//                    if (UCE.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                    //                        _UGE = UCE; switch (i) { case "$or": _UGE = UCE[i]; _UTE.push(true); break; } //or使用  _UGE = _UGE["$or"];
                    //                        _UFE: for (j in _UGE) {
                    //                            _UTF = true;
                    //                            if (_UGE.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
                    //                                for (k in _UGE[j]) {
                    //                                    switch (j) {
                    //                                        case "$e": if (UDE[j] != _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //=
                    //                                        case "$ne": if (UDE[j] == _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //!=
                    //                                        case "$lt": if (UDE[j] >= _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //<
                    //                                        case "$lte": if (UDE[j] > _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //<=
                    //                                        case "$gt": if (UDE[j] <= _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //>
                    //                                        case "$gte": if (UDE[j] < _UGE[j]) { _UTF = false; }; break; //>=
                    //                                        case "$in": for (k = 0; k < _UGE[j]; k++) { if (_UGE[j][k] == UDE[j]) { _UTF = false; break; } } _UTF = !_UTF; break; //in
                    //                                        case "$nin": for (k = 0; k < _UGE[j]; k++) { if (_UGE[j][k] == UDE[j]) { _UTF = false; break; } } break; //not in
                    //                                        case "$all": for (k = 0; k < _UGE[j]; k++) { if (_UGE[j][k] != UDE[j]) { _UTF = false; break; } } break; //匹配所有
                    //                                        case "$exists": break; //存在文档
                    //                                        case "$mod": break; //取模函数
                    //                                        case "$not": break; //不匹配
                    //                                    }
                    //                                    if ((!_UTE[0] && !_UTF) || (_UTE[0] && _UTF)) { break _UFE; }
                    //                                }
                    //                            }
                    //                        }
                    //                        (_UTF) && (USE.push(UDE));
                    //                    }
            //   this.body = _UDE.parentEle ? U.selectEl(_UDE.parentEle).append(_UDTD) : new U.UF.UI.form(_USE).form;

            //            if (!this.obj.head && this.obj.upload) { //启动上传功能

            //                //                $$("div", { "className": "UD_SYFDTZ U_Boom_Img_ys2017 UD_SYSXZBFCAHO", "style": { "width": "28px" }, "title": "添加文件",
�            //               //                    "onclick": [[U.MD.DK.C.FileSwitch, ([US.EMPTYGUID, null, { "getData": U.UF.C.apply(this, [[this.createFile]]), "CB": U.UF.C.apply(this, [[this.createFile]])}])]]
           //                //                }, _UDSD);

            //            }

            //                <div class="UD_SYZCLTSI" title="上传头像">
            //                        <input type="file" name="UD_SYZCLTSI" id="UD_SYZCLTSI" multiple="true" accept="image/gif,image/jpeg,image/png" class="UD_uploadbg" onchange="U.MD.U.P.GLUI(this, [U.MD.U.P.DI, (['headimg', U.MD.U.P.DLKSCTX, U.selectEl(this).Parent()]), 'Userprofile'])">
            //                    </div>

            //  _UDED = $$("input", { type: "file", multiple:"true",accept: "image/gif,image/jpeg,image/png" });
            // _UDED.onchange = U.UF.C.apply(_UDED, [[U.UF.UP.inputUpload, ([_UDED, U.UF.C.apply(this, [[this.createFile]]),null, "http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=UseStudioEditor"]) ]]);

            // U.UF.UP.inputUpload([UDOD], UDE[0], UDE[1], "http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=" + UDE[2]);
            //                _UDKD = $$("div", { "className": "UD_SYFDTZ U_Boom_Img_ys2017 UD_SYSXZBFCAHO", "style": { "position": "relative" }, "title": "本地添加文件",
            //                    "onmousedown": [[U.MD.C.UP.SCXWPOP, (['this', { "width": "25px", "height": "22px", "GS": true, "getData": U.UF.C.apply(this, [[this.createFile]]), "URL": "http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=UseStudioEditor", "ID": Guid.newGuid() }, US.userInfo.UserId, true])]]
           //                }, _UDSD);

//#region 编辑器创建

U.UF.E.RichEditor = function (SO, W, H, ISC, cb) {//
    var _UDRE, _UDS, _UDOS, _UDA, _UDEM, _UDFD, _UDCD, _UDOD = SO[0] || SO, _UDTD = SO[1] || SO, _UOFD = $$("frag"), _UTFD = $$("frag"), _TF = U.UF.CI.isSupportFlash();
    _UDRE = $$("div", { "className": "UF_FW_ok UF_FW_centerwindow " }, _UOFD);
    $$("div", { "unselectable": "on", "className": "UD_PiLt UF_FW_face", "title": "表情" }, _UDRE);
    $$("div", { "unselectable": "on", "className": "UD_PiLt UF_FW_Fbold", "title": "粗体" }, _UDRE);
    $$("div", { "unselectable": "on", "className": "UD_PiLt UF_FW_underline", "title": "下划线" }, _UDRE);
    $$("div", { "unselectable": "on", "className": "UD_PiLt UF_FW_italic", "title": "斜体" }, _UDRE);
    _UDS = $$("select", { "className": "UF_FW_FontSize", "title": "字体大小" }, _UDRE);
    _UDOS = $$("select", { "className": "UF_FW_FontType", "title": "字体" }, _UDRE);
    _UDA = $$("div", { "className": "UE_Edit" }, _UDRE);
    _UDEM = $$("div", { "className": "UD_PiLt UE_EditOut UE_EditEnd", "title": "上传图片", "onclick": _TF ? [[U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [parent.U.MD.C.UP.FUW, [US.EMPTYGUID, US.userInfo.UserId, US.EMPTYGUID, { "GS": "UP", "getData": U.UF.C.apply(this, [[U.UF.E.UPAsynCB, [_UDTD, "QL", null]]], "URL": "http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=UseStudioEditor", "ID": "UDK_FUPB"}])]] : "" }, _UDA);
    if (!_TF) { $$("input", { "className": "UE_filePrew", "type": "file", "id": "UU_E_Input", "name": "usestudiouploadinput", "onchange": [[parent.U.UF.E.usestudioeditoruploadimg, [this, _UDTD, cb, "QL"]]] }, _UDEM); }
    if (ISC) { $$("div", { "unselectable": "on", "className": "UF_FW_right UD_PiLt UF_FW_messagenote", "id": "messagenote" }, _UDRE); }
    _UDFD = $$("div", { "style": { "height": H + "px" }, "className": "UF_FW_DECC" }, _UTFD);
    _UDCD = $$("div", { "spellcheck": "false", "contentEditable": "true", "className": "UF_FW_DEC", "style": { "float": "none", "cssFloat": "none", "styleFloat": "none"} }, _UDFD);
    _UDOD.appendChild(_UOFD); _UDTD.appendChild(_UTFD); //添加到文档里
    U.UF.E.editorWindow(_UDOD, _UDCD); U.UF.E.Setoptions(_UDCD, _UDOS, _UDS); return SO;

//        UPAsynCB: function (UDOD, TF, fun, UDAT, UTE) { //Flash文件上传成功后异步处理
//            if (UDAT) {
//                var _TF = (UDOD.tagName), _UDID = U.UF.E.AddUPWJ(UTE), _UDPD = UDOD; (_TF) && (UDOD = U.selectEl("div@contentEditable=true", UDOD)[0]); (UDOD == null) && (UDOD = _UDPD)
//                if (UTE["type"] == "rar" || UTE["type"] == "zip") { U.UF.E.CreateImage(window, "&nbsp;" + _UDID.outerHTML + "&nbsp;", UDOD, TF); }
//                else {
//                    var _UIID = _UDID.id; (_TF) ? U.UF.E.CreateImage(window, ("&nbsp;" + _UDID.outerHTML + "&nbsp;"), UDOD, TF) : UDOD.Replace(("&nbsp;" + _UDID.outerHTML + "&nbsp;")); (UDOD.Parent) && (UDOD = UDOD.Parent()); _UDID = U.selectEl("img#" + _UIID, UDOD)[0];
//                    U.UF.E.AddUPWJ({ "URL": UDAT[0], "name": UTE["name"], "size": UTE["size"], "type": "." + UTE["type"] }, _UDID); (fun) && (fun(_UDID));
//                }
//            }
//        },

U.UF.E.editorWindow = function (UDRE, UDFD) {
    var _UDPD = U.selectEl("div", UDRE)[0], _UDOD = U.selectEl("div", _UDPD); ; //功能处理的元素
    ($("input", _UDPD)[0] || _UDOD[5]).onmousedown = _UDOD[0].onmousedown = U.UF.C.apply(this, [[U.UF.E.GetSelectionRange, [window, UDFD, { "TF": "QL"}])]]; //加入断点消失标记
    _UDOD[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.E.CreateSf("ChattingFaceDiv", null, this, window, UDFD, "QL");}; //添加表情图
    _UDOD[1].onmousedown = U.UF.C.apply(this, [[U.UF.E.FontSizeType, [UDFD, { "fontWeight": ["bold", "normal"]}])]]; //字体加粗
    _UDOD[2].onmousedown = U.UF.C.apply(this, [[U.UF.E.FontSizeType, [UDFD, { "textDecoration": ["underline", "none"]}])]]; //下划线
    _UDOD[3].onmousedown = U.UF.C.apply(this, [[U.UF.E.FontSizeType, [UDFD, { "fontStyle": ["italic", "normal"]}])]]; //斜体

//options onclick全兼容
U.UF.E.SetSO = function (AF) {
    if (AF && AF != event) {
        if (this["on"] == 1) { U.UF.C.apply(this, [AF])(); this["on"] = 0; } //如果是option点击就执行
        else { this["on"]++; }
    else { this["on"] = 0; }

U.UF.E.Setoptions = function (ED, UDOS, UDS) {
    UDS["on"] = UDOS["on"] = UDOS.options.length = UDS.options.length = 0;
    var _FS = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 36, 48, 72], _FT = ["宋体", "黑体", "仿宋_GB2312", "楷体_GB2312", "隶书", "微软雅黑", "幼圆", "Arial", "Verdana"];  //字体的大小 //字体样式
    for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { UDOS.options.length += 1; UDOS.options[i].value = _FT[i]; UDOS.options[i].text = _FT[i]; } //select字体样式选择
    for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { UDS.options.length += 1; UDS.options[j].value = _FS[j] + "px"; UDS.options[j].text = _FS[j]; }  //select字体大小选择
    UDOS.onclick = function(){U.UF.E.SetSO([U.UF.E.SelectO, [ED, "fontFamily", UDOS]]);}; //options onlick模拟事件
    UDS.onclick = function(){U.UF.E.SetSO([U.UF.E.SelectO, [ED, "fontSize", UDS]]);}; //options onlick模拟事件
    UDS.onblur = UDOS.onblur = U.UF.E.SetSO

//select onclick赋值
U.UF.E.SelectO = function (ED, TF, UDE) {
    if (TF == "fontFamily") { U.UF.E.FontSizeType(ED, { "fontFamily": UDE.value }); }
    else { U.UF.E.FontSizeType(ED, { "fontSize": UDE.value }); }



U.UF.E.usestudioeditoruploadimg = function (UEL, UED, cb, TF) {
    if (parent.US.userInfo.UserId) {
        var _UDID, _TF = U.UF.UP.SFT("UP"), _UDED = U.selectEl("div@contentEditable=true", UED.parentNode)[0], _UPEL = UEL.parentNode; //可上传文件类型
        if (parent.U.UF.UP.UploadFileType(UEL, _TF) == false) { U.Alert("只允许上传图片文件和压缩文件"); return; }
        UDID = U.UF.E.AddUPWJ({ "type": "jpg" }); U.UF.E.CreateImage(window, UDID.outerHTML, _UDED, TF); //插入图片 
        U.UF.UP.inputUpload([UEL],"http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=UseStudioEditor", U.UF.E.uploadcallback, [_UDED, U.selectEl("img@TI=" + UDID.id, _UDED)[0]],  true); //上传
        $$("input", { "className": "UE_filePrew", "title": "上传图片", "type": "file", "id": "UU_E_Input", "name": "usestudiouploadinput", "onchange": UEL.onchange, "onmousedown": function(){U.UF.E.GetSelectionRange(window, _UDED, { "TF": TF});} }, _UPEL)
    else { parent.U.Alert("请登录后在上传"); }

U.UF.E.uploadcallback = function (r) {
    var _UTF, _context = r.context, _UDOD = r.UpObj; r = r.value; //返回的值
    if (r != "") { _UTF = U.UF.UP.getFileNameAndExtension(_UDOD); U.UF.E.AddUPWJ({ "URL": r[0], "name": _UTF[0], "size": r[1], "type": "." + _UTF[1] }, _context[1]); }

U.UF.E.init = function (UDOD, SO) {
    var _UE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(SO), _UR, _UL = _UE["BCRL"], _UT = _UE["BCRT"] + _UE["PXT"] - 220 + "px";
    if (_UL + 436 >= US.width) { _UR = true; _UL = 0; } else { _UL = _UL - 190; }
    U.selectEl(UDOD).addAttrArray({ "style": { "left": _UL + "px", "right": _UR ? _UL + "px" : "auto", "top": _UT} }); //定位

U.UF.E.CreateSf = function (ID, DFPE, SO, CW, OS, TF) {
    DFPE = DFPE || U.selectEl("#" + ID)[0];
    if (DFPE == null) {
        DFPE = $$("div", { "id": ID, "unselectable": "on", "className": "defaultFacePanel", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.UF.E.CreateSf(ID, "retElement");}, "style": { "display": "block"} });
        for (var i = 0; i < 105; i++) { $$("div", { "title": "[face](" + i + ")", "unselectable": "on", "onclick": function(){U.UF.E.CreateImage(CW, "<img contentEditable='false' src='http://www.1473.cn/img/ChatingFaceGif/[face](" + i + ").gif' style='width:20px;height:20px;' />&nbsp;", OS, TF);} }, DFPE); } //
        document.onclick = function(){U.UF.E.CreateSf(ID, DFPE]], [document.onclick || function(){}, [);}; document.body.appendChild(DFPE);
    else { if (DFPE.style.display == "block" || arguments.length == 2) { DFPE.style.display = "none"; return; } else { U.selectEl(DFPE).addAttrArray({ "style": { "display": "block"} }); } }
    U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); U.UF.F.topWindow(DFPE); U.UF.E.init(DFPE, SO); U.UF.E.CreateImage(CW, "", OS, TF); return DFPE; //定位表情框




////特效打开窗体,第一个参数为单击的按钮id str类型 第二个参数为弹出的窗体id str类型,ltwh是窗体的坐标和宽度,v是速度,按毫秒计算
////调用示例方法U.UF.ME.OpenWin("UCD_TOP_Lang", "UCD_L", document.body.clientWidth * 0.3 + "px", "130px", "600px", "380px");
////需要此效果的窗体css定义position:absolute; display:none; top:0px; left:0px; width:0px; height:0px;overflow:hidden;
//U.UF.ME.OpenWin = function (b, d, l, t, w, h, v) {
//    var r = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo($("#" + b + "")[0]), o = U.selectEl("#" + d + "");
//    o[0].style.display = "block"; o[0].style.left = r.BCRL + "px"; o[0].style.top = r.BCRT + "px";
//    o.animate({ "left": l, "top": t, "width": w, "height": h }, v);
////特效关闭窗体,第一个参数为单击的按钮id str类型 第二个参数为弹出的窗体id str类型,v是速度,按照毫秒计算,cb是关闭窗体后执行的其他特效函数。
//U.UF.ME.CloseWin = function (b, d, v, cb) {
//    var r = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo($("#" + b + "")[0]);
//    U.selectEl("#" + d + "").animate({ "left": r.BCRL + "px", "top": r.BCRT + "px", "width": "0px", "height": "0px" }, v, U.UF.C.apply(this, "$('#" + d + "').css('display', 'none')"));
//    if (cb) cb;

//U.UF.ME.BShake = function (d, v) {
//    //k判断元素是相对定位还是决定定位,相对定位用marginTop,决定定位用Top。u是计时器,t,l是相对定位,决定定位的值,a b是计算变量
//    var o, t, l, a, b = 0, u, k = 1, s;
//    "string" == typeof (d) ? o = U.selectEl("#" + d + "") : o = U.selectEl(d);
//    //如果元素是相对定位,不是absolute或者relative,采用marginTop属性抖动s = U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0]);不能批量获取
//    if (U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "position") == "absolute" || U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "position") == "relative") { k = 0 }
//    if (k) { t = U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "marginTop"); l = U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "marginLeft"); a = ['marginTop', 'marginLeft'] }
//    else { t = U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "top"); l = U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], "left"); a = ['top', 'left'] }
//    u = setInterval(function () {
//        b++;
//        o[0].style[a[b % 2]] = b % 4 < 2 ? parseInt(U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], a[b % 2])) - 2 + "px" : parseInt(U.UF.EL.getStyle(o[0], a[b % 2])) + 2 + "px";
//        if (b > 15) { clearInterval(u); b = 0; if (k) { o[0].style.marginTop = t; o[0].style.marginLeft = l; } }
//    }, v)

//U.UF.ME.ChangeColor = function (b, n) {
//    var o = U.selectEl("#" + b + "")[0], c = o.style.backgroundColor;
//    o.style.backgroundColor = n;
//    setTimeout(function () { o.style.backgroundColor = c; }, 1000)


//   setTimeout((this.TIM[2] = function(){this.ADQJS("");}), 500); //设置记录值 //if (this.TIM[1]) { if (win.getSelection) { _UCE = this.CW.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); _UDE = this.OAT[_UTP]; _UDE[_UDE.l].R.setEnd(_UCE.startContainer, _UCE.startOffset); } }
//accessToken:表示当前用户在此网站/应用的登录状态与授权信息,建议保存在本地。 有效期3个月
        CreateImage: function (EW, PH, SO, TF) {//编辑器里插入图片
            U.UF.E.SORange["OE"][TF].Replace(PH); //把设置后的文字顶替设置前的文字
                    //            var i, _UTF; USE = USE || []; UDE = arguments.length > 4 ? UDE : this.Value; _UTF = this.IFOBJ(UDE);
            //            if (_UTF === true) {//对象添加处理
            //                if (this.IsTF(UCE, UDE)) { USE.push(UDE); } //确定本身是否为目标
            //                if (UKE === true) { for (i in UDE) { if (USE.length == UT) { break; }; U.Json(UDE[i], this).select(UCE, UKE, UT, USE); } } //全盘搜索
            //                else if (UKE) { if (USE.length != UT && UDE[UKE]) { U.Json(UDE[UKE], this).select(UCE, UKE, UT, USE); }; } //条件搜索
            //            }
            //            else if (_UTF == "Array") { for (i = 0; i < UDE.length; i++) { if (USE.length == UT) { break; } this.select(UCE, UKE, UT, USE, UDE[i]); } } //数组处理数据 
            //            return USE;

