)); } }); }; var natives = process.binding('natives'); for (var module in natives) { define_native(module); } cli.output = console.log; cli.exit = require('exit'); /** * Define plugins. Plugins can be enabled and disabled by calling: * * `cli.enable(plugin1, [plugin2, ...])` * `cli.disable(plugin1, [plugin2, ...])` * * Methods are chainable - `cli.enable(plugin).disable(plugin2)`. * * The 'help' plugin is enabled by default. */ var enable = { help: true, //Adds -h, --help version: false, //Adds -v,--version => gets version by parsing a nearby package.json daemon: false, //Adds -d,--daemon [ARG] => (see cli.daemon() below) status: false, //Adds -k,--no-color & --debug => display plain status messages /display debug messages timeout: false, //Adds -t,--timeout N => timeout the process after N seconds catchall: false, //Adds -c,--catch => catch and output uncaughtExceptions glob: false //Adds glob matching => use cli.glob(arg) } cli.enable = function (/*plugins*/) { Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function (plugin) { switch (plugin) { case 'daemon': try { daemon = require('daemon'); if (typeof daemon.daemonize !== 'function') { throw 'Invalid module'; } } catch (e) { cli.fatal('daemon.node not installed. Please run `npm install daemon`'); } break; case 'catchall': process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { cli.error('Uncaught exception: ' + (err.msg || err)); }); break; case 'help': case 'version': case 'status': case 'autocomplete': case 'timeout': //Just add switches. break; case 'glob': cli.glob = require('glob'); break; default: cli.fatal('Unknown plugin "' + plugin + '"'); break; } enable[plugin] = true; }); return cli; } cli.disable = function (/*plugins*/) { Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function (plugin) { if (enable[plugin]) { enable[plugin] = false; } }); return cli; } /** * Sets argv (default is process.argv). * * @param {Array|String} argv * @param {Boolean} keep_arg0 (optional - default is false) * @api public */ cli.setArgv = function (arr, keep_arg0) { if (typeof arr == 'string') { arr = arr.split(' '); } else { arr = arr.slice(); } cli.app = arr.shift(); // Strip off argv[0] if it's a node binary // So this is still broken and will break if you are calling node through a // symlink, unless you are lucky enough to have it as 'node' literal. Latter // is a hack, but resolving abspaths/symlinks is an unportable can of worms. if (!keep_arg0 && (['node', 'node.exe'].indexOf(cli.native.path.basename(cli.app)) !== -1 || cli.native.path.basename(process.execPath) === cli.app || process.execPath === cli.app)) { cli.app = arr.shift(); } cli.app = cli.native.path.basename(cli.app); argv_parsed = false; cli.args = cli.argv = argv = arr; cli.argc = argv.length; cli.options = {}; cli.command = null; }; cli.setArgv(process.argv); /** * Returns the next opt, or false if no opts are found. * * @return {String} opt * @api public */ cli.next = function () { if (!argv_parsed) { cli.args = []; argv_parsed = true; } curr_val = null; //If we're currently in a group of short opts (e.g. -abc), return the next opt if (short_tags.length) { curr_opt = short_tags.shift(); full_opt = '-' + curr_opt; return curr_opt; } if (!argv.length) { return false; } curr_opt = argv.shift(); //If an escape sequence is found (- or --), subsequent opts are ignored if (curr_opt === '-' || curr_opt === '--') { while (argv.length) { cli.args.push(argv.shift()); } return false; } //If the next element in argv isn't an opt, add it to the list of args if (curr_opt[0] !== '-') { cli.args.push(curr_opt); return cli.next(); } else { //Check if the opt is short/long is_long = curr_opt[1] === '-'; curr_opt = curr_opt.substr(is_long ? 2 : 1); } //Accept grouped short opts, e.g. -abc => -a -b -c if (!is_long && curr_opt.length > 1) { short_tags = curr_opt.split(''); return cli.next(); } var eq, len; //Check if the long opt is in the form --option=VALUE if (is_long && (eq = curr_opt.indexOf('=')) >= 0) { curr_val = curr_opt.substr(eq + 1); curr_opt = curr_opt.substr(0, eq); len = curr_val.length; //Allow values to be quoted if ((curr_val[0] === '"' && curr_val[len - 1] === '"') || (curr_val[0] === "'" && curr_val[len - 1] === "'")) { curr_val = curr_val.substr(1, len-2); } if (curr_val.