let source, pos, end, openTokenDepth, lastTokenPos, openTokenPosStack, openClassPosStack, curDynamicImport, templateStackDepth, facade, lastSlashWasDivision, nextBraceIsClass, templateDepth, templateStack, imports, exports, name; function addImport (ss, s, e, d) { const impt = { ss, se: d === -2 ? e : d === -1 ? e + 1 : 0, s, e, d, a: -1, n: undefined }; imports.push(impt); return impt; } function readName (impt) { let { d, s } = impt; if (d !== -1) s++; impt.n = readString(s, source.charCodeAt(s - 1)); } // Note: parsing is based on the _assumption_ that the source is already valid export function parse (_source, _name) { openTokenDepth = 0; curDynamicImport = null; templateDepth = -1; lastTokenPos = -1; lastSlashWasDivision = false; templateStack = Array(1024); templateStackDepth = 0; openTokenPosStack = Array(1024); openClassPosStack = Array(1024); nextBraceIsClass = false; facade = true; name = _name || '@'; imports = []; exports = new Set(); source = _source; pos = -1; end = source.length - 1; let ch = 0; // start with a pure "module-only" parser m: while (pos++ < end) { ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 32 || ch < 14 && ch > 8) continue; switch (ch) { case 101/*e*/: if (openTokenDepth === 0 && keywordStart(pos) && source.startsWith('xport', pos + 1)) { tryParseExportStatement(); // export might have been a non-pure declaration if (!facade) { lastTokenPos = pos; break m; } } break; case 105/*i*/: if (keywordStart(pos) && source.startsWith('mport', pos + 1)) tryParseImportStatement(); break; case 59/*;*/: break; case 47/*/*/: { const next_ch = source.charCodeAt(pos + 1); if (next_ch === 47/*/*/) { lineComment(); // dont update lastToken continue; } else if (next_ch === 42/***/) { blockComment(true); // dont update lastToken continue; } // fallthrough } default: // as soon as we hit a non-module token, we go to main parser facade = false; pos--; break m; } lastTokenPos = pos; } while (pos++ < end) { ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 32 || ch < 14 && ch > 8) continue; switch (ch) { case 101/*e*/: if (openTokenDepth === 0 && keywordStart(pos) && source.startsWith('xport', pos + 1)) tryParseExportStatement(); break; case 105/*i*/: if (keywordStart(pos) && source.startsWith('mport', pos + 1)) tryParseImportStatement(); break; case 99/*c*/: if (keywordStart(pos) && source.startsWith('lass', pos + 1) && isBrOrWs(source.charCodeAt(pos + 5))) nextBraceIsClass = true; break; case 40/*(*/: openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth++] = lastTokenPos; break; case 41/*)*/: if (openTokenDepth === 0) syntaxError(); openTokenDepth--; if (curDynamicImport && curDynamicImport.d === openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth]) { if (curDynamicImport.e === 0) curDynamicImport.e = pos; curDynamicImport.se = pos; curDynamicImport = null; } break; case 123/*{*/: // dynamic import followed by { is not a dynamic import (so remove) // this is a sneaky way to get around { import () {} } v { import () } // block / object ambiguity without a parser (assuming source is valid) if (source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos) === 41/*)*/ && imports.length && imports[imports.length - 1].e === lastTokenPos) { imports.pop(); } openClassPosStack[openTokenDepth] = nextBraceIsClass; nextBraceIsClass = false; openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth++] = lastTokenPos; break; case 125/*}*/: if (openTokenDepth === 0) syntaxError(); if (openTokenDepth-- === templateDepth) { templateDepth = templateStack[--templateStackDepth]; templateString(); } else { if (templateDepth !== -1 && openTokenDepth < templateDepth) syntaxError(); } break; case 39/*'*/: case 34/*"*/: stringLiteral(ch); break; case 47/*/*/: { const next_ch = source.charCodeAt(pos + 1); if (next_ch === 47/*/*/) { lineComment(); // dont update lastToken continue; } else if (next_ch === 42/***/) { blockComment(true); // dont update lastToken continue; } else { // Division / regex ambiguity handling based on checking backtrack analysis of: // - what token came previously (lastToken) // - if a closing brace or paren, what token came before the corresponding // opening brace or paren (lastOpenTokenIndex) const lastToken = source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos); if (isExpressionPunctuator(lastToken) && !