## Usage Install the [npm module](https://npmjs.org/package/streamqueue): ```sh npm install streamqueue --save ``` Then, in your scripts: ```js var streamqueue = require('streamqueue'); var queue = streamqueue( Fs.createReadStream('input.txt'), Fs.createReadStream('input2.txt'), Fs.createReadStream('input3.txt') ).pipe(process.stdout); ``` StreamQueue also accept functions returning streams, the above can be written like this, doing system calls only when piping: ```js var streamqueue = require('streamqueue'); var queue = streamqueue( Fs.createReadStream.bind(null, 'input.txt'), Fs.createReadStream.bind(null, 'input2.txt'), Fs.createReadStream.bind(null, 'input3.txt') ).pipe(process.stdout); ``` Object-oriented traditionnal API offers more flexibility: ```js var StreamQueue = require('streamqueue'); var queue = new StreamQueue(); queue.queue( Fs.createReadStream('input.txt'), Fs.createReadStream('input2.txt'), Fs.createReadStream('input3.txt') ); queue.done(); queue.pipe(process.stdout); ``` You can also chain StreamQueue methods like that: ```js var StreamQueue = require('streamqueue'); new StreamQueue() .queue(Fs.createReadStream('input.txt')) .queue(Fs.createReadStream('input2.txt')) .queue(Fs.createReadStream('input3.txt')) .done() .pipe(process.stdout); ``` You can queue new streams at any moment until you call the done() method. So the created stream will not fire the end event until done() call. Note that stream queue is compatible with the Node 0.10+ streams. For older streams, stream queue will wrap them with [`Readable.wrap`](http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_wrap_stream) before queueing. Please fix your dependencies or report issues to libraries using 0.8 streams since this extra code will finally be removed. ## API ### StreamQueue([options], [stream1, stream2, ... streamN]) #### options ##### options.objectMode Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` Use if piped in streams are in object mode. In this case, the stream queue will also be in the object mode. ##### options.pauseFlowingStream Type: `Boolean` Default value: `true` If a stream is in flowing mode, then it will be paused before queueing. ##### options.resumeFlowingStream Type: `Boolean` Default value: `true` If a stream is in flowing mode, then it will be resumed before piping. ##### options.* StreamQueue inherits of Stream.PassThrough, the options are passed to the parent constructor so you can use it's options too. #### streamN Type: `Stream` Append streams given in argument to the queue and ends when the queue is empty. ### StreamQueue.queue(stream1, [stream2, ... streamN]) Append streams given in argument to the queue. ### StreamQueue.done([stream1, stream2, ... streamN]) Append streams given in argument to the queue and ends when the queue is empty. ### StreamQueue.obj([options], [stream1, stream2, ... streamN]) A shortcut for `StreamQueue({objectMode: true})`. ## Stats [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/streamqueue.png?downloads=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/streamqueue/) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm-dl/streamqueue.png)](https://nodei.co/npm/streamqueue/) ## Contributing Feel free to pull your code if you agree with publishing it under the MIT license.