# globjoin Join paths and globs. [](https://github.com/amobiz/globjoin/blob/master/LICENSE) [](http://badge.fury.io/js/globjoin) [](https://david-dm.org/amobiz/globjoin) [](https://nodei.co/npm/globjoin.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true) [](https://nodei.co/npm/globjoin/) ## Install ``` bash $ npm install globjoin ``` ## API ### `globjoin(globs...)` Join paths and globs. Like Node's [path.join()](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_join_path1_path2) that join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path, `globjoin` takes arbitrary number of paths and/or arrays of paths, join them together and take care of negative globs. #### Context Don't care. #### Parameters ##### `paths/globs` The paths/globs or arrays of paths/globs to join. #### Returns The result glob, or array of globs if any of paths/globs are array. #### Example ``` javascript var join = require('globjoin'); var globs1 = join(__dirname, ['**/*.js', '!**/test*.js']); var globs2 = join('test', 'fixture', 'app', ['views', '!services'], ['**/*', '!*.{js,json,coffee,ts}']); ``` Check out test for more examples. ## Issues [Issues](https://github.com/amobiz/globjoin/issues) ## Test ``` bash $ npm test ``` ## Changelog [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md) ## License MIT ## Author [Amobiz](https://github.com/amobiz)