(lastToken === 46/*.*/ && (source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos - 1) >= 48/*0*/ && source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos - 1) <= 57/*9*/)) && !(lastToken === 43/*+*/ && source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos - 1) === 43/*+*/) && !(lastToken === 45/*-*/ && source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos - 1) === 45/*-*/) || lastToken === 41/*)*/ && isParenKeyword(openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth]) || lastToken === 125/*}*/ && (isExpressionTerminator(openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth]) || openClassPosStack[openTokenDepth]) || lastToken === 47/*/*/ && lastSlashWasDivision || isExpressionKeyword(lastTokenPos) || !lastToken) { regularExpression(); lastSlashWasDivision = false; } else { lastSlashWasDivision = true; } } break; } case 96/*`*/: templateString(); break; } lastTokenPos = pos; } if (templateDepth !== -1 || openTokenDepth) syntaxError(); return [imports, [...exports], facade]; } function tryParseImportStatement () { const startPos = pos; pos += 6; let ch = commentWhitespace(true); switch (ch) { // dynamic import case 40/*(*/: openTokenPosStack[openTokenDepth++] = startPos; if (source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos) === 46/*.*/) return; // dynamic import indicated by positive d const impt = addImport(startPos, pos + 1, 0, startPos); curDynamicImport = impt; // try parse a string, to record a safe dynamic import string pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 39/*'*/ || ch === 34/*"*/) { stringLiteral(ch); } else { pos--; return; } pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 44/*,*/) { impt.e = pos; pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); impt.a = pos; readName(impt); pos--; } else if (ch === 41/*)*/) { openTokenDepth--; impt.e = pos; impt.se = pos; readName(impt); } else { pos--; } return; // import.meta case 46/*.*/: pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); // import.meta indicated by d === -2 if (ch === 109/*m*/ && source.startsWith('eta', pos + 1) && source.charCodeAt(lastTokenPos) !== 46/*.*/) addImport(startPos, startPos, pos + 4, -2); return; default: // no space after "import" -> not an import keyword if (pos === startPos + 6) break; case 34/*"*/: case 39/*'*/: case 123/*{*/: case 42/***/: // import statement only permitted at base-level if (openTokenDepth !== 0) { pos--; return; } while (pos < end) { ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 39/*'*/ || ch === 34/*"*/) { readImportString(startPos, ch); return; } pos++; } syntaxError(); } } function tryParseExportStatement () { const sStartPos = pos; pos += 6; const curPos = pos; let ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (pos === curPos && !isPunctuator(ch)) return; switch (ch) { // export default ... case 100/*d*/: exports.add(source.slice(pos, pos + 7)); return; // export async? function*? name () { case 97/*a*/: pos += 5; commentWhitespace(true); // fallthrough case 102/*f*/: pos += 8; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 42/***/) { pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); } const startPos = pos; ch = readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); exports.add(source.slice(startPos, pos)); pos--; return; case 99/*c*/: if (source.startsWith('lass', pos + 1) && isBrOrWsOrPunctuatorNotDot(source.charCodeAt(pos + 5))) { pos += 5; ch = commentWhitespace(true); const startPos = pos; ch = readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); exports.add(source.slice(startPos, pos)); pos--; return; } pos += 2; // fallthrough // export var/let/const name = ...(, name = ...)