                    // else { this.EL.onmousedown = this.CB; this.SetHover(); U.UF.EV.simulateMouseClicks(this.EL, "mousedown"); };
                    //this.EL.onmousedown(); this.EL.onmousedown = this.CB;  U.UF.EV.simulateMouseClicks(this.EL, "mousedown");
                       //释放 (this["SSO"] || _UDOD).onscroll = this.OS;  U.UF.EV.simulateMouseClicks(_UDOD, "click"); 
    //    return (U.MD.D.DestopStr = [{ "ApplicationID": "7aeaab56-485f-4150-b781-8ffd86d593ce", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "网盘", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UseStudioUserDiskDiv", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -304, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "93553847-e299-464c-a0e2-c15872efb6ae", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "相册", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UseStudioUserDiskDiv", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -88, "y": -92} },
    //                    {"ApplicationID": "8a2135ff-746a-43a8-97b8-552d228a00bb", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "音乐", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UseStudioUserDiskDiv", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -16, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "1e0742d8-737e-46e2-b03b-2f23ca8c1f17", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "博客", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UseStudioBlogSystemDiv", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -88, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "8989bc55-6f36-44e8-8b1b-cc18486cf140", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "论坛", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UseStudioStudyControlDiv", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -160, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "0085d7d9-a5aa-4785-b914-05136e3f4bf0", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "应用", "ApplicaitonUrl": "US_Manage_App_Mark", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -160, "y": -92} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "0d0686f0-b3df-429b-a586-db5899118ec5", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "便签", "ApplicaitonUrl": "mouseroverNote", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -92} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "文档编辑", "ApplicaitonUrl": "US_Word", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "工作表", "ApplicaitonUrl": "US_Excel", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "6DB2FD18-B8E0-075A-605F-F3FB928FE7AB", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "购物", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UM_GW", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "5312340d-a802-a8c6-f80a-000000000000", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "积分中心", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UD_DK_IC", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "6DB2FD18-B8E0-075A-605F-000000000000", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "Use聊", "ApplicaitonUrl": "Chat", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} },
    //                    { "ApplicationID": "DA0EEA4E-AD61-4F2A-8DB1-3ADF0A506C86", "UserDirectoryID": "", "ApplicationName": "在线编程", "ApplicaitonUrl": "UD_PG", "ApplicaitonImg": { "x": -232, "y": -20} }
    //                   ]);

                            //    if (_UDE[_UL].C) { _UCE = _UDE[_UL]; } else if (_UDE[_UL + 1] && (_UDE[_UL + 1].C || _UL < _UDE.length - 2)) { _UCE = _UDE[(_UDE.l += 1)]; }
                            //                            _UDE = this.OAT[_UTP]; _UL = _UDE.l; U.UF.EV.stopDefault();
                            //                            if (_UDE[_UL].C) { _UCE = _UDE[_UL]; } else if (_UDE[_UL + 1] && (_UDE[_UL + 1].C || _UL < _UDE.length - 2)) { _UCE = _UDE[(_UDE.l += 1)]; }
                            //                            if (_UCE) {
                            //                                if (!win.getSelection) { //老ie处理
                            //                                    try { _UDE = _UDE[_UL] ? _UDE[_UL].OR.R : this.R; _UL = _UDE.boundingLeft + _UDE.boundingWidth; if (_UCE.P.boundingLeft || _UCE.P.boundingTop) { _UCE.OR.R.moveToPoint(_UCE.P.boundingLeft, _UCE.P.boundingTop); } }
                            //                                    catch (e) { try { if (_UCE.OR.R.boundingTop < _UCE.P.boundingTop) { _UCE.OR.R.moveToPoint(_UL, _UDE.boundingTop); } } catch (e) { } } _UCE.OR.Replace(_UCE.C); _UCE.C = "";
                            //                                }
                            //                            }

//Namespace.register("U.MD.D.T"); //桌面数据源命名空间
//U.MD.D.D.News; //学习系统帖子的全局
//U.MD.D.DestopStr; //桌面图标的json
//U.MD.D.icon_list; //桌面图标

//U.MD.D.D.SF = function (name, term) {
//    switch (name) {
//        case "AddNews":
//            U.MD.D.D.AddNews(term);
//            break;
//        case "GetNews":
//            return U.MD.D.D.GetNews(term);
//            break;
//        case "GetIc":
//            return U.MD.D.D.GetDI(term);
//            break;
//        case "AddTG": //插入新闻

//            break;
//        default: break;
//    }

//U.MD.D.D.AddNews = function (term) {
//    U.MD.D.D.News = term;

//U.MD.D.D.GetNews = function (term) {
//    var _NL = [];
//    if (U.MD.D.D.News) {
//        for (var i = 0; i < U.MD.D.D.News.length; i++) {
//            if (U.MD.D.D.News[i].PublishedDirectoryID == term[0]) {
//                _NL.push(U.MD.D.D.News[i]);
//            }
//        }
//        return _NL;
//    }

//U.MD.D.D.GetDI = function (term) {
//    var _UIC = US.userInfo["icon"] || U.MD.D.DestopStr;
//    for (var i = 0; i < _UIC.length; i++) {
//        if (_UIC[i].ApplicationID == term[0]) { return _UIC[i]; }
//    }

//U.MD.D.D.CII = function (ET) {
//    this.newid = ET[0];
//    this.UserId = ET[1];
//    this.UserName = ET[2];
//    this.UserThumbnailImageHead = ET[3];
//    this.NEWTYPE = ET[4];
//    this.NEWT = ET[5];
//    this.NEWC = ET[6];
//    this.Time = ET[7];
//    this.ET = ET[8];
U.UF.CI.GCInfo = function () {
    U.UF.CI.IEedition(); //获取可无端信息

U.UF.CI.IEedition = function () {
    var _UDE = U.UF.CI.getBrowser(), _UCE = U.UF.CI.getSystem();
    if ((_UDE.browser == "msie" && Number(_UDE.ver) < 7) || _UDE.browser == "firefox") { U.selectEl("#UD_CI_getBrowser")[0].style.display = "block"; } //提示浏览器升级
    else if ("iphone,ipad".indexOf(_UDE.browser) > -1) { U.UF.CI.Ipad(); } //苹果事件
    if (_UCE.indexOf("win") > -1) { U.UF.CI.Win(_UDE, _UCE); } //如果是win系列的升级

U.UF.CI.Win = function (UBE, UCE) {
    if (!browser.lb && UBE.browser == "msie" && UBE.ver != "10.0") {//提示用户安装
        _UHF = US.FILESYSTEMURL + "c181e980-d781-4fef-bb45-a3ccabdd911a.msi"; _UIH = "云端";
        U.UF.CI.WinDIs(_UHF, _UIH); //用户显示提示
        // if (UCE == "win7") { if (UBE.ver == "8.0" || UBE.ver == "7.0") { _UHF = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/C/A/4CA9248C-C09D-43D3-B627-76B0F6EBCD5E/IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe"; _UIH = "IE9"; } }
        // else if (UCE == "winxp") { if (UBE.ver == "6.0" || UBE.ver == "7.0") { _UHF = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/1/16174D37-73C1-4F76-A305-902E9D32BAC9/IE8-WindowsXP-x86-CHS.exe"; _UIH = "IE8" } }

U.UF.CI.WinDIs = function (UHF, UIH) {
    var _UDOD = $$("div", { "id": "UD_CI_BAlert", "className": "UD_CI_BAlert" });
    $$("div", { "className": "UD_CI_Warn" }, _UDOD);
    $$("div", { 'className': 'UD_CI_Text', "innerHTML": "您使用的浏览器版本过低建议您下载" }, _UDOD);
    $$("a", { "className": "UD_CI_DL", "href": UHF, "innerHTML": UIH }, _UDOD); //安装的链接
    $$("a", { "className": "UD_CI_Text_Click", "href": "javascript:void(0);", "onclick": U.UF.C.apply(_UDOD, "retElement.style.display = 'none';"), "innerHTML": "我知道了" }, _UDOD);
    U.selectEl("body").append(_UDOD); setTimeout(function(){U.UF.CI.SetUserD(_UDOD);}, 10000);

U.UF.CI.SetUserD = function (UDOD) {
    U.selectEl(UDOD).addAttrArray({ "style": { "display": "block"} }).animate({ "top": "80px", "left": US.width / 1.7 + "px" }, 400);

U.UF.CI.XZWin = function (UFSN, UDN) {
    U.UF.UP.inputUpload([$$("input", { "type": "text", "value": UDN, "name": "filename" }), $$("input", { "type": "text", "value": UFSN, "name": "filepath" })],"http://main.1473.cn/USUpfile.ashx?typename=apk", null, null   );

U.UF.CI.Ipad = function () {
    document.ontouchmove = U.UF.EV.stopDefault; //阻止浏览器默认变大变小动作

U.UF.C.nextSibling = function (obj) {
    while (obj.nextSibling.nodeType != 1) {
        obj = obj.nextSibling;
    return obj.nextSibling;

            var i, _UDOD = parent.$("#US_ExcelContent").Parent(2), _UDSD = U.selectEl("span", _UDOD)[1], _UGE = U.MD.O.E.SY, _UAE = ["P", "Z", "Y", "ZT", "ZLJ", "ZU", "ZI", "F"];
        for (i = 0; i < _UAE.length; i++) { _UAE[i] = U.selectEl("#U_E_A" + _UAE[i])[0]; }
        if (_UGE["OL"]) { U.OU.Onload("Excel", _UAE.slice(0, 4), _UAE); _UGE["OL"] = false; U.MD.O.E.SetWH(); } //初始化工具
        U.MD.O.E.CNO(); _UDSD.onclick = function(){U.MD.O.E.CSave([parent.U.UF.F.closeWindow, [_UDOD,"remove"]]);}; //生成页面 //设置关闭保存
        document.body.focus(); document.onmousedown = document.onclick = U.MD.O.E.YCCD;  //页面聚焦 //菜单屏蔽

            //            var _UDAD, TF = false, _AIMG = this.AIMG.length != null ? this.AIMG[this.I] : this.AIMG;
            //            for (var i = 0; i < U.UF.IMG.IE.ET.length; i++) { if (U.UF.IMG.IE.ET[i]["AIMG"].indexOf(_AIMG["Thm"], "Thm") > -1) { TF = U.UF.IMG.IE.ET[i]; break; } }
            //            if (TF) { TF["AIMG"] = this.AIMG.length ? this.AIMG : [this.AIMG]; TF.I = this.I; TF.Change(this.I, TF); U.UF.F.windowTopCenter(TF.UIOD); return true; } else { U.UF.IMG.IE.ET.push(this); } //
            //            if (fun === true) { (!TF) && (_UDAD = this.AddE(_AIMG)); } else { _UDAD = fun(); } //图片显示缓冲
            //            (!TF) && (U.UF.IMG.imgReady(_AIMG["Img"], function(){this.Ready(_UDAD[0], _UDAD[1], this]]]), function(){this.Load(_UDAD[0], _UDAD[1], this);}, U.UF.C.apply(this, [[this.Error, [_AIMG["Img"]);})); //图片加载处理

    //    var i, k, j, _UDCD, _UDVD, _UDAD, _UKE = [], _UIF = US.userInfo, _UDE, _UDFD = U.selectEl("#UD_SYH")[0], _UDXD = U.selectEl("#UD_SYSXRT").Child(), _UCE = [null, _UDXD];
    //    for (i = 0; i < UDE.length; i++) {
    //        _UDVD = $$("frag"); _UDAD = U.selectEl("#" + UDE[i]).Child(); _UDE = function(){US.friend.friends.length, "正在追随", "您添加的好友", [[U.MD.F.W.viewFriend, [_UDFD]]]], [_UIF.UIF["DTC"], "动静..", "发表的动静", [[U.MD.U.V.ViewOtherUserInfo, [_UIF.UserId]]]], [_UIF.UIF["DDC"], "云分享", "云盘分享的文件", [[U.MD.D.I.openApplication, ["Disk", [_UIF.UserId, 1]]]]], [_UIF.UIF["PDC"], "版块爱好", "学习系统收藏", [[]]], [_UIF.UIF["FDC"], "追随者", "他人添加您", [[U.MD.F.W.viewFriend(_UDFD]]);}; ;
    //        _UKE.length = 0; _UCE[0] = _UDAD; for (k = 0; k < i + 1; k++) { _UKE.push($("img", _UCE[k][0])[0] || $$("img", {}, _UCE[k][0])); }; //需要添加头像
    //        _UDOD = U.selectEl(_UKE).addAttrArray({ "onerror": U.MD.C.imgError, "alt": (_UIF.UserNickName || _UIF.UserName), "title": "点击查看", "src": U.MD.C.getHeadImage(_UIF.UserThumbnailImageHead) })[0];
    //        _UDCD = U.selectEl(_UDAD[1]).Child(); _UDCD[0].innerText = _UIF.UserIndividualitysignature || "暂时没有填写个人介绍..."; _UDXD[1].innerText = _UDCD[1].innerText = (_UIF.UserNickName || _UIF.UserName);
    //        for (k = 0; k < i + 1; k++) { for (j = 0; j < _UDE.length; j++) { _UDOD = $$("div", { "className": "UD_SYSXKTBO", "style": !j ? { "marginLeft": "15px"} : {}, "onclick": _UDE[j][3] }, _UDVD); $$("div", { "className": "UD_SYSXKTBOL", "style": k ? { "fontSize": "17px", "verticalAlign": "sub"} : {}, "innerHTML": _UDE[j][0].formatMoney() }, _UDOD); $$("div", { "className": "UD_SYSXKTBOR", "innerHTML": _UDE[j][1], "style": k ? { "marginLeft": "8px", "verticalAlign": "baseline"} : {} }, _UDOD); }; (_UDCD = (k ? _UDXD[2] : _UDAD[2])); _UDCD.innerHTML = ""; _UDCD.appendChild(_UDVD); }
    //    }

//U.MD.O.W.OnLoad = function (UDE) {
//    var i, _UDAD, UDOD = U.selectEl("#U_W_WordEdit")[0], _UDTD = U.selectEl("#U_E_ASRT")[0], _UDCD = U.selectEl(parent.$("#US_WordContent")[0]).Parent(2), _UDSD = U.selectEl("span", _UDCD)[1], _UAE = ["P", "Z", "Y", "ZT", "ZLJ", "ZU", "ZI"];
//    for (i = 0; i < _UAE.length; i++) { _UAE[i] = U.selectEl("#U_E_A" + _UAE[i])[0]; }; U.OU.TF["TF"] = "Word"; //初始化指定的值
//    (UDE) && (U.MD.O.W.WDJ()); UDOD.innerText = ""; //打印文档级联
//    if (!U.MD.O.W.TF["OL"]) { U.MD.O.W.WHO(); U.OU.Onload("Word", _UAE.slice(0, 4), _UAE); U.OU.SGN(); U.MD.O.W.TF["OL"] = true; } //初始化工具和需要隐藏的工具区域
//    if (UDE.UserFilesID != null) { U.OU.SCJD((UDE && UDE.UsOffice) ? $$("div", { "innerHTML": "&nbsp;" }, UDOD) : UDOD, (UDE && UDE.UsOffice) ? UDE.UsOffice : "", U.MD.O.W.TYHD); UDOD.contentEditable = true; } else { UDOD.contentEditable = false; } //添加text值
//    _UDSD.onclick = function(){U.MD.O.W.CSave([parent.U.MD.D.T.PopupWinClose, [_UDCD]]);}; //设置关闭
//    _UDTD.innerText = (UDE && UDE.UserallDirectoryName) ? UDE.UserallDirectoryName : "未命名文档"; //打开的文件名

U.UF.IMG.Animate = function (id) { return new U.UF.IMG.AnimateD(id); }

U.UF.IMG.AnimateD = function (id) {
    this.itime = 0;  //计时器时间
    this.mode = 1;
    this.maxHeight = 0;
    this.timer = null; //用于停止timeout
    this._BV = null; //获取浏览器版本
    this.obj = this.initial(id); ;  //传入结点id


//U.UF.DL.asynLoadJs = function (UURL, TF, cb, UTE, UIB) {
//    var i, _USD, _UASD, _UHD = U.selectEl("head", document)[0]; //获取head部
//    if (TF == "js") { _UASD = U.selectEl("script", document); _USD = $$("script", (UTE || { "src": UURL, "type": "text/javascript", "language": "javascript", "charset": "utf-8" })); } //js的异步创建
//    else if (TF == "link") { _UASD = U.selectEl("link", document); _USD = $$("link", { "href": UURL, "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" }); }
//    for (i = 0; i < _UASD.length; i++) { if (_UASD[i].src == UURL) { TF = false; if (!UIB) { _USD = _UASD[i]; } break; } } //如果已经加载完了
//    (TF || UIB) && (_UHD.insertBefore(_USD, _UHD.firstChild)); (cb) && (U.UF.DL.iframeLoad(_USD, cb)); //添加到头部  //异步处理
//    return true;

////备注:楚王辉  还差一个在Div中的innerhtml属性中加载外部js的方法。
////I参数可以试iframe 可以是需要加载的img js等等 AsynF是回调函数 AsynF=[[回调函数名,[回调参数]],[回调函数名,[回调参数]].........]
//U.UF.DL.iframeLoad = function (UIF, cb) {
//    try { var _UCP = UIF.complete, _URS = UIF.readyState; } catch (e) { }
//    if (_UCP == "complete" && ((_URS == "complete" || _URS == "loaded") || _URS == null)) { function(){cb();}(); return; }
//    else {
//        (UIF.onreadystatechange) && (cb = U.UF.C.apply(UIF, [[UIF.onreadystatechange], [cb]]));
//        UIF.onreadystatechange = function(){U.UF.DL.AILD(UIF, cb);};
//    }
//    return UIF;

U.UF.IMG.AnimateD.prototype = {
    initial: function (id) {   //U.Json构造函数,目的是和jqery区别。
        this._BV = U.UF.CI.getBrowser().ver; //获取浏览器版本
        return "string" == typeof (id) ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
    LScreenSwitch: function (s, d, cb) {
        s.style.height = document.body.clientHeight + "px"; //把高度置为最高,宽度从0到最大。
        s.style.left = s.style.width = 0 + "px";
        d.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px";
        //s.style.display = "block";
        var that = this; //setInterval里面的变量必须用that取代。
        this.timer = setInterval(function () { that.sstimer(s, d, cb); }, 32);
    sstimer: function (s, d, cb) {
        if (parseInt(s.style.width) < document.body.clientWidth) {
            d.style.left = s.style.width = parseInt(s.style.width) + 100 + "px";
            var w = parseInt(d.style.width) - 100;
            w > 0 ? d.style.width = w + "px" : d.style.width = "0px";
        else {
            s.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px";
            d.style.width = "0px";
            d.style.left = "0px";
    RScreenSwitch: function () {
    slideDown: function () {
        if (parseInt(this.obj.style.height) > this.maxHeight) { this.mode = 0; return; };
        this.obj.style.height = parseInt(this.obj.style.height) + 2 + 'px';
        this.timer = setTimeout("U.UF.IMG.Animate()", this.itime);
    slideUp: function () {
        if (parseInt(this.obj.style.height) < 2) { this.mode = 1; return; };
        this.obj.style.height = parseInt(this.obj.style.height) - 2 + 'px';
        var repeat = "U.UF.IMG.Animate()";
        this.timer = setTimeout(repeat, this.itime);
    slide: function (objid, itime, mode) {   //统一调用slide,自动区分down或者up
        this.obj = this.initial(objid);
        this.itime = itime;
        if (mode) {
            this.maxHeight = this.maxHeight ? this.maxHeight : parseInt(this.obj.style.height);
            this.obj.style.display = "block";
            this.obj.style.height = "0px";
        else this.slideUp();
    fade: function (objid, itime, io, callback)//淡入淡出,io代表淡入或者淡出
        this.obj = this.initial(objid);
        this.itime = itime;
        var that = this;
        this.maxHeight = parseInt(this.obj.style.height) | parseInt(this.obj.clientHeight); //此句可以不要?以后再优化。
        var i = io ? 100 : 0; //循环开始变量如果是淡入为100,淡出为0。
        var z = io ? 0 : 100; //循环结束变量,淡入为0,淡出为100。
        var v = (_BV == "7.0" || _BV == "8.0") ? 0.1 : 0.05; //浏览器判断,ie为chrome的20倍速。
        var b = io ? -100 * v : 100 * v; //步长,淡入为负数,淡出为正数。
        var timer = setInterval(function () {
            if (i == z) { clearInterval(timer); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } }
            i += b;
            that.obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + i + ")";
            that.obj.style.MozOpacity = i * v;
            that.obj.style.opacity = i * v;
            that.obj.style.height = that.maxHeight + "px";
        }, that.itime);
    fadeIn: function (objid, itime, callback) {  //淡入
        this.fade(objid, itime, true, callback);
    fadeOut: function (objid, itime, callback) {   //淡出
        this.fade(objid, itime, false, callback);

