const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); exports = module.exports = Command; const subCommands = { init: { description: 'initialize jasmine', action: initJasmine }, examples: { description: 'install examples', action: installExamples }, help: { description: 'show help', action: help, alias: '-h' }, version: { description: 'show jasmine and jasmine-core versions', action: version, alias: '-v' } }; function Command(projectBaseDir, examplesDir, deps) { const {print, platform} = deps; const isWindows = platform() === 'win32'; this.projectBaseDir = isWindows ? unWindows(projectBaseDir) : projectBaseDir; this.specDir = `${this.projectBaseDir}/spec`; const command = this; = async function(jasmine, commands) { setEnvironmentVariables(commands); let commandToRun; Object.keys(subCommands).forEach(function(cmd) { const commandObject = subCommands[cmd]; if (commands.indexOf(cmd) >= 0) { commandToRun = commandObject; } else if(commandObject.alias && commands.indexOf(commandObject.alias) >= 0) { commandToRun = commandObject; } }); if (commandToRun) { commandToRun.action({jasmine: jasmine, projectBaseDir: command.projectBaseDir, specDir: command.specDir, examplesDir: examplesDir, print: print}); } else { const env = parseOptions(commands, isWindows); if (env.unknownOptions.length > 0) { process.exitCode = 1; print('Unknown options: ' + env.unknownOptions.join(', ')); print(''); help({print: print}); } else { await runJasmine(jasmine, env); } } }; } function isFileArg(arg) { return arg.indexOf('--') !== 0 && !isEnvironmentVariable(arg); } function parseOptions(argv, isWindows) { let files = [], helpers = [], requires = [], unknownOptions = [], color = process.stdout.isTTY || false, reporter, configPath, filter, failFast, random, seed; for (const arg of argv) { if (arg === '--no-color') { color = false; } else if (arg === '--color') { color = true; } else if (arg.match("^--filter=")) { filter = arg.match("^--filter=(.*)")[1]; } else if (arg.match("^--helper=")) { helpers.push(arg.match("^--helper=(.*)")[1]); } else if (arg.match("^--require=")) { requires.push(arg.match("^--require=(.*)")[1]); } else if (arg === '--fail-fast') { failFast = true; } else if (arg.match("^--random=")) { random = arg.match("^--random=(.*)")[1] === 'true'; } else if (arg.match("^--seed=")) { seed = arg.match("^--seed=(.*)")[1]; } else if (arg.match("^--config=")) { configPath = arg.match("^--config=(.*)")[1]; } else if (arg.match("^--reporter=")) { reporter = arg.match("^--reporter=(.*)")[1]; } else if (arg === '--') { break; } else if (isFileArg(arg)) { files.push(isWindows ? unWindows(arg) : arg); } else if (!isEnvironmentVariable(arg)) { unknownOptions.push(arg); } } return { color, configPath, filter, failFast, helpers, requires, reporter, files, random, seed, unknownOptions }; } async function runJasmine(jasmine, options) { await jasmine.loadConfigFile(options.configPath || process.env.JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH); if (options.failFast !== undefined) { jasmine.env.configure({ stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: options.failFast, stopOnSpecFailure: options.failFast }); } if (options.seed !== undefined) { jasmine.seed(options.seed); } if (options.random !== undefined) { jasmine.randomizeTests(options.random); } if (options.helpers !== undefined && options.helpers.length) { jasmine.addMatchingHelperFiles(options.helpers); } if (options.requires !== undefined && options.requires.length) { jasmine.addRequires(options.requires); } if (options.reporter !== undefined) { await registerReporter(options.reporter, jasmine); } jasmine.showColors(options.color); try { await jasmine.execute(options.files, options.filter); } catch (error) { console.error(error); process.exit(1); } } async function registerReporter(reporterModuleName, jasmine) { let Reporter; try { Reporter = await jasmine.loader.load(resolveReporter(reporterModuleName)); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Failed to load reporter module '+ reporterModuleName + '\nUnderlying error: ' + e.stack + '\n(end underlying error)'); } let reporter; try { reporter = new Reporter(); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Failed to instantiate reporter from '+ reporterModuleName + '\nUnderlying error: ' + e.stack + '\n(end underlying error)'); } jasmine.clearReporters(); jasmine.addReporter(reporter); } function resolveReporter(nameOrPath) { if (nameOrPath.startsWith('./') || nameOrPath.startsWith('../')) { return path.resolve(nameOrPath); } else { return nameOrPath; } } function initJasmine(options) { const print = options.print; const specDir = options.specDir; makeDirStructure(path.join(specDir, 'support/')); if(!fs.existsSync(path.join(specDir, 'support/jasmine.json'))) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(specDir, 'support/jasmine.json'), fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../lib/examples/jasmine.json'), 'utf-8')); } else { print('spec/support/jasmine.json already exists in your project.'); } } function installExamples(options) { const specDir = options.specDir; const projectBaseDir = options.projectBaseDir; const examplesDir = options.examplesDir; makeDirStructure(path.join(specDir, 'support')); makeDirStructure(path.join(specDir, 'jasmine_examples')); makeDirStructure(path.join(specDir, 'helpers', 'jasmine_examples')); makeDirStructure(path.join(projectBaseDir, 'lib', 'jasmine_examples')); copyFiles( path.join(examplesDir, 'spec', 'helpers', 'jasmine_examples'), path.join(specDir, 'helpers', 'jasmine_examples'), new RegExp(/[Hh]elper\.js/) ); copyFiles( path.join(examplesDir, 'lib', 'jasmine_examples'), path.join(projectBaseDir, 'lib', 'jasmine_examples'), new RegExp(/\.js/) ); copyFiles( path.join(examplesDir, 'spec', 'jasmine_examples'), path.join(specDir, 'jasmine_examples'), new RegExp(/[Ss]pec.js/) ); } function help(options) { const print = options.print; print('Usage: jasmine [command] [options] [files] [--]'); print(''); print('Commands:'); Object.keys(subCommands).forEach(function(cmd) { let commandNameText = cmd; if(subCommands[cmd].alias) { commandNameText = commandNameText + ',' + subCommands[cmd].alias; } print('%s\t%s', lPad(commandNameText, 10), subCommands[cmd].description); }); print(''); print('If no command is given, jasmine specs will be run'); print(''); print(''); print('Options:'); print('%s\tturn off color in spec output', lPad('--no-color', 18)); print('%s\tforce turn on color in spec output', lPad('--color', 18)); print('%s\tfilter specs to run only those that match the given string', lPad('--filter=', 18)); print('%s\tload helper files that match the given string', lPad('--helper=', 18)); print('%s\tload module that match the given string', lPad('--require=', 18)); print('%s\tstop Jasmine execution on spec failure', lPad('--fail-fast', 18)); print('%s\tpath to your optional jasmine.json', lPad('--config=', 18)); print('%s\tpath to reporter to use instead of the default Jasmine reporter', lPad('--reporter=', 18)); print('%s\tmarker to signal the end of options meant for Jasmine', lPad('--', 18)); print(''); print('The given arguments take precedence over options in your jasmine.json'); print('The path to your optional jasmine.json can also be configured by setting the JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH environment variable'); } function version(options) { const print = options.print; print('jasmine v' + require('../package.json').version); print('jasmine-core v' + options.jasmine.coreVersion()); } function lPad(str, length) { if (str.length >= length) { return str; } else { return lPad(' ' + str, length); } } function copyFiles(srcDir, destDir, pattern) { const srcDirFiles = fs.readdirSync(srcDir); srcDirFiles.forEach(function(file) { if ( !== -1) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(destDir, file), fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcDir, file))); } }); } function makeDirStructure(absolutePath) { const splitPath = absolutePath.split(path.sep); splitPath.forEach(function(dir, index) { if(index > 1) { const fullPath = path.join(splitPath.slice(0, index).join('/'), dir); if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(fullPath); } } }); } function isEnvironmentVariable(command) { const envRegExp = /(.*)=(.*)/; return command.match(envRegExp); } function setEnvironmentVariables(commands) { commands.forEach(function (command) { const regExpMatch = isEnvironmentVariable(command); if(regExpMatch) { const key = regExpMatch[1]; const value = regExpMatch[2]; process.env[key] = value; } }); } // Future versions of glob will interpret backslashes as escape sequences on // all platforms, and Jasmine warns about them. Convert to slashes to avoid // the warning and future behavior change. Should only be called when running // on Windows. function unWindows(projectBaseDir) { return projectBaseDir.replace(/\\/g, '/'); }