module.exports = { rules: { "property": require("./lib/rules/property"), "method": require("./lib/rules/method") }, configs: { DOM: { plugins: ["no-unsanitized"], rules: { "no-unsanitized/property": [ "error", { }, { // Check unsafe assignment to innerHTML innerHTML: {}, // Check unsafe assignment to outerHTML outerHTML: {}, } ], "no-unsanitized/method": [ "error", { }, { // check second parameter to .insertAdjacentHTML() insertAdjacentHTML: { properties: [1] }, // check first parameter to .write(), as long as the preceeding object matches the regex "document" write: { objectMatches: [ "document" ], properties: [0] }, // check first parameter to .writeLn(), as long as the preceeding object matches the regex "document" writeln: { objectMatches: [ "document" ], properties: [0] } } ] } } } };