U.UF.C.previousSibling = function (obj) {
    while (obj.previousSibling.nodeType != 1) {
        obj = obj.previousSibling;
    return obj.previousSibling;
    AddE: function (AIMG) {//创建默认的图片浏览器
        var _UIOD, _UIUD, _UICD, _UITD, _UIID, _useridA, _UIPA, _UICA, _UIYA, _UISA;
        this.UIOD = _UIOD = $$("div", { "onmousewheel": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Wheel(this);}, "className": "U_Img", "onclick": [this.XSI, ["retElement", this, true]], "onmousedown": U.UF.EV.stopBubble, "style": { "maxWidth": US.width + "px", "maxHeight": US.height + "px", "left": (Math.random() * 50) + "px", "top": (Math.random() * 50) + "px", "zIndex": US.ZINDEX ++} });
        $$("div", { "onmousedown": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.UF.F.DragMouseDown(_UIOD);}, "className": "U_Img_Move", "title": "移动相框" }, _UIOD);
        _UICD = $$("div", { "className": "U_Img_Operate UTransition", "onselectstart": function(){} }, _UIOD);
        _UITD = $$("div", { "className": "U_Img_Info", "onmousedown": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.MoveScroll("retElement", this);}, "style": { "maxHeight": (US.height - 80) + "px"} }, _UIOD);
        _UIUD = $$("div", { "style": { "overflow": "hidden", "margin": "auto", "width": "120px", "height": "120px"} }, _UITD);
        this.UIMG = _UIID = $$("img", { "NowRotate": "0", "src": AIMG["Thm"], "onerror": function(){U.MD.C.imgError(this, 1);} }, _UIUD);
        _useridA = $$("a", { "style": { "marginLeft": "20px" }, "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Zoom("In", _UIOD, this);} }, _UICD);
        $$("i", { "className": "U_ImgPic zoomIn" }, _useridA);
        $$("div", { "innerHTML": "放大" }, _useridA);
        $$("a", { "title": "点击100%比例", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Zoom(100, _UIOD, this);}, "innerHTML": "100%" }, _UICD);
        _UIPA = $$("a", { "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Zoom("Out", _UIOD, this);} }, _UICD);
        $$("i", { "className": "U_ImgPic zoomOut" }, _UIPA);
        $$("div", { "innerHTML": "缩小" }, _UIPA);
        _UICA = $$("a", { "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Rotate(1, _UIOD, this);} }, _UICD);
        $$("i", { "className": "U_ImgPic Lrotate" }, _UICA);
        $$("div", { "innerHTML": "左转" }, _UICA);
        _UIYA = $$("a", { "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Rotate(-1, _UIOD, this);} }, _UICD);
        $$("i", { "className": "U_ImgPic Rrotate" }, _UIYA);
        $$("div", { "innerHTML": "右转" }, _UIYA);
        $$("div", { "className": "U_ImgPic U_Img_Close UTransition", "style": { "cssText": "float:right;" }, "onclick": [this.Close, [_UIOD, this, true]] }, _UICD);
        if (this.AIMG.length) {
            $$("div", { "className": "U_Img_Prev U_Img_Change U_Img_transition U_ImgPic", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Change(-1, this);} }, _UIOD);
            $$("div", { "className": "U_Img_Next U_Img_Change U_Img_transition U_ImgPic", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [this.Change(1, this);} }, _UIOD);
        U.selectEl(_UIID).addAttrArray({ "style": { "filter": "alpha(opacity=30)", "MozOpacity": "0.3", "Khtml-opacity": "0.3", "opacity": "0.3"} });
        document.body.appendChild(_UIOD); U.UF.F.windowTopCenter(_UIOD); return [_UIOD, _UIID]; //加入页面和居中弹框

//        USE = USE || doc; UD = UD || doc; //设置选择初值
//        if (typeof USE === "string") {//如果选择符是字符串
//            var k, i, j, _UDE, _UDT, _UCA, _UNCA, _UME = USE.split(","), _UNC = /[~|#|.|&|:|>|@|*|=]/g, _UC = /[^(~|#|.|&|:|>|@|*|=)]+/g; //定义变量区域
//            for (k = 0; k < _UME.length; k++) {
//                USE = _UME[k]; _UNCA = (USE.match(_UNC) || []); _UCA = USE.match(_UC) || ["*"]; (_UCA.length > _UNCA.length) && (_UNCA.unshift(""));
//                for (i = 0; i < _UCA.length; i++) {
//                    switch (_UNCA[i]) {
//                        case "~": _UDE = UD.getElementsByName(_UCA[i]); break; //获取name属性获取
//                        case "#": _UDE = _UDE == null ? doc.getElementById(_UCA[i]) : _UDE[_UCA[i]]; break; //根据id获取
//                        case ".": //根据className获取
//                            if (UD.getElementsByClassName) { _UDE = UD.getElementsByClassName(_UCA[i]); } //HTML5选择器
//                            else if (document.querySelectorAll) { _UDE = UD.querySelectorAll("." + _UCA[i]); } //支持ie8选择器
//                            else {//原始选择器
//                                _UDE = UD.length != null ? UD : UD.getElementsByTagName("*"); var _UDT = [];
//                                for (j = 0; j < _UDE.length; j++) { (_UDE[j].className == _UCA[i]) && (_UDT.push(_UDE[j])); };
//                                _UDE = _UDT;
//                            }
//                            break;
//                        case "": case "&": _UDE = (_UDE || UD).getElementsByTagName(_UCA[i]); break; //根据标签获取
//                        case ":": //获取tr标签选择
//                            _UDE = UD.getElementsByTagName("tr"); _UDT = [];
//                            if (_UDE.length) {
//                                for (j = 0; j < _UDE.length; j++) {
//                                    if (_UCA[i] == "even" && j % 2 == 0) { _UDT.push(_UDE[j]); }
//                                    else if (j % 2 != 1) { _UDT.push(_UDE[j]); }
//                                }
//                                _UDE = _UDT;
//                            }
//                            break;
//                        case "@": //根据自定义属性选择
//                            _UDE = _UDE || UD.getElementsByTagName('*'); _UDT = [];
//                            for (j = 0; j < _UDE.length; j++) {//筛选出包含这属性的元素
//                                if (_UNCA[i + 1] == "=") { if (_UDE[j].getAttribute(_UCA[i]) == _UCA[i + 1] || (_UDE[j][_UCA[i]] && _UDE[j][_UCA[i]].toString() == _UCA[i + 1])) { _UDT.push(_UDE[j]); } }
//                                else { if (_UDE[j].getAttribute(_UCA[i]) != null) { _UDT.push(_UDE[j]); } }
//                            }
//                            _UDE = _UDT;
//                            break;
//                        case "*": //获取外加载控件
//                            if (document.embeds && (_UDE = document.embeds[_UCA[i]])) { }
//                            else if ((_UDE = window.document[_UCA[i]])) { }
//                            else { _UDE = doc.getElementById(_UCA[i]); }
//                            break;
//                        default: break;
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        else { _UDE = USE; }
//        if (_UDE && !(_UDE instanceof Array && _UDE[0] == null)) {//选择器选择有值
//            if (_UDE.length == null || _UDE.id != null) { _UDE = [_UDE]; }
//            for (i = 0; i < _UDE.length; i++) { this[i] = _UDE[i]; (_UDE[i].id != "") && (this[_UDE[i].id] = _UDE[i]); } //添加选择器选择元素
//            this.context = UD; this.length = _UDE.length;
//        }
//        return this;


//U.UF.MPlayer.Onload = function () {
//    try {
//        var _UDOD = U.selectEl("#U_MP_PFlash")[0];
//        if (_UDOD) {
//            if ($("#U_MP_MPFlash")[0] == null) { _UDOD.innerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" style="display:block" width="1" height="1" id="U_MP_MPFlash" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.1473.cn/img/mp3player.swf" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="ffffff" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://www.1473.cn/img/mp3player.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="ffffff" width="1" height="1" name="U_MP_MPFlash" align="middle" play="true" wmode="transparent" loop="false" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"> </embed></object>'; }
//            U.UF.MPlayer.UMPL = U.selectEl("#U_MPMCDPO")[0]; //进度显示的时间
//            U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP = U.selectEl("#U_MPMGDT")[0]; //进度条缓存的父亲元素
//            U.UF.MPlayer.UM = U.selectEl("*U_MP_MPFlash")[0]; //播放器
//        }
//    } catch (e) { }

////Json规范{ "列表名": { "歌名": "歌曲URL","歌名": "歌曲URL"},"列表名": { "歌名": "歌曲URL","歌名": "歌曲URL"} }
//U.UF.MPlayer.Open = function (J, D, OM) {//directories是目录文件夹
//    var _UDOD = U.selectEl("#UseStudioU_MP")[0], _UDTD = U.selectEl("#U_MPLB")[0], _UDSD = U.selectEl("#U_MPMCD")[0], _UDFD = U.selectEl("#U_MPFF")[0], _UDGD = U.selectEl("div#U_MPI", _UDOD)[0];
//    _UDFD.innerText = _UDTD.innerText = ""; _UDGD.style.display = "block"; U.UF.F.windowTopCenter(_UDOD);
//    U.selectEl("#U_MPLT")[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.MPlayer.MOM(US.disk.UserDisk[1][2]);};
//    U.selectEl("img", _UDSD).addAttrArray({ "onerror": [U.MD.C.imgError, ["retElement"]], "src": U.MD.C.getHeadImage(US.disk.UserDisk[1][0].UserThumbnailImageHead), "onclick": [U.MD.U.V.POUW, [US.disk.UserDisk[1][0].UserId]] }); //头像
//    U.selectEl("span", _UDSD)[0].innerHTML = US.disk.UserDisk[1][0].UserNickName; //名字
//    U.MD.DK.SetMDF((US.friend.friends || []), U.selectEl("#U_MPFF")[0]); //打印自己音乐好友
//    if (J[1].length == 0 && D.length == 0) { $$("div", { "className": "U_MPP U_MP_IMG" }, _UDTD); } //无音乐列表
//    else { U.UF.MPlayer.AddM(J, D, _UDTD, OM); } //添加音乐列表
//    U.MD.D.T.WindowRestore(_UDGD, "<div style='margin:11px 0 0 5px; width:61px; height:65px; background-position: -175px -75px;' class='UD_DI_iconimg UD_NUB'></div>", "音乐", U.UF.MPlayer.Close); //创建任务栏链接

//U.UF.MPlayer.AddM = function (J, D, ML, OM) {
//    var i, _UOOD, _UDPD, _UDTD, _UDSD, _UDFD = $$("frag");
//    if (J[0].UserDirectoryID != US.MUSICEFOLDERID) {
//        _UOOD = $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLB" });
//        _UDPD = $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBT", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.UF.MPlayer.ListShrink("this.parentNode");} }, _UOOD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBA U_MPLBAO U_MP_IMG" }, _UDPD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBM", "innerHTML": J[0].UserallDirectoryName + "(" + J[1].length + ")" }, _UDPD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBADD U_MP_IMG", "onclick": function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.UF.MPlayer.OUPM(J[0].UserDirectoryID, US.disk.UserDisk[1][2]);} }, _UDPD);
//        _UDTD = $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBT", "style": { "cssText": "width:100%;float:left;"} }, _UOOD);
//        ML.appendChild(_UOOD);
//    }
//    else { _UDTD = ML; }
//    for (i = 0; i < J[1].length; i++) {
//        _UDSD = $$("span", { "className": "U_MPLBN", "onclick": U.UF.EV.stopBubble, "ondblclick": [U.UF.MPlayer.loadAplay, ["retElement", J[1][i], US.disk.UserDisk[1][2]]] }, _UDFD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBNB U_MP_IMG", "innerHTML": (i + 1).prefixInteger() }, _UDSD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBNC", "innerHTML": J[1][i].UserallDirectoryName }, _UDSD);
//        $$("div", { "className": "U_MPLBNS", "innerHTML": "00:00" }, _UDSD);
//        if (J[1][i].UserDirectoryID == OM) { setTimeout(_UDSD.ondblclick, 1000); }
//    }
//    _UDTD.appendChild(_UDFD);
//    for (var j = 0; j < D.length; j++) { U.UF.MPlayer.AddM(D[j][0], D[j][1], _UDTD); } //循环打印音乐

//U.UF.MPlayer.ListShrink = function (UDOD) {
//    var _UDAD = U.selectEl("div", UDOD);
//    var _TF = ["none", "U_MPLBA U_MPLBAC U_MP_IMG"];
//    if (_UDAD[4].style.display == "none") { _TF = ["block", "U_MPLBA U_MPLBAO U_MP_IMG"]; }
//    _UDAD[4].style.display = _TF[0];
//    _UDAD[1].className = _TF[1];

//U.UF.MPlayer.loadAplay = function (SO, UDK, userid) {
//    var _UFMS, _UFAD = U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP), _UMPL = U.selectEl("#U_MPLB")[0], _TF = U.selectEl("*U_MP_MPFlash")[0].loadAplay(US.FILESYSTEMURL + UDK.UserFilesServerName);
//    _UFAD[1].style.width = _UFAD[0].style.width = _UFAD[2].style.left = "0px";
//    U.selectEl("#U_MPMCDD")[0].innerHTML = U.UF.MPlayer.UMPL.innerHTML = "00:00";
//    U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP.parentNode)[0].innerHTML = UDK.UserallDirectoryName;
//    U.selectEl("#U_MPMCDP")[0].className = "U_MPMCDP U_MPMCDPC U_MP_IMG";
//    //停止所有的播放的样式
//    if ((U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP) && (_UFMS = U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[0])) {
//        _UFMS.style.color = "#767676";
//        U.selectEl("div", _UFMS).addAttrArray({ "className": "U_MPLBNB U_MP_IMG", "innerHTML": U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[1] }, 0);
//    }
//    else { U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP = []; }
//    //播放音乐的样式
//    U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[0] = SO; //正在播放的元素
//    U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[1] = U.selectEl("div", SO)[0].innerHTML; //播放的序号
//    SO.style.color = "#6da6e0";
//    U.selectEl("div", SO).addAttrArray({ "className": "U_MPLBNB U_MPLBNBI U_MP_IMG", "innerText": "" }, 0);
//    U.selectEl("#U_MPMXZL")[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.MPlayer.LMGM(userid, UDK, SO);}; //收藏音乐
//    U.selectEl("#U_MPMXZR")[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.MPlayer.DMGM(userid, UDK, SO);}; //删除音乐

//U.UF.MPlayer.PNM = function (T) {
//    setTimeout($("#U_MPMCDA")[0].onclick, 1000); //flash需要延迟1秒执行下一首才有效

//U.UF.MPlayer.PNMO = function (T) {
//    var _TF = U.UF.MPlayer.TF;
//    if (_TF == "L") { U.UF.MPlayer.PNMOM(T); } //列表播放模式
//    else if (_TF == "R") { U.UF.MPlayer.Shuffle(); } //随机播放模式
//    else { U.UF.MPlayer.REMOM(); } //单曲循环模式

//U.UF.MPlayer.Shuffle = function () {
//    var _UFMP = U.selectEl("span", U.selectEl("#U_MPLB")[0]);
//    var _EP = U.UF.Math.getRandom(_UFMP.length);
//    _UFMP[_EP - 1].ondblclick();

//U.UF.MPlayer.PNMOM = function (T) {
//    var i, _UMMD, _UFM = U.selectEl("#U_MPLB")[0]; _UFMP = U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[0], UFMPL = U.selectEl("span", _UFMP.parentNode);
//    for (i = 0; i < UFMPL.length; i++) {//循环判断找到正在播放的歌典
//        if (UFMPL[i] == _UFMP) {//找到当前播放的哪一首
//            _UMMD = _UFMP;
//            if ((i == UFMPL.length - 1) && T == 1) { _UMMD = UFMPL[0]; } //如果是最后一首就回到第一首歌
//            else if (UFMPL[i + T] != null) { _UMMD = UFMPL[i + T]; }
//            _UMMD.ondblclick();
//            return;
//        }
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.REMOM = function () {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[0].ondblclick();

//U.UF.MPlayer.pauseOstart = function () {
//    var _UMPP = U.selectEl("#U_MPMCDP")[0];
//    var _TF = U.UF.MPlayer.UM.pauseOstart(); //判断是否在播放音乐
//    if (_TF == false) { _UMPP.className = "U_MPMCDP U_MPMCDPO U_MP_IMG"; }
//    else { _UMPP.className = "U_MPMCDP U_MPMCDPC U_MP_IMG"; }

//U.UF.MPlayer.Posmove = function (SO) {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos = false;
//    var _UDMP = U.selectEl("div", SO.parentNode);
//    document.onmousemove = function () {
//        if (!U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos == true) {
//            SO.setCapture(); //聚焦
//            var _E = U.UF.C.GetMousep(); //获取鼠标的位置
//            var _PTX = U.UF.M.pageXY(SO.parentNode); //获取相对的位置
//            var _TL = _UDMP[1].clientWidth; //缓存长度
//            var _L = event.clientX - _PTX[1]; //移动的位置
//            if (_L < _TL && _L > 0) {
//                SO.style.left = _L + "px";
//                _UDMP[0].style.width = (_L + 2) + "px";
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    document.onmouseup = function () {
//        U.UF.MPlayer.SkipTo((parseInt(SO.style.left)) / 225); //跟换播放的进度
//        U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos = true; //允许播放更新
//        SO.releaseCapture(); //释放焦点
//        document.onmouseup = document.onmousemove = null; //取消
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.SkipTo = function (PNSO) {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos = false;
//    var _UPER, _UPOD = U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP), _TL = _UPOD[1].clientWidth; //缓存长度
//    if (typeof PNSO == "number") { _UPER = PNSO; } //如果是数字直接更新时间
//    else {
//        _UPER = (event.clientX - parseInt(PNSO.getBoundingClientRect().left));
//        if (_TL > _UPER) {//判断是否更新到指定的进度位置
//            _UPOD[0].style.width = (_UPER + 2) + "px";
//            _UPOD[2].style.left = _UPER;
//            _UPER = _UPER / 225;
//        }
//    }
//    if (_TL > parseInt(_UPER * 225)) { U.UF.MPlayer.UM.SkipTo((parseInt(U.UF.MPlayer.Time) / 1000) * _UPER); }
//    U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos = true;

