// ng-annotate-main.js // MIT licensed, see LICENSE file // Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Olov Lassus "use strict"; const fmt = require("simple-fmt"); const is = require("simple-is"); const alter = require("alter"); const traverse = require("ordered-ast-traverse"); const EOL = require("os").EOL; const assert = require("assert"); const ngInject = require("./nginject"); const generateSourcemap = require("./generate-sourcemap"); const Lut = require("./lut"); const scopeTools = require("./scopetools"); const stringmap = require("stringmap"); const require_acorn_t0 = Date.now(); const parser = require("acorn").parse; const require_acorn_t1 = Date.now(); const chainedRouteProvider = 1; const chainedUrlRouterProvider = 2; const chainedStateProvider = 3; const chainedRegular = 4; function match(node, ctx, matchPlugins) { const isMethodCall = ( node.type === "CallExpression" && node.callee.type === "MemberExpression" && node.callee.computed === false ); // matchInjectorInvoke must happen before matchRegular // to prevent false positive ($injector.invoke() outside module) // matchProvide must happen before matchRegular // to prevent regular from matching it as a short-form const matchMethodCalls = (isMethodCall && (matchInjectorInvoke(node) || matchProvide(node, ctx) || matchRegular(node, ctx) || matchNgRoute(node) || matchMaterialShowModalOpen(node) || matchNgUi(node) || matchHttpProvider(node))); return matchMethodCalls || (matchPlugins && matchPlugins(node)) || matchDirectiveReturnObject(node) || matchProviderGet(node); } function matchMaterialShowModalOpen(node) { // $mdDialog.show({.. controller: fn, resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..}}); // $mdToast.show({.. controller: fn, resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..}}); // $mdBottomSheet.show({.. controller: fn, resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..}}); // $modal.open({.. controller: fn, resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..}}); // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier const args = node.arguments; if (obj.type === "Identifier" && ((obj.name === "$modal" && method.name === "open") || (is.someof(obj.name, ["$mdDialog", "$mdToast", "$mdBottomSheet"]) && method.name === "show")) && args.length === 1 && args[0].type === "ObjectExpression") { const props = args[0].properties; const res = [matchProp("controller", props)]; res.push.apply(res, matchResolve(props)); return res.filter(Boolean); } return false; } function matchDirectiveReturnObject(node) { // only matches inside directives // return { .. controller: function($scope, $timeout), ...} return limit("directive", node.type === "ReturnStatement" && node.argument && node.argument.type === "ObjectExpression" && matchProp("controller", node.argument.properties)); } function limit(name, node) { if (node && !node.$limitToMethodName) { node.$limitToMethodName = name; } return node; } function matchProviderGet(node) { // only matches inside providers // (this|self|that).$get = function($scope, $timeout) // { ... $get: function($scope, $timeout), ...} let memberExpr; let self; return limit("provider", (node.type === "AssignmentExpression" && (memberExpr = node.left).type === "MemberExpression" && memberExpr.property.name === "$get" && ((self = memberExpr.object).type === "ThisExpression" || (self.type === "Identifier" && is.someof(self.name, ["self", "that"]))) && node.right) || (node.type === "ObjectExpression" && matchProp("$get", node.properties))); } function matchNgRoute(node) { // $routeProvider.when("path", { // ... // controller: function($scope) {}, // resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..} // }) // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression if (!(obj.$chained === chainedRouteProvider || (obj.type === "Identifier" && obj.name === "$routeProvider"))) { return false; } node.$chained = chainedRouteProvider; const method = callee.property; // identifier if (method.name !== "when") { return false; } const args = node.arguments; if (args.length !== 2) { return false; } const configArg = last(args) if (configArg.type !== "ObjectExpression") { return false; } const props = configArg.properties; const res = [ matchProp("controller", props) ]; // {resolve: ..