// nginject.js // MIT licensed, see LICENSE file // Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Olov Lassus <olov.lassus@gmail.com> "use strict"; const is = require("simple-is"); module.exports = { inspectComments: inspectComments, inspectNode: inspectNode, }; function inspectNode(node, ctx) { if (node.type === "CallExpression") { inspectCallExpression(node, ctx); } else if (node.type === "FunctionExpression" || node.type === "FunctionDeclaration") { inspectFunction(node, ctx); } } function inspectCallExpression(node, ctx) { const name = node.callee.name; if (node.callee.type === "Identifier" && (name === "ngInject" || name === "ngNoInject") && node.arguments.length === 1) { const block = (name === "ngNoInject"); addSuspect(node.arguments[0], ctx, block); } } const ngAnnotatePrologueDirectives = ["ngInject", "ngNoInject"]; function inspectFunction(node, ctx) { const str = matchPrologueDirectives(ngAnnotatePrologueDirectives, node); if (!str) { return; } const block = (str === "ngNoInject"); // now add the correct suspect // for function declarations, it is always the function declaration node itself if (node.type === "FunctionDeclaration") { addSuspect(node, ctx, block); return; } // node is a function expression below // case 1: a function expression which is the rhs of a variable declarator, such as // var f1 = function(a) { // "ngInject" // }; // in this case we can mark the declarator, same as saying var /*@ngInject*/ f1 = function(a) .. // or /*@ngInject*/ var f1 = function(a) .. // f1.$inject = ["a"]; will be added (or rebuilt/removed) if (node.$parent.type === "VariableDeclarator") { addSuspect(node.$parent, ctx, block); return; } // case 2: an anonymous function expression, such as // g(function(a) { // "ngInject" // }); // // the suspect is now its parent annotated array (if any), otherwise itself // there is a risk of false suspects here, in case the parent annotated array has nothing to do // with annotations. the risk should be very low and hopefully easy to workaround // // added/rebuilt/removed => g(["a", function(a) { // "ngInject" // }]); const maybeArrayExpression = node.$parent; if (ctx.isAnnotatedArray(maybeArrayExpression)) { addSuspect(maybeArrayExpression, ctx, block); } else { addSuspect(node, ctx, block); } } function matchPrologueDirectives(prologueDirectives, node) { const body = node.body.body; let found = null; for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { if (body[i].type !== "ExpressionStatement") { break; } const expr = body[i].expression; const isStringLiteral = (expr.type === "Literal" && typeof expr.value === "string"); if (!isStringLiteral) { break; } if (prologueDirectives.indexOf(expr.value) >= 0) { found = expr.value; break; } } return found; } function inspectComments(ctx) { const comments = ctx.comments; for (let i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) { const comment = comments[i]; const yesPos = comment.value.indexOf("@ngInject"); const noPos = (yesPos === -1 ? comment.value.indexOf("@ngNoInject") : -1); if (yesPos === -1 && noPos === -1) { continue; } const target = ctx.lut.findNodeFromPos(comment.range[1]); if (!target) { continue; } addSuspect(target, ctx, noPos >= 0); } } function addSuspect(target, ctx, block) { if (target.type === "ObjectExpression") { // /*@ngInject*/ {f1: function(a), .., {f2: function(b)}} addObjectExpression(target, ctx); } else if (target.type === "AssignmentExpression" && target.right.type === "ObjectExpression") { // /*@ngInject*/ f(x.y = {f1: function(a), .., {f2: function(b)}}) addObjectExpression(target.right, ctx); } else if (target.type === "ExpressionStatement" && target.expression.type === "AssignmentExpression" && target.expression.right.type === "ObjectExpression") { // /*@ngInject*/ x.y = {f1: function(a), .., {f2: function(b)}} addObjectExpression(target.expression.right, ctx); } else if (target.type === "VariableDeclaration" && target.declarations.length === 1 && target.declarations[0].init && target.declarations[0].init.type === "ObjectExpression") { // /*@ngInject*/ var x = {f1: function(a), .., {f2: function(b)}} addObjectExpression(target.declarations[0].init, ctx); } else if (target.type === "Property") { // {/*@ngInject*/ justthisone: function(a), ..} target.value.$limitToMethodName = "*never*"; addOrBlock(target.value, ctx); } else { // /*@ngInject*/ function(a) {} target.$limitToMethodName = "*never*"; addOrBlock(target, ctx); } function addObjectExpression(node, ctx) { nestedObjectValues(node).forEach(function(n) { n.$limitToMethodName = "*never*"; addOrBlock(n, ctx); }); } function addOrBlock(node, ctx) { if (block) { ctx.blocked.push(node); } else { ctx.addModuleContextIndependentSuspect(node, ctx) } } } function nestedObjectValues(node, res) { res = res || []; node.properties.forEach(function(prop) { const v = prop.value; if (is.someof(v.type, ["FunctionExpression", "ArrayExpression"])) { res.push(v); } else if (v.type === "ObjectExpression") { nestedObjectValues(v, res); } }); return res; }