//U.UF.MPlayer.GD = function () {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.Time = U.UF.MPlayer.UM.getDuration();
//    var Duration = Math.round(U.UF.MPlayer.Time / 1000); //获取音乐播放的时间
//    U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMMP[0])[2].innerHTML = U.selectEl("#U_MPMCDD")[0].innerHTML = (parseInt(Duration / 60)).prefixInteger() + ":" + (parseInt(Duration % 60)).prefixInteger(); //音乐播放时间显示


//U.UF.MPlayer.ULD = function (LD) {
//    var _UDTD = U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP)[1];
//    _UDTD.style.width = LD + "%";

//U.UF.MPlayer.UPT = function (P, PT, LD) {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.Time = PT;
//    var _UMPF = U.UF.MPlayer.UM, _L = Math.ceil(P / PT * 225);
//    if (U.UF.MPlayer.IsUpPos) {
//        if (_UMPF.getStatus() && U.UF.MPlayer.IsP) {
//            if ((LD * 2.25) >= _L) {
//                var _UDOD = U.selectEl("div", U.UF.MPlayer.UMPP);
//                _UDOD[0].style.width = _L + 2 + "px";
//                _UDOD[2].style.left = _L + "px";
//                U.UF.MPlayer.UMPL.innerText = (parseInt(P / 1000 / 60)).prefixInteger() + ":" + (parseInt(P / 1000 % 60)).prefixInteger();
//            }
//            else { _UMPF.pauseOstart(); U.UF.MPlayer.IsP = false; } //暂停缓冲
//        }
//        else {
//            if ((LD * 2.25 - 5) > _L && U.UF.MPlayer.IsP == false) {
//                _UMPF.pauseOstart(); //播放
//                U.UF.MPlayer.IsP = true;
//            }
//        }
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.setVol = function (Vol) {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.UM.setVol(Vol);

//U.UF.MPlayer.volumeMove = function (SO) {
//    var _UFMD = U.selectEl("div", SO.parentNode.parentNode);
//    document.onmousemove = function () {
//        SO.setCapture(); //聚焦
//        U.UF.MPlayer.OVM(SO, _UFMD[_UFMD.length - 2], _UFMD[_UFMD.length - 4]); //调节
//    }
//    document.onmouseup = function () {
//        SO.releaseCapture(); //释放焦点
//        document.onmouseup = document.onmousemove = null;
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.OVM = function (SO, TSO, MSO) {
//    var _L = event.clientX - SO.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().left;
//    if (_L >= 0 && _L <= 48) {
//        SO.style.left = _L + "px";
//        TSO.style.width = (_L + 2) + "px";
//        _L = Math.round(_L * (100 / 48) * 2); //声音的大小
//        SO.title = _L; //声音大小显示
//        if (_L == 0) { U.UF.MPlayer.mute(MSO); } //静音
//        else { MSO.className = "U_MPMCDH U_MPMCDHH U_MP_IMG"; U.UF.MPlayer.setVol(_L); } //调整声音
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.mute = function (SO) {
//    var _UFMD = U.selectEl("div", SO.parentNode);
//    var _UFC = SO.className;
//    var _UFPD = _UFMD[_UFMD.length - 1];
//    _L = _UFPD.offsetLeft;
//    if (_UFC.indexOf("U_MPMCDHH") > -1) {//静音
//        _L = 0;
//        SO.className = "U_MPMCDH U_MPMCDHM U_MP_IMG"; //静音的图标
//    }
//    else {
//        SO.className = "U_MPMCDH U_MPMCDHH U_MP_IMG"; //声音图标
//        if (_L == 0) { _L = 27; _UFMD[_UFMD.length - 1].style.left = _L + "px"; _UFMD[_UFMD.length - 2].style.width = (_L + 2) + "px" }
//        _L = Math.round(_L * (100 / 48) * 2)
//    }
//    U.UF.MPlayer.setVol(_L); //调节声音

//U.UF.MPlayer.MOM = function (userid) {
//    if (!U.MD.U.L.isLogin()) {
//        if (userid != US.userInfo.UserId) { U.UF.C.divdoubleClick("UseStudioU_MP", '', US.userInfo.UserId, null); } //回到自己的音乐
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.SMTF = function (SO) {
//    var _TF = []; //模式对应的值
//    if (U.UF.MPlayer.TF == "L") { U.UF.MPlayer.TF = "R"; _TF[0] = "U_MPMXZM U_MPMXZMR U_MP_IMG"; _TF[1] = "随机播放"; }
//    else if (U.UF.MPlayer.TF == "R") { U.UF.MPlayer.TF = "RE"; _TF[0] = "U_MPMXZM U_MPMXZMRE U_MP_IMG"; _TF[1] = "单曲循环"; }
//    else { U.UF.MPlayer.TF = "L"; _TF[0] = "U_MPMXZM U_MPMXZMM U_MP_IMG"; _TF[1] = "列表播放"; }
//    SO.className = _TF[0]; SO.title = _TF[1];
//    U.Alert("切换到" + _TF[1] + "模式");

//U.UF.MPlayer.LMGM = function (userid, UDK) {
//    if (!U.MD.U.L.isLogin()) {
//        if (userid != US.userInfo.UserId) {
//            U.MD.DK.LE.DBC(US.MUSICEFOLDERID, US.userInfo.UserId);
//            U.MD.DK.RE.CE = [UDK];
//            U.MD.DK.RE.UFStick(); //添加文件
//            U.MD.DK.RE.CE = [];
//        }
//        else { U.Alert("音乐已在自己的文件夹下"); }
//    }

//U.UF.MPlayer.DMGM = function (userid, UDK, SO) {
//    if (userid == US.userInfo.UserId && US.userInfo.UserId) { //只允许删除自己的音乐
//        U.MD.DK.RE.DMB(UDK, [U.UF.MPlayer.AsynDMGM, [SO]]); //删除音乐
//    }
//    else { U.Alert("无法删除它人的文件夹"); }

//U.UF.MPlayer.AsynDMGM = function (SO) {
//    U.UF.MPlayer.PNMO(1); //直接下一首
//    SO.parentNode.removeChild(SO); //删除音乐文件

//U.UF.MPlayer.Error = function (Error) {
//    U.Alert("音乐文件损坏或者暂时无法播放");
//    U.UF.MPlayer.PNMO(1);

//U.UF.MPlayer.Close = function () {
//    if (U.UF.MPlayer.UM.getStatus() == true) { U.UF.MPlayer.pauseOstart(); }
//    U.MD.D.T.PopupWinClose($("#U_MPI")[0]); //关闭任务栏

//U.UF.MPlayer.YC = function (SO) {
//    SO.style.visibility = "hidden";

//U.UF.MPlayer.OUPM = function (DID, userid) {
//    if (US.userInfo.UserId != null && userid == US.userInfo.UserId) {
//        var _UDOD = U.MD.DK.NologinDiskDown(userid, DID, userid); //打开自己的网盘上传
//        U.selectEl("div#UDK_HP_UpFile", _UDOD)[0].onclick(); //上传文件显示
//    }
//    else { U.Alert("请上传到您的文件夹"); }

//    SetNodeStyle: function (N, UNV) {//设置样式变化
//        var _CN, j, PF, _UCH = N.childNodes;
//        if (_UCH.length > 0) {
//            for (var i = 0; i < _UCH.length; i++) {
//                _CN = N.childNodes[i];
//                if (_CN.innerHTML == undefined) {//假设innerhtml是undefined 说明这个标签是#text
//                    if (PF != _CN.parentNode) { this.writeStyle(_CN.parentNode, UNV); PF = _CN.parentNode; } //设置字体大小或者是样式
//                }
//                else { this.SetNodeStyle(_CN, UNV); } //递归设置字体大小或者是样式
//            }
//        }
//        else { this.writeStyle(N, UNV); }
//    },

U.MD.O.E.XZTH = function () {
    var k, t = [0, 0], _UI, _UJ, _UDED = [], i = ITF % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1], j = Math.ceil(ITF / U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]), _HW = 0, _OE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(SO), _I = U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1], _UDAD = U.selectEl("div", U.selectEl("#U_E_TableArea")[0]), _UTD = (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["H"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_TitleBar")[0]), _ULD = (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["L"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_LeftLine")[0]), _UDEL = U.UF.EL.getChildrenNoText($("div", _UTD)[0].childNodes), _UDTD = U.UF.EL.getChildrenNoText($("div", _ULD)[0].childNodes); ;
    for (k = i; k < _UDEL.length; k++) { _HW += _UDEL[k].offsetWidth; if (_OE["OW"] == _HW) { _UI = k; break; } }
    _HW = 0;
    for (k = j; k < _UDTD.length; k++) { _HW += _UDTD[j].offsetHeight; if (_OE["OH"] == _HW) { _UJ = k; break; } }
    ITF += (_UJ - j) * U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] + (_UI - i);
    if (U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1] % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] < ITF % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) { t = [U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1], ITF]; } else { t = [(Math.floor(U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1] / U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) * U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) + (ITF % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]), (Math.floor(ITF / U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) * U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) + (U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1] % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1])]; }
    for (k = t[0]; k <= t[1]; k++) {
        if (U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1] % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] <= k % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] && ITF % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] >= k % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) { _UDED.push(_UDAD[k]); }
        else if (U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1] % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] >= k % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] && ITF % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1] <= k % U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["TF"][1]) { _UDED.push(_UDAD[k]); }

U.UF.ME.Element = new Array(
                    '<div onselectstart="return false;" ', //禁止选取DIV框
U.UF.ME.ElementReplace = function () {
    var tmp = new String(document.body.innerHTML);
    for (i = 0; i < U.CE.Element.length; i += 2) tmp = tmp.replace(new RegExp(U.CE.Element[i], 'gi'), U.CE.Element[i + 1]); //'gi'是函数中表达搜索的代表
    document.body.innerHTML = tmp;

//(_UGE["D"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_RWRD")[0]).style.display = (_UGE["R"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_ContextMenu")[0]).style.display = "none";
//    (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["D"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_RWRD")[0]).style.display = (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["R"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_ContextMenu")[0]).style.display = "none";
//    var _UDPD = (event.srcElement);
//    (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["D"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_RWRD")[0]).style.display = (U.MD.O.E.SY["UAE"]["R"] || U.selectEl("#U_E_ContextMenu")[0]).style.display = "none"; U.OU.SDYC(); //隐藏右键菜单 //隐藏功能菜单
//    while (_UDPD && _UDPD.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "body") {
//        if (_UDPD.id == "U_E_A") {
//            U.OU.TF["FTF"] = true;
//            _UDPD.onclick();
//        }
//        _UDPD = _UDPD.parentNode;
//    }

U.MD.O.E.EditTextEdit = function (UDOD, UDTD, UTF) {

    // if (UDCD.style.backgroundColor != "rgb(232, 243, 249)") { UDCD.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(232, 243, 249)"; }


//U.OU.DisplayColorFrame = function (DID, NID) {
//    U.selectEl("#" + DID)[0].style.display = "block"; U.selectEl("#" + NID)[0].style.display = "none";

//U.OU.OpenFileMenu = function () {
//    var _UDEO = U.selectEl("#U_E_OC"); _UDEO.addAttrArray({ "style": { "display": (_UDEO[0].style.display == "block" ? "none" : "block")} }); U.UF.EV.stopBubble();

//description: 错误描述 (仅IE可用). 
//fileName: 出错的文件名 (仅Mozilla可用). 
//lineNumber: 出错的行数 (仅Mozilla可用). 
//message: 错误信息 (在IE下同description) 
//name: 错误类型. 
//number: 错误代码 (仅IE可用). 
//stack: 像Java中的Stack Trace一样的错误堆栈信息 (仅Mozilla可用). 
//--------------------------------------统一try cache---------------------------------
U.UF.MC.TC = {}; //保存前台错误的集合,暂时显示在前台,以后存入后台
U.UF.MC.TCatch = function (f) {
    try { (typeof (f) == "string") ? eval(f) : f; }
    catch (e) { Add(U.UF.MC.TC, { "类型": e.name, "错误信息": e.message, "时间": U.UF.D.formatDateToArray(new Date()) }); }

U.UF.C.SetCapture = function (obj) {
    return document.all ? obj.setCapture() : window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);

U.UF.C.releaseCapture = function (obj) {
    document.all ? obj.releaseCapture() : window.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);

//兼容加载事件与脚本 func为函数
U.UF.C.LoadEvent = function (func) {
    var oldonload = window.onload;
    if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
        window.onload = func;
    else {
        window.onload = function () {

U.UF.C.getKeyCode = function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    keynum = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
    return keynum;

U.UF.C.GetEventTarget = function (e) {//判断浏览器类型以兼容事件
    e = e || window.event;
    return e.target || e.srcElement;

U.UF.C.invokeClick = function (element) {
    if (element.click) element.click();  //判断是否支持click() 事件
    else if (element.fireEvent) element.fireEvent('onclick');  //触发click() 事件
    else if (document.createEvent) {
        var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");  //创建click() 事件
        evt.initEvent("click", true, true);   //初始化click() 事件
        element.dispatchEvent(evt);  //分发click() 事件

U.UF.C.dblClick = function (element) {
    if (element.ondblclick) element.ondblclick();  //判断是否支持dblClick() 事件
    else if (element.fireEvent) element.fireEvent('ondblclick');  //触发dblClick() 事件
    else if (document.createEvent) {
        var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");  //创建ondblclick() 事件
        evt.initEvent("dblclick", true, true);   //初始化ondblclick() 事件
        element.dispatchEvent(evt);  //分发ondblclick() 事件

U.UF.C.removeEvent = function (oTarget, sEventType, funName) {
    if (oTarget.removeEventListener) {//for DOM;
        oTarget.removeEventListener(sEventType, funName, false);
    } else if (oTarget.detachEvent) {
        oTarget.detachEvent("on" + sEventType, funName);
    } else {
        oTarget["on" + sEventType] = null;

U.UF.N.AddEvent = function (oTarget, sEventType, funName) {
    if (oTarget.addEventListener) {//Dom浏览器触发
        oTarget.addEventListener(sEventType, funName, false);
    } else if (oTarget.attachEvent) {   //IE 
        oTarget.attachEvent("on" + sEventType, funName);
    } else {
        oTarget["on" + sEventType] = funName;

U.UF.C.killErrors = function (sMsg, sUrl, sLine) {
    //    var oErrorLog = document.createElement("div");
    //    oErrorLog.innerHTML = "<b>An error was thrown and caught.</b><p>";
    //    oErrorLog.innerHTML += "Error: " + sMsg + "<br>";
    //    oErrorLog.innerHTML += "Line: " + sLine + "<br>";
    //    oErrorLog.innerHTML += "URL: " + sUrl + "<br>";
    return true;

U.UF.C.forbiddenKey = function () {
    if (event.keyCode == 116) { event.keyCode = 0; event.returnValue = false; } //屏蔽f5刷新

U.UF.C.ForbiddenDivRightMouseClick = function (obj) {
    obj.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }

U.UF.C.norm_img = function (SO) {
    var _ISO = U.selectEl("img", SO);
    for (var i = 0; i < _ISO.length; i++) {
        if (_ISO[i].clientWidth >= 1024) { _ISO[i].width = "900px"; }

U.UF.C.setuserbackgroundfont = function (obj) {
    if (obj != null) {
        var allelments = parent.document.getElementsByTagName('*');
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < allelments.length; i++) {
            allelments[i].style.fontSize = obj + "px";

U.UF.S.dropSpaceAndDot = function (obj) {
    str = obj.value;
    var pattern = new RegExp("[`~!#$^&*()=|{}':;',\\[\\].<>/?~#……&*()&;—|{}‘;:”“'。,、]");
    var newstr = "";
    for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (str.substr(i, 1) == " ") {
        newstr += str.substr(i, 1).replace(pattern, "");
    obj.innerText = newstr;
    //U.UF.C.textCompatibleandStr(obj, newstr)

//判断字符串类型是是否带有' '这样的字符
U.UF.C.isBlank = function (szStr) {
    for (i = 0; i < szStr.length; i++) {
        if (szStr.substring(i, i + 1) == ' ') {
            return false;
    return true;

// 检查序列号格式   目前的格式类似 GUID {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}  
U.UF.S.Checkguid = function (object_value) {
    if (object_value.length == 0)
        return false;
    if (object_value.length != 38)
        return false;
    if (object_value.charAt(0) != "{")
        return false;
    if (object_value.charAt(37) != "}")
        return false;

    var hex_format = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
    var check_char;

    for (var i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
        if ((i == 9) || (i == 14) || (i == 19) || (i == 24)) {
            if (object_value.charAt(i) != "-")
                return false;
        } else {
            check_char = hex_format.indexOf(object_value.charAt(i));
            if (check_char < 0)
                return false;
    return true;

U.UF.D.GetNowTime = function () {
    var time = new Date();
    var TimePart = document.getElementById("TimePart");
    var DataTime = time.getHours();
    if (DataTime >= 0 && DataTime < 12) {
        TimePart.innerHTML = "早上好!";
    else if (DataTime >= 12 && DataTime < 18) {
        TimePart.innerHTML = "下午好!";
    else {
        TimePart.innerHTML = "晚上好!";

//使用U.UF.D.currenttime函数时转换UTC() 方法可根据世界时返回 1970 年 1 月 1 日 到指定日期的毫秒数。
U.UF.D.DateUTC = function (STime) {
    STime = STime.split(" ");
    var MY = STime[0].split("/");
    var MS = STime[STime.length - 1].split(":");
    return "/Date(" + Date.UTC(MY[0], MY[1], MY[2], MS[0], MS[1], MS[2], 0) + ")/";


U.UF.D.getLocalTime = function (nS) {
    var _timeS = new Date(parseInt(nS.substring(6, nS.length - 2))).toLocaleString().replace(/年|月/g, "-").replace(/日/g, " ");
    if (!parent.browser.msie) _timeS = _timeS.substring(10, 25);
    return _timeS;

U.UF.D.currenttime = function () {
    var _currenttime = new Date();
    var _year = U.UF.D.getYear()//获取当前的年数
    var _month = _currenttime.getMonth() + 1; //获取当前的月份
    var _date = _currenttime.getDate(); //获取当前的日期
    var _houst = _currenttime.getHours(); //获取当前的小时
    var _Minutes = _currenttime.getMinutes(); //获取当前的分钟
    var _Seconds = _currenttime.getSeconds(); //获取当前的秒数
    return _year + '/' + _month + '/' + _date + '    ' + _houst + ':' + _Minutes + ':' + _Seconds; //返回用户现在的时间段 且样式复合项目的需求

