/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as Parser from '../parser/jsonParser'; import * as Json from 'jsonc-parser'; import { stringifyObject } from '../utils/json'; import { endsWith, extendedRegExp } from '../utils/strings'; import { isDefined } from '../utils/objects'; import { CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, Range, TextEdit, InsertTextFormat, MarkupKind } from '../jsonLanguageTypes'; import * as nls from 'vscode-nls'; var localize = nls.loadMessageBundle(); var valueCommitCharacters = [',', '}', ']']; var propertyCommitCharacters = [':']; var JSONCompletion = /** @class */ (function () { function JSONCompletion(schemaService, contributions, promiseConstructor, clientCapabilities) { if (contributions === void 0) { contributions = []; } if (promiseConstructor === void 0) { promiseConstructor = Promise; } if (clientCapabilities === void 0) { clientCapabilities = {}; } this.schemaService = schemaService; this.contributions = contributions; this.promiseConstructor = promiseConstructor; this.clientCapabilities = clientCapabilities; } JSONCompletion.prototype.doResolve = function (item) { for (var i = this.contributions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var resolveCompletion = this.contributions[i].resolveCompletion; if (resolveCompletion) { var resolver = resolveCompletion(item); if (resolver) { return resolver; } } } return this.promiseConstructor.resolve(item); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.doComplete = function (document, position, doc) { var _this = this; var result = { items: [], isIncomplete: false }; var text = document.getText(); var offset = document.offsetAt(position); var node = doc.getNodeFromOffset(offset, true); if (this.isInComment(document, node ? node.offset : 0, offset)) { return Promise.resolve(result); } if (node && (offset === node.offset + node.length) && offset > 0) { var ch = text[offset - 1]; if (node.type === 'object' && ch === '}' || node.type === 'array' && ch === ']') { // after ] or } node = node.parent; } } var currentWord = this.getCurrentWord(document, offset); var overwriteRange; if (node && (node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null')) { overwriteRange = Range.create(document.positionAt(node.offset), document.positionAt(node.offset + node.length)); } else { var overwriteStart = offset - currentWord.length; if (overwriteStart > 0 && text[overwriteStart - 1] === '"') { overwriteStart--; } overwriteRange = Range.create(document.positionAt(overwriteStart), position); } var supportsCommitCharacters = false; //this.doesSupportsCommitCharacters(); disabled for now, waiting for new API: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/42544 var proposed = {}; var collector = { add: function (suggestion) { var label = suggestion.label; var existing = proposed[label]; if (!existing) { label = label.replace(/[\n]/g, '↵'); if (label.length > 60) { var shortendedLabel = label.substr(0, 57).trim() + '...'; if (!proposed[shortendedLabel]) { label = shortendedLabel; } } if (overwriteRange && suggestion.insertText !== undefined) { suggestion.textEdit = TextEdit.replace(overwriteRange, suggestion.insertText); } if (supportsCommitCharacters) { suggestion.commitCharacters = suggestion.kind === CompletionItemKind.Property ? propertyCommitCharacters : valueCommitCharacters; } suggestion.label = label; proposed[label] = suggestion; result.items.push(suggestion); } else { if (!existing.documentation) { existing.documentation = suggestion.documentation; } if (!existing.detail) { existing.detail = suggestion.detail; } } }, setAsIncomplete: function () { result.isIncomplete = true; }, error: function (message) { console.error(message); }, log: function (message) { console.log(message); }, getNumberOfProposals: function () { return result.items.length; } }; return this.schemaService.getSchemaForResource(document.uri, doc).then(function (schema) { var collectionPromises = []; var addValue = true; var currentKey = ''; var currentProperty = undefined; if (node) { if (node.type === 'string') { var parent = node.parent; if (parent && parent.type === 'property' && parent.keyNode === node) { addValue = !parent.valueNode; currentProperty = parent; currentKey = text.substr(node.offset + 1, node.length - 2); if (parent) { node = parent.parent; } } } } // proposals for properties if (node && node.type === 'object') { // don't suggest keys when the cursor is just before the opening curly brace if (node.offset === offset) { return result; } // don't suggest properties that are already present var properties = node.properties; properties.forEach(function (p) { if (!currentProperty || currentProperty !