} res.push.apply(res, matchResolve(props)); const filteredRes = res.filter(Boolean); return (filteredRes.length === 0 ? false : filteredRes); } function matchNgUi(node) { // $stateProvider.state("myState", { // ... // controller: function($scope) // controllerProvider: function($scope) // templateProvider: function($scope) // onEnter: function($scope) // onExit: function($scope) // }); // $stateProvider.state("myState", {... resolve: {f: function($scope) {}, ..} ..}) // $stateProvider.state("myState", {... views: {... somename: {... controller: fn, controllerProvider: fn, templateProvider: fn, resolve: {f: fn}}}}) // // stateHelperProvider.setNestedState({ sameasregularstate, children: [sameasregularstate, ..]}) // stateHelperProvider.setNestedState({ sameasregularstate, children: [sameasregularstate, ..]}, true) // // $urlRouterProvider.when(.., function($scope) {}) // // $modal.open see matchMaterialShowModalOpen // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier const args = node.arguments; // shortcut for $urlRouterProvider.when(.., function($scope) {}) if (obj.$chained === chainedUrlRouterProvider || (obj.type === "Identifier" && obj.name === "$urlRouterProvider")) { node.$chained = chainedUrlRouterProvider; if (method.name === "when" && args.length >= 1) { return last(args); } return false; } // everything below is for $stateProvider and stateHelperProvider alone if (!(obj.$chained === chainedStateProvider || (obj.type === "Identifier" && is.someof(obj.name, ["$stateProvider", "stateHelperProvider"])))) { return false; } node.$chained = chainedStateProvider; if (is.noneof(method.name, ["state", "setNestedState"])) { return false; } // $stateProvider.state({ ... }) and $stateProvider.state("name", { ... }) // stateHelperProvider.setNestedState({ .. }) and stateHelperProvider.setNestedState({ .. }, true) if (!(args.length >= 1 && args.length <= 2)) { return false; } const configArg = (method.name === "state" ? last(args) : args[0]); const res = []; recursiveMatch(configArg); const filteredRes = res.filter(Boolean); return (filteredRes.length === 0 ? false : filteredRes); function recursiveMatch(objectExpressionNode) { if (!objectExpressionNode || objectExpressionNode.type !== "ObjectExpression") { return false; } const properties = objectExpressionNode.properties; matchStateProps(properties, res); const childrenArrayExpression = matchProp("children", properties); const children = childrenArrayExpression && childrenArrayExpression.elements; if (!children) { return; } children.forEach(recursiveMatch); } function matchStateProps(props, res) { const simple = [ matchProp("controller", props), matchProp("controllerProvider", props), matchProp("templateProvider", props), matchProp("onEnter", props), matchProp("onExit", props), ]; res.push.apply(res, simple); // {resolve: ..} res.push.apply(res, matchResolve(props)); // {view: ...} const viewObject = matchProp("views", props); if (viewObject && viewObject.type === "ObjectExpression") { viewObject.properties.forEach(function(prop) { if (prop.value.type === "ObjectExpression") { res.push(matchProp("controller", prop.value.properties)); res.push(matchProp("controllerProvider", prop.value.properties)); res.push(matchProp("templateProvider", prop.value.properties)); res.push.apply(res, matchResolve(prop.value.properties)); } }); } } } function matchInjectorInvoke(node) { // $injector.invoke(function($compile) { ... }); // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier return method.name === "invoke" && obj.type === "Identifier" && obj.name === "$injector" && node.arguments.length >= 1 && node.arguments; } function matchHttpProvider(node) { // $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($scope) {}); // $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(function($scope) {}); // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier return (method.name === "push" && obj.type === "MemberExpression" && !obj.computed && obj.object.name === "$httpProvider" && is.someof(obj.property.name, ["interceptors", "responseInterceptors"]) && node.arguments.length >= 1 && node.arguments); } function matchProvide(node, ctx) { // $provide.decorator("foo", function($scope) {}); // $provide.service("foo", function($scope) {}); // $provide.factory("foo", function($scope) {}); // $provide.provider("foo", function($scope) {}); // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier const args = node.arguments; const target = obj.type === "Identifier" && obj.name === "$provide" && is.someof(method.name, ["decorator", "service", "factory", "provider"]) && args.length === 2 && args[1]; if (target) { target.