+ case 118/*v*/: case 109/*l*/: // destructured initializations not currently supported (skipped for { or [) // also, lexing names after variable equals is skipped (export var p = function () { ... }, q = 5 skips "q") pos += 2; facade = false; do { pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); const startPos = pos; ch = readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); // dont yet handle [ { destructurings if (ch === 123/*{*/ || ch === 91/*[*/) { pos--; return; } if (pos === startPos) return; exports.add(source.slice(startPos, pos)); ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 61/*=*/) { pos--; return; } } while (ch === 44/*,*/); pos--; return; // export {...} case 123/*{*/: pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); while (true) { const startPos = pos; readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); const endPos = pos; commentWhitespace(true); ch = readExportAs(startPos, endPos); // , if (ch === 44/*,*/) { pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); } if (ch === 125/*}*/) break; if (pos === startPos) return syntaxError(); if (pos > end) return syntaxError(); } pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); break; // export * // export * as X case 42/***/: pos++; commentWhitespace(true); ch = readExportAs(pos, pos); ch = commentWhitespace(true); break; } // from ... if (ch === 102/*f*/ && source.startsWith('rom', pos + 1)) { pos += 4; readImportString(sStartPos, commentWhitespace(true)); } else { pos--; } } /* * Ported from Acorn * * MIT License * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 by various contributors (see AUTHORS) * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ let acornPos; function readString (start, quote) { acornPos = start; let out = '', chunkStart = acornPos; for (;;) { if (acornPos >= source.length) syntaxError(); const ch = source.charCodeAt(acornPos); if (ch === quote) break; if (ch === 92) { // '\' out += source.slice(chunkStart, acornPos); out += readEscapedChar(); chunkStart = acornPos; } else if (ch === 0x2028 || ch === 0x2029) { ++acornPos; } else { if (isBr(ch)) syntaxError(); ++acornPos; } } out += source.slice(chunkStart, acornPos++); return out; } // Used to read escaped characters function readEscapedChar () { let ch = source.charCodeAt(++acornPos); ++acornPos; switch (ch) { case 110: return '\n'; // 'n' -> '\n' case 114: return '\r'; // 'r' -> '\r' case 120: return String.fromCharCode(readHexChar(2)); // 'x' case 117: return readCodePointToString(); // 'u' case 116: return '\t'; // 't' -> '\t' case 98: return '\b'; // 'b' -> '\b' case 118: return '\u000b'; // 'v' -> '\u000b' case 102: return '\f'; // 'f' -> '\f' case 13: if (source.charCodeAt(acornPos) === 10) ++acornPos; // '\r\n' case 10: // ' \n' return ''; case 56: case 57: syntaxError(); default: if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 55) { let octalStr = source.substr(acornPos - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/)[0]; let octal = parseInt(octalStr, 8); if (octal > 255) { octalStr = octalStr.slice(0, -1); octal = parseInt(octalStr, 8); } acornPos += octalStr.length - 1; ch = source.charCodeAt(acornPos); if (octalStr !== '0' || ch === 56 || ch === 57) syntaxError(); return String.fromCharCode(octal); } if (isBr(ch)) { // Unicode new line characters after \ get removed from output in both // template literals and strings return ''; } return String.fromCharCode(ch); } } // Used to read character escape sequences ('\x', '\u', '\U'). function readHexChar (len) { const start = acornPos; let total = 0, lastCode = 0; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++acornPos) { let code = source.charCodeAt(acornPos), val; if (code === 95) { if (lastCode === 95 || i === 0) syntaxError(); lastCode = code; continue; } if (code >= 97) val = code - 97 + 10; // a else if (code >= 65) val = code - 65 + 10; // A else if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) val = code - 48; // 0-9 else break; if (val >= 16) break; lastCode = code; total = total * 16 + val; } if (lastCode === 95 || acornPos - start !