/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource, RawSource, CachedSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const { UsageState } = require("./ExportsInfo"); const Template = require("./Template"); const JavascriptModulesPlugin = require("./javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./ExportsInfo")} ExportsInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./ExportsInfo").ExportInfo} ExportInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleTemplate")} ModuleTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ const joinIterableWithComma = iterable => { // This is more performant than Array.from().join(", ") // as it doesn't create an array let str = ""; let first = true; for (const item of iterable) { if (first) { first = false; } else { str += ", "; } str += item; } return str; }; /** * @param {ConcatSource} source output * @param {string} indent spacing * @param {ExportsInfo} exportsInfo data * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph moduleGraph * @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener requestShortener * @param {Set<ExportInfo>} alreadyPrinted deduplication set * @returns {void} */ const printExportsInfoToSource = ( source, indent, exportsInfo, moduleGraph, requestShortener, alreadyPrinted = new Set() ) => { const otherExportsInfo = exportsInfo.otherExportsInfo; let alreadyPrintedExports = 0; // determine exports to print const printedExports = []; for (const exportInfo of exportsInfo.orderedExports) { if (!alreadyPrinted.has(exportInfo)) { alreadyPrinted.add(exportInfo); printedExports.push(exportInfo); } else { alreadyPrintedExports++; } } let showOtherExports = false; if (!alreadyPrinted.has(otherExportsInfo)) { alreadyPrinted.add(otherExportsInfo); showOtherExports = true; } else { alreadyPrintedExports++; } // print the exports for (const exportInfo of printedExports) { const target = exportInfo.getTarget(moduleGraph); source.add( Template.toComment( `${indent}export ${JSON.stringify(exportInfo.name).slice( 1, -1 )} [${exportInfo.getProvidedInfo()}] [${exportInfo.getUsedInfo()}] [${exportInfo.getRenameInfo()}]${ target ? ` -> ${target.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)}${ target.export ? ` .${target.export .map(e => JSON.stringify(e).slice(1, -1)) .join(".")}` : "" }` : "" }` ) + "\n" ); if (exportInfo.exportsInfo) { printExportsInfoToSource( source, indent + " ", exportInfo.exportsInfo, moduleGraph, requestShortener, alreadyPrinted ); } } if (alreadyPrintedExports) { source.add( Template.toComment( `${indent}... (${alreadyPrintedExports} already listed exports)` ) + "\n" ); } if (showOtherExports) { const target = otherExportsInfo.getTarget(moduleGraph); if ( target || otherExportsInfo.provided !== false || otherExportsInfo.getUsed(undefined) !== UsageState.Unused ) { const title = printedExports.length > 0 || alreadyPrintedExports > 0 ? "other exports" : "exports"; source.add( Template.toComment( `${indent}${title} [${otherExportsInfo.getProvidedInfo()}] [${otherExportsInfo.getUsedInfo()}]${ target ? ` -> ${target.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)}` : "" }` ) + "\n" ); } } }; /** @type {WeakMap<RequestShortener, WeakMap<Module, { header: RawSource, full: WeakMap<Source, CachedSource> }>>} */ const caches = new WeakMap(); class ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin { /** * @param {boolean=} verbose add more information like exports, runtime requirements and bailouts */ constructor(verbose = true) { this._verbose = verbose; } /** * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { const { _verbose: verbose } = this; compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin", compilation => { const hooks = JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks(compilation); hooks.renderModulePackage.tap( "ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin", ( moduleSource, module, { chunk, chunkGraph, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate } ) => { const { requestShortener } = runtimeTemplate; let cacheEntry; let cache = caches.get(requestShortener); if (cache === undefined) { caches.set(requestShortener, (cache = new WeakMap())); cache.set( module, (cacheEntry = { header: undefined, full: new WeakMap() }) ); } else { cacheEntry = cache.get(module); if (cacheEntry === undefined) { cache.set( module, (cacheEntry = { header: undefined, full: new WeakMap() }) ); } else if (!verbose) { const cachedSource = cacheEntry.full.get(moduleSource); if (cachedSource !== undefined) return cachedSource; } } const source = new ConcatSource(); let header = cacheEntry.header; if (header === undefined) { const req = module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener); const reqStr = req.replace(/\*\//g, "*_/"); const reqStrStar = "*".repeat(reqStr.length); const headerStr = `/*!****${reqStrStar}****!*\\\n !*** ${reqStr} ***!\n \\****${reqStrStar}****/\n`; header = new RawSource(headerStr); cacheEntry.header = header; } source.add(header); if (verbose) { const exportsType = module.buildMeta.exportsType; source.add( Template.toComment( exportsType ? `${exportsType} exports` : "unknown exports (runtime-defined)" ) + "\n" ); if (exportsType) { const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module); printExportsInfoToSource( source, "", exportsInfo, moduleGraph, requestShortener ); } source.add( Template.toComment( `runtime requirements: ${joinIterableWithComma( chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimeRequirements(module, chunk.runtime) )}` ) + "\n" ); const optimizationBailout = moduleGraph.getOptimizationBailout(module); if (optimizationBailout) { for (const text of optimizationBailout) { let code; if (typeof text === "function") { code = text(requestShortener); } else { code = text; } source.add(Template.toComment(`${code}`) + "\n"); } } source.add(moduleSource); return source; } else { source.add(moduleSource); const cachedSource = new CachedSource(source); cacheEntry.full.set(moduleSource, cachedSource); return cachedSource; } } ); hooks.chunkHash.tap("ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin", (chunk, hash) => { hash.update("ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin"); hash.update("1"); }); }); } } module.exports = ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin;