const doop = require('jsdoc/util/doop'); const env = require('jsdoc/env'); const fs = require('jsdoc/fs'); const helper = require('jsdoc/util/templateHelper'); const logger = require('jsdoc/util/logger'); const path = require('jsdoc/path'); const { taffy } = require('@jsdoc/salty'); const template = require('jsdoc/template'); const util = require('util'); const htmlsafe = helper.htmlsafe; const linkto = helper.linkto; const resolveAuthorLinks = helper.resolveAuthorLinks; const hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; let data; let view; let outdir = path.normalize(env.opts.destination); function find(spec) { return helper.find(data, spec); } function tutoriallink(tutorial) { return helper.toTutorial(tutorial, null, { tag: 'em', classname: 'disabled', prefix: 'Tutorial: ' }); } function getAncestorLinks(doclet) { return helper.getAncestorLinks(data, doclet); } function hashToLink(doclet, hash) { let url; if ( !/^(#.+)/.test(hash) ) { return hash; } url = helper.createLink(doclet); url = url.replace(/(#.+|$)/, hash); return `<a href="${url}">${hash}</a>`; } function needsSignature({kind, type, meta}) { let needsSig = false; // function and class definitions always get a signature if (kind === 'function' || kind === 'class') { needsSig = true; } // typedefs that contain functions get a signature, too else if (kind === 'typedef' && type && type.names && type.names.length) { for (let i = 0, l = type.names.length; i < l; i++) { if (type.names[i].toLowerCase() === 'function') { needsSig = true; break; } } } // and namespaces that are functions get a signature (but finding them is a // bit messy) else if (kind === 'namespace' && meta && meta.code && meta.code.type && meta.code.type.match(/[Ff]unction/)) { needsSig = true; } return needsSig; } function getSignatureAttributes({optional, nullable}) { const attributes = []; if (optional) { attributes.push('opt'); } if (nullable === true) { attributes.push('nullable'); } else if (nullable === false) { attributes.push('non-null'); } return attributes; } function updateItemName(item) { const attributes = getSignatureAttributes(item); let itemName = || ''; if (item.variable) { itemName = `…${itemName}`; } if (attributes && attributes.length) { itemName = util.format( '%s<span class="signature-attributes">%s</span>', itemName, attributes.join(', ') ); } return itemName; } function addParamAttributes(params) { return params.filter(({name}) => name && !name.includes('.')).map(updateItemName); } function buildItemTypeStrings(item) { const types = []; if (item && item.type && item.type.names) { item.type.names.forEach(name => { types.push( linkto(name, htmlsafe(name)) ); }); } return types; } function buildAttribsString(attribs) { let attribsString = ''; if (attribs && attribs.length) { attribsString = htmlsafe( util.format('(%s) ', attribs.join(', ')) ); } return attribsString; } function addNonParamAttributes(items) { let types = []; items.forEach(item => { types = types.concat( buildItemTypeStrings(item) ); }); return types; } function addSignatureParams(f) { const params = f.params ? addParamAttributes(f.params) : []; f.signature = util.format( '%s(%s)', (f.signature || ''), params.join(', ') ); } function addSignatureReturns(f) { const attribs = []; let attribsString = ''; let returnTypes = []; let returnTypesString = ''; const source = f.yields || f.returns; // jam all the return-type attributes into an array. this could create odd results (for example, // if there are both nullable and non-nullable return types), but let's assume that most people // who use multiple @return tags aren't using Closure Compiler type annotations, and vice-versa. if (source) { source.forEach(item => { helper.getAttribs(item).forEach(attrib => { if (!attribs.includes(attrib)) { attribs.push(attrib); } }); }); attribsString = buildAttribsString(attribs); } if (source) { returnTypes = addNonParamAttributes(source); } if (returnTypes.length) { returnTypesString = util.format( ' → %s{%s}', attribsString, returnTypes.join('|') ); } f.signature = `<span class="signature">${f.signature || ''}</span><span class="type-signature">${returnTypesString}</span>`; } function addSignatureTypes(f) { const types = f.type ? buildItemTypeStrings(f) : []; f.signature = `${f.signature || ''}<span class="type-signature">${types.length ? ` :${types.join('|')}` : ''}</span>`; } function addAttribs(f) { const attribs = helper.getAttribs(f); const attribsString = buildAttribsString(attribs); f.attribs = util.format('<span class="type-signature">%s</span>', attribsString); } function shortenPaths(files, commonPrefix) { Object.keys(files).forEach(file => { files[file].shortened = files[file].resolved.replace(commonPrefix, '') // always use forward slashes .replace(/\\/g, '/'); }); return files; } function getPathFromDoclet({meta}) { if (!meta) { return null; } return meta.path && meta.path !