U.UF.D.getDate = function (D) {
    if (D == null) { D = new Date(); }

    //    if (date == null || date == "" || date == "undefined") date = new Date();
    //    var yyyy = date.getFullYear();
    //    var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
    //    var mm = (m < 10) ? '0' + m : m;
    //    var d = date.getDate();
    //    var dd = (d < 10) ? '0' + d : d;
    //    var h = date.getHours();
    //    var hh = (h < 10) ? '0' + h : h;
    //    var n = date.getMinutes();
    //    var nn = (n < 10) ? '0' + n : n;
    //    var s = date.getSeconds();
    //    var ss = (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s;
    //    return yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd + "  " + hh + ":" + nn + ":" + ss;

U.UF.D.GetMonth = function (month) {
    switch (month) {
        case "Jan":
            return "1";
        case "Feb":
            return "2";
        case "Mar":
            return "3";
        case "Apr":
            return "4";
        case "May":
            return "5";
        case "Jun":
            return "6";
        case "Jul":
            return "7";
        case "Aug":
            return "8";
        case "Sep":
            return "9";
        case "Oct":
            return "10";
        case "Nov":
            return "11";
        case "Dec":
            return "12";

U.UF.D.Getweek = function (week) {
    switch (week) {
        case "Mon":
            return "一";
        case "Tue":
            return "二";
        case "Wed":
            return "三";
        case "Thu":
            return "四";
        case "Fri":
            return "五";
        case "Sat":
            return "六";
        case "Sun":
            return "七";

//if (_UDD == 0) { _UDW = "小时"; _UDTS = _UND[3] - UGD[3]; (_UDTS == 0) && (_UDTS = _UND[4] - UGD[4], _UDW = "分钟"); _UDTS = _UDTS || 1; _UDTS += _UDW; } //(_UDTS == 0) && (_UDTS = _UND[5] - UGD[5], _UDW = "秒"); 
//else if (_UDD < 10) { _UDTS = _UDD + "天前"; }

U.UF.D.DataTime = function (time) {
    time = eval('new ' + eval(time).source) + "";
    var strtime;
    _strtime = time.split(" ");
    _strtime[1] = U.UF.D.GetMonth(_strtime[1]); // 转化月份
    _strtime[0] = U.UF.D.Getweek(_strtime[0]); //转化星期
    return _strtime;

//用于blog的时间转换...转入2013-2-2  10:28:00 ...返回2013 2 2 10:28:00
U.UF.D.DateAnalyze = function (TD) {
    TD = TD.split(" ");
    var MT = TD[0].split("/");
    MT = MT[0].split("-")
    MT[3] = TD[TD.length - 1];
    return MT;

U.UF.D.getUnixTime = function (str_time) {
    var new_str = str_time.replace(/:/g, '-'); //替换冒号
    new_str = new_str.replace(/ /g, '-'); //替换空格
    var arr = new_str.split("-"); //转换成数组
    arr.length = 5;
    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        if (arr[i] == undefined) {
            arr[i] = 0;
    return "/Date(" + Date.UTC(arr[0], arr[1] - 1, arr[2], arr[3] - 8, arr[4], arr[5]) + ")/";
U.UF.D.IsLeapYear = function (Y) {
    if ((Y % 400 == 0 && Y % 100 == 0) || (Y % 4 == 0 && Y % 100 != 0)) { return true; }
    else { return false; }

//在IE中得到的日期是"2011",在Firefox中看到的日期是"111",主要是因为在 Firefox 里面 getYear 返回的是 "当前年份-1900" 的值。
U.UF.D.getYear = function () {
    var year = new Date().getYear();
    year = (year < 1900 ? (1900 + year) : year);
    return year;

U.UF.D.getNowMonth = function () {
    var month = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
    return month;
U.UF.D.getNowDate = function () {
    var date = new Date().getDate();
    return date;

U.UF.D.getDayOfMonth = function (month, year) {
    if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {
        return 30;
    if (month == 2) {
        if (U.UF.D.IsLeapYear(year)) {
            return 29;
        else return 28;
    return 31;

U.UF.S.PY = { 0xB0A1: "a", 0xB0A3: "ai", 0xB0B0: "an", 0xB0B9: "ang", 0xB0BC: "ao", 0xB0C5: "ba", 0xB0D7: "bai", 0xB0DF: "ban", 0xB0EE: "bang", 0xB0FA: "bao", 0xB1AD: "bei", 0xB1BC: "ben", 0xB1C0: "beng", 0xB1C6: "bi", 0xB1DE: "bian", 0xB1EA: "biao", 0xB1EE: "bie", 0xB1F2: "bin", 0xB1F8: "bing", 0xB2A3: "bo", 0xB2B8: "bu", 0xB2C1: "ca", 0xB2C2: "cai", 0xB2CD: "can", 0xB2D4: "cang", 0xB2D9: "cao", 0xB2DE: "ce", 0xB2E3: "ceng", 0xB2E5: "cha", 0xB2F0: "chai", 0xB2F3: "chan", 0xB2FD: "chang", 0xB3AC: "chao", 0xB3B5: "che", 0xB3BB: "chen", 0xB3C5: "cheng", 0xB3D4: "chi", 0xB3E4: "chong", 0xB3E9: "chou", 0xB3F5: "chu", 0xB4A7: "chuai", 0xB4A8: "chuan", 0xB4AF: "chuang", 0xB4B5: "chui", 0xB4BA: "chun", 0xB4C1: "chuo", 0xB4C3: "ci", 0xB4CF: "cong", 0xB4D5: "cou", 0xB4D6: "cu", 0xB4DA: "cuan", 0xB4DD: "cui", 0xB4E5: "cun", 0xB4E8: "cuo", 0xB4EE: "da", 0xB4F4: "dai", 0xB5A2: "dan", 0xB5B1: "dang", 0xB5B6: "dao", 0xB5C2: "de", 0xB5C5: "deng", 0xB5CC: "di", 0xB5DF: "dian", 0xB5EF: "diao", 0xB5F8: "die", 0xB6A1: "ding", 0xB6AA: "diu", 0xB6AB: "dong", 0xB6B5: "dou", 0xB6BC: "du", 0xB6CB: "duan", 0xB6D1: "dui", 0xB6D5: "dun", 0xB6DE: "duo", 0xB6EA: "e", 0xB6F7: "en", 0xB6F8: "er", 0xB7A2: "fa", 0xB7AA: "fan", 0xB7BB: "fang", 0xB7C6: "fei", 0xB7D2: "fen", 0xB7E1: "feng", 0xB7F0: "fo", 0xB7F1: "fou", 0xB7F2: "fu", 0xB8C1: "ga", 0xB8C3: "gai", 0xB8C9: "gan", 0xB8D4: "gang", 0xB8DD: "gao", 0xB8E7: "ge", 0xB8F8: "gei", 0xB8F9: "gen", 0xB8FB: "geng", 0xB9A4: "gong", 0xB9B3: "gou", 0xB9BC: "gu", 0xB9CE: "gua", 0xB9D4: "guai", 0xB9D7: "guan", 0xB9E2: "guang", 0xB9E5: "gui", 0xB9F5: "gun", 0xB9F8: "guo", 0xB9FE: "ha", 0xBAA1: "hai", 0xBAA8: "han", 0xBABB: "hang", 0xBABE: "hao", 0xBAC7: "he", 0xBAD9: "hei", 0xBADB: "hen", 0xBADF: "heng", 0xBAE4: "hong", 0xBAED: "hou", 0xBAF4: "hu", 0xBBA8: "hua", 0xBBB1: "huai", 0xBBB6: "huan", 0xBBC4: "huang", 0xBBD2: "hui", 0xBBE7: "hun", 0xBBED: "huo", 0xBBF7: "ji", 0xBCCE: "jia", 0xBCDF: "jian", 0xBDA9: "jiang", 0xBDB6: "jiao", 0xBDD2: "jie", 0xBDED: "jin", 0xBEA3: "jing", 0xBEBC: "jiong", 0xBEBE: "jiu", 0xBECF: "ju", 0xBEE8: "juan", 0xBEEF: "jue", 0xBEF9: "jun", 0xBFA6: "ka", 0xBFAA: "kai", 0xBFAF: "kan", 0xBFB5: "kang", 0xBFBC: "kao", 0xBFC0: "ke", 0xBFCF: "ken", 0xBFD3: "keng", 0xBFD5: "kong", 0xBFD9: "kou", 0xBFDD: "ku", 0xBFE4: "kua", 0xBFE9: "kuai", 0xBFED: "kuan", 0xBFEF: "kuang", 0xBFF7: "kui", 0xC0A4: "kun", 0xC0A8: "kuo", 0xC0AC: "la", 0xC0B3: "lai", 0xC0B6: "lan", 0xC0C5: "lang", 0xC0CC: "lao", 0xC0D5: "le", 0xC0D7: "lei", 0xC0E2: "leng", 0xC0E5: "li", 0xC1A9: "lia", 0xC1AA: "lian", 0xC1B8: "liang", 0xC1C3: "liao", 0xC1D0: "lie", 0xC1D5: "lin", 0xC1E1: "ling", 0xC1EF: "liu", 0xC1FA: "long", 0xC2A5: "lou", 0xC2AB: "lu", 0xC2BF: "lv", 0xC2CD: "luan", 0xC2D3: "lue", 0xC2D5: "lun", 0xC2DC: "luo", 0xC2E8: "ma", 0xC2F1: "mai", 0xC2F7: "man", 0xC3A2: "mang", 0xC3A8: "mao", 0xC3B4: "me", 0xC3B5: "mei", 0xC3C5: "men", 0xC3C8: "meng", 0xC3D0: "mi", 0xC3DE: "mian", 0xC3E7: "miao", 0xC3EF: "mie", 0xC3F1: "min", 0xC3F7: "ming", 0xC3FD: "miu", 0xC3FE: "mo", 0xC4B1: "mou", 0xC4B4: "mu", 0xC4C3: "na", 0xC4CA: "nai", 0xC4CF: "nan", 0xC4D2: "nang", 0xC4D3: "nao", 0xC4D8: "ne", 0xC4D9: "nei", 0xC4DB: "nen", 0xC4DC: "neng", 0xC4DD: "ni", 0xC4E8: "nian", 0xC4EF: "niang", 0xC4F1: "niao", 0xC4F3: "nie", 0xC4FA: "nin", 0xC4FB: "ning", 0xC5A3: "niu", 0xC5A7: "nong", 0xC5AB: "nu", 0xC5AE: "nv", 0xC5AF: "nuan", 0xC5B0: "nue", 0xC5B2: "nuo", 0xC5B6: "o", 0xC5B7: "ou", 0xC5BE: "pa", 0xC5C4: "pai", 0xC5CA: "pan", 0xC5D2: "pang", 0xC5D7: "pao", 0xC5DE: "pei", 0xC5E7: "pen", 0xC5E9: "peng", 0xC5F7: "pi", 0xC6AA: "pian", 0xC6AE: "piao", 0xC6B2: "pie", 0xC6B4: "pin", 0xC6B9: "ping", 0xC6C2: "po", 0xC6CB: "pu", 0xC6DA: "qi", 0xC6FE: "qia", 0xC7A3: "qian", 0xC7B9: "qiang", 0xC7C1: "qiao", 0xC7D0: "qie", 0xC7D5: "qin", 0xC7E0: "qing", 0xC7ED: "qiong", 0xC7EF: "qiu", 0xC7F7: "qu", 0xC8A6: "quan", 0xC8B1: "que", 0xC8B9: "qun", 0xC8BB: "ran", 0xC8BF: "rang", 0xC8C4: "rao", 0xC8C7: "re", 0xC8C9: "ren", 0xC8D3: "reng", 0xC8D5: "ri", 0xC8D6: "rong", 0xC8E0: "rou", 0xC8E3: "ru", 0xC8ED: "ruan", 0xC8EF: "rui", 0xC8F2: "run", 0xC8F4: "ruo", 0xC8F6: "sa", 0xC8F9: "sai", 0xC8FD: "san", 0xC9A3: "sang", 0xC9A6: "sao", 0xC9AA: "se", 0xC9AD: "sen", 0xC9AE: "seng", 0xC9AF: "sha", 0xC9B8: "shai", 0xC9BA: "shan", 0xC9CA: "shang", 0xC9D2: "shao", 0xC9DD: "she", 0xC9E9: "shen", 0xC9F9: "sheng", 0xCAA6: "shi", 0xCAD5: "shou", 0xCADF: "shu", 0xCBA2: "shua", 0xCBA4: "shuai", 0xCBA8: "shuan", 0xCBAA: "shuang", 0xCBAD: "shui", 0xCBB1: "shun", 0xCBB5: "shuo", 0xCBB9: "si", 0xCBC9: "song", 0xCBD1: "sou", 0xCBD4: "su", 0xCBE1: "suan", 0xCBE4: "sui", 0xCBEF: "sun", 0xCBF2: "suo", 0xCBFA: "ta", 0xCCA5: "tai", 0xCCAE: "tan", 0xCCC0: "tang", 0xCCCD: "tao", 0xCCD8: "te", 0xCCD9: "teng", 0xCCDD: "ti", 0xCCEC: "tian", 0xCCF4: "tiao", 0xCCF9: "tie", 0xCCFC: "ting", 0xCDA8: "tong", 0xCDB5: "tou", 0xCDB9: "tu", 0xCDC4: "tuan", 0xCDC6: "tui", 0xCDCC: "tun", 0xCDCF: "tuo", 0xCDDA: "wa", 0xCDE1: "wai", 0xCDE3: "wan", 0xCDF4: "wang", 0xCDFE: "wei", 0xCEC1: "wen", 0xCECB: "weng", 0xCECE: "wo", 0xCED7: "wu", 0xCEF4: "xi", 0xCFB9: "xia", 0xCFC6: "xian", 0xCFE0: "xiang", 0xCFF4: "xiao", 0xD0A8: "xie", 0xD0BD: "xin", 0xD0C7: "xing", 0xD0D6: "xiong", 0xD0DD: "xiu", 0xD0E6: "xu", 0xD0F9: "xuan", 0xD1A5: "xue", 0xD1AB: "xun", 0xD1B9: "ya", 0xD1C9: "yan", 0xD1EA: "yang", 0xD1FB: "yao", 0xD2AC: "ye", 0xD2BB: "yi", 0xD2F0: "yin", 0xD3A2: "ying", 0xD3B4: "yo", 0xD3B5: "yong", 0xD3C4: "you", 0xD3D9: "yu", 0xD4A7: "yuan", 0xD4BB: "yue", 0xD4C5: "yun", 0xD4D1: "za", 0xD4D4: "zai", 0xD4DB: "zan", 0xD4DF: "zang", 0xD4E2: "zao", 0xD4F0: "ze", 0xD4F4: "zei", 0xD4F5: "zen", 0xD4F6: "zeng", 0xD4FA: "zha", 0xD5AA: "zhai", 0xD5B0: "zhan", 0xD5C1: "zhang", 0xD5D0: "zhao", 0xD5DA: "zhe", 0xD5E4: "zhen", 0xD5F4: "zheng", 0xD6A5: "zhi", 0xD6D0: "zhong", 0xD6DB: "zhou", 0xD6E9: "zhu", 0xD7A5: "zhua", 0xD7A7: "zhuai", 0xD7A8: "zhuan", 0xD7AE: "zhuang", 0xD7B5: "zhui", 0xD7BB: "zhun", 0xD7BD: "zhuo", 0xD7C8: "zi", 0xD7D7: "zong", 0xD7DE: "zou", 0xD7E2: "zu", 0xD7EA: "zuan", 0xD7EC: "zui", 0xD7F0: "zun", 0xD7F2: "zuo" }

U.UF.S.PYS = function (UST) {//U.UF.S.PY
    var i, _UCT = UST.charCodeAt(0); //拼音编码
    if (_UCT && (_UCT > 0xB0A0 && _UCT < 0xD7FC)) { for (i = _UCT; (!(_UCT = U.UF.S.PY[i]) && i > 0xB0A1); ) { i--; } } //如果为拼音
    return _UCT;

Namespace.register("U.UF.IMGes"); //久的图片浏览器
USPhotoImgJson = null;

//图片预加载(摘自:http://www.planeart.cn/demo/imgReady/ )=========================================================================================================================
//imgReady('images/logo_cn.png', function () {alert('size ready: width=' + this.width + '; height=' + this.height);},function(){alert("加载成功")},function(){alert("加载失败")});
U.UF.IMGes.ImgReady = (function () {
    var list = [], intervalId = null,
    // 用来执行队列
		    tick = function () {
		        var i = 0;
		        for (; i < list.length; i++) {
		            list[i].end ? list.splice(i--, 1) : list[i]();
		        !list.length && stop();
		    stop = function () {
		        intervalId = null;
    return function (url, ready, load, error) {
        var onready, width, height, newWidth, newHeight,
			    img = new Image();
        img.src = url;
        // 如果图片被缓存,则直接返回缓存数据
        if (img.complete) {
            load && load.call(img);
        width = img.width;
        height = img.height;
        // 加载错误后的事件
        img.onerror = function () {
            error && error.call(img);
            //onready.end = true;
            img = img.onload = img.onerror = null;
        // 图片尺寸就绪
        img.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (document.readyState == "complete") {
                newWidth = img.width;
                newHeight = img.height;
                // 如果图片已经在其他地方加载可使用面积检测
                if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height || newWidth * newHeight > 1024) {
                    //onready.end = true;
        //        onready = function () {
        //            newWidth = img.width;
        //            newHeight = img.height;
        //            // 如果图片已经在其他地方加载可使用面积检测
        //            if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height || newWidth * newHeight > 1024) {
        //                ready.call(img);
        //                onready.end = true;
        //            };
        //        };
        //        onready();
        // 完全加载完毕的事件
        img.onload = function () {
            // onload在定时器时间差范围内可能比onready快
            // 这里进行检查并保证onready优先执行
            //!onready.end && onready();
            load && load.call(img);
            // IE gif动画会循环执行onload,置空onload即可
            img = img.onload = img.onerror = null;
        // 加入队列中定期执行
        //        if (!onready.end) {
        //            list.push(onready);
        //            // 无论何时只允许出现一个定时器,减少浏览器性能损耗
        //            if (intervalId === null) intervalId = setInterval(tick, 40);
        //        };
//图片预加载(摘自:http://www.planeart.cn/demo/imgReady/ )=========================================================================================================================
//传入图片对象,与旋转方向(值:'left' or 'right')
U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll = function (imgObj, SX, ArcSizeInt) {
    var ArcSize = imgObj.alt == null ? 0 : parseInt(imgObj.alt); //通过图片对象中的alt属性进行储存现行角度(1=90度;2=180度;3=270度;4=360度=0度)
    if (SX == "left") {
        ArcSize += 1;
        ArcSize = ArcSize > 4 ? 0 : ArcSize;
    } else if (SX == "right") {
        ArcSize -= 1;
        ArcSize = ArcSize < 0 ? 3 : ArcSize;
    } else if (SX == "int") {
        ArcSize = ArcSizeInt;

    imgObj.parentNode.style.width = ArcSize % 2 == 0 ? imgObj.width + (2 * 7) + "px" : imgObj.height + (2 * 7) + "px";
    imgObj.parentNode.style.height = ArcSize % 2 == 0 ? imgObj.height + (2 * 7) + "px" : imgObj.width + (2 * 7) + "px";
    if (!browser.msie) {
        if (ArcSize % 2 != 0) {
            imgObj.style.left = Math.ceil((parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.width) - parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.height)) / 2) + "px";
            imgObj.style.top = Math.ceil((parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.height) - parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.width)) / 2) + "px";
            imgObj.parentNode.style.left = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.left) - parseInt(imgObj.style.left) + "px";
            imgObj.parentNode.style.top = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.top) - parseInt(imgObj.style.top) + "px";
        } else {
            imgObj.parentNode.style.left = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.left) + parseInt(imgObj.style.left) + "px";
            imgObj.parentNode.style.top = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.top) + parseInt(imgObj.style.top) + "px";
            imgObj.style.left = "0px";
            imgObj.style.top = "0px";
    //    else {
    //        imgObj.parentNode.style.left = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().left) - Math.ceil((parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.width) - parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.height)) / 2) + "px";
    //        imgObj.parentNode.style.top = parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top) - Math.ceil((parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.height) - parseInt(imgObj.parentNode.style.width)) / 2) + "px";
    //    }

    imgObj.alt = ArcSize; //将角度值置于图片对象alt属性中

    imgObj.style.filter = 'Progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=' + ArcSize + ')';
    imgObj.style.WebkitTransform = 'rotate(' + ArcSize * 90 + 'deg)';
    imgObj.style.MozTransform = 'rotate(' + ArcSize * 90 + 'deg)';
    imgObj.style.OTransform = 'rotate(' + ArcSize * 90 + 'deg)';

