# grunt-angular-templates
> Speed up your AngularJS app by automatically minifying, combining,
> and automatically caching your HTML templates with `$templateCache`.
Here's an example of the output created by this task from multiple `.html` files:
angular.module('app').run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
// contents for home.html ...
// contents for button.html
Then, when you use `ng-include` or `templateUrl` with `$routeProvider`,
the template is already loaded without an extra AJAX request!
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Options](#options)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
*This plugin requires [Grunt][1] `~0.4.0`*
*Usemin integration requires [grunt-usemin][5] `~2.0.0`*
Install the plugin:
$ npm install grunt-angular-templates --save-dev
Enable the plugin within your `Gruntfile`:
## Options
### angular
> Global namespace for Angular.
If you use `angular.noConflict()`, then set this value to whatever you
re-assign angular to. Otherwise, it defaults to `angular`.
### bootstrap
> Callback to modify the bootstraper that registers the templates with `$templateCache`.
By default, the bootstrap script wraps `function($templateCache) { ... }` with:
angular.module('app').run(['$templateCache', ... ]);
If you want to create your own wrapper so you register the templates as an
AMD or CommonJS module, set the `bootstrap` option to something like:
bootstrap: function(module, script) {
return 'module.exports[module] = ' + script + ';';
### concat
> Name of `concat` target to append the compiled template path to.
This is especially handy if you combine your scripts using
[grunt-contrib-concat][4] or [grunt-usemin][5].
### htmlmin
> Object containing [htmlmin options][2] that will *significantly* reduce
the filesize of the compiled templates.
Without this, the HTML (whitespace and all) will be faithfully compiled
down into the final `.js` file. Minifying that file will only cut down
on the *Javascript* code, not the *HTML* within the strings.
I recommend using the following settings for production:
htmlmin: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeComments: true, // Only if you don't use comment directives!
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true
If you are using SVG, please make sure you set ```keepClosingSlash:true```
### module
> `String` of the `angular.module` to register templates with.
If not specified, it will automatically be the name of the `ngtemplates`
subtask (e.g. `app`, based on the examples below).
### prefix
> `String` to prefix template URLs with.
Defaults to `''`
If you need to use absolute urls:
ngtemplates: {
app: {
options: {
prefix: '/'
If you serve static assets from another directory, you specify that as well.
### source
> Callback to modify the template's source code.
If you would like to prepend a comment, strip whitespace, or do
post-processing on the HTML that `ngtemplates` doesn't otherwise do,
use this function.
### append
> Boolean to indicate the templates should be appended to dest instead of replacing it.
Normally grunt-angular-templates creates a new file at `dest`.
This option makes it append the compiled templates to the `dest` file rather than replace its contents.
This is just a useful alternative to creating a temporary `dest` file and concatting it to your application.
### standalone
> Boolean indicated if the templates are part of an existing module or a standalone.
Defaults to `false`.
- If the value is `false`, the module will look like `angular.module('app')`, meaning `app` module is retrieved.
- If the value is `true`, the module will look like `angular.module('app', [])`, meaning `app` module is created.
### url
> Callback to modify the template's `$templateCache` URL.
Normally, this isn't needed as specifying your files with `cwd`
ensures that URLs load via both AJAX and `$templateCache`.
### usemin
> Path to `` usemin target
This should be the output path of the compiled JS indicated in your HTML,
such as `path/to/output.js` shown here.
## Usage
### Compiling HTML Templates
After configuring your `ngtemplates` task, you can either run the
task directly:
$ grunt ngtemplates
Or, bake it into an existing task:
grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'jshint', 'ngtemplates', 'concat' ]);
### Including Compiled Templates
Finally, you have to load the compiled templates' `.js` file into your
#### Using HTML
#### Using Grunt's `concat` task:
This is my personal preference, since you don't have to worry about
what the destination file is actually called.
concat: {
app: {
src: [ '**.js', '<%= ngtemplates.app.dest %>' ],
dest: [ 'app.js' ]
#### Using [grunt-usemin][5]
Using the following HTML as an example:
**Do not use the `concat` option**, even though grunt-usemin generates a `concat.generated`
object behind the scenes. Instead, use the `usemin` option to indicate the anticipated
output filepath from grunt-usemin.
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'template.js',
options: {
usemin: 'dist/vendors.js' // <~~ This came from the block
**Note**: Earlier versions of grunt-usemin (*correctly, in my opinion*) would have generated
a `concat['dist/vendors.js']` object for each build section in the HTML. Now,
because there's a single `concat.generated` object with **all** JS/CSS files within it,
I'm back-tracking the proper `concat` target for you.
## Examples
### Register HTML Templates in `app` Module
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'templates.js'
### Register Relative Template URLs
Normally, your app, templates, & server are in separate folders, which means
that the template URL is **different** from the file path.
ngtemplates: {
app: {
cwd: 'src/app',
src: 'templates/**.html',
dest: 'build/app.templates.js'
This will store the template URL as `templates/home.html` instead of
`src/app/templates/home.html`, which would cause a 404.