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { curr_val = parseInt(curr_val, 10); } } //Save the opt representation for later full_opt = (is_long ? '--' : '-') + curr_opt; return curr_opt; }; /** * Parses command line opts. * * `opts` must be an object with opts defined like: * long_tag: [short_tag, description, value_type, default_value]; * * `commands` is an optional array or object for apps that are of the form * my_app [OPTIONS] <command> [ARGS] * The command list is output with usage information + there is bundled * support for auto-completion, etc. * * See README.md for more information. * * @param {Object} opts * @param {Object} commands (optional) * @return {Object} opts (parsed) * @api public */ cli.parse = function (opts, command_def) { var default_val, i, parsed = cli.options, seen, catch_all = !opts; opt_list = opts || {}; commands = command_def; command_list = commands || []; if (commands && !Array.isArray(commands)) { command_list = Object.keys(commands); } while ((o = cli.next())) { seen = false; for (var opt in opt_list) { if (!(opt_list[opt] instanceof Array)) { continue; } if (!opt_list[opt][0]) { opt_list[opt][0] = opt; } if (o === opt || o === opt_list[opt][0]) { seen = true; if (opt_list[opt].length === 2) { parsed[opt] = true; break; } default_val = null; if (opt_list[opt].length === 4) { default_val = opt_list[opt][3]; } if (opt_list[opt][2] instanceof Array) { for (i = 0, l = opt_list[opt][2].length; i < l; i++) { if (typeof opt_list[opt][2][i] === 'number') { opt_list[opt][2][i] += ''; } } parsed[opt] = cli.getArrayValue(opt_list[opt][2], is_long ? null : default_val); break; } if (opt_list[opt][2].toLowerCase) { opt_list[opt][2] = opt_list[opt][2].toLowerCase(); } switch (opt_list[opt][2]) { case 'string': case 1: case true: parsed[opt] = cli.getValue(default_val); break; case 'int': case 'number': case 'num': case 'time': case 'seconds': case 'secs': case 'minutes': case 'mins': case 'x': case 'n': parsed[opt] = cli.getInt(default_val); break; case 'float': case 'decimal': parsed[opt] = cli.getFloat(default_val); break; case 'path': case 'file': case 'directory': case 'dir': parsed[opt] = cli.getPath(default_val, opt_list[opt][2]); break; case 'email': parsed[opt] = cli.getEmail(default_val); break; case 'url': case 'uri': case 'domain': case 'host': parsed[opt] = cli.getUrl(default_val, opt_list[opt][2]); break; case 'ip': parsed[opt] = cli.getIp(default_val); break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': case 'on': parsed[opt] = true; break; case 'false': case 'off': case false: case 0: parsed[opt] = false; break; default: cli.fatal('Unknown opt type "' + opt_list[opt][2] + '"'); } break; } } if (process.env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS) { no_color = true; } if (!seen) { if (enable.help && (o === 'h' || o === 'help')) { cli.getUsage(); } else if (enable.version && (o === 'v' || o === 'version')) { if (cli.version == null) { cli.parsePackageJson(); } console.error(cli.app + ' v' + cli.version); cli.exit(); break; } else if (enable.daemon && (o === 'd' || o === 'daemon')) { daemon_arg = cli.getArrayValue(['start','stop','restart','pid','log'], is_long ? null : 'start'); continue; } else if (enable.catchall && (o === 'c' || o === 'catch')) { continue; } else if (enable.status && (o === 'k' || o === 'no-color' || o === 'debug')) { no_color = (o === 'k' || o === 'no-color'); show_debug = o === 'debug'; continue; } else if (enable.timeout && (o === 't' || o === 'timeout')) { var secs = cli.getInt(); setTimeout(function () { cli.fatal('Process timed out after ' + secs + 's'); }, secs * 1000); continue; } else if (catch_all) { parsed[o] = curr_val || true; continue; } cli.fatal('Unknown option ' + full_opt); } } //Fill the remaining options with their default value or null for (var opt in opt_list) { default_val = opt_list[opt].length === 4 ? opt_list[opt][3] : null; if (!