# CHANGELOG ### 1.10.0 **2018/09/17** - [#52] Add types field in package.json. - [#46], [#49] Changes for splat when there are no tokens present and no splat present. - [#47], [#53] Expose transpiled code for Browser-only scenarios. ### 1.9.1 **2018/06/26** - [#39] Don't break when there are % placeholders but no values. - [#42] Only set `meta` when non-zero additional `SPLAT` arguments are provided. (Fixes [winstonjs/winston#1358]). ### 1.9.0 **2018/06/12** - [#38] Migrate functionality from winston Logger to splat format. - [#37] Match expectations from `winston@2.x` for padLevels. Create a correct `Cli` format with initial state. (Fixes [#36]). ### 1.8.0 **2018/06/11** - [#35] Use `fast-safe-stringify` for perf and to support circular refs. - [#34] Colorize level symbol. ### 1.7.0 **2018/05/24** - [#28] Use more es6-features across the board. - [#30] Fix combine return value. - [#29] Add metadata function to format namespace. ### 1.6.0 **2018/04/25** - [#25] Implement padLevels format. - [#26] Update `dependencies` and add `node@10` to the travis build of the project. - [#27] Refactor logform to use triple-beam. ### 1.5.0 **2018/04/22** - [#23], (@ChrisAlderson) Add ms format to support '+N ms' format. Fixes #20. - [#24], (@aneilbaboo) Fix `webpack` warnings. - Add `.travis.yml`. ### 1.4.2 **2018/04/19** - [#22], (@Jasu) Fix compilation on Babel 6. ### 1.4.1 **2018/04/06** - [#21], (@dabh) Add tsconfig.json. Fixes #19. ### 1.4.0 **2018/03/23** - [#14] @iamkirkbater Added Initial Metadata Support. - Correct JSDoc for printf.js. Fixes #10. ### 1.3.0 **2018/03/16** - [#18] Expose browser.js for rollup and the like. Fixes [#5]. - [#13] @dabh Use new version of colors. - [#15] @dabh Add Typescript typings (ported from DefinitelyTyped). - [#17], [#16] Fix error messages other typos. ### 1.2.2 **2017/12/05** - [#4], [#11] Fix timestamp and replace `date-fns` with `fecha` (with test cases) [`@ChrisAlderson`]. ### 1.2.1 **2017/10/01** - [#3] Strip `info.splat` in `format.simple` to avoid double inclusion. ### 1.2.0 **2017/09/30** - Transition from `info.raw` to `info[Symbol.for('message')]`. - Finish `README.md` except for full list of all built-in formats. - 100% coverage for everything except for `{ align, cli, padLevels }`. ### 1.1.0 **2017/09/29** - [#2] Add baseline expected formats that were previously exposed as options to `common.log` in `winston@2.x` and below. - [#2] Introduce `format.combine` to remove inconsistency in behavior between `format(fn0)` and `format(fn0, ...moreFns)`. - [#2] `README.md` now covers all of the basics for `logform`. ### 1.0.0 **2017/09/26** - Initial release. [winstonjs/winston#1358]: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/1358