$methodName = method.name; if (ctx.rename) { // for eventual rename purposes return args; } } return target; } function matchRegular(node, ctx) { // we already know that node is a (non-computed) method call const callee = node.callee; const obj = callee.object; // identifier or expression const method = callee.property; // identifier // short-cut implicit config special case: // angular.module("MyMod", function(a) {}) if (obj.name === "angular" && method.name === "module") { const args = node.arguments; if (args.length >= 2) { node.$chained = chainedRegular; return last(args); } } const matchAngularModule = (obj.$chained === chainedRegular || isReDef(obj, ctx) || isLongDef(obj)) && is.someof(method.name, ["provider", "value", "constant", "bootstrap", "config", "factory", "directive", "filter", "run", "controller", "service", "animation", "invoke"]); if (!matchAngularModule) { return false; } node.$chained = chainedRegular; if (is.someof(method.name, ["value", "constant", "bootstrap"])) { return false; // affects matchAngularModule because of chaining } const args = node.arguments; const target = (is.someof(method.name, ["config", "run"]) ? args.length === 1 && args[0] : args.length === 2 && args[0].type === "Literal" && is.string(args[0].value) && args[1]); if (target) { target.$methodName = method.name; } if (ctx.rename && args.length === 2 && target) { // for eventual rename purposes const somethingNameLiteral = args[0]; return [somethingNameLiteral, target]; } return target; } // matches with default regexp // *.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope, $timeout) {}); // *.*.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope, $timeout) {}); // matches with --regexp "^require(.*)$" // require("app-module").controller("MyCtrl", function($scope) {}); function isReDef(node, ctx) { return ctx.re.test(ctx.srcForRange(node.range)); } // Long form: angular.module(*).controller("MyCtrl", function($scope, $timeout) {}); function isLongDef(node) { return node.callee && node.callee.object && node.callee.object.name === "angular" && node.callee.property && node.callee.property.name === "module"; } function last(arr) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } function matchProp(name, props) { for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; if ((prop.key.type === "Identifier" && prop.key.name === name) || (prop.key.type === "Literal" && prop.key.value === name)) { return prop.value; // FunctionExpression or ArrayExpression } } return null; } function matchResolve(props) { const resolveObject = matchProp("resolve", props); if (resolveObject && resolveObject.type === "ObjectExpression") { return resolveObject.properties.map(function(prop) { return prop.value; }); } return []; }; function renamedString(ctx, originalString) { if (ctx.rename) { return ctx.rename.get(originalString) || originalString; } return originalString; } function stringify(ctx, arr, quot) { return "[" + arr.map(function(arg) { return quot + renamedString(ctx, arg.name) + quot; }).join(", ") + "]"; } function parseExpressionOfType(str, type) { const node = parser(str).body[0].expression; assert(node.type === type); return node; } // stand-in for not having a jsshaper-style ref's function replaceNodeWith(node, newNode) { let done = false; const parent = node.