(opt_list[opt] instanceof Array)) { parsed[opt] = opt_list[opt]; continue; } else if (typeof parsed[opt] === 'undefined') { parsed[opt] = default_val; } } if (command_list.length) { if (cli.args.length === 0) { if (enable.help) { cli.getUsage(); } else { cli.fatal('A command is required (' + command_list.join(', ') + ').'); } return cli.exit(1); } else { cli.command = cli.autocompleteCommand(cli.args.shift()); } } cli.argc = cli.args.length; return parsed; }; /** * Helper method for matching a command from the command list. * * @param {String} command * @return {String} full_command * @api public */ cli.autocompleteCommand = function (command) { var list; if (!(command_list instanceof Array)) { list = Object.keys(command_list); } else { list = command_list; } var i, j = 0, c = command.length, tmp_list; if (list.length === 0 || list.indexOf(command) !== -1) { return command; } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { tmp_list = []; l = list.length; if (l <= 1) break; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) if (list[j].length >= i && list[j][i] === command[i]) tmp_list.push(list[j]); list = tmp_list; } l = list.length; if (l === 1) { return list[0]; } else if (l === 0) { cli.fatal('Unknown command "' + command + '"' + (enable.help ? '. Please see --help for more information' : '')); } else { list.sort(); cli.fatal('The command "' + command + '" is ambiguous and could mean "' + list.join('", "') + '"'); } }; /** * Adds methods to output styled status messages to stderr. * * Added methods are cli.info(msg), cli.error(msg), cli.ok(msg), and * cli.debug(msg). * * To control status messages, use the 'status' plugin * 1) debug() messages are hidden by default. Display them with * the --debug opt. * 2) to hide all status messages, use the -s or --silent opt. * * @api private */ cli.status = function (msg, type) { var pre; switch (type) { case 'info': pre = no_color ? 'INFO:' : '\x1B[33mINFO\x1B[0m:'; break; case 'debug': pre = no_color ? 'DEBUG:' : '\x1B[36mDEBUG\x1B[0m:'; break; case 'error': case 'fatal': pre = no_color ? 'ERROR:' : '\x1B[31mERROR\x1B[0m:'; break; case 'ok': pre = no_color ? 'OK:' : '\x1B[32mOK\x1B[0m:'; break; } msg = pre + ' ' + msg; if (type === 'fatal') { console.error(msg); return cli.exit(1); } if (enable.status && !show_debug && type === 'debug') { return; } console.error(msg); }; ['info','error','ok','debug','fatal'].forEach(function (type) { cli[type] = function (msg) { cli.status(msg, type); }; }); /** * Sets the app name and version. * * Usage: * setApp('myapp', '0.1.0'); * setApp('./package.json'); //Pull name/version from package.json * * @param {String} name * @return cli (for chaining) * @api public */ cli.setApp = function (name, version) { if (name.indexOf('package.json') !== -1) { cli.parsePackageJson(name); } else { cli.app = name; cli.version = version; } return cli; }; /** * Parses the version number from package.json. If no path is specified, cli * will attempt to locate a package.json in ./, ../ or ../../ * * @param {String} path (optional) * @api public */ cli.parsePackageJson = function (path) { var parse_packagejson = function (path) { var packagejson = JSON.parse(cli.native.fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')); cli.version = packagejson.version; cli.app = packagejson.name; }; var try_all = function (arr, func, err) { for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { try { func(arr[i]); return; } catch (e) { if (i === l-1) { cli.fatal(err); } } } }; try { if (path) { return parse_packagejson(path); } try_all([ __dirname + '/package.json', __dirname + '/../package.json', __dirname + '/../../package.json' ], parse_packagejson); } catch (e) { cli.fatal('Could not detect ' + cli.app + ' version'); } }; /** * Sets the usage string - default is `app [OPTIONS] [ARGS]`. * * @param {String} u * @return cli (for chaining) * @api public */ cli.setUsage = function (u) { usage = u; return