U.UF.IMGes.Scale = function (ImgObj, nwidth, nheight) {
    var event = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0] || window.event; //消除浏览器差异 
    var x = event.clientX - 80;
    var y = event.clientY - 20;
    var Scale = nwidth / nheight;
    var ArcSize = ImgObj.alt == null ? 0 : parseInt(ImgObj.alt);
    if (document.getElementById("SlideCase_" + ImgObj.id) == null) {//判断滑动条是否已存在
        var SlideCase = new U.UF.IMGes.SliderContorl(ImgObj.id, 200, 50, x, y, function (percentage) {
            ImgObj.style.width = nwidth * (percentage / 100) + "px";
            ImgObj.style.height = parseInt(ImgObj.style.width) / Scale + "px";
            if (ArcSize % 2 != 0) {
                ImgObj.parentNode.style.width = parseInt(ImgObj.style.height) + (2 * 7) + "px";
                ImgObj.parentNode.style.height = parseInt(ImgObj.style.width) + (2 * 7) + "px";
                if (browser.chrome || browser.firefox) {
                    ImgObj.style.left = Math.ceil((parseInt(ImgObj.parentNode.style.width) - parseInt(ImgObj.parentNode.style.height)) / 2) + "px";
                    ImgObj.style.top = Math.ceil((parseInt(ImgObj.parentNode.style.height) - parseInt(ImgObj.parentNode.style.width)) / 2) + "px";
            } else {
                ImgObj.parentNode.style.width = parseInt(ImgObj.style.width) + (2 * 7) + "px";
                ImgObj.parentNode.style.height = parseInt(ImgObj.style.height) + (2 * 7) + "px";

//stackBlurImage(ImgStr, CanvasStr, percentage, false);

//  if(document.getElementById("SlideCase_20")==null){
//      var DemoSlider = SliderContorl("20",200, 50, x, y, function (percentage) {
//          alert(percentage);
//      }); 
//      document.body.appendChild(DemoSlider);
//  }
U.UF.IMGes.SliderContorl = function (id, max, min, left, top, callback) {
    var fadeOut = null; //淡出计时器Interval
    var removealertBar = null; //移除提示框计时器Timeout
    var percentage = 0; //滑动所在百分比

    var SlideCase = document.createElement("div");
    SlideCase.id = "SlideCase_" + id; //每个滑动条都有自己的ID
    SlideCase.className = "ImgViewer SlideCase";
    SlideCase.style.left = left + "px";
    SlideCase.style.top = top + "px";
    SlideCase.onmousedown = function () { return false; } //IE;
    SlideCase.onselectstart = function () { return false; } //FireFox;Chorme
    var SlideBar = document.createElement("div");
    SlideBar.id = "SlideBar"
    SlideBar.className = "SlideBar";
    var SlidhingShoe = document.createElement("a");
    SlidhingShoe.id = "SlidhingShoe";
    SlidhingShoe.className = "ImgViewer SlidhingShoe";
    var CloseSlideButton = document.createElement("div");
    CloseSlideButton.id = "Slidhing_CloseSlideButton"
    CloseSlideButton.className = "Slidhing_CloseSlideButton";
    CloseSlideButton.onclick = function () { SlideCase.parentNode.removeChild(SlideCase); }
    var alertBar = document.createElement("div");
    alertBar.id = "Slidhing_alertBar";
    alertBar.style.display = "none";
    alertBar.className = "ImgViewer Slidhing_alertBar";

    var AlertFadeIn = function () {
        alertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=100)";
        alertBar.style.MozOpacity = "1";
        alertBar.style.opacity = "1";
        alertBar.style.display = "inline-block";
        removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
            i = 100;
            fadeOut = setInterval(function () {
                alertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + i + ")";
                alertBar.style.MozOpacity = i * 0.01;
                alertBar.style.opacity = i * 0.01;
                i -= 2;
                if (i == 0) {
                    alertBar.style.display = "none";
            }, 1);
        }, 800);
    var mouse_down_or_move = function () {
        var pole = event.clientX - parseInt(SlideCase.style.left) - 25; //计算滑动块left
        pole = pole < 0 ? 0 : pole;
        pole = pole > 120 ? 120 : pole;
        SlidhingShoe.style.left = pole + "px";
        alertBar.style.left = pole - 20 + "px";
        percentage = pole * ((max - min) / 120) + min; //计算滑动条现行百分比
        alertBar.innerHTML = Math.round(percentage) + "%";
        callback(percentage); //回调传入函数

    SlideBar.onmousedown = function () {
        alertBar.style.display = "inline-block";

    SlideBar.onmouseup = function () {
        if (!browser.msie) {
        } else {
            removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
                alertBar.style.display = "none";
            }, 800);

    SlidhingShoe.onmousedown = function () {
        var ismoveSlide = true;
        document.body.onmousemove = function () {
            if (ismoveSlide == true) {
                alertBar.style.display = "inline-block";
                if (!browser.msie) {
                    alertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + i + ")";
                    alertBar.style.MozOpacity = i * 0.01;
                    alertBar.style.opacity = i * 0.01;
        document.body.onmouseup = function () {
            if (document.all != undefined) SlidhingShoe.releaseCapture(); //鼠标事件制焦
            ismoveSlide = false;
            if (!browser.msie) {
            } else {
                removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
                    alertBar.style.display = "none";
                }, 800);
            document.body.onmouseup = function () { return false; }

    return SlideCase; //返回滑动条

U.UF.IMGes.ActuleScale = function (ImgObj, width, height) {
    ImgObj.style.width = width + "px";
    ImgObj.style.height = height + "px";
    ImgObj.parentNode.style.width = parseInt(ImgObj.style.width) + (2 * 7) + "px";
    ImgObj.parentNode.style.height = parseInt(ImgObj.style.height) + (2 * 7) + "px";

U.UF.IMGes.CreatePhotoCase = function (imgid, url, key) {
    var nwidth = 0; //原宽
    var nheight = 0; //原高
    //    if (window.parent.document.getElementById("ImgViewer_Div" + imgid) != null) {//如果已创建此相框则返回此相框
    //        return window.parent.document.getElementById("ImgViewer_Div" + imgid);
    //    }
    //var IV_Div = window.parent.document.getElementById("ImgViewer_Div");
    var IV_Div = window.parent.$('#ImgViewer_Div')[0];
    if (IV_Div != null) {//如果已创建过相框则只在更改图片及管理框 ——简炜杰
        var img = U.selectEl("Img", IV_Div)[0];
        img.id = "ImgViewer_Img" + imgid;
        var _ready = function () {
            return function () {
                var nImg = new Image();
                nImg.src = url;
                var nwidth = nImg.width;
                var nheight = nImg.height;
                if (nImg.width > 800 || nImg.height > 600) {
                    if (nImg.width > nImg.height) {
                        nwidth = 800;
                        nheight = nwidth / (nImg.width / nImg.height);
                    } else {
                        nheight = 600;
                        nwidth = nheight * (nImg.width / nImg.height);
                } else if (nImg.height < 200) {
                    nheight = 200;
                    nwidth = nheight * (nImg.width / nImg.height);
                } else {
                    nwidth = nImg.width;
                    nheight = nImg.height;
                img.style.height = nheight + "px";
                img.style.width = nwidth + "px";
                IV_Div.style.height = nheight + 14 + "px";
                IV_Div.style.width = nwidth + 14 + "px";
                var strCode = '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_CloseIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode); if (parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + img.id + '\')!=null){ parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + img.id + '\').parentNode.removeChild(parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + img.id + '\'));}"></a>';
                strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ImgRollLeftIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + imgid + '\'),\'left\')" ></a>';
                strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ImgRollRightIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + imgid + '\'),\'right\')"></a>';
                strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ScaleIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.Scale(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + imgid + '\'),' + nwidth + ',' + nheight + ')"></a>';
                strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ActuleIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.ActuleScale(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + imgid + '\'),' + nwidth + ',' + nheight + ')"></a>';
                strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ThumbnailsIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if(USPhotoImgJson!=null) document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_ThumbnailsCase\').style.display=\'inline-block\';"></a>';
                U.selectEl('#ImgViewer_manager')[0].innerHTML = strCode;
                U.UF.IMGes.ActuleScale(img, nwidth, nheight);
        _ready = _ready();
        U.UF.IMGes.ImgReady(url, _ready, function () { img.src = url; }, function () { alert("加载失败"); ImgDiv.parentNode.removeChild(ImgDiv); });

    var ImgDiv = document.createElement("div");
    //ImgDiv.id = "ImgViewer_Div" + imgid;
    //相框只生成一次,ID改为唯一 ——简炜杰
    ImgDiv.id = "ImgViewer_Div";
    ImgDiv.className = "ImgViewer_Div ImgViewer_shadow";
    ImgDiv.onmousedown = function () { return false; } //IE;
    ImgDiv.onselectstart = function () { return false; } //FireFox;Chorme
    var managerBar = document.createElement("div");
    managerBar.id = "ImgViewer_managerBar";
    managerBar.className = "ImgViewer ImgViewer_managerBar";
    var manager = document.createElement("div");
    manager.id = "ImgViewer_manager";
    manager.className = "ImgViewer_manager";
    var USPhotoImg = document.createElement("img");
    USPhotoImg.id = "ImgViewer_Img" + imgid;
    USPhotoImg.className = "ImgViewer_Img";
    USPhotoImg.alt = "0";
    USPhotoImg.src = "img/loading.png";
    USPhotoImg.onmousedown = function () { U.UF.F.DragMouseDown(ImgDiv, "ImgViewer"); }

    if (key != null && key != "") {//如果KEY值为空则不显示上一张与下一张
        var gobackdiv = document.createElement("div");
        gobackdiv.id = "ImgViewer_gobackdiv";
        gobackdiv.className = "ImgViewer_gobackdiv";
        var go = document.createElement("i");
        go.id = "ImgViewer_go";
        go.className = "ImgViewer ImgViewer_go";
        go.onclick = function () {
        go.onmouseover = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "inline-block";
        go.onmouseout = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "none";
        var back = document.createElement("i");
        back.id = "ImgViewer_back";
        back.className = "ImgViewer ImgViewer_back";
        back.onclick = function () {
        back.onmouseover = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "inline-block";
        back.onmouseout = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "none";
        USPhotoImg.onmouseover = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "inline-block";
        USPhotoImg.onmouseout = function () {
            gobackdiv.style.display = "none";

        var goorback = function (gb) {

            if (document.getElementById("SlideCase_" + USPhotoImg.id) != null) document.getElementById("SlideCase_" + USPhotoImg.id).parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById("SlideCase_" + USPhotoImg.id));
            U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll(USPhotoImg, "int", 0); //恢复旋转角度
            if (gb == "g") {
            } else if (gb == "b") {
            key = key < 0 ? USPhotoImgJson.length - 1 : key;
            key = key > USPhotoImgJson.length - 1 ? 0 : key;
            var Img = USPhotoImgJson[key]; //选择JSON
            //相框只生成一次,ID改为唯一,无需更换 ——简炜杰
            //ImgDiv.id = "ImgViewer_Div" + Img.imgid;
            USPhotoImg.id = "ImgViewer_Img" + Img.imgid;
            var _e = function () {
                return function () {
                    var nwidth = this.width;
                    var nheight = this.height;
                    if (this.width > 800 || this.height > 600) {
                        if (this.width > this.height) {
                            nwidth = 800;
                            nheight = nwidth / (this.width / this.height);
                        } else {
                            nheight = 600;
                            nwidth = nheight * (this.width / this.height);
                    } else if (this.height < 200) {
                        nheight = 200;
                        nwidth = nheight * (this.width / this.height);
                    } else {
                        nwidth = this.width;
                        nheight = this.height;
                    ImageReady(Img.imgid, nwidth, nheight);
                    gobackdiv.style.bottom = (nheight + (2 * 7)) / 2 - 15 + "px";
            _e = _e();
            U.UF.IMGes.ImgReady(Img.imgurl, _e, function () { USPhotoImg.src = this.src; }, function () { alert("加载失败"); ImgDiv.parentNode.removeChild(ImgDiv); });




    var ImageReady = function (Imgid, width, height) {
        var strCode = '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_CloseIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode); if (parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + USPhotoImg.id + '\')!=null){ parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + USPhotoImg.id + '\').parentNode.removeChild(parent.document.getElementById(\'SlideCase_' + USPhotoImg.id + '\'));}"></a>';
        strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ImgRollLeftIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + Imgid + '\'),\'left\')" ></a>';
        strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ImgRollRightIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.imgRoll(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + Imgid + '\'),\'right\')"></a>';
        strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ScaleIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.Scale(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + Imgid + '\'),' + width + ',' + height + ')"></a>';
        strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ActuleIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="U.UF.IMGes.ActuleScale(document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_Img' + Imgid + '\'),' + width + ',' + height + ')"></a>';
        strCode += '<a class="samllRadius ImgViewer ImgViewer_ThumbnailsIcon" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if(USPhotoImgJson!=null) document.getElementById(\'ImgViewer_ThumbnailsCase\').style.display=\'inline-block\';"></a>';
        manager.innerHTML = strCode;
        U.UF.IMGes.ActuleScale(USPhotoImg, width, height);

    var _e = function () {
        return function () {
            var nwidth = this.width;
            var nheight = this.height;
            if (this.width > 800 || this.height > 600) {
                if (this.width > this.height) {
                    nwidth = 800;
                    nheight = nwidth / (this.width / this.height);
                } else {
                    nheight = 600;
                    nwidth = nheight * (this.width / this.height);
            } else if (this.height < 200) {
                nheight = 200;
                nwidth = nheight * (this.width / this.height);
            } else {
                nwidth = this.width;
                nheight = this.height;
            ImageReady(imgid, nwidth, nheight);
            if (key != null & key != "") gobackdiv.style.bottom = (nheight + (2 * 7)) / 2 - 15 + "px";
    _e = _e();
    U.UF.IMGes.ImgReady(url, _e, function () { USPhotoImg.src = this.src; }, function () { alert("加载失败"); ImgDiv.parentNode.removeChild(ImgDiv); });


U.UF.IMGes.ThumbnailsCase = function (ImgJson) {
    var fadeOut = null; //淡出计时器Interval
    var removealertBar = null; //移除提示框计时器Timeout
    var ThumbnailsArray = document.getElementById("ImgViewer_ThumbnailsArray");
    var ThumbnailsSlideShoe = document.getElementById("ImgViewer_ThumbnailsSlideShoe");
    var ThumbnailsSlideBar = document.getElementById("ImgViewer_ThumbnailsSlideBar");
    var ThumbnailsAlertBar = document.getElementById("ImgViewer_ThumbnailsAlertBar");
    var strCode = "";
    var Json = eval('(' + ImgJson + ')');
    USPhotoImgJson = Json;
    for (var i in Json) {
        var Img = Json[i]
        strCode += '<img onclick="U.UF.IMGes.CreatePhotoCase(\'' + Img.imgid + '\',\'' + Img.imgurl + '\',\'' + i + '\')" class="ImgViewer_ThumbnailsImg" src="' + Img.imgThumbnails + '"/>';
    ThumbnailsArray.innerHTML = strCode;
    ThumbnailsArray.style.width = (Json.length / 2) * 68 + "px";
    ThumbnailsArray.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "inline-block";
    var mousemoveOrdown = function () {
        pole = event.clientX - parseInt(ThumbnailsSlideShoe.parentNode.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().left) - 35;
        pole = pole < 0 ? 0 : pole;
        pole = pole > 235 ? 235 : pole;
        ThumbnailsSlideShoe.style.left = pole + "px";
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.left = pole - 10 + "px";
        var ThumbnailsArrayleft = Math.ceil(pole) * ((parseInt(ThumbnailsArray.style.width) - 278) / 235);
        if (ThumbnailsArrayleft > 0) {
            ThumbnailsAlertBar.innerHTML = Math.round(ThumbnailsArrayleft) + 35 + "%";
            ThumbnailsArray.style.marginLeft = "-" + ThumbnailsArrayleft + "px";
        } else {
            ThumbnailsAlertBar.innerHTML = "小于范围值~~";
            ThumbnailsArray.style.marginLeft = "0px";
    var AlertFadeIn = function () {
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=100)";
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.MozOpacity = "1";
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.opacity = "1";
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "inline-block";
        removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
            i = 100;
            fadeOut = setInterval(function () {
                ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + i + ")";
                ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.MozOpacity = i * 0.01;
                ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.opacity = i * 0.01;
                i -= 2;
                if (i == 0) {
                    ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "none";
            }, 1);
        }, 800);
    ThumbnailsSlideBar.onmousedown = function () {
        ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "inline-block";
    ThumbnailsSlideBar.onmouseup = function () {
        if (!browser.msie) {
        } else {
            removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
                ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "none";
            }, 800);
    ThumbnailsSlideShoe.onmousedown = function () {
        var ismoveSlide = true;
        document.body.onmousemove = function () {
            if (ismoveSlide == true) {
                ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "inline-block";
                if (!browser.msie) {
                    ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + i + ")";
                    ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.MozOpacity = i * 0.01;
                    ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.opacity = i * 0.01;
        document.body.onmouseup = function () {
            if (document.all != undefined) ThumbnailsSlideShoe.releaseCapture();
            ismoveSlide = false;
            if (!browser.msie) {
            } else {
                removealertBar = setTimeout(function () {
                    ThumbnailsAlertBar.style.display = "none";
                }, 800);
            document.body.onmouseup = function () { return false; }

U.UF.C.SEKP = function (IF, CB, TF) {
    IF.onkeypress = function () { if (event.keyCode == 10 || event.keyCode == 13) { if (TF) { U.UF.EV.stopDefault(); } if (CB) { CB(); } } }