$parent; const keys = Object.keys(parent); keys.forEach(function(key) { if (parent[key] === node) { parent[key] = newNode; done = true; } }); if (done) { return; } // second pass, now check arrays keys.forEach(function(key) { if (Array.isArray(parent[key])) { const arr = parent[key]; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === node) { arr[i] = newNode; done = true; } } } }); assert(done); } function insertArray(ctx, functionExpression, fragments, quot) { const args = stringify(ctx, functionExpression.params, quot); fragments.push({ start: functionExpression.range[0], end: functionExpression.range[0], str: args.slice(0, -1) + ", ", loc: { start: functionExpression.loc.start, end: functionExpression.loc.start } }); fragments.push({ start: functionExpression.range[1], end: functionExpression.range[1], str: "]", loc: { start: functionExpression.loc.end, end: functionExpression.loc.end } }); } function replaceArray(ctx, array, fragments, quot) { const functionExpression = last(array.elements); if (functionExpression.params.length === 0) { return removeArray(array, fragments); } const args = stringify(ctx, functionExpression.params, quot); fragments.push({ start: array.range[0], end: functionExpression.range[0], str: args.slice(0, -1) + ", ", loc: { start: array.loc.start, end: functionExpression.loc.start } }); } function removeArray(array, fragments) { const functionExpression = last(array.elements); fragments.push({ start: array.range[0], end: functionExpression.range[0], str: "", loc: { start: array.loc.start, end: functionExpression.loc.start } }); fragments.push({ start: functionExpression.range[1], end: array.range[1], str: "", loc: { start: functionExpression.loc.end, end: array.loc.end } }); } function renameProviderDeclarationSite(ctx, literalNode, fragments) { fragments.push({ start: literalNode.range[0] + 1, end: literalNode.range[1] - 1, str: renamedString(ctx, literalNode.value), loc: { start: { line: literalNode.loc.start.line, column: literalNode.loc.start.column + 1 }, end: { line: literalNode.loc.end.line, column: literalNode.loc.end.column - 1 } } }); } function judgeSuspects(ctx) { const mode = ctx.mode; const fragments = ctx.fragments; const quot = ctx.quot; const blocked = ctx.blocked; const suspects = makeUnique(ctx.suspects, 1); for (let n = 0; n < 42; n++) { // could be while(true), above is just a safety-net // in practice it will loop just a couple of times propagateModuleContextAndMethodName(suspects); if (!setChainedAndMethodNameThroughIifesAndReferences(suspects)) { break; } } // create final suspects by jumping, following, uniq'ing, blocking const finalSuspects = makeUnique(suspects.map(function(target) { const jumped = jumpOverIife(target); const jumpedAndFollowed = followReference(jumped) || jumped; if (target.$limitToMethodName && target.$limitToMethodName !== "*never*" && findOuterMethodName(target) !== target.$limitToMethodName) { return null; } if (blocked.indexOf(jumpedAndFollowed) >= 0) { return null; } return jumpedAndFollowed; }).filter(Boolean), 2); finalSuspects.forEach(function(target) { if (target.$chained !== chainedRegular) { return; } if (mode === "rebuild" && isAnnotatedArray(target)) { replaceArray(ctx, target, fragments, quot); } else if (mode === "remove" && isAnnotatedArray(target)) { removeArray(target, fragments); } else if (is.someof(mode, ["add", "rebuild"]) && isFunctionExpressionWithArgs(target)) { insertArray(ctx, target, fragments, quot); } else if (isGenericProviderName(target)) { renameProviderDeclarationSite(ctx, target, fragments); } else { // if it's not array or function-expression, then it's a candidate for foo.$inject = [..] judgeInjectArraySuspect(target, ctx); } }); function propagateModuleContextAndMethodName(suspects) { suspects.forEach(function(target) { if (target.$chained !== chainedRegular && isInsideModuleContext(target)) { target.$chained = chainedRegular; } if (!target.$methodName) { const methodName = findOuterMethodName(target); if (methodName) { target.$methodName = methodName; } } }); } function findOuterMethodName(node) { for (; node && !node.$methodName; node = node.$parent) { } return node ? node.$methodName : null; } function setChainedAndMethodNameThroughIifesAndReferences(suspects) { let modified = false; suspects.forEach(function(target) { const jumped = jumpOverIife(target); if (jumped !== target) { // we did skip an IIFE if (target.$chained === chainedRegular && jumped.$chained !== chainedRegular) { modified = true; jumped.$chained = chainedRegular; } if (target.$methodName && !jumped.$methodName) { modified = true; jumped.$methodName = target.$methodName; } } const jumpedAndFollowed = followReference(jumped) || jumped; if (jumpedAndFollowed !