cli; }; var pad = function (str, len) { if (typeof len === 'undefined') { len = str; str = ''; } if (str.length < len) { len -= str.length; while (len--) str += ' '; } return str; }; /** * Automatically build usage information from the opts list. If the help * plugin is enabled (default), this info is displayed with -h, --help. * * @api public */ cli.getUsage = function (code) { var short, desc, optional, line, seen_opts = [], switch_pad = cli.option_width; var trunc_desc = function (pref, desc, len) { var pref_len = pref.length, desc_len = cli.width - pref_len, truncated = ''; if (desc.length <= desc_len) { return desc; } var desc_words = (desc+'').split(' '), chars = 0, word; while (desc_words.length) { truncated += (word = desc_words.shift()) + ' '; chars += word.length; if (desc_words.length && chars + desc_words[0].length > desc_len) { truncated += '\n' + pad(pref_len); chars = 0; } } return truncated; }; usage = usage || cli.app + ' [OPTIONS]' + (command_list.length ? ' <command>' : '') + ' [ARGS]'; if (no_color) { console.error('Usage:\n ' + usage); console.error('Options: '); } else { console.error('\x1b[1mUsage\x1b[0m:\n ' + usage); console.error('\n\x1b[1mOptions\x1b[0m: '); } for (var opt in opt_list) { if (opt.length === 1) { long = opt_list[opt][0]; short = opt; } else { long = opt; short = opt_list[opt][0]; } //Parse opt_list desc = opt_list[opt][1].trim(); type = opt_list[opt].length >= 3 ? opt_list[opt][2] : null; optional = opt_list[opt].length === 4 ? opt_list[opt][3] : null; //Build usage line if (short === long) { if (short.length === 1) { line = ' -' + short; } else { line = ' --' + long; } } else if (short) { line = ' -' + short + ', --' + long; } else { line = ' --' + long; } line += ' '; if (type) { if (type instanceof Array) { desc += '. VALUE must be either [' + type.join('|') + ']'; type = 'VALUE'; } if (type === true || type === 1) { type = long.toUpperCase(); } type = type.toUpperCase(); if (type === 'FLOAT' || type === 'INT') { type = 'NUMBER'; } line += optional ? '[' + type + ']' : type; } line = pad(line, switch_pad); line += trunc_desc(line, desc); line += optional ? ' (Default is ' + optional + ')' : ''; console.error(line.replace('%s', '%\0s')); seen_opts.push(short); seen_opts.push(long); } if (enable.timeout && seen_opts.indexOf('t') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('timeout') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -t, --timeout N', switch_pad) + 'Exit if the process takes longer than N seconds'); } if (enable.status) { if (seen_opts.indexOf('k') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('no-color') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -k, --no-color', switch_pad) + 'Omit color from output'); } if (seen_opts.indexOf('debug') === -1) { console.error(pad(' --debug', switch_pad) + 'Show debug information'); } } if (enable.catchall && seen_opts.indexOf('c') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('catch') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -c, --catch', switch_pad) + 'Catch unanticipated errors'); } if (enable.daemon && seen_opts.indexOf('d') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('daemon') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -d, --daemon [ARG]', switch_pad) + 'Daemonize the process. Control the daemon using [start, stop, restart, log, pid]'); } if (enable.version && seen_opts.indexOf('v') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('version') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -v, --version', switch_pad) + 'Display the current version'); } if (enable.help && seen_opts.indexOf('h') === -1 && seen_opts.indexOf('help') === -1) { console.error(pad(' -h, --help', switch_pad) + 'Display help and usage details'); } if (command_list.length) { console.error('\n\x1b[1mCommands\x1b[0m: '); if (!Array.isArray(commands)) { for (var c in commands) { line = ' ' + pad(c, switch_pad - 2); line += trunc_desc(line, commands[c]); console.error(line); } } else { command_list.sort(); console.error(' ' + trunc_desc(' ', command_list.join(', '))); } } return cli.exit(code); }; /** * Generates an error message when an opt is incorrectly used. * * @param {String} expects (e.g. 