'use strict'; const fancyLog = require('fancy-log'); const PluginError = require('plugin-error'); const supportsColor = require('supports-color'); const File = require('vinyl'); const MemoryFileSystem = require('memory-fs'); const nodePath = require('path'); const through = require('through'); const ProgressPlugin = require('webpack/lib/ProgressPlugin'); const clone = require('lodash.clone'); const defaultStatsOptions = { colors: supportsColor.stdout.hasBasic, hash: false, timings: false, chunks: false, chunkModules: false, modules: false, children: true, version: true, cached: false, cachedAssets: false, reasons: false, source: false, errorDetails: false }; module.exports = function (options, wp, done) { const cache = { options: options, wp: wp }; options = clone(options) || {}; let config = options.config || options; const isInWatchMode = !!options.watch; delete options.watch; if (typeof config === 'string') { config = require(config); } // Webpack 4 doesn't support the `quiet` attribute, however supports // setting `stats` to a string within an array of configurations // (errors-only|minimal|none|normal|verbose) or an object with an absurd // amount of config const isSilent = options.quiet || (typeof options.stats === 'string' && (options.stats.match(/^(errors-only|minimal|none)$/))); if (typeof done !== 'function') { let callingDone = false; done = function (err, stats) { if (err) { // The err is here just to match the API but isnt used return; } stats = stats || {}; if (isSilent || callingDone) { return; } // Debounce output a little for when in watch mode if (isInWatchMode) { callingDone = true; setTimeout(function () { callingDone = false; }, 500); } if (options.verbose) { fancyLog(stats.toString({ colors: supportsColor.stdout.hasBasic })); } else { const statsOptions = (options && options.stats) || {}; if (typeof statsOptions === 'object') { Object.keys(defaultStatsOptions).forEach(function (key) { if (typeof statsOptions[key] === 'undefined') { statsOptions[key] = defaultStatsOptions[key]; } }); } const statusLog = stats.toString(statsOptions); if (statusLog) { fancyLog(statusLog); } } }; } const webpack = wp || require('webpack'); let entry = []; const entries = Object.create(null); const stream = through(function (file) { if (file.isNull()) { return; } if ('named' in file) { if (!Array.isArray(entries[file.named])) { entries[file.named] = []; } entries[file.named].push(file.path); } else { entry = entry || []; entry.push(file.path); } }, function () { const self = this; const handleConfig = function (config) { config.output = config.output || {}; // Determine pipe'd in entry if (Object.keys(entries).length > 0) { entry = entries; if (!config.output.filename) { // Better output default for multiple chunks config.output.filename = '[name].js'; } } else if (entry.length < 2) { entry = entry[0] || entry; } config.entry = config.entry || entry; config.output.path = config.output.path || process.cwd(); entry = []; if (!config.entry || config.entry.length < 1) { fancyLog('webpack-stream - No files given; aborting compilation'); self.emit('end'); return false; } return true; }; let succeeded; if (Array.isArray(config)) { for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) { succeeded = handleConfig(config[i]); if (!succeeded) { return false; } } } else { succeeded = handleConfig(config); if (!succeeded) { return false; } } // Cache compiler for future use const compiler = cache.compiler || webpack(config); cache.compiler = compiler; const callback = function (err, stats) { if (err) { self.emit('error', new PluginError('webpack-stream', err)); return; } const jsonStats = stats ? stats.toJson() || {} : {}; const errors = jsonStats.errors || []; if (errors.length) { const resolveErrorMessage = (err) => { if ( typeof err === 'object' && err !== null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(err, 'message') ) { return err.message; } else if ( typeof err === 'object' && err !== null && 'toString' in err && err.toString() !== '[object Object]' ) { return err.toString(); } else if (Array.isArray(err)) { return err.map(resolveErrorMessage).join('\n'); } else { return err; } }; const errorMessage = errors.map(resolveErrorMessage).join('\n'); const compilationError = new PluginError('webpack-stream', errorMessage); if (!isInWatchMode) { self.emit('error', compilationError); } self.emit('compilation-error', compilationError); } if (!isInWatchMode) { self.queue(null); } done(err, stats); if (isInWatchMode && !isSilent) { fancyLog('webpack is watching for changes'); } }; if (isInWatchMode) { const watchOptions = options.watchOptions || {}; compiler.watch(watchOptions, callback); } else { compiler.run(callback); } const handleCompiler = function (compiler) { if (options.progress) { (new ProgressPlugin(function (percentage, msg) { percentage = Math.floor(percentage * 100); msg = percentage + '% ' + msg; if (percentage < 10) msg = ' ' + msg; fancyLog('webpack', msg); })).apply(compiler); } cache.mfs = cache.mfs || new MemoryFileSystem(); const fs = compiler.outputFileSystem = cache.mfs; const assetEmittedPlugin = compiler.hooks // Webpack 4/5 ? function (callback) { compiler.hooks.assetEmitted.tapAsync('WebpackStream', callback); } // Webpack 2/3 : function (callback) { compiler.plugin('asset-emitted', callback); }; assetEmittedPlugin(function (outname, _, callback) { const file = prepareFile(fs, compiler, outname); self.queue(file); callback(); }); }; if (Array.isArray(options.config)) { compiler.compilers.forEach(function (compiler) { handleCompiler(compiler); }); } else { handleCompiler(compiler); } if (options.watch && !isSilent) { const watchRunPlugin = compiler.hooks // Webpack 4/5 ? callback => compiler.hooks.watchRun.tapAsync('WebpackInfo', callback) // Webpack 2/3 : callback => compiler.plugin('watch-run', callback); watchRunPlugin((compilation, callback) => { fancyLog('webpack compilation starting...'); callback(); }); } }); // If entry point manually specified, trigger that const hasEntry = Array.isArray(config) ? config.some(function (c) { return c.entry; }) : config.entry; if (hasEntry) { stream.end(); } return stream; }; function prepareFile (fs, compiler, outname) { let path = fs.join(compiler.outputPath, outname); if (path.indexOf('?') !== -1) { path = path.split('?')[0]; } const contents = fs.readFileSync(path); const file = new File({ base: compiler.outputPath, path: nodePath.join(compiler.outputPath, outname), contents: contents }); return file; } // Expose webpack if asked Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'webpack', { get: function () { return require('webpack'); } });