== 'null' ? path.join(meta.path, meta.filename) : meta.filename; } function generate(title, docs, filename, resolveLinks) { let docData; let html; let outpath; resolveLinks = resolveLinks !== false; docData = { env: env, title: title, docs: docs }; outpath = path.join(outdir, filename); html = view.render('container.tmpl', docData); if (resolveLinks) { html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a> } fs.writeFileSync(outpath, html, 'utf8'); } function generateSourceFiles(sourceFiles, encoding = 'utf8') { Object.keys(sourceFiles).forEach(file => { let source; // links are keyed to the shortened path in each doclet's `meta.shortpath` property const sourceOutfile = helper.getUniqueFilename(sourceFiles[file].shortened); helper.registerLink(sourceFiles[file].shortened, sourceOutfile); try { source = { kind: 'source', code: helper.htmlsafe( fs.readFileSync(sourceFiles[file].resolved, encoding) ) }; } catch (e) { logger.error('Error while generating source file %s: %s', file, e.message); } generate(`Source: ${sourceFiles[file].shortened}`, [source], sourceOutfile, false); }); } /** * Look for classes or functions with the same name as modules (which indicates that the module * exports only that class or function), then attach the classes or functions to the `module` * property of the appropriate module doclets. The name of each class or function is also updated * for display purposes. This function mutates the original arrays. * * @private * @param {Array.<module:jsdoc/doclet.Doclet>} doclets - The array of classes and functions to * check. * @param {Array.<module:jsdoc/doclet.Doclet>} modules - The array of module doclets to search. */ function attachModuleSymbols(doclets, modules) { const symbols = {}; // build a lookup table doclets.forEach(symbol => { symbols[symbol.longname] = symbols[symbol.longname] || []; symbols[symbol.longname].push(symbol); }); modules.forEach(module => { if (symbols[module.longname]) { module.modules = symbols[module.longname] // Only show symbols that have a description. Make an exception for classes, because // we want to show the constructor-signature heading no matter what. .filter(({description, kind}) => description || kind === 'class') .map(symbol => { symbol = doop(symbol); if (symbol.kind === 'class' || symbol.kind === 'function') { = `${'module:', '(require("')}"))`; } return symbol; }); } }); } function buildMemberNav(items, itemHeading, itemsSeen, linktoFn) { let nav = ''; if (items.length) { let itemsNav = ''; items.forEach(item => { let displayName; if ( !, 'longname') ) { itemsNav += `<li>${linktoFn('',}</li>`; } else if ( !, item.longname) ) { if (env.conf.templates.default.useLongnameInNav) { displayName = item.longname; } else { displayName =; } itemsNav += `<li>${linktoFn(item.longname, displayName.replace(/\b(module|event):/g, ''))}</li>`; itemsSeen[item.longname] = true; } }); if (itemsNav !== '') { nav += `<h3>${itemHeading}</h3><ul>${itemsNav}</ul>`; } } return nav; } function linktoTutorial(longName, name) { return tutoriallink(name); } function linktoExternal(longName, name) { return linkto(longName, name.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, '')); } /** * Create the navigation sidebar. * @param {object} members The members that will be used to create the sidebar. * @param {array<object>} members.classes * @param {array<object>} members.externals * @param {array<object>} members.globals * @param {array<object>} members.mixins * @param {array<object>} members.modules * @param {array<object>} members.namespaces * @param {array<object>} members.tutorials * @param {array<object>} * @param {array<object>} members.interfaces * @return {string} The HTML for the navigation sidebar. */ function buildNav(members) { let globalNav; let nav = '<h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2>'; const seen = {}; const seenTutorials = {}; nav += buildMemberNav(members.modules, 'Modules', {}, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(members.externals, 'Externals', seen, linktoExternal); nav += buildMemberNav(members.namespaces, 'Namespaces', seen, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(members.classes, 'Classes', seen, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(members.interfaces, 'Interfaces', seen, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(, 'Events', seen, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(members.mixins, 'Mixins', seen, linkto); nav += buildMemberNav(members.tutorials, 'Tutorials', seenTutorials, linktoTutorial); if (members.globals.length) { globalNav = ''; members.globals.forEach(({kind, longname, name}) => { if ( kind !