'use strict';
var objectAssign = require('object-assign');
var escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp');
var platform = process.platform;

var main = {
	tick: '✔',
	cross: '✖',
	star: '★',
	square: '▇',
	squareSmall: '◻',
	squareSmallFilled: '◼',
	play: '▶',
	circle: '◯',
	circleFilled: '◉',
	circleDotted: '◌',
	circleDouble: '◎',
	circleCircle: 'ⓞ',
	circleCross: 'ⓧ',
	circlePipe: 'Ⓘ',
	circleQuestionMark: '?⃝',
	bullet: '●',
	dot: '․',
	line: '─',
	ellipsis: '…',
	pointer: '❯',
	pointerSmall: '›',
	info: 'ℹ',
	warning: '⚠',
	hamburger: '☰',
	smiley: '㋡',
	mustache: '෴',
	heart: '♥',
	arrowUp: '↑',
	arrowDown: '↓',
	arrowLeft: '←',
	arrowRight: '→',
	radioOn: '◉',
	radioOff: '◯',
	checkboxOn: '☒',
	checkboxOff: '☐',
	checkboxCircleOn: 'ⓧ',
	checkboxCircleOff: 'Ⓘ',
	questionMarkPrefix: '?⃝',
	oneHalf: '½',
	oneThird: '⅓',
	oneQuarter: '¼',
	oneFifth: '⅕',
	oneSixth: '⅙',
	oneSeventh: '⅐',
	oneEighth: '⅛',
	oneNinth: '⅑',
	oneTenth: '⅒',
	twoThirds: '⅔',
	twoFifths: '⅖',
	threeQuarters: '¾',
	threeFifths: '⅗',
	threeEighths: '⅜',
	fourFifths: '⅘',
	fiveSixths: '⅚',
	fiveEighths: '⅝',
	sevenEighths: '⅞'

var win = {
	tick: '√',
	cross: '×',
	star: '*',
	square: '█',
	squareSmall: '[ ]',
	squareSmallFilled: '[█]',
	play: '►',
	circle: '( )',
	circleFilled: '(*)',
	circleDotted: '( )',
	circleDouble: '( )',
	circleCircle: '(○)',
	circleCross: '(×)',
	circlePipe: '(│)',
	circleQuestionMark: '(?)',
	bullet: '*',
	dot: '.',
	line: '─',
	ellipsis: '...',
	pointer: '>',
	pointerSmall: '»',
	info: 'i',
	warning: '‼',
	hamburger: '≡',
	smiley: '☺',
	mustache: '┌─┐',
	heart: main.heart,
	arrowUp: main.arrowUp,
	arrowDown: main.arrowDown,
	arrowLeft: main.arrowLeft,
	arrowRight: main.arrowRight,
	radioOn: '(*)',
	radioOff: '( )',
	checkboxOn: '[×]',
	checkboxOff: '[ ]',
	checkboxCircleOn: '(×)',
	checkboxCircleOff: '( )',
	questionMarkPrefix: '?',
	oneHalf: '1/2',
	oneThird: '1/3',
	oneQuarter: '1/4',
	oneFifth: '1/5',
	oneSixth: '1/6',
	oneSeventh: '1/7',
	oneEighth: '1/8',
	oneNinth: '1/9',
	oneTenth: '1/10',
	twoThirds: '2/3',
	twoFifths: '2/5',
	threeQuarters: '3/4',
	threeFifths: '3/5',
	threeEighths: '3/8',
	fourFifths: '4/5',
	fiveSixths: '5/6',
	fiveEighths: '5/8',
	sevenEighths: '7/8'

if (platform === 'linux') {
	// the main one doesn't look that good on Ubuntu
	main.questionMarkPrefix = '?';

var figures = platform === 'win32' ? win : main;

var fn = function (str) {
	if (figures === main) {
		return str;

	Object.keys(main).forEach(function (key) {
		if (main[key] === figures[key]) {

		str = str.replace(new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(main[key]), 'g'), figures[key]);

	return str;

module.exports = objectAssign(fn, figures);