== p) { proposed[p.keyNode.value] = CompletionItem.create('__'); } }); var separatorAfter_1 = ''; if (addValue) { separatorAfter_1 = _this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(document, document.offsetAt(overwriteRange.end)); } if (schema) { // property proposals with schema _this.getPropertyCompletions(schema, doc, node, addValue, separatorAfter_1, collector); } else { // property proposals without schema _this.getSchemaLessPropertyCompletions(doc, node, currentKey, collector); } var location_1 = Parser.getNodePath(node); _this.contributions.forEach(function (contribution) { var collectPromise = contribution.collectPropertyCompletions(document.uri, location_1, currentWord, addValue, separatorAfter_1 === '', collector); if (collectPromise) { collectionPromises.push(collectPromise); } }); if ((!schema && currentWord.length > 0 && text.charAt(offset - currentWord.length - 1) !== '"')) { collector.add({ kind: CompletionItemKind.Property, label: _this.getLabelForValue(currentWord), insertText: _this.getInsertTextForProperty(currentWord, undefined, false, separatorAfter_1), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '', }); collector.setAsIncomplete(); } } // proposals for values var types = {}; if (schema) { // value proposals with schema _this.getValueCompletions(schema, doc, node, offset, document, collector, types); } else { // value proposals without schema _this.getSchemaLessValueCompletions(doc, node, offset, document, collector); } if (_this.contributions.length > 0) { _this.getContributedValueCompletions(doc, node, offset, document, collector, collectionPromises); } return _this.promiseConstructor.all(collectionPromises).then(function () { if (collector.getNumberOfProposals() === 0) { var offsetForSeparator = offset; if (node && (node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null')) { offsetForSeparator = node.offset + node.length; } var separatorAfter = _this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(document, offsetForSeparator); _this.addFillerValueCompletions(types, separatorAfter, collector); } return result; }); }); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getPropertyCompletions = function (schema, doc, node, addValue, separatorAfter, collector) { var _this = this; var matchingSchemas = doc.getMatchingSchemas(schema.schema, node.offset); matchingSchemas.forEach(function (s) { if (s.node === node && !s.inverted) { var schemaProperties_1 = s.schema.properties; if (schemaProperties_1) { Object.keys(schemaProperties_1).forEach(function (key) { var propertySchema = schemaProperties_1[key]; if (typeof propertySchema === 'object' && !propertySchema.deprecationMessage && !propertySchema.doNotSuggest) { var proposal = { kind: CompletionItemKind.Property, label: key, insertText: _this.getInsertTextForProperty(key, propertySchema, addValue, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, filterText: _this.getFilterTextForValue(key), documentation: _this.fromMarkup(propertySchema.markdownDescription) || propertySchema.description || '', }; if (propertySchema.suggestSortText !== undefined) { proposal.sortText = propertySchema.suggestSortText; } if (proposal.insertText && endsWith(proposal.insertText, "$1" + separatorAfter)) { proposal.command = { title: 'Suggest', command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest' }; } collector.add(proposal); } }); } var schemaPropertyNames_1 = s.schema.propertyNames; if (typeof schemaPropertyNames_1 === 'object' && !schemaPropertyNames_1.deprecationMessage && !schemaPropertyNames_1.doNotSuggest) { var propertyNameCompletionItem = function (name, enumDescription) { if (enumDescription === void 0) { enumDescription = undefined; } var proposal = { kind: CompletionItemKind.Property, label: name, insertText: _this.getInsertTextForProperty(name, undefined, addValue, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, filterText: _this.getFilterTextForValue(name), documentation: enumDescription || _this.fromMarkup(schemaPropertyNames_1.markdownDescription) || schemaPropertyNames_1.description || '', }; if (schemaPropertyNames_1.suggestSortText !