U.UF.DL.SMGif = function (_div, _load) {
    if (_load == false) _div.removeChild(U.UF.C.GetCById(_div, "U_SMLD"));
    else $$("img", { "id": "U_SMLD", "className": "U_SMLDGif", "src": "http://www.1473.cn/img/us_smlding.gif" }, _div); //追加loading

//U.OU.TF = { "TF": "Excel" }

//U.OU.DivisionExcelWord = function (Judge) { U.OU.JudgeEW = Judge; } //判断是Excel还是Wrod
//U.OU.OpenFileMenu = function () {
//    U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); //阻止冒泡
//    var FileMenu = document.getElementById("U_E_OC");
//    FileMenu.style.display = FileMenu.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";

//U.OU.SwitchOption = function (Option, Judge) {
//    var OptionList = document.getElementById("U_E_MenuBar").getElementsByTagName("li");
//    for (var i = 1; i < OptionList.length; i++) { OptionList[i].className = ""; }
//    Option.className = "U_E_MenuButton";
//    document.getElementById(Judge).style.display = "block";
//    document.getElementById(Judge == "U_E_Tool" ? "U_OU_Nav" : "U_E_Tool").style.display = "none";


//U.OU.DisplayColorFrame = function (FrameID) {
//    var ColorFrame = document.getElementById(FrameID);
//    ColorFrame.style.display = ColorFrame.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
//    var OtherID = FrameID == "U_E_TColorFrame" ? "U_E_BColorFrame" : "U_E_TColorFrame"; //隐藏另一个颜色框
//    document.getElementById(OtherID).style.display = "none";

//U.OU.ColorLiOnClick = function (Li) {
//    var Color = Li.style.backgroundColor; var Father = Li.parentNode;
//    var BorderID = Father.id == "U_E_BColorFrame" ? "U_E_BColorBorder" : "U_E_TColorBorder";
//    var StyleName = Father.id == "U_E_BColorFrame" ? "BackColor" : "ForeColor";
//    document.getElementById(BorderID).style.backgroundColor = Color;
//    U.OU.ChangeStyle(StyleName, Color);
//    Father.style.display = "none"; //隐藏颜色框

//U.OU.InsertNowTime = function () {
//    var NowTime = US.Admin.TimeNow["年", "月", "日"];
//    if (U.OU.JudgeEW == "Word" || U.MD.O.E.KeepEditblur()) { U.UF.E.GetSelectionRange(window, $$("span")).Replace(NowTime); }
//    else {
//        var Compare = U.MD.O.E.ComparePickOn(); var Small = Compare[0]; var Big = Compare[1];
//        for (var i = Small[0]; i <= Big[0]; i++) {
//            for (var j = Small[1]; j <= Big[1]; j++) { U.MD.O.E.Cell[i][j].innerHTML = NowTime; }
//        }
//    }


//U.OU.ChangeStyle = function (SN, V, TF) {
//    if (U.OU.TF["TF"] == "Excel") {
//        var _UDFD = U.selectEl("#U_E_EditFrame")[0], _UDED = U.selectEl("div", _UDFD)[0];
//        if (_UDFD.ondblclick == null) { U.UF.E.FontSizeType(_UDED, SN, [V, V]); } //修改文字样式
//        else {
//            U.UF.E.GetSelectionRange(window, U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][0]).SetYPS(SN, V);
//            U.MD.O.E.SY["CE"]["Cell"][U.MD.O.E.SY["SEO"][1]].style[SN] = V;
//        }
//    }

////U.OU.ChangeStyle = function (StyleName, Param) {
////    var EJudge = U.OU.JudgeEW == "Word" || (U.MD.O.E.KeepEditblur() && StyleName != "BackColor" && StyleName != "JustifyLeft" && StyleName != "JustifyCenter" && StyleName != "JustifyRight");
////    if (EJudge) {//判断是否处于编辑状态中,或者是否是Word
////        if (Param == null) { document.execCommand(StyleName) }
////        else { document.execCommand(StyleName, false, Param); }
////    }
////    else {
////        //        var StyleList = { "Bold": "fontWeight", "Italic": "fontStyle", "Underline": "textDecoration", "StrikeThrough": "textDecoration", "": "backgroundColor", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "" };
////        switch (StyleName) {
////            case "Bold": StyleName = "fontWeight"; Param = ['bold', 'normal']; break;
////            case "Italic": StyleName = "fontStyle"; Param = ['italic', 'normal']; break;
////            case "Underline": StyleName = "textDecoration"; Param = ['underline', 'none']; break;
////            case "StrikeThrough": StyleName = "textDecoration"; Param = ['line-through', 'none']; break;
////            case "BackColor": StyleName = "backgroundColor"; break;
////            case "ForeColor": StyleName = "color"; break;
////            case "JustifyLeft": StyleName = "textAlign"; Param = "left"; break;
////            case "JustifyCenter": StyleName = "textAlign"; Param = "center"; break;
////            case "JustifyRight": StyleName = "textAlign"; Param = "right"; break;
////            case "FontSize": StyleName = "fontSize"; Param = Param + "px"; break;
////            case "FontName": StyleName = "fontFamily"; break;
////        }
////        var TempParam = Param.concat();
////        var Compare = U.MD.O.E.ComparePickOn(); var Small = Compare[0]; var Big = Compare[1]; var Cell;
////        for (var i = Small[0]; i <= Big[0]; i++) {
////            for (var j = Small[1]; j <= Big[1]; j++) {
////                Cell = U.MD.O.E.Cell[i][j];
////                if (StyleName == "textDecoration") {//让删除线和下划线共存
////                    var Decoration = Param[0] == "underline" ? "line-through" : "underline";
////                    if (Cell.style[StyleName].indexOf(Decoration) > -1) { Param[0] = "underline line-through"; Param[1] = Decoration; }
////                }
////                if ((typeof (Param) == "string")) { Cell.style[StyleName] = Param; }
////                else { Cell.style[StyleName] = Cell.style[StyleName] == Param[0] ? Param[1] : Param[0]; }
////                if (StyleName == "textDecoration") { Param = TempParam.concat(); }
////            }
////        }
////    }
////    if (U.OU.JudgeEW == "Excel") { U.MD.O.E.EditTextEdit("Cell"); }

//U.OU.SelectedLocation = function () {
//    //Chorme
//    //    var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
//    //    var startRangeOffset = range.startOffset;
//    //    range.collapse(true);
//    //    range.setStart(range.startContainer, startRangeOffset - 1);
//    //    range.setEnd(range.startContainer, startRangeOffset - 1 + plenght);
//    //IE
//    //    var EditFrame = document.getElementById("U_E_EditFrame");
//    //    var EditContent = EditFrame.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
//    var EditContent = document.getElementById("U_W_WordEdit");
//    var range = document.selection.createRange();
//    var stored_range = range.duplicate();
//    stored_range.moveToElementText(EditContent);
//    stored_range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
//    EditContent.selectionStart = stored_range.text.length - range.text.length;
//    EditContent.selectionEnd = EditContent.selectionStart + range.text.length;

//    //U.MD.O.E.setSelectText(EditContent, EditContent.selectionStart, EditContent.selectionEnd);

//U.OU.SpiltInnerHTML = function (InnerHTML) {
//    var InnerFrame = $$("span", { "innerHTML": InnerHTML });
//    InnerHTML = InnerFrame.innerHTML;
//    var ElementList = U.UF.EL.getChildrenNoText(InnerFrame.childNodes); var SubStr = "";
//    var NewArray = []; var Local; var ElementInner;
//    for (var i = 0; i < ElementList.length; i++) {
//        ElementInner = U.OU.OuterHTML(ElementList[i]);
//        Local = InnerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(ElementInner.toLowerCase());
//        SubStr = InnerHTML.substring(0, Local);
//        if (SubStr.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "") != "") { NewArray.push(SubStr); } //如果为空就不加入到数组中
//        NewArray.push(ElementList[i]);
//        InnerHTML = InnerHTML.substring(Local + ElementInner.length, InnerHTML.length);
//    }
//    if (InnerHTML.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "") != "") { NewArray.push(InnerHTML); }
//    return NewArray;

//U.OU.OuterHTML = function (Element) {
//    var HTMLFrame = $$("span", {}); HTMLFrame.appendChild(Element);
//    return HTMLFrame.innerHTML;

//U.OU.Editplus = function (StyleName, Param) {
//    var BrowserJudge = !(document.selection); //判断是哪个浏览器    
//    var range = BrowserJudge ? window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : document.selection.createRange();
//    var TextFather = BrowserJudge ? range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode : range.parentElement(); //获取文本的父窗口
//    var InnerHTML = BrowserJudge ? document.createElement('span') : range.htmlText; //返回选中的InnerHTML
//    if (BrowserJudge) { SpanFrame.appendChild(range.cloneContents()).innerHTML; }
//    var ElementList = U.OU.SpiltInnerHTML(InnerHTML); //将InnerHTML分割成数组(根据标签进行分割)
//    var NewStyle = TextFather.style[StyleName] == Param[0] ? Param[1] : Param[0]; var NextSpan;
//    if (ElementList[0].nodeName) {//如果开头是标签就取标签相反的,如果是文本就取第一种样式
//        for (var i = 0; i < ElementList.length; i++) {
//            NewStyle = ElementList[i].style[StyleName]; NextSpan = ElementList[i + 1];
//            if (NextSpan == null || NextSpan.nodeName == null || NextSpan.style[StyleName] == NewStyle) { NewStyle = NewStyle == Param[0] ? Param[1] : Param[0]; break; }
//        }
//    }
//    var HTMLFrameB = $$("span", {}); var HTMLFrameS = $$("span", {}, HTMLFrameB);
//    var str = ChildList = ""; HTMLFrameS.style[StyleName] = NewStyle; var ElementName = "";
//    for (var i = 0; i < ElementList.length; i++) {
//        ElementName = ElementList[i].nodeName;
//        if (ElementName) {
//            if (ElementList[i].innerHTML == "" && ElementName == "SPAN") { continue; }
//            ChildList = ElementList[i].getElementsByTagName("*");
//            for (var j = 0; j < ChildList.length; j++) { if (ChildList[j].nodeName != "BR") { ChildList[j].style[StyleName] = NewStyle; } }
//            if (ElementName != "BR") {
//                if (ElementName == "P" && (i == 0 || i == ElementList.length - 1)) {
//                    // if (i == ElementList.length - 1) { str += "<p>"; }
//                    HTMLFrameS.innerHTML = ElementList[i].innerHTML;
//                    str += HTMLFrameB.innerHTML;
//                    if (i == 0) { str += "<br />"; }
//                    continue;
//                }
//                ElementList[i].style[StyleName] = NewStyle;
//            }
//            str += U.OU.OuterHTML(ElementList[i]);
//        }
//        else { HTMLFrameS.innerHTML = ElementList[i]; str += HTMLFrameB.innerHTML; }
//    }
//    if (BrowserJudge) { var NewFrame = $$("span", { "innerHTML": str }); range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(HTMLFrameS); }
//    else { range.pasteHTML(str); }

////U.OU.Editplus = function (StyleName, Param) {
////    var BrowserJudge = !(document.selection); //判断是哪个浏览器
////    var range = BrowserJudge ? window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : document.selection.createRange();
////    var TextFather = BrowserJudge ? range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode : range.parentElement(); //获取文本的父窗口
////    var SpanFrame = BrowserJudge ? document.createElement('span') : $$("span", { "innerHTML": range.htmlText }); //返回innerHTML为选中内容的span
////    if (BrowserJudge) { SpanFrame.appendChild(range.cloneContents()); } var SpanList = SpanFrame.getElementsByTagName("*");
////    var NewStyle = Param[0]; var NextSpan;
////    //如果开头是标签就取标签相反的,如果是文本就取第一种样式
////    if (!(SpanFrame.firstChild.nodeValue)) {
////        for (var i = 0; i < SpanList.length; i++) {
////            NewStyle = SpanList[i].style[StyleName]; NextSpan = SpanList[i + 1];
////            if (NextSpan == null || NextSpan.style[StyleName] == NewStyle) { NewStyle = NewStyle == Param[0] ? Param[1] : Param[0]; break; }
////        }
////    }
////    else { NewStyle = TextFather.style[StyleName] == Param[0] ? Param[1] : Param[0]; }
////    for (var i = 0; i < SpanList.length; i++) { SpanList[i].style[StyleName] = NewStyle }; //让内部所有标签都为该css
////    SpanFrame.style[StyleName] = NewStyle;
////    if (BrowserJudge) { range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(SpanFrame); return; }
////    if (TextFather.contentEditable == "true" || U.OU.DivisionEW == "Word") { range.pasteHTML(SpanFrame.outerHTML); }
////    else {
////        TextFather.style[StyleName] = NewStyle; SpanList = TextFather.getElementsByTagName("*");
////        for (var i = 0; i < SpanList.length; i++) { SpanList[i].style[StyleName] = NewStyle };
////    }

////让回车生成的<p></p>变成<br />
//U.OU.EditOnkey = function () {
//    var BrowserJudge = !(document.selection); //判断是哪个浏览器
//    var range = BrowserJudge ? window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : document.selection.createRange();
//    if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 108) {
//        U.UF.EV.stopDefault(); //阻止系统事件
//        var dd = document.createElement("br");
//        if (BrowserJudge) { range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(dd); }
//        else { range.pasteHTML("<br />"); }
//    }
//    U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); //阻止冒泡

    //        freeze: Object.freeze || function (UDE) { //冻结对象
    //            if (Object.defineProperty) {
    //                if (!U.UF.Ut.isForObj(UDE)) { throw new Error("Object.defineProperties requires more than 0 arguments"); } //error
    //                else {
    //                    var i, _UCE = Object.create(null);
    //                    for (i in UDE) {
    //                        if (UDE.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
    //                            if (U.UF.C.isObject(UDE[i])) { Object.freeze(UDE[i]); }
    //                            else { Object.defineProperty(_UCE, i, { value: UDE[i], configurable: false, writable: false }); }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                    return UDE;
    //                }
    //            }
    //            else { throw new Error("Browser version is too low"); }
    //        },
    //        isFrozen: Object.isFrozen || function (UDE) {//判断元素是否冻结 configurable and writable is false
    //            if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
    //                if (U.UF.Ut.isForObj(UDE)) {
    //                    for (var i in UDE) {
    //                        if (U.UF.C.isObject(UDE[i])) { if (!Object.isFrozen(UDE[i])) { return false; } }
    //                        else { _UCE = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(UDE, i); if (!_UCE.configurable && !_UCE.writable) { return false; } } //不可读写的为密封
    //                    }
    //                    return true;
    //                }
    //                else { throw new Error(arguments.length ? UDE + " is not an object" : "Object.preventExtensions requires more than 0 arguments"); }
    //            }
    //            else { throw new Error("Browser version is too low"); }
    //        },
    //        preventExtensions: Object.preventExtensions || function () { //设置属性不可扩展
    //            if (Object.defineProperty) {
    //                if (U.UF.Ut.isForObj(UDE)) {
    //                    for (var i in UDE) {
    //                        if (U.UF.C.isObject(UDE[i])) { Object.preventExtensions(UDE[i]); }
    //                        else { Object.defineProperty(UDE, i, { value: UDE[i], configurable: false }); }
    //                    }
    //                    return UDE;
    //                }
    //                else { throw new Error(UDE + " is not an object"); }
    //            }
    //            else { throw new Error("Browser version is too low"); }
    //        },
    //        isExtensible: Object.isExtensible || function () {//是否可扩展
    //            if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
    //                if (U.UF.Ut.isForObj(UDE)) {
    //                    var i, _UCE;
    //                    for (i in UDE) {
    //                        if (U.UF.C.isObject(UDE[i])) { if (Object.isExtensible(UDE[i])) { return true; } } //不可扩展
    //                        else { _UCE = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(UDE, i); if (_UCE.configurable) { return true; } } //判断是否可扩展
    //                    }
    //                    return false;
    //                }
    //                else { throw new Error(arguments.length ? UDE + " is not an object" : "Object.preventExtensions requires more than 0 arguments"); }
    //            }
    //            else { throw new Error("Browser version is too low"); }
    //        },
    //        seal: Object.seal || function (UDE) {//密封对象
    //            return Object.preventExtensions(UDE);
    //        },
    //        isSealed: Object.isSealed || function () { //判断对象是否密封对象
    //            if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
    //                if (U.UF.Ut.isForObj(UDE)) {
    //                    var i, _UCE;
    //                    for (i in UDE) {
    //                        if (U.UF.C.isObject(UDE[i])) { if (!Object.isSealed(UDE[i])) { return false; } }
    //                        else { _UCE = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(UDE, i); if (_UCE.configurable && _UCE.writable) { return false; } } //可读可写不为密封对象
    //                    }
    //                    return true;
    //                }
    //                else { throw new Error(arguments.length ? UDE + " is not an object" : "Object.preventExtensions requires more than 0 arguments"); }
    //            }
    //            else { throw new Error("Browser version is too low"); }
    //        },


    //    var i, _UL, _UEL, _UPB, _UKE, _UBT, _UDE = US.forum.news[0], _UDOD = U.selectEl("#UD_SYSXZLRSR")[0], _UDTD = U.selectEl("#UD_SYSXZLRSRO")[0], _UDPD = _UDTD.parentNode, _UDSD = U.selectEl("span", _UDPD), _UDXD = U.selectEl("#UD_SYXTXO")[0], _UDZD = U.selectEl(_UDXD.parentNode), _UDCD = _UDZD.Child();
    //    if ((_UEL = _UDE.length)) {
    //        U.MD.D.Blog.N.PNWB(_UDE); _UBT = U.Json.select(_UDE,{ "NF": null }); _UPB = U.Json.select(_UDE,{ "NF": US.FORUMROOTID }); _UKE = U.Json.select(_UDE,{ "NF": US.EMPTYGUID }); //获取PB和Blog的值
    //        if (_UEL = _UBT.length) { U.MD.D.Blog.N.PNSXX(_UBT.slice(0, 3), _UDOD); (_UEL > 3) && (_UDPD.style.display = "block", U.MD.D.Blog.N.PNXXX(_UDTD, _UBT.slice(3, 10)), _UDSD[_UDSD.length - 2].innerText = _UEL); U.selectEl("div", _UDPD)[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.MD.D.Blog.N.SNXX(null, _UBT, _UDTD)}; } else { i = 0; _UL = 2; }; //blog值查看
    //        if (_UPB.length || _UKE.length) { U.MD.D.Blog.N.BNXX(_UPB, _UDXD); U.MD.D.Blog.N.SQBNXX(_UKE, _UDXD); _UDCD[2].innerHTML = "有" + (_UEL = (_UDE.length - _UBT.length)) + "条新讨论消息"; _UDZD.addAttrArray({ "style": { "display": "block", "top": -(_UEL > 2 ? 70 : 0) + "px"} })[0]; _UDCD[0].onclick = function(){U.UF.EV.stopBubble], [U.MD.D.Blog.N.SNXX(null, _UPB, _UDXD)}; } else { i = i == null ? 2 : i; _UL = 3; } //pb值查看
    //    }
    //    else { i = 0; _UL = 3; }; i = i || 0; _UL = (_UL == null ? 0 : _UL || 3); _UDE = [_UDTD, _UDOD, _UDXD]; for (; i < _UL; i++) { _UDE[i].innerText = ""; (i - 1 > 0) && ($(_UDE[i]).parentElement(i - 1).css("display", "none")); }