### Minify Template HTML
Simply pass the [same options][2] as the `htmlmin` task:
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'templates.js',
options: {
htmlmin: { collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true }
Or, if you already have an existing `htmlmin` task, you can reference it:
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'templates.js',
options: {
htmlmin: '<%= htmlmin.app %>'
### Customize Template URL
Suppose you only use `ngtemplates` when on production, but locally you serve
templates via Node, sans the `.html` extension.
You can specify a `url` callback to further customize the registered URL:
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'templates.js',
options: {
url: function(url) { return url.replace('.html', ''); }
### Customize Output
Some people like [AMD & RequireJS][3] and would like wrap the output
in AMD or something else (don't ask me why!):
ngtemplates: {
app: {
src: '**.html',
dest: 'templates.js',
options: {
bootstrap: function(module, script) {
return 'define(' + module + ', [], function() { return { init: ' + script + ' }; });';
You will be able to custom everything surrounding `$templateCache.put(...)`.
## Changelog
- v0.5.9 - Fixes over-matching on `cwd` when `expand:true`
- v0.5.8 - Fixes `cwd` being part of the $templateCache string when `expand:true` ([#134](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/134)), Added verbose logging for minify ([#136](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/136))
- v0.5.7 – Improve error messages ([#100](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/100))
- v0.5.6 – Updated `html-minifier` to correct whitespace issues. ([96](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/96))
- v0.5.5 – Add `append` option to concat, not overwrite the `dest`. ([#89](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/89))
- v0.5.4 – Specifying an invalid `usemin` option still creates file ([#84](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/84))
- v0.5.3 – Fix bug with Underscore templates ([#79](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/79))
- v0.5.2 – Fix `usemin` matching issue on Windows ([#80](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/80))
- v0.5.1 – Add `usemin` option form v0.4.10
- v0.5.0 – Works with `grunt-usemin` ([#44](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/44))
- v0.4.10 – Add `usemin` option
- v0.4.9 – Improve `prefix` and support for URLs ([#57](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/57))
- v0.4.8 – Compiled assets are JSHint-able ([#58](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/58))
- v0.4.7 – Fix bug for when htmlmin is not an Object ([#56](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/56))
- v0.4.6 – Add `prefix` option for easier URL prefixes ([#53](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/53))
- v0.4.5 – Attempt to better normalize templates based on current OS ([#52](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/52))
- v0.4.4 – Fixed regression caused by `htmlmin` ([#54](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/54))
- v0.4.3 - `options.concat` targets on Windows convert `/` to `\\`. [#48](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/48)
- v0.4.2 - Fix for using `grunt-env` to change environments. Thanks to @FredrikAppelros ([#20](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-express-server/pull/20))
- v0.4.1 – Fix bug with empty files.
- v0.4.0 – Complete rewrite.
- v0.3.12 – Whoops, forgot to make `htmlmin` a regular dependency. Thanks @rubenv ([#37](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/37))
- v0.3.11 – Add `htmlmin` option that supports both an `{ ... }` and `<%= htmlmin.options %>` for existing tasks.
- v0.3.10 – Fix *unknown concat target* bug on windows, thanks to @trask ([#31](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/31))
- v0.3.9 – Allow the creation of a new module via `module.define`, thanks to @sidwood ([#28](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/28))
- v0.3.8 – Fix error that occurs when adding 0-length files, thanks to @robertklep ([#27](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/27))
- v0.3.7 – Add `noConflict` option to work with [angular.noConflict](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/1535), thanks to @mbrevoort ([#26](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/26))
- v0.3.6 – Fix issue with dading to `concat` task when it's an array, thanks to @codefather ([#23](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/23))
- v0.3.5 – Preserver line endings in templates, thanks to @groner ([#21](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/21))
- v0.3.4 – Attempt to fix a bug with `Path`, thanks to @cgross ([#19](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/19))
- v0.3.3 – Add `concat` option for automatically adding compiled template file to existing `concat` (or `usemin`-created) task, thanks to @cgross ([#17](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/17))
- v0.3.2 – Add `module` option for setting which module the templates will be added to, thanks to @sidwood ([#20](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/20))
- v0.3.1 – Add `prepend` option for modifying final `$templateCache` IDs, thanks to @mbarchein. ([#16](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/16))
- v0.3.0 – **BC break** - Templates are added to an existing module (e.g. `myapp`) rather than being their own `myapp.templates` module to be manually included, thanks to @geddesign. ([#10](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/10))
- v0.2.2 – Escape backslashes, thanks to @dallonf. ([#9](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/pull/9))
- v0.2.1 – Remove `./bin/grunt-angular-templates`. No need for it!
- v0.2.0 – Update to Grunt 0.4, thanks to @jgrund. ([#5](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/5))
- v0.1.3 – Convert `\\` to `/` in template IDs (for on win32 systems) ([#3](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/3))
- v0.1.2 – Added NPM keywords
- v0.1.1 – [Fails to combine multiple templates](https://github.com/ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates/issues/1). Added directions to README on how to integrate with AngularJS app. Integrated with TravisCI
- v0.1.0 – Released to [NPM](https://npmjs.org/package/grunt-angular-templates)
## License
Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Clemmons
Licensed under the MIT license.
[1]: http://gruntjs.com/
[2]: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-htmlmin
[3]: http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html
[4]: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-concat
[5]: https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin
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