== undefined) { proposal.sortText = schemaPropertyNames_1.suggestSortText; } if (proposal.insertText && endsWith(proposal.insertText, "$1" + separatorAfter)) { proposal.command = { title: 'Suggest', command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest' }; } collector.add(proposal); }; if (schemaPropertyNames_1.enum) { for (var i = 0; i < schemaPropertyNames_1.enum.length; i++) { var enumDescription = undefined; if (schemaPropertyNames_1.markdownEnumDescriptions && i < schemaPropertyNames_1.markdownEnumDescriptions.length) { enumDescription = _this.fromMarkup(schemaPropertyNames_1.markdownEnumDescriptions[i]); } else if (schemaPropertyNames_1.enumDescriptions && i < schemaPropertyNames_1.enumDescriptions.length) { enumDescription = schemaPropertyNames_1.enumDescriptions[i]; } propertyNameCompletionItem(schemaPropertyNames_1.enum[i], enumDescription); } } if (schemaPropertyNames_1.const) { propertyNameCompletionItem(schemaPropertyNames_1.const); } } } }); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getSchemaLessPropertyCompletions = function (doc, node, currentKey, collector) { var _this = this; var collectCompletionsForSimilarObject = function (obj) { obj.properties.forEach(function (p) { var key = p.keyNode.value; collector.add({ kind: CompletionItemKind.Property, label: key, insertText: _this.getInsertTextForValue(key, ''), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, filterText: _this.getFilterTextForValue(key), documentation: '' }); }); }; if (node.parent) { if (node.parent.type === 'property') { // if the object is a property value, check the tree for other objects that hang under a property of the same name var parentKey_1 = node.parent.keyNode.value; doc.visit(function (n) { if (n.type === 'property' && n !== node.parent && n.keyNode.value === parentKey_1 && n.valueNode && n.valueNode.type === 'object') { collectCompletionsForSimilarObject(n.valueNode); } return true; }); } else if (node.parent.type === 'array') { // if the object is in an array, use all other array elements as similar objects node.parent.items.forEach(function (n) { if (n.type === 'object' && n !== node) { collectCompletionsForSimilarObject(n); } }); } } else if (node.type === 'object') { collector.add({ kind: CompletionItemKind.Property, label: '$schema', insertText: this.getInsertTextForProperty('$schema', undefined, true, ''), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '', filterText: this.getFilterTextForValue("$schema") }); } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getSchemaLessValueCompletions = function (doc, node, offset, document, collector) { var _this = this; var offsetForSeparator = offset; if (node && (node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null')) { offsetForSeparator = node.offset + node.length; node = node.parent; } if (!node) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('object'), label: 'Empty object', insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue({}, ''), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('array'), label: 'Empty array', insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue([], ''), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); return; } var separatorAfter = this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(document, offsetForSeparator); var collectSuggestionsForValues = function (value) { if (value.parent && !Parser.contains(value.parent, offset, true)) { collector.add({ kind: _this.getSuggestionKind(value.type), label: _this.getLabelTextForMatchingNode(value, document), insertText: _this.getInsertTextForMatchingNode(value, document, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); } if (value.type === 'boolean') { _this.addBooleanValueCompletion(!value.value, separatorAfter, collector); } }; if (node.type === 'property') { if (offset > (node.colonOffset || 0)) { var valueNode = node.valueNode; if (valueNode && (offset > (valueNode.offset + valueNode.length) || valueNode.type === 'object' || valueNode.type === 'array')) { return; } // suggest values at the same key var parentKey_2 = node.keyNode.value; doc.visit(function (n) { if (n.type === 'property' && n.keyNode.value === parentKey_2 && n.valueNode) { collectSuggestionsForValues(n.valueNode); } return true; }); if (parentKey_2 === '$schema' && node.parent && !node.parent.parent) { this.addDollarSchemaCompletions(separatorAfter, collector); } } } if (node.type === 'array') { if (node.parent && node.parent.type === 'property') { // suggest items of an array at the same key var parentKey_3 = node.parent.keyNode.value; doc.visit(function (n) { if (n.type === 'property' && n.keyNode.value === parentKey_3 && n.valueNode && n.valueNode.type === 'array') { n.valueNode.items.forEach(collectSuggestionsForValues); } return true; }); } else { // suggest items in the same array node.items.forEach(collectSuggestionsForValues); } } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getValueCompletions = function (schema, doc, node, offset, document, collector, types) { var offsetForSeparator = offset; var parentKey = undefined; var valueNode = undefined; if (node && (node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null')) { offsetForSeparator = node.offset + node.length; valueNode = node; node = node.parent; } if (!node) { this.addSchemaValueCompletions(schema.schema, '', collector, types); return; } if ((node.type === 'property') && offset > (node.colonOffset || 0)) { var valueNode_1 = node.valueNode; if (valueNode_1 && offset > (valueNode_1.offset + valueNode_1.length)) { return; // we are past the value node } parentKey = node.keyNode.value; node = node.parent; } if (node && (parentKey !== undefined || node.type === 'array')) { var separatorAfter = this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(document, offsetForSeparator); var matchingSchemas = doc.getMatchingSchemas(schema.schema, node.offset, valueNode); for (var _i = 0, matchingSchemas_1 = matchingSchemas; _i < matchingSchemas_1.length; _i++) { var s = matchingSchemas_1[_i]; if (s.node === node && !s.inverted && s.schema) { if (node.type === 'array' && s.schema.items) { if (Array.isArray(s.schema.items)) { var index = this.findItemAtOffset(node, document, offset); if (index < s.schema.items.length) { this.addSchemaValueCompletions(s.schema.items[index], separatorAfter, collector, types); } } else { this.addSchemaValueCompletions(s.schema.items, separatorAfter, collector, types); } } if (parentKey !== undefined) { var propertyMatched = false; if (s.schema.properties) { var propertySchema = s.schema.properties[parentKey]; if (propertySchema) { propertyMatched = true; this.addSchemaValueCompletions(propertySchema, separatorAfter, collector, types); } } if (s.schema.patternProperties && !propertyMatched) { for (var _a = 0, _b = Object.keys(s.schema.patternProperties); _a < _b.length; _a++) { var pattern = _b[_a]; var regex = extendedRegExp(pattern); if (regex.test(parentKey)) { propertyMatched = true; var propertySchema = s.schema.patternProperties[pattern]; this.addSchemaValueCompletions(propertySchema, separatorAfter, collector, types); } } } if (s.schema.additionalProperties && !propertyMatched) { var propertySchema = s.schema.additionalProperties; this.addSchemaValueCompletions(propertySchema, separatorAfter, collector, types); } } } } if (parentKey === '$schema' && !node.parent) { this.addDollarSchemaCompletions(separatorAfter, collector); } if (types['boolean']) { this.addBooleanValueCompletion(true, separatorAfter, collector); this.addBooleanValueCompletion(false, separatorAfter, collector); } if (types['null']) { this.addNullValueCompletion(separatorAfter, collector); } } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getContributedValueCompletions = function (doc, node, offset, document, collector, collectionPromises) { if (!node) { this.contributions.forEach(function (contribution) { var collectPromise = contribution.collectDefaultCompletions(document.uri, collector); if (collectPromise) { collectionPromises.push(collectPromise); } }); } else { if (node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null') { node = node.parent; } if (node && (node.type === 'property') && offset > (node.colonOffset || 0)) { var parentKey_4 = node.keyNode.value; var valueNode = node.valueNode; if ((!valueNode || offset <= (valueNode.offset + valueNode.length)) && node.parent) { var location_2 = Parser.getNodePath(node.parent); this.contributions.forEach(function (contribution) { var collectPromise = contribution.collectValueCompletions(document.uri, location_2, parentKey_4, collector); if (collectPromise) { collectionPromises.push(collectPromise); } }); } } } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addSchemaValueCompletions = function (schema, separatorAfter, collector, types) { var _this = this; if (typeof schema === 'object') { this.addEnumValueCompletions(schema, separatorAfter, collector); this.addDefaultValueCompletions(schema, separatorAfter, collector); this.collectTypes(schema, types); if (Array.isArray(schema.allOf)) { schema.allOf.forEach(function (s) { return _this.addSchemaValueCompletions(s, separatorAfter, collector, types); }); } if (Array.isArray(schema.anyOf)) { schema.anyOf.forEach(function (s) { return _this.addSchemaValueCompletions(s, separatorAfter, collector, types); }); } if (Array.isArray(schema.oneOf)) { schema.oneOf.forEach(function (s) { return _this.addSchemaValueCompletions(s, separatorAfter, collector, types); }); } } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addDefaultValueCompletions = function (schema, separatorAfter, collector, arrayDepth) { var _this = this; if (arrayDepth === void 0) { arrayDepth = 0; } var hasProposals = false; if (isDefined(schema.default)) { var type = schema.type; var value = schema.default; for (var i = arrayDepth; i > 0; i--) { value = [value]; type = 'array'; } collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind(type), label: this.getLabelForValue(value), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(value, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, detail: localize('json.suggest.default', 'Default value') }); hasProposals = true; } if (Array.isArray(schema.examples)) { schema.examples.forEach(function (example) { var type = schema.type; var value = example; for (var i = arrayDepth; i > 0; i--) { value = [value]; type = 'array'; } collector.add({ kind: _this.getSuggestionKind(type), label: _this.getLabelForValue(value), insertText: _this.getInsertTextForValue(value, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet }); hasProposals = true; }); } if (Array.isArray(schema.defaultSnippets)) { schema.defaultSnippets.forEach(function (s) { var type = schema.type; var value = s.body; var label = s.label; var insertText; var filterText; if (isDefined(value)) { var type_1 = schema.type; for (var i = arrayDepth; i > 0; i--) { value = [value]; type_1 = 'array'; } insertText = _this.getInsertTextForSnippetValue(value, separatorAfter); filterText = _this.getFilterTextForSnippetValue(value); label = label || _this.getLabelForSnippetValue(value); } else if (typeof s.bodyText === 'string') { var prefix = '', suffix = '', indent = ''; for (var i = arrayDepth; i > 0; i--) { prefix = prefix + indent + '[\n'; suffix = suffix + '\n' + indent + ']'; indent += '\t'; type = 'array'; } insertText = prefix + indent + s.bodyText.split('\n').join('\n' + indent) + suffix + separatorAfter; label = label || insertText, filterText = insertText.replace(/[\n]/g, ''); // remove new lines } else { return; } collector.add({ kind: _this.getSuggestionKind(type), label: label, documentation: _this.fromMarkup(s.markdownDescription) || s.description, insertText: insertText, insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, filterText: filterText }); hasProposals = true; }); } if (!hasProposals && typeof schema.items === 'object' && !Array.isArray(schema.items) && arrayDepth < 5 /* beware of recursion */) { this.addDefaultValueCompletions(schema.items, separatorAfter, collector, arrayDepth + 1); } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addEnumValueCompletions = function (schema, separatorAfter, collector) { if (isDefined(schema.const)) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind(schema.type), label: this.getLabelForValue(schema.const), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(schema.const, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: this.fromMarkup(schema.markdownDescription) || schema.description }); } if (Array.isArray(schema.enum)) { for (var i = 0, length = schema.enum.length; i < length; i++) { var enm = schema.enum[i]; var documentation = this.fromMarkup(schema.markdownDescription) || schema.description; if (schema.markdownEnumDescriptions && i < schema.markdownEnumDescriptions.length && this.doesSupportMarkdown()) { documentation = this.fromMarkup(schema.markdownEnumDescriptions[i]); } else if (schema.enumDescriptions && i < schema.enumDescriptions.length) { documentation = schema.enumDescriptions[i]; } collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind(schema.type), label: this.getLabelForValue(enm), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(enm, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: documentation }); } } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.collectTypes = function (schema, types) { if (Array.isArray(schema.enum) || isDefined(schema.const)) { return; } var type = schema.type; if (Array.isArray(type)) { type.forEach(function (t) { return types[t] = true; }); } else if (type) { types[type] = true; } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addFillerValueCompletions = function (types, separatorAfter, collector) { if (types['object']) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('object'), label: '{}', insertText: this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue({}, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, detail: localize('defaults.object', 'New object'), documentation: '' }); } if (types['array']) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('array'), label: '[]', insertText: this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue([], separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, detail: localize('defaults.array', 'New array'), documentation: '' }); } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addBooleanValueCompletion = function (value, separatorAfter, collector) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('boolean'), label: value ? 