== jumped) { // we did follow a reference if (jumped.$chained === chainedRegular && jumpedAndFollowed.$chained !== chainedRegular) { modified = true; jumpedAndFollowed.$chained = chainedRegular; } if (jumped.$methodName && !jumpedAndFollowed.$methodName) { modified = true; jumpedAndFollowed.$methodName = jumped.$methodName; } } }); return modified; } function isInsideModuleContext(node) { let $parent = node.$parent; for (; $parent && $parent.$chained !== chainedRegular; $parent = $parent.$parent) { } return Boolean($parent); } function makeUnique(suspects, val) { return suspects.filter(function(target) { if (target.$seen === val) { return false; } target.$seen = val; return true; }); } } function followReference(node) { if (!scopeTools.isReference(node)) { return null; } const scope = node.$scope.lookup(node.name); if (!scope) { return null; } const parent = scope.getNode(node.name).$parent; const kind = scope.getKind(node.name); const ptype = parent.type; if (is.someof(kind, ["const", "let", "var"])) { assert(ptype === "VariableDeclarator"); // {type: "VariableDeclarator", id: {type: "Identifier", name: "foo"}, init: ..} return parent; } else if (kind === "fun") { assert(ptype === "FunctionDeclaration" || ptype === "FunctionExpression") // FunctionDeclaration is the common case, i.e. // function foo(a, b) {} // FunctionExpression is only applicable for cases similar to // var f = function asdf(a,b) { mymod.controller("asdf", asdf) }; return parent; } // other kinds should not be handled ("param", "caught") return null; } // O(srclength) so should only be used for debugging purposes, else replace with lut function posToLine(pos, src) { if (pos >= src.length) { pos = src.length - 1; } if (pos <= -1) { return -1; } let line = 1; for (let i = 0; i < pos; i++) { if (src[i] === "\n") { ++line; } } return line; } function judgeInjectArraySuspect(node, ctx) { if (node.type === "VariableDeclaration") { // suspect can only be a VariableDeclaration (statement) in case of // explicitly marked via /*@ngInject*/, not via references because // references follow to VariableDeclarator (child) // /*@ngInject*/ var foo = function($scope) {} and if (node.declarations.length !== 1) { // more than one declarator => exit return; } // one declarator => jump over declaration into declarator // rest of code will treat it as any (referenced) declarator node = node.declarations[0]; } // onode is a top-level node (inside function block), later verified // node is inner match, descent in multiple steps let onode = null; let declaratorName = null; if (node.type === "VariableDeclarator") { onode = node.$parent; declaratorName = node.id.name; node = node.init; // var foo = ___; } else { onode = node; } // suspect must be inside of a block or at the top-level (i.e. inside of node.$parent.body[]) if (!node || !onode.$parent || is.noneof(onode.$parent.type, ["Program", "BlockStatement"])) { return; } const insertPos = { pos: onode.range[1], loc: onode.loc.end }; const isSemicolonTerminated = (ctx.src[insertPos.pos - 1] === ";"); node = jumpOverIife(node); if (ctx.isFunctionExpressionWithArgs(node)) { // var x = 1, y = function(a,b) {}, z; assert(declaratorName); addRemoveInjectArray( node.params, isSemicolonTerminated ? insertPos : { pos: node.range[1], loc: node.loc.end }, declaratorName); } else if (ctx.isFunctionDeclarationWithArgs(node)) { // /*@ngInject*/ function foo($scope) {} addRemoveInjectArray( node.params, insertPos, node.id.name); } else if (node.type === "ExpressionStatement" && node.expression.type === "AssignmentExpression" && ctx.isFunctionExpressionWithArgs(node.expression.right)) { // /*@ngInject*/ foo.bar[0] = function($scope) {} const name = ctx.srcForRange(node.expression.left.range); addRemoveInjectArray( node.expression.right.params, isSemicolonTerminated ? insertPos : { pos: node.expression.right.range[1], loc: node.expression.right.loc.end }, name); } else if (node = followReference(node)) { // node was a reference and followed node now is either a // FunctionDeclaration or a VariableDeclarator // => recurse judgeInjectArraySuspect(node, ctx); } function getIndent(pos) { const src = ctx.src; const lineStart = src.lastIndexOf("\n", pos - 1) + 1; let i = lineStart; for (; src[i] === " " || src[i] === "\t"; i++) { } return src.slice(lineStart, i); } function addRemoveInjectArray(params, posAfterFunctionDeclaration, name) { // if an existing something.