'a value') * @param {String} type (e.g. 'VALUE') * @api public */ cli.getOptError = function (expects, type) { var err = full_opt + ' expects ' + expects + '. Use `' + cli.app + ' ' + full_opt + (is_long ? '=' : ' ') + type + '`'; return err; }; /** * Gets the next opt value and validates it with an optional validation * function. If validation fails or no value can be obtained, this method * will return the default value (if specified) or exit with err_msg. * * @param {String} default_val * @param {Function} validate_func * @param {String} err_msg * @api public */ cli.getValue = function (default_val, validate_func, err_msg) { err_msg = err_msg || cli.getOptError('a value', 'VALUE'); var value; try { if (curr_val) { if (validate_func) { curr_val = validate_func(curr_val); } return curr_val; } //Grouped short opts aren't allowed to have values if (short_tags.length) { throw 'Short tags'; } //If there's no args left or the next arg is an opt, return the //default value (if specified) - otherwise fail if (!argv.length || (argv[0].length === 1 && argv[0][0] === '-')) { throw 'No value'; } value = argv.shift(); if (value.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { value = parseInt(value, 10); } //Run the value through a validation/transformation function if specified if (validate_func) { value = validate_func(value); } } catch (e) { //The value didn't pass the validation/transformation. Unshift the value and //return the default value (if specified) if (value) { argv.unshift(value); } return default_val != null ? default_val : cli.fatal(err_msg); } return value; }; cli.getInt = function (default_val) { return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (typeof value === 'number') return value; if (!value.match(/^(?:-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/)) { throw 'Invalid int'; } return parseInt(value); }, cli.getOptError('a number', 'NUMBER')); } cli.getFloat = function (default_val) { return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (!value.match(/^(?:-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))?(?:\.[0-9]*)?$/)) { throw 'Invalid float'; } return parseFloat(value, 10); }, cli.getOptError('a number', 'NUMBER')); } cli.getUrl = function (default_val, identifier) { identifier = identifier || 'url'; return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (!value.match(/^(?:(?:ht|f)tp(?:s?)\:\/\/|~\/|\/)?(?:\w+:\w+@)?((?:(?:[-\w\d{1-3}]+\.)+(?:com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|edu|co\.uk|ac\.uk|it|fr|tv|museum|asia|local|travel|[a-z]{2})?)|((\b25[0-5]\b|\b[2][0-4][0-9]\b|\b[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]\b)(\.(\b25[0-5]\b|\b[2][0-4][0-9]\b|\b[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]\b)){3}))(?::[\d]{1,5})?(?:(?:(?:\/(?:[-\w~!$+|.,=]|%[a-f\d]{2})+)+|\/)+|\?|#)?(?:(?:\?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)(?:&(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)*)*(?:#(?:[-\w~!$ |\/.,*:;=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)?$/i)) { throw 'Invalid URL'; } return value; }, cli.getOptError('a ' + identifier, identifier.toUpperCase())); } cli.getEmail = function (default_val) { return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (!value.match(/^(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))$/)) { throw 'Invalid email'; } return value; }, cli.getOptError('an email', 'EMAIL')); } cli.getIp = function (default_val) { return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (!value.match(/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/)) { throw 'Invalid IP'; } return value; }, cli.getOptError('an IP', 'IP')); } cli.getPath = function (default_val, identifier) { identifier = identifier || 'path'; return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (value.match(/[?