== 'typedef' && !, longname) ) { globalNav += `<li>${linkto(longname, name)}</li>`; } seen[longname] = true; }); if (!globalNav) { // turn the heading into a link so you can actually get to the global page nav += `<h3>${linkto('global', 'Global')}</h3>`; } else { nav += `<h3>Global</h3><ul>${globalNav}</ul>`; } } return nav; } /** @param {TAFFY} taffyData See <>. @param {object} opts @param {Tutorial} tutorials */ exports.publish = (taffyData, opts, tutorials) => { let classes; let conf; let externals; let files; let fromDir; let globalUrl; let indexUrl; let interfaces; let members; let mixins; let modules; let namespaces; let outputSourceFiles; let packageInfo; let packages; const sourceFilePaths = []; let sourceFiles = {}; let staticFileFilter; let staticFilePaths; let staticFiles; let staticFileScanner; let templatePath; data = taffyData; conf = env.conf.templates || {}; conf.default = conf.default || {}; templatePath = path.normalize(opts.template); view = new template.Template( path.join(templatePath, 'tmpl') ); // claim some special filenames in advance, so the All-Powerful Overseer of Filename Uniqueness // doesn't try to hand them out later indexUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('index'); // don't call registerLink() on this one! 'index' is also a valid longname globalUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('global'); helper.registerLink('global', globalUrl); // set up templating view.layout = conf.default.layoutFile ? path.getResourcePath(path.dirname(conf.default.layoutFile), path.basename(conf.default.layoutFile) ) : 'layout.tmpl'; // set up tutorials for helper helper.setTutorials(tutorials); data = helper.prune(data); data.sort('longname, version, since'); helper.addEventListeners(data); data().each(doclet => { let sourcePath; doclet.attribs = ''; if (doclet.examples) { doclet.examples = => { let caption; let code; if (example.match(/^\s*<caption>([\s\S]+?)<\/caption>(\s*[\n\r])([\s\S]+)$/i)) { caption = RegExp.$1; code = RegExp.$3; } return { caption: caption || '', code: code || example }; }); } if (doclet.see) { doclet.see.forEach((seeItem, i) => { doclet.see[i] = hashToLink(doclet, seeItem); }); } // build a list of source files if (doclet.meta) { sourcePath = getPathFromDoclet(doclet); sourceFiles[sourcePath] = { resolved: sourcePath, shortened: null }; if (!sourceFilePaths.includes(sourcePath)) { sourceFilePaths.push(sourcePath); } } }); // update outdir if necessary, then create outdir packageInfo = ( find({kind: 'package'}) || [] )[0]; if (packageInfo && { outdir = path.join( outdir,, (packageInfo.version || '') ); } fs.mkPath(outdir); // copy the template's static files to outdir fromDir = path.join(templatePath, 'static'); staticFiles =, 3); staticFiles.forEach(fileName => { const toDir = fs.toDir( fileName.replace(fromDir, outdir) ); fs.mkPath(toDir); fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir); }); // copy user-specified static files to outdir if (conf.default.staticFiles) { // The canonical property name is `include`. We accept `paths` for backwards compatibility // with a bug in JSDoc 3.2.x. staticFilePaths = conf.default.staticFiles.include || conf.default.staticFiles.paths || []; staticFileFilter = new (require('jsdoc/src/filter').Filter)(conf.default.staticFiles); staticFileScanner = new (require('jsdoc/src/scanner').Scanner)(); staticFilePaths.forEach(filePath => { let extraStaticFiles; filePath = path.resolve(env.pwd, filePath); extraStaticFiles = staticFileScanner.scan([filePath], 10, staticFileFilter); extraStaticFiles.forEach(fileName => { const sourcePath = fs.toDir(filePath); const toDir = fs.toDir( fileName.replace(sourcePath, outdir) ); fs.mkPath(toDir); fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir); }); }); } if (sourceFilePaths.length) { sourceFiles = shortenPaths( sourceFiles, path.commonPrefix(sourceFilePaths) ); } data().each(doclet => { let docletPath; const url = helper.createLink(doclet); helper.registerLink(doclet.longname, url); // add a shortened version of the full path if (doclet.meta) { docletPath = getPathFromDoclet(doclet); docletPath = sourceFiles[docletPath].shortened; if (docletPath) { doclet.meta.shortpath = docletPath; } } }); data().each(doclet => { const url = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname]; if (url.includes('#')) { = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname].split(/#/).pop(); } else { =; } if ( needsSignature(doclet) ) { addSignatureParams(doclet); addSignatureReturns(doclet); addAttribs(doclet); } }); // do this after the urls have all been generated data().each(doclet => { doclet.ancestors = getAncestorLinks(doclet); if (doclet.kind === 'member') { addSignatureTypes(doclet); addAttribs(doclet); } if (doclet.kind === 'constant') { addSignatureTypes(doclet); addAttribs(doclet); doclet.kind = 'member'; } }); members = helper.getMembers(data); members.tutorials = tutorials.children; // output pretty-printed source files by default outputSourceFiles = conf.default && conf.default.outputSourceFiles !== false; // add template helpers view.find = find; view.linkto = linkto; view.resolveAuthorLinks = resolveAuthorLinks; view.tutoriallink = tutoriallink; view.htmlsafe = htmlsafe; view.outputSourceFiles = outputSourceFiles; // once for all view.nav = buildNav(members); attachModuleSymbols( find({ longname: {left: 'module:'} }), members.modules ); // generate the pretty-printed source files first so other pages can link to them if (outputSourceFiles) { generateSourceFiles(sourceFiles, opts.encoding); } if (members.globals.length) { generate('Global', [{kind: 'globalobj'}], globalUrl); } // index page displays information from package.json and lists files files = find({kind: 'file'}); packages = find({kind: 'package'}); generate('Home', packages.concat( [{ kind: 'mainpage', readme: opts.readme, longname: (opts.mainpagetitle) ? opts.mainpagetitle : 'Main Page' }] ).concat(files), indexUrl); // set up the lists that we'll use to generate pages classes = taffy(members.classes); modules = taffy(members.modules); namespaces = taffy(members.namespaces); mixins = taffy(members.mixins); externals = taffy(members.externals); interfaces = taffy(members.interfaces); Object.keys(helper.longnameToUrl).forEach(longname => { const myClasses = helper.find(classes, {longname: longname}); const myExternals = helper.find(externals, {longname: longname}); const myInterfaces = helper.find(interfaces, {longname: longname}); const myMixins = helper.find(mixins, {longname: longname}); const myModules = helper.find(modules, {longname: longname}); const myNamespaces = helper.find(namespaces, {longname: longname}); if (myModules.length) { generate(`Module: ${myModules[0].name}`, myModules, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } if (myClasses.length) { generate(`Class: ${myClasses[0].name}`, myClasses, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } if (myNamespaces.length) { generate(`Namespace: ${myNamespaces[0].name}`, myNamespaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } if (myMixins.length) { generate(`Mixin: ${myMixins[0].name}`, myMixins, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } if (myExternals.length) { generate(`External: ${myExternals[0].name}`, myExternals, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } if (myInterfaces.length) { generate(`Interface: ${myInterfaces[0].name}`, myInterfaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]); } }); // TODO: move the tutorial functions to templateHelper.js function generateTutorial(title, tutorial, filename) { const tutorialData = { title: title, header: tutorial.title, content: tutorial.parse(), children: tutorial.children }; const tutorialPath = path.join(outdir, filename); let html = view.render('tutorial.tmpl', tutorialData); // yes, you can use {@link} in tutorials too! html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a> fs.writeFileSync(tutorialPath, html, 'utf8'); } // tutorials can have only one parent so there is no risk for loops function saveChildren({children}) { children.forEach(child => { generateTutorial(`Tutorial: ${child.title}`, child, helper.tutorialToUrl(; saveChildren(child); }); } saveChildren(tutorials); };