$inject = [..] exists then is will always be recycled when rebuilding const indent = getIndent(posAfterFunctionDeclaration.pos); let foundSuspectInBody = false; let existingExpressionStatementWithArray = null; let troublesomeReturn = false; onode.$parent.body.forEach(function(bnode) { if (bnode === onode) { foundSuspectInBody = true; } if (hasInjectArray(bnode)) { if (existingExpressionStatementWithArray) { throw fmt("conflicting inject arrays at line {0} and {1}", posToLine(existingExpressionStatementWithArray.range[0], ctx.src), posToLine(bnode.range[0], ctx.src)); } existingExpressionStatementWithArray = bnode; } // there's a return statement before our function if (!foundSuspectInBody && bnode.type === "ReturnStatement") { troublesomeReturn = bnode; } }); assert(foundSuspectInBody); if (troublesomeReturn && !existingExpressionStatementWithArray) { posAfterFunctionDeclaration = skipPrevNewline(troublesomeReturn.range[0], troublesomeReturn.loc.start); } function hasInjectArray(node) { let lvalue; let assignment; return (node && node.type === "ExpressionStatement" && (assignment = node.expression).type === "AssignmentExpression" && assignment.operator === "=" && (lvalue = assignment.left).type === "MemberExpression" && ((lvalue.computed === false && ctx.srcForRange(lvalue.object.range) === name && lvalue.property.name === "$inject") || (lvalue.computed === true && ctx.srcForRange(lvalue.object.range) === name && lvalue.property.type === "Literal" && lvalue.property.value === "$inject"))); } function skipPrevNewline(pos, loc) { let prevLF = ctx.src.lastIndexOf("\n", pos); if (prevLF === -1) { return { pos: pos, loc: loc }; } if (prevLF >= 1 && ctx.src[prevLF] === "\r") { --prevLF; } if (/\S/g.test(ctx.src.slice(prevLF, pos - 1))) { return { pos: pos, loc: loc }; } return { pos: prevLF, loc: { line: loc.line - 1, column: prevLF - ctx.src.lastIndexOf("\n", prevLF) } }; } const str = fmt("{0}{1}{2}.$inject = {3};", EOL, indent, name, ctx.stringify(ctx, params, ctx.quot)); if (ctx.mode === "rebuild" && existingExpressionStatementWithArray) { const strNoWhitespace = fmt("{2}.$inject = {3};", null, null, name, ctx.stringify(ctx, params, ctx.quot)); ctx.fragments.push({ start: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.range[0], end: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.range[1], str: strNoWhitespace, loc: { start: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.loc.start, end: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.loc.end } }); } else if (ctx.mode === "remove" && existingExpressionStatementWithArray) { const start = skipPrevNewline(existingExpressionStatementWithArray.range[0], existingExpressionStatementWithArray.loc.start); ctx.fragments.push({ start: start.pos, end: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.range[1], str: "", loc: { start: start.loc, end: existingExpressionStatementWithArray.loc.end } }); } else if (is.someof(ctx.mode, ["add", "rebuild"]) && !existingExpressionStatementWithArray) { ctx.fragments.push({ start: posAfterFunctionDeclaration.pos, end: posAfterFunctionDeclaration.pos, str: str, loc: { start: posAfterFunctionDeclaration.loc, end: posAfterFunctionDeclaration.loc } }); } } } function jumpOverIife(node) { let outerfn; if (!(node.type === "CallExpression" && (outerfn = node.callee).type === "FunctionExpression")) { return node; } const outerbody = outerfn.body.body; for (let i = 0; i < outerbody.length; i++) { const statement = outerbody[i]; if (statement.type === "ReturnStatement") { return statement.argument; } } return node; } function addModuleContextDependentSuspect(target, ctx) { ctx.suspects.push(target); } function addModuleContextIndependentSuspect(target, ctx) { target.$chained = chainedRegular; ctx.suspects.push(target); } function isAnnotatedArray(node) { if (node.type !== "ArrayExpression") { return false; } const elements = node.elements; // last should be a function expression if (elements.length === 0 || last(elements).type !== "FunctionExpression") { return false; } // all but last should be string literals for (let i = 0; i < elements.length - 1; i++) { const n = elements[i]; if (n.type !