*;{}]/)) { throw 'Invalid path'; } return value; }, cli.getOptError('a ' + identifier, identifier.toUpperCase())); } cli.getArrayValue = function (arr, default_val) { return cli.getValue(default_val, function (value) { if (arr.indexOf(value) === -1) { throw 'Unexpected value'; } return value; }, cli.getOptError('either [' + arr.join('|') + ']', 'VALUE')); } /** * Gets all data from STDIN (with optional encoding) and sends it to callback. * * @param {String} encoding (optional - default is 'utf8') * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ cli.withStdin = function (encoding, callback) { if (typeof encoding === 'function') { callback = encoding; encoding = 'utf8'; } var stream = process.openStdin(), data = ''; stream.setEncoding(encoding); stream.on('data', function (chunk) { data += chunk; }); stream.on('end', function () { callback.apply(cli, [data]); }); }; /** * Gets all data from STDIN, splits the data into lines and sends it * to callback (callback isn't called until all of STDIN is read. To * process each line as it's received, see the method below * * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ cli.withStdinLines = function (callback) { cli.withStdin(function (data) { var sep = data.indexOf('\r\n') !== -1 ? '\r\n' : '\n'; callback.apply(cli, [data.split(sep), sep]); }); }; /** * Asynchronously reads a file line by line. When a line is received, * callback is called with (line, sep) - when EOF is reached, callback * receives (null, null, true) * * @param {String} file (optional - default is 'stdin') * @param {String} encoding (optional - default is 'utf8') * @param {Function} callback (line, sep, eof) * @api public */ cli.withInput = function (file, encoding, callback) { if (typeof encoding === 'function') { callback = encoding; encoding = 'utf8'; } else if (typeof file === 'function') { callback = file; encoding = 'utf8'; file = 'stdin'; } if (file === 'stdin') { file = process.openStdin(); } else { try { file = cli.native.fs.createReadStream(file); file.on('error', cli.fatal); } catch (e) { return cli.fatal(e); } } file.setEncoding(encoding); var lines = [], data = '', eof, sep; file.on('data', function (chunk) { if (eof) return; data += chunk; if (!sep) { if (data.indexOf('\r\n') !== -1) { sep = '\r\n'; } else if (data.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { sep = '\n'; } else { last_line = data; return; } } lines = data.split(sep); data = eof ? null : lines.pop(); while (lines.length) { callback.apply(cli, [lines.shift(), sep, false]); } }); file.on('end', function () { eof = true; if (data.length) { callback.apply(cli, [data, sep || '', false]); } callback.apply(cli, [null, null, true]); }); }; /** * A method for creating and controlling a daemon. * * `arg` can be: * start = daemonizes the process * stop = stops the daemon if it is running * restart = alias for stop -> start * pid = outputs the daemon's PID if it is running * log = outputs the daemon's log file (stdout + stderr) * * @param {String} arg (Optional - default is 'start') * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ cli.daemon = function (arg, callback) { if (typeof daemon === 'undefined') { cli.fatal('Daemon is not initialized'); } if (typeof arg === 'function') { callback = arg; arg = 'start'; } var lock_file = '/tmp/' + cli.app + '.pid', log_file = '/tmp/' + cli.app + '.log'; var start = function () { daemon.daemonize(log_file, lock_file, function (err) { if (err) return cli.error('Error starting daemon: ' + err); callback(); }); }; var stop = function () { try { cli.native.fs.readFileSync(lock_file); } catch (e) { return cli.error('Daemon is not running'); } daemon.kill(lock_file, function (err, pid) { if (err && err.errno === 3) { return cli.error('Daemon is not running'); } else if (err) { return cli.error('Error stopping daemon: ' + err.errno); } cli.ok('Successfully stopped daemon with pid: ' + pid); }); }; switch(arg) { case 'stop': stop(); break; case 'restart': daemon.stop(lock_file, function () { start(); }); break; case 'log': try { cli.native.fs.createReadStream(log_file, {encoding: 'utf8'}).pipe(process.stdout); } catch (e) { return cli.error('No daemon log file'); } break; case 'pid': try { var pid = cli.native.fs.readFileSync(lock_file, 'utf8'); cli.native.fs.statSync('/proc/' + pid); cli.info(pid); } catch (e) { return cli.error('Daemon is not running'); } break; default: start(); break; } } /** * The main entry method. Calling cli.main() is only necessary in * scripts that have daemon support enabled. `callback` receives (args, options) * * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ cli.main = function (callback) { var after = function () { callback.apply(cli, [cli.args, cli.options]); }; if (enable.daemon && daemon_arg) { cli.daemon(daemon_arg, after); } else { after(); } } /** * Bind creationix's stack (https://github.com/creationix/stack). * * Create a simple middleware stack by calling: * * cli.createServer(middleware).listen(port); * * @return {Server} server * @api public */ cli.createServer = function(/*layers*/) { var defaultStackErrorHandler = function (req, res, err) { if (err) { console.error(err.stack); res.writeHead(500, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); return res.end(err.stack + "\n"); } res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); res.end("Not Found\n"); }; var handle, error; handle = error = defaultStackErrorHandler; var layers = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); //Allow createServer(a,b,c) and createServer([a,b,c]) if (layers.length && layers[0] instanceof Array) { layers = layers[0]; } layers.reverse().forEach(function (layer) { var child = handle; handle = function (req, res) { try { layer(req, res, function (err) { if (err) return error(req, res, err); child(req, res); }); } catch (err) { error(req, res, err); } }; }); return cli.native.http.createServer(handle); }; /** * A wrapper for child_process.exec(). * * If the child_process exits successfully, `callback` receives an array of * stdout lines. The current process exits if the child process has an error * and `errback` isn't defined. * * @param {String} cmd * @param {Function} callback (optional) * @param {Function} errback (optional) * @api public */ cli.exec = function (cmd, callback, errback) { cli.native.child_process.exec(cmd, function (err, stdout, stderr) { err = err || stderr; if (err) { if (errback) { return errback(err, stdout); } return cli.fatal('exec() failed\n' + err); } if (callback) { callback(stdout.split('\n')); } }); }; /** * Helper method for outputting a progress bar to the console. * * @param {Number} progress (0 <= progress <= 1) * @api public */ var last_progress_call, progress_len = 74; cli.progress = function (progress, decimals, stream) { stream = stream || process.stdout; if (progress < 0 || progress > 1 || isNaN(progress)) return; if (!decimals) decimals = 0; var now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (last_progress_call && (now - last_progress_call) < 100 && progress !== 1) { return; //Throttle progress calls } last_progress_call = now; var barLength = Math.floor(progress_len * progress), str = ''; if (barLength == 0 && progress > 0) { barLength = 1; } for (var i = 1; i <= progress_len; i++) { str += i <= barLength ? '#' : ' '; } var pwr = Math.pow(10, decimals); var percentage = Math.floor(progress * 100 * pwr) / pwr + '%'; for (i = 0; i < decimals; i++) { percentage += ' '; } stream.clearLine(); stream.write('[' + str + '] ' + percentage); if (progress === 1) { stream.write('\n'); } else { stream.cursorTo(0); } }; /** * Helper method for outputting a spinner to the console. * * @param {String|Boolean} prefix (optional) * @api public */ var spinnerInterval; cli.spinner = function (prefix, end, stream) { stream = stream || process.stdout; if (end) { stream.clearLine(); stream.cursorTo(0); stream.write(prefix + '\n'); return clearInterval(spinnerInterval); } prefix = prefix + ' ' || ''; var spinner = ['-','\\','|','/'], i = 0, l = spinner.length; spinnerInterval = setInterval(function () { stream.clearLine(); stream.cursorTo(0); stream.write(prefix + spinner[i++]); if (i == l) i = 0; }, 200); };