'true' : 'false', insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(value, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addNullValueCompletion = function (separatorAfter, collector) { collector.add({ kind: this.getSuggestionKind('null'), label: 'null', insertText: 'null' + separatorAfter, insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.addDollarSchemaCompletions = function (separatorAfter, collector) { var _this = this; var schemaIds = this.schemaService.getRegisteredSchemaIds(function (schema) { return schema === 'http' || schema === 'https'; }); schemaIds.forEach(function (schemaId) { return collector.add({ kind: CompletionItemKind.Module, label: _this.getLabelForValue(schemaId), filterText: _this.getFilterTextForValue(schemaId), insertText: _this.getInsertTextForValue(schemaId, separatorAfter), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, documentation: '' }); }); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getLabelForValue = function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getFilterTextForValue = function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getFilterTextForSnippetValue = function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value).replace(/\$\{\d+:([^}]+)\}|\$\d+/g, '$1'); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getLabelForSnippetValue = function (value) { var label = JSON.stringify(value); return label.replace(/\$\{\d+:([^}]+)\}|\$\d+/g, '$1'); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForPlainText = function (text) { return text.replace(/[\\\$\}]/g, '\\$&'); // escape $, \ and } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForValue = function (value, separatorAfter) { var text = JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t'); if (text === '{}') { return '{$1}' + separatorAfter; } else if (text === '[]') { return '[$1]' + separatorAfter; } return this.getInsertTextForPlainText(text + separatorAfter); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForSnippetValue = function (value, separatorAfter) { var replacer = function (value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { if (value[0] === '^') { return value.substr(1); } } return JSON.stringify(value); }; return stringifyObject(value, '', replacer) + separatorAfter; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForGuessedValue = function (value, separatorAfter) { switch (typeof value) { case 'object': if (value === null) { return '${1:null}' + separatorAfter; } return this.getInsertTextForValue(value, separatorAfter); case 'string': var snippetValue = JSON.stringify(value); snippetValue = snippetValue.substr(1, snippetValue.length - 2); // remove quotes snippetValue = this.getInsertTextForPlainText(snippetValue); // escape \ and } return '"${1:' + snippetValue + '}"' + separatorAfter; case 'number': case 'boolean': return '${1:' + JSON.stringify(value) + '}' + separatorAfter; } return this.getInsertTextForValue(value, separatorAfter); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getSuggestionKind = function (type) { if (Array.isArray(type)) { var array = type; type = array.length > 0 ? array[0] : undefined; } if (!type) { return CompletionItemKind.Value; } switch (type) { case 'string': return CompletionItemKind.Value; case 'object': return CompletionItemKind.Module; case 'property': return CompletionItemKind.Property; default: return CompletionItemKind.Value; } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getLabelTextForMatchingNode = function (node, document) { switch (node.type) { case 'array': return '[]'; case 'object': return '{}'; default: var content = document.getText().substr(node.offset, node.length); return content; } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForMatchingNode = function (node, document, separatorAfter) { switch (node.type) { case 'array': return this.getInsertTextForValue([], separatorAfter); case 'object': return this.getInsertTextForValue({}, separatorAfter); default: var content = document.getText().substr(node.offset, node.length) + separatorAfter; return this.getInsertTextForPlainText(content); } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getInsertTextForProperty = function (key, propertySchema, addValue, separatorAfter) { var propertyText = this.getInsertTextForValue(key, ''); if (!addValue) { return propertyText; } var resultText = propertyText + ': '; var value; var nValueProposals = 0; if (propertySchema) { if (Array.isArray(propertySchema.defaultSnippets)) { if (propertySchema.defaultSnippets.length === 1) { var body = propertySchema.defaultSnippets[0].body; if (isDefined(body)) { value = this.getInsertTextForSnippetValue(body, ''); } } nValueProposals += propertySchema.defaultSnippets.length; } if (propertySchema.enum) { if (!value && propertySchema.enum.length === 1) { value = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(propertySchema.enum[0], ''); } nValueProposals += propertySchema.enum.length; } if (isDefined(propertySchema.default)) { if (!value) { value = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(propertySchema.default, ''); } nValueProposals++; } if (Array.isArray(propertySchema.examples) && propertySchema.examples.length) { if (!value) { value = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(propertySchema.examples[0], ''); } nValueProposals += propertySchema.examples.length; } if (nValueProposals === 0) { var type = Array.isArray(propertySchema.type) ? propertySchema.type[0] : propertySchema.type; if (!type) { if (propertySchema.properties) { type = 'object'; } else if (propertySchema.items) { type = 'array'; } } switch (type) { case 'boolean': value = '$1'; break; case 'string': value = '"$1"'; break; case 'object': value = '{$1}'; break; case 'array': value = '[$1]'; break; case 'number': case 'integer': value = '${1:0}'; break; case 'null': value = '${1:null}'; break; default: return propertyText; } } } if (!value || nValueProposals > 1) { value = '$1'; } return resultText + value + separatorAfter; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.getCurrentWord = function (document, offset) { var i = offset - 1; var text = document.getText(); while (i >= 0 && ' \t\n\r\v":{[,]}'.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) === -1) { i--; } return text.substring(i + 1, offset); }; JSONCompletion.prototype.evaluateSeparatorAfter = function (document, offset) { var scanner = Json.createScanner(document.getText(), true); scanner.setPosition(offset); var token = scanner.scan(); switch (token) { case 5 /* CommaToken */: case 2 /* CloseBraceToken */: case 4 /* CloseBracketToken */: case 17 /* EOF */: return ''; default: return ','; } }; JSONCompletion.prototype.findItemAtOffset = function (node, document, offset) { var scanner = Json.createScanner(document.getText(), true); var children = node.items; for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = children[i]; if (offset > child.offset + child.length) { scanner.setPosition(child.offset + child.length); var token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 5 /* CommaToken */ && offset >= scanner.getTokenOffset() + scanner.getTokenLength()) { return i + 1; } return i; } else if (offset >= child.offset) { return i; } } return 0; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.isInComment = function (document, start, offset) { var scanner = Json.createScanner(document.getText(), false); scanner.setPosition(start); var token = scanner.scan(); while (token !== 17 /* EOF */ && (scanner.getTokenOffset() + scanner.getTokenLength() < offset)) { token = scanner.scan(); } return (token === 12 /* LineCommentTrivia */ || token === 13 /* BlockCommentTrivia */) && scanner.getTokenOffset() <= offset; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.fromMarkup = function (markupString) { if (markupString && this.doesSupportMarkdown()) { return { kind: MarkupKind.Markdown, value: markupString }; } return undefined; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function () { if (!isDefined(this.supportsMarkdown)) { var completion = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.completion; this.supportsMarkdown = completion && completion.completionItem && Array.isArray(completion.completionItem.documentationFormat) && completion.completionItem.documentationFormat.indexOf(MarkupKind.Markdown) !== -1; } return this.supportsMarkdown; }; JSONCompletion.prototype.doesSupportsCommitCharacters = function () { if (!isDefined(this.supportsCommitCharacters)) { var completion = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.completion; this.supportsCommitCharacters = completion && completion.completionItem && !!completion.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport; } return this.supportsCommitCharacters; }; return JSONCompletion; }()); export { JSONCompletion };