# jstransformer-markdown-it [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) support for [JSTransformers](http://github.com/jstransformers). [](https://travis-ci.org/jstransformers/jstransformer-markdown-it) [](https://codecov.io/gh/jstransformers/jstransformer-markdown-it) [](http://david-dm.org/jstransformers/jstransformer-markdown-it) [](https://www.npmjs.org/package/jstransformer-markdown-it) ## Installation npm install jstransformer-markdown-it ## API ```js var md = require('jstransformer')(require('jstransformer-markdown-it')); md.render('# Hello World!').body; //=> '
`): ```js var md = require('markdown-it')(); md.renderInline(src); ``` In jstransformer-markdown-it, this can be achieved through the `inline` option: ```js var md = require('jstransformer')(require('jstransformer-markdown-it')); md.render('**strong**').body; //=> '
\n' md.render('**strong**', { inline: true }).body; //=> 'strong' ``` ### Plugins Plugins in markdown-it are applied with the `.use` function: ```js var md = require('markdown-it')(); md.use(require('plugin1')); md.use(plugin2); md.use(plugin3, opts, ...); md.use(require('plugin4'), opts, ...); ``` jstransformer-markdown-it allows doing the same through the `plugins` option: ```js var md = require('jstransformer')(require('jstransformer-markdown-it')); md.render(markdown, { plugins: [ 'plugin1', plugin2, [plugin3, opts, ...], ['plugin4', opts, ...] ] }).body; ``` If an element of the `plugins` array is a string, it is `require`d. If an element is an array, the first element will represent the plugin, while the rest are treated as options to that plugin. ### Rules markdown-it allows enabling and disabling specific rules through `md.disable` and `.enable` functions: ```js var md = require('markdown-it')(); md.disable([ 'link', 'image' ]); md.disable('backticks'); md.disable('might-not-exist', true); md.enable('might-not-exist2', true); ``` In jstransformer-markdown-it, the same thing can be done with the `enable` and `disable` options, with slightly modified syntax: ```js var md = require('jstransformer')(require('jstransformer-markdown-it')) md.render(markdown, { disable: [ 'link', 'image', 'backticks', ['might-not-exist', true] ], enable: [ ['might-not-exist2', true] ] }).body; ``` ## License MIT