== len) syntaxError(); return total; } // Read a string value, interpreting backslash-escapes. function readCodePointToString () { const ch = source.charCodeAt(acornPos); let code; if (ch === 123) { // '{' ++acornPos; code = readHexChar(source.indexOf('}', acornPos) - acornPos); ++acornPos; if (code > 0x10FFFF) syntaxError(); } else { code = readHexChar(4); } // UTF-16 Decoding if (code <= 0xFFFF) return String.fromCharCode(code); code -= 0x10000; return String.fromCharCode((code >> 10) + 0xD800, (code & 1023) + 0xDC00); } /* * </ Acorn Port> */ function readExportAs (startPos, endPos) { let ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 97 /*a*/) { pos += 2; ch = commentWhitespace(true); startPos = pos; readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); endPos = pos; ch = commentWhitespace(true); } if (pos !== startPos) exports.add(source.slice(startPos, endPos)); return ch; } function readImportString (ss, ch) { const startPos = pos + 1; if (ch === 39/*'*/ || ch === 34/*"*/) { stringLiteral(ch); } else { syntaxError(); return; } const impt = addImport(ss, startPos, pos, -1); readName(impt); pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(false); if (ch !== 97/*a*/ || !source.startsWith('ssert', pos + 1)) { pos--; return; } const assertIndex = pos; pos += 6; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch !== 123/*{*/) { pos = assertIndex; return; } const assertStart = pos; do { pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 39/*'*/ || ch === 34/*"*/) { stringLiteral(ch); pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); } else { ch = readToWsOrPunctuator(ch); } if (ch !== 58/*:*/) { pos = assertIndex; return; } pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 39/*'*/ || ch === 34/*"*/) { stringLiteral(ch); } else { pos = assertIndex; return; } pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 44/*,*/) { pos++; ch = commentWhitespace(true); if (ch === 125/*}*/) break; continue; } if (ch === 125/*}*/) break; pos = assertIndex; return; } while (true); impt.a = assertStart; impt.se = pos + 1; } function commentWhitespace (br) { let ch; do { ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 47/*/*/) { const next_ch = source.charCodeAt(pos + 1); if (next_ch === 47/*/*/) lineComment(); else if (next_ch === 42/***/) blockComment(br); else return ch; } else if (br ? !isBrOrWs(ch): !isWsNotBr(ch)) { return ch; } } while (pos++ < end); return ch; } function templateString () { while (pos++ < end) { const ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 36/*$*/ && source.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 123/*{*/) { pos++; templateStack[templateStackDepth++] = templateDepth; templateDepth = ++openTokenDepth; return; } if (ch === 96/*`*/) return; if (ch === 92/*\*/) pos++; } syntaxError(); } function blockComment (br) { pos++; while (pos++ < end) { const ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (!br && isBr(ch)) return; if (ch === 42/***/ && source.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47/*/*/) { pos++; return; } } } function lineComment () { while (pos++ < end) { const ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 10/*\n*/ || ch === 13/*\r*/) return; } } function stringLiteral (quote) { while (pos++ < end) { let ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === quote) return; if (ch === 92/*\*/) { ch = source.charCodeAt(++pos); if (ch === 13/*\r*/ && source.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10/*\n*/) pos++; } else if (isBr(ch)) break; } syntaxError(); } function regexCharacterClass () { while (pos++ < end) { let ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 93/*]*/) return ch; if (ch === 92/*\*/) pos++; else if (ch === 10/*\n*/ || ch === 13/*\r*/) break; } syntaxError(); } function regularExpression () { while (pos++ < end) { let ch = source.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 47/*/*/) return; if (ch === 91/*[*/) ch = regexCharacterClass(); else if (ch === 92/*\*/) pos++; else if (ch === 10/*\n*/ || ch === 13/*\r*/) break; } syntaxError(); } function readToWsOrPunctuator (ch) { do { if (isBrOrWs(ch) || isPunctuator(ch)) return ch; } while (ch = source.charCodeAt(++pos)); return ch; } // Note: non-asii BR and whitespace checks omitted for perf / footprint // if there is a significant user need this can be reconsidered function isBr (c) { return c === 13/*\r*/ || c === 10/*\n*/; } function isWsNotBr (c) { return c === 9 || c === 11 || c === 12 || c === 32 || c === 160; } function isBrOrWs (c) { return c > 8 && c < 14 || c === 32 || c === 160; } function isBrOrWsOrPunctuatorNotDot (c) { return c > 8 && c < 14 || c === 32 || c === 160 || isPunctuator(c) && c !