== "Literal" || !is.string(n.value)) { return false; } } return true; } function isFunctionExpressionWithArgs(node) { return node.type === "FunctionExpression" && node.params.length >= 1; } function isFunctionDeclarationWithArgs(node) { return node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" && node.params.length >= 1; } function isGenericProviderName(node) { return node.type === "Literal" && is.string(node.value); } module.exports = function ngAnnotate(src, options) { const mode = (options.add && options.remove ? "rebuild" : options.remove ? "remove" : options.add ? "add" : null); if (!mode) { return {src: src}; } const quot = options.single_quotes ? "'" : '"'; const re = (options.regexp ? new RegExp(options.regexp) : /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\$\.\s]+$/); const rename = new stringmap(); if (options.rename) { options.rename.forEach(function(value) { rename.set(value.from, value.to); }); } let ast; const stats = {}; // [{type: "Block"|"Line", value: str, range: [from,to]}, ..] let comments = []; try { stats.parser_require_t0 = require_acorn_t0; stats.parser_require_t1 = require_acorn_t1; stats.parser_parse_t0 = Date.now(); // acorn ast = parser(src, { ecmaVersion: 6, locations: true, ranges: true, onComment: comments, }); stats.parser_parse_t1 = Date.now(); } catch(e) { return { errors: ["error: couldn't process source due to parse error", e.message], }; } // append a dummy-node to ast so that lut.findNodeFromPos(lastPos) returns something ast.body.push({ type: "DebuggerStatement", range: [ast.range[1], ast.range[1]], loc: { start: ast.loc.end, end: ast.loc.end } }); // all source modifications are built up as operations in the // fragments array, later sent to alter in one shot const fragments = []; // suspects is built up with suspect nodes by match. // A suspect node will get annotations added / removed if it // fulfills the arrayexpression or functionexpression look, // and if it is in the correct context (inside an angular // module definition) const suspects = []; // blocked is an array of blocked suspects. Any target node // (final, i.e. IIFE-jumped, reference-followed and such) included // in blocked will be ignored by judgeSuspects const blocked = []; // Position information for all nodes in the AST, // used for sourcemap generation const nodePositions = []; const lut = new Lut(ast, src); scopeTools.setupScopeAndReferences(ast); const ctx = { mode: mode, quot: quot, src: src, srcForRange: function(range) { return src.slice(range[0], range[1]); }, re: re, rename: rename, comments: comments, fragments: fragments, suspects: suspects, blocked: blocked, lut: lut, isFunctionExpressionWithArgs: isFunctionExpressionWithArgs, isFunctionDeclarationWithArgs: isFunctionDeclarationWithArgs, isAnnotatedArray: isAnnotatedArray, addModuleContextDependentSuspect: addModuleContextDependentSuspect, addModuleContextIndependentSuspect: addModuleContextIndependentSuspect, stringify: stringify, nodePositions: nodePositions, }; const plugins = options.plugin || []; function matchPlugins(node, isMethodCall) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { const res = plugins[i].match(node, isMethodCall); if (res) { return res; } } return false; } const matchPluginsOrNull = (plugins.length === 0 ? null : matchPlugins); ngInject.inspectComments(ctx); plugins.forEach(function(plugin) { plugin.init(ctx); }); traverse(ast, {pre: function(node) { ngInject.inspectNode(node, ctx); }, post: function(node) { ctx.nodePositions.push(node.loc.start); let targets = match(node, ctx, matchPluginsOrNull); if (!targets) { return; } if (!is.array(targets)) { targets = [targets]; } for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { addModuleContextDependentSuspect(targets[i], ctx); } }}); try { judgeSuspects(ctx); } catch(e) { return { errors: ["error: " + e], }; } const out = alter(src, fragments); const result = { src: out, _stats: stats, }; if (options.sourcemap) { if (typeof(options.sourcemap) !== 'object') options.sourcemap = {}; stats.sourcemap_t0 = Date.now(); generateSourcemap(result, src, nodePositions, fragments, options.sourcemap); stats.sourcemap_t1 = Date.now(); } return result; }