== 46/*.*/; } function keywordStart (pos) { return pos === 0 || isBrOrWsOrPunctuatorNotDot(source.charCodeAt(pos - 1)); } function readPrecedingKeyword (pos, match) { if (pos < match.length - 1) return false; return source.startsWith(match, pos - match.length + 1) && (pos === 0 || isBrOrWsOrPunctuatorNotDot(source.charCodeAt(pos - match.length))); } function readPrecedingKeyword1 (pos, ch) { return source.charCodeAt(pos) === ch && (pos === 0 || isBrOrWsOrPunctuatorNotDot(source.charCodeAt(pos - 1))); } // Detects one of case, debugger, delete, do, else, in, instanceof, new, // return, throw, typeof, void, yield, await function isExpressionKeyword (pos) { switch (source.charCodeAt(pos)) { case 100/*d*/: switch (source.charCodeAt(pos - 1)) { case 105/*i*/: // void return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 2, 'vo'); case 108/*l*/: // yield return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 2, 'yie'); default: return false; } case 101/*e*/: switch (source.charCodeAt(pos - 1)) { case 115/*s*/: switch (source.charCodeAt(pos - 2)) { case 108/*l*/: // else return readPrecedingKeyword1(pos - 3, 101/*e*/); case 97/*a*/: // case return readPrecedingKeyword1(pos - 3, 99/*c*/); default: return false; } case 116/*t*/: // delete return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 2, 'dele'); default: return false; } case 102/*f*/: if (source.charCodeAt(pos - 1) !== 111/*o*/ || source.charCodeAt(pos - 2) !== 101/*e*/) return false; switch (source.charCodeAt(pos - 3)) { case 99/*c*/: // instanceof return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 4, 'instan'); case 112/*p*/: // typeof return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 4, 'ty'); default: return false; } case 110/*n*/: // in, return return readPrecedingKeyword1(pos - 1, 105/*i*/) || readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 1, 'retur'); case 111/*o*/: // do return readPrecedingKeyword1(pos - 1, 100/*d*/); case 114/*r*/: // debugger return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 1, 'debugge'); case 116/*t*/: // await return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 1, 'awai'); case 119/*w*/: switch (source.charCodeAt(pos - 1)) { case 101/*e*/: // new return readPrecedingKeyword1(pos - 2, 110/*n*/); case 111/*o*/: // throw return readPrecedingKeyword(pos - 2, 'thr'); default: return false; } } return false; } function isParenKeyword (curPos) { return source.charCodeAt(curPos) === 101/*e*/ && source.startsWith('whil', curPos - 4) || source.charCodeAt(curPos) === 114/*r*/ && source.startsWith('fo', curPos - 2) || source.charCodeAt(curPos - 1) === 105/*i*/ && source.charCodeAt(curPos) === 102/*f*/; } function isPunctuator (ch) { // 23 possible punctuator endings: !%&()*+,-./:;<=>?[]^{}|~ return ch === 33/*!*/ || ch === 37/*%*/ || ch === 38/*&*/ || ch > 39 && ch < 48 || ch > 57 && ch < 64 || ch === 91/*[*/ || ch === 93/*]*/ || ch === 94/*^*/ || ch > 122 && ch < 127; } function isExpressionPunctuator (ch) { // 20 possible expression endings: !%&(*+,-.:;<=>?[^{|~ return ch === 33/*!*/ || ch === 37/*%*/ || ch === 38/*&*/ || ch > 39 && ch < 47 && ch !== 41 || ch > 57 && ch < 64 || ch === 91/*[*/ || ch === 94/*^*/ || ch > 122 && ch < 127 && ch !== 125/*}*/; } function isExpressionTerminator (curPos) { // detects: // => ; ) finally catch else // as all of these followed by a { will indicate a statement brace switch (source.charCodeAt(curPos)) { case 62/*>*/: return source.charCodeAt(curPos - 1) === 61/*=*/; case 59/*;*/: case 41/*)*/: return true; case 104/*h*/: return source.startsWith('catc', curPos - 4); case 121/*y*/: return source.startsWith('finall', curPos - 6); case 101/*e*/: return source.startsWith('els', curPos - 3); } return false; } function syntaxError () { throw Object.assign(new Error(`Parse error ${name}:${source.slice(0, pos).split('\n').length}:${pos - source.lastIndexOf('\n', pos - 1)}`), { idx: pos }); }