//U.MD.D.H.SSHY = function () {
//    var i, UDOD, _UDE = ["UD_SYSSZSJ"];
//    for (i = 0; i < _UDE.length; i++) { (UDOD = U.selectEl("#" + _UDE[i])[0]).onscroll = U.UF.EV.scrollLoad({ "AF": U.UF.C.apply(null, [[U.MD.F.S.GDJZ, [$("input", UDOD.parentNode)[0]])]] }).SCH(); }

U.MD.O.OLWord = function (UIF, UDE, UDOD, UDFD, USID) {
var _UTH;
var _UW = UDFD.contentWindow; //获取window操作层
var _UDPD = U.selectEl(UDOD).Parent(); //获取父亲层
var _UDAD = U.selectEl(_UW.document.body).childs(0, 0).Child(); //获取Ifrmae下的第一个元素的子级
var _UDMD = _UDAD[1]; //推荐分享区
var _UAE = U.MD.DK.M.GDBFM("uw"); //获取最近打开的uw文件
U.UF.DL.uploading(UDOD); //设置loading
U.MD.O.E.T.WETZ(_UDPD, (_UW.U.OU.TF["TF"] = "Word")); _UDMD.contentEditable = true; if (!UDE) { (!USID) && (_UTH = _UDMD.innerHTML); } else { _UTH = UDE["UsOffice"]; } _UDMD.innerHTML = "";   //创建独立的div作为换行  
(!_UTH) && (_UDMD = $$("div", {}, _UDMD), _UTH = ""); _UW.U.OU.SCJD(_UDMD, _UTH, U.MD.O.OLWordUP); _UDMD.focus(); _UW.U.MD.O.W.AsynGetTemp(); (_UAE) && (U.MD.O.PWord(_UAE.slice(0, 6), U.selectEl(_UDAD[0]).Child()[1], UIF)); //打印值//打印最近推荐

//暂时先屏蔽 网上很少使用
//outerText 最初是由 IE4.0 浏览器实现的私有属性,只有 Firefox 不支持该属性
//        if (!!document.getBoxObjectFor || window.mozInnerScreenX != null) {//判断是否为firefox 
//            HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("outerText", function (str) {
//                var parsedText = document.createTextNode(str); //创建文本节点
//                this.parentNode.replaceChild(parsedText, this); //用创建的文本节点代替this
//                return parsedText;
//            });
//            HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("outerText", function () {
//                var r = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); //在这个元素的根元素创建一个(Range 对象)
//                r.selectNodeContents(this); //设置该范围的边界点,使它包含指定节点的子孙节点,但不包含指定的节点本身;参数->其子节点将成为当前范围的内容的节点
//                return r.toString(); //把一个逻辑值转换成字符串,并返回结果
//            });
//        }
//        if (!("componentFromPoint" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {//通过特定事件返回对象在指定坐标下的位置  
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "componentFromPoint", function () {//componentFromPoint("指定x的客户端窗口的坐标","指定y的客户端窗口的坐标")
//                return function () {
//                    var _UE = U.UF.C.GetMousep();
//                    var _UDE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(this);
//                    if ((_UE["X"] > _UDE["CW"] + _UDE["TX"]) || (_UE["Y"] > _UDE["CH"] + _UDE["TY"])) {
//                        return "outside";
//                    }
//                    return "";
//                }
//            },
//        function () { });
//        }

//        if (!("onreadystatechange" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {//判断是否是firefox
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "onreadystatechange", function () {
//                return this.onload;
//            },
//        function (cb) {
//            this.onload = cb;
//        });
//        }
//        function loadJS(url, success) {
//            var domScript = document.createElement('script');
//            domScript.src = url;
//            success = success || function () { };
//            domScript.onload = domScript.onreadystatechange = function () {
//                if (!this.readyState || 'loaded' === this.readyState || 'complete' === this.readyState) {
//                    success();
//                    this.onload = this.onreadystatechange = null;
//                    this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
//                }
//            }
//            document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(domScript);
//        }        
//        if (!("setCapture" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {//判断是否是firefox
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "setCapture", function () {
//                return function () { window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } //firefox对于鼠标事件的捕捉
//            },
//        function () { });        }
//        if (!("releaseCapture" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {//判断是否是firefox
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "releaseCapture", function () {
//                return function () {
//                    window.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); 
//                }
//            },
//        function () { });
//        }

//        if (!("event" in window.constructor.prototype)) {/*检测浏览器是否支持鼠标键盘事件*/
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(window.constructor.prototype, "event", function () {
//                var _UDE = arguments.callee; //arguments.callee ->指向参数arguments对象的函数
//                while (_UDE.caller) {//一直往上寻找直到 寻找到顶层作用域 返回null 再往下执行
//                    _UDE = _UDE.caller;
//                }
//                return _UDE.arguments ? _UDE.arguments[0] : null; //arguments 是一个对应于传递给函数的参数的类数组对象。
//            }, function () { });
//        }

//            if (!("srcElement" in window.Event.prototype)) {
//                U.UF.EV.boundProperties(window.Event.prototype, "srcElement", function () {
//                    return event.target;
//                },
//        function () { });
//            }
//srcElement 和 target 的兼容
//            var theEvent = window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]; //arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]相当于firefox的获取event
//            var srcElement = theEvent.srcElement; //捕获当前事件作用的对象
//            if (!srcElement) {//Firefox不兼容srcElement
//                srcElement = theEvent.target; //Firefox兼容target
//            }

//            if (!("keyCode" in window.Event.prototype)) {
//                U.UF.EV.boundProperties(window.Event.prototype, "keyCode", function () {
//                    return event.which;
//                },
//        function () { });
//            }
//keyCode - 兼容chrom和Firefox

//        HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("onmousewheel", function () {
//            return this.onwheel;
//        });
//        HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("onmousewheel", function (cb) {
//            this.onwheel = cb;
//        });
//        if (!("onmousewheel" in HTMLElement)) {
//            if ("onwheel" in HTMLElement.prototype) {
//                U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "onmousewheel", function () {
//                    return this.onwheel;
//                },
//            function (cb) {
//                this.onwheel = cb;
//            });
//            }
//            else {
//                //firefox支持onmousewheel
//                if (browser.firefox) {
//                    (function () {
//                        window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function (UE) {
//                            //监控Scroll事件
//                            var _UOE = null
//                          , _UDOD = UE.srcElement;  
//                            do {
//                                _UOE = U.selectEl(_UDOD).attr("onmousewheel") || _UDOD.onmousewheel;
//                                _UDOD = U.selectEl(_UDOD).Parent();
//                            } while (!(_UOE || !_UDOD)); //冒泡的顶部获取
//                            if (_UOE) {
//                                (typeof _UOE == "string") && (_UDOD.onmousewheel = new Function(_UOE));
//                                U.M.StopDefault();
//                                //阻止页面固定事件
//                                setTimeout(function () {
//                                    _UOE.call(this, UE);
//                                }
//                            , 0);
//                                //异步执行 解决锁定的bug
//                            }
//                        }
//                    , false);
//                    }
//                )();
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        if (!("innerText" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {/*检测浏览器是否支持innerText这个方法*/
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "innerText",
//              function () {
//                  return this.textContent;
//              },
//               function (UDE) {
//                   this.textContent = UDE;
//               }
//        );
//        }
//        if (!("outerHTML" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {/*检测浏览器是否支持outerHTML这个方法*/
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "outerHTML",
//            function () {
//                var _UDOD = this.cloneNode(true),
//                _UDTD = $$("div", {});
//                _UDTD.appendChild(_UDOD);
//                return _UDTD.innerHTML; /*如果不支持就使用innerhtml插入*/
//            },
//             function (UTH) {
//                 var i, _UDOD = U.selectEl(this), _UDPD = _UDOD.Parent(), _UDCD = $$("div", {
//                     "innerHTML": UTH
//                 }).childNodes, _UDTD = document.createDocumentFragment;
//                 for (i = 0; i < _UDCD.length; i++) {
//                     _UDTD.appendChild(_UDCD[i]);
//                 }
//                 ; _UDTD.insertBefore(_UDTD, this);
//                 _UDOD.remove();
//             }
//        );
//         }
//        if (!("outerText" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {/*检测浏览器是否支持outerText这个方法*/
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "outerText",
//           function () {
//               var _UDOD = this.cloneNode(true)
//                      , _UDTD = $$("div", {});
//               _UDTD.appendChld(_UDOD);
//               return _UDTD.innerText; /*如果不支持就使用innerText插入*/
//           },
//          function (UTH) {
//              var i, _UDOD = U.selectEl(this), _UDPD = _UDOD.Parent(), _UDCD = $$("div", {
//                  "innerText": UTH
//              }).childNodes, _UDTD = document.createDocumentFragment;
//              for (i = 0; i < _UDCD.length; i++) {
//                  _UDTD.appendChild(_UDCD[i]);
//              }
//              _UDTD.insertBefore(_UDTD, this);
//              _UDOD.remove();
//          });
//        }
//        if (!("currentStyle" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "currentStyle", function () {
//                return getComputedStyle(this, false);
//            },
//        function () { });
//        }
//        if (!("onresize" in HTMLElement.prototype) || !browser.msie) {//HTMLElement.prototype内没有onresize 则执行这个函数 
//            U.UF.CP.onresize = function (UDOD, UDTD, cb) {
//                Size事件设置
//                if (cb) {
//                    UDOD.contentDocument.defaultView.onresize = function () { U.UF.C.apply(UDTD, [[cb]])(); }  //
//                }
//                else {
//                    try {
//                        delete this.__SizeElement__;
//                    } catch (e) { }
//                }
//            }
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "onresize", function () {
//                try {
//                    this.__SizeElement__.contentDocument.defaultView.onresize;
//                } catch (e) {
//                    return null;
//                }
//            },
//        function (cb) {
//            if (this.tagName) {
//                设置Set事件
//                var _UDOD = this.__SizeElement__;
//                (U.UF.EL.getStyle(this, "position") == "static") && (this.style.position = "relative");
//                if (!_UDOD || U.selectEl(_UDOD).Parent() != this && cb) {
//                    _UDOD = this.__SizeElement__ = $$("object", {
//                        "onload": function(){U.UF.CP.onresize(this, this, cb);},
//                        "type": "text/html",
//                        "data": "about:blank",
//                        "style": {
//                            "cssText": "display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;z-index:-1;visibility:hidden;margin:0;padding:0;"
//                        }
//                    }, this)[0];
//                }
//                else {
//                    U.UF.CP.onresize(_UDOD, this, cb);
//                }
//            }
//        });
//        }
//        if (!("componentFromPoint" in HTMLElement.prototype)) {   // --------- 上面有重复代码
//            U.UF.EV.boundProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, "componentFromPoint", function () {
//                return function () {
//                    var _UE = U.UF.EL.getMousePosition();
//                    var _UDE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(this);
//                    if ((_UE["X"] > _UDE["CW"] + _UDE["TX"]) || (_UE["Y"] > _UDE["CH"] + _UDE["TY"])) {
//                        return "outside";
//                    }
//                    return "";
//                }
//            },
//        function () { });
//        }

//U.MD.F.N.ZMTS = function (UDE) {
//    var i, j, k, _UKE, _USE,
//    _UET = window.external,
//    _UTF = [], _UCE = [[], []];
//    for (i = 0; i < UDE.length; i++) {
//        if (i) {
//            _USE = UDE[i][3];
//            for (j = 0; j < _USE.length; j++) {
//                _UTF[0] = true;
//                _UKE = _USE[j];
//                _UCE[1].push({
//                    "UsImag": _UKE.UserThumbnailImageHead !== undefined ? U.MD.C.getHeadImage(_UKE.UserThumbnailImageHead) : US.DOMAIN + "img/getface.jpg",
//                    "UsSYSUN": "",
//                    "UsSYScontent": _UKE["NEWC"] || _UKE["ET"],
//                    "UsName": _UKE.UserName,
//                    "UsType": _UKE["NEWTYPE"]
//                });
//            }
//        }
//        else { //属于闪烁消息
//            for (j = 0; j < UDE[i].length; j++) {
//                _USE = UDE[i][j];
//                if (_USE && _USE.length) {
//                    for (k = 0; k < _USE.length; k++) {
//                        _UTF[1] = true;
//                        _UKE = _USE[k];
//                        _UCE[0].push({
//                            "UsImag": _UKE.UserThumbnailImageHead != null ? U.MD.C.getHeadImage(_UKE.UserThumbnailImageHead) : US.DOMAIN + "img/getface.jpg",
//                            "UsSYSUN": "",
//                            "UsSYScontent": _UKE,
//                            "UsName": _UKE.FriendsDescript || _UKE.UserNickName || _UKE.GroupManageName,
//                            "UsType": _UKE.MessageIsVerify || 0
//                        });
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    try { //云端浏览器
//        if (_UET) {
//            if (_UTF[0]) { _UET.news(U.UF.C.jsonToStr(_UCE[1])); }
//            if (_UTF[1]) { _UET.ftpshow(U.UF.C.jsonToStr(_UCE[0])); } else { _UET.QXftpshow(); }  //属于普通消息 //闪烁消息
//            _UCE[0] = _UCE[1] = null; CollectGarbage(); return null;
//        }
//    } catch (e) { } //html5消息查看

//#region 带虚拟框的拖动
* 拖动函数处理
* @param  {element} 需要拖动的元素
* @param  {function} 拖动回调函数
* @param  {object} 拖动参数
----------参数为getElementInfo 返回值
* @return  {object} 拖动对象
U.UF.F.DragMouseDown = function (UDOD, cb, UDE) {
    if (event.button < 2) { //判断左键使用
        var _UTE = new U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.init(UDOD, cb, UDE),
        _UKE = {//拖动事件处理
            "mousemove": U.UF.C.apply(_UTE, _UTE.Drag), //move事件处理
            "mouseup": U.UF.C.apply(_UTE, _UTE.DragUp) //up事件处理
        U.UF.C.AddObj(_UTE, _UKE); //给拖动方法添加新的事件。
        _UTE.create(); //创建拖动参数
        U.selectEl(document).bind(_UKE); //绑定拖动事件
        return (U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.ST = _UTE);

* 初始化拖动等待拖动
* @param  {element} 需要拖动的元素
* @param  {function} 拉伸回调函数
* @param  {object} 拖动参数
* @param  {object} 拉伸回调函数
----------参数为getElementInfo 返回值
U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.init = function (UDOD, cb, UDE, UCE) {

    if (UCE && UCE.start) { UCE.start() }; //初始化回调
        max: (UDE && UDE.MaxLeft) ? UDE : null, //最大的拖动范围
        SO: UDOD, //拖动的元素
        AF: cb, //回调函数
        ESO: event.srcElement //当前选中的元素
    return this;

U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.init.prototype = {
    * 设置拖动参数 上述有参数说明
    * @param  {object} 需要拖动的元素
    set: function (UDE) {
        if (UDE) { U.UF.C.AddObj(this, UDE) };
    * 创建虚拟框
    create: function () {
        var _UDOD = this.SO, //拖动元素
        _UHE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(_UDOD); //拖动元素的位置
        U.UF.C.AddObj(this, {
            IsD: false, //是否为有效拖动
            XY: U.UF.EL.getMousePosition(), //当前鼠标位置
            E: _UHE, //拖动元素大小等
            MaxTop: _UHE["PXT"] + US.height - 10, //最大拖动top
            MaxLeft: _UHE["PXL"] + US.width, //最大拖动left
            MinLeft: -_UHE["OW"] + 10, //最小拖动left
            MinTop: 0 //最小拖动top
        if (this.max) { this.IsMinAndMax() };
    * 限制拖动范围
    * @param  {object} 需要拖动的元素
    IsMinAndMax: function (UDE) {
        { "MaxLeft": this.E["PXL"] + UDE["MaxLeft"] || this.MaxLeft, //最大拖动left
            "MinLeft": UDE["MinLeft"] || this.MinLeft, //最小拖动left
            "MinTop": UDE["MinTop"] || this.MinTop, //最小拖动top
            "MaxTop": this.E["PXT"] + UDE["MaxTop"] || this.MaxTop //最大拖动top
        }); //设置拉伸的范围限制
    Drag: function () {
        var i, _UHE, _UDTD, _UDMD,
        _UDOD = this.SO, //拖动元素
        _UDE = [["X", "Left", "L"], ["Y", "Top", "T"]],  //设置参数
        _UME = this.E, //拖动元素原大小位置
        _UCE = this.XY,
        _UE = U.UF.EL.getMousePosition(); //鼠标的位置
        if (this.move) { this.move(this) }; //回调函数
        //循环判断设置 top left
        for (i = 0; i < _UDE.length; i++) {
            _UDE[i] = Math.min(Math.max(_UE[(_UHE = _UDE[i])[0]] - _UCE[_UHE[0]] + _UME["O" + _UHE[2]], this["Min" + _UHE[1]]), this["Max" + _UHE[1]]);
        if (!this.IsD) {
            this.IsD = true; //设置正在拖动
            U.UF.C.AddObj(this, {
                VDB: U.UF.F.foundVirtualBox(_UDOD), //添加虚拟框
                UMD: U.UF.F.maskFrame() //添加遮层
                mousemove: this.mousemove, //移动事件绑定
                mouseup: this.mouseup //释放事件
        U.selectEl(this.VDB).addAttrArray({ "style":
            "cssText": "left:" + _UDE[0] + "px;top:" + _UDE[1] + "px;"
    DragUp: function () {
        $[document, this.UMD].unbind(
            "mousemove": this.mousemove, //拖动变化使用
            "mouseup": this.mouseup //拖动结束
        this.IsD = false; //设置结束
        //释放元素 同时元素定位
        if (this.VDB) {
            var _UDMD = this.UMD, //遮罩框
            _UDTD = this.VDB, //虚拟框
            _UDE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo(_UDTD); //拖动结束的位置
            U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.chche = U.UF.F.DragMouseDown.ST = null;
            $[_UDMD, this.VDB].remove(); //元素移除 //事件结束
            U.selectEl(this.SO).addAttrArray({ "style":
                "cssText": "top:" + (_UDE["OT"] + 2) + "px;left:" + (_UDE["OL"] + 2) + "px;"
            U.UF.F.withf(this.cb); //执行回调



* 直接拖动元素不带虚拟框 一般常用于图标移动
* @param  {element} 需要拖动的元素
* @param  {object} 拖动参数
----------[ST] 初始化回调函数
* @return  {object} 拖动对象
U.UF.F.iconmove = function (UDOD, UDE) {
    if (event.button != 2) { //只有右键允许拖动
        var _UTE = new U.UF.F.iconmove.init(UDOD, UDE);
        return _UTE;

U.UF.F.iconmove.init = function (UDOD, UDE) { //拖动开始
    if (UDOD) {
        var i, _UE = U.UF.EL.getElementInfo($(UDOD)[0]), //拖动元素的位置
        _UKE = U.UF.EL.getMousePosition(), //鼠标位置
        _UCE = this.UCE = {
            "mousemove": U.UF.C.apply(this, function () { this.move(); }), //移动函数处理
            "mouseup": U.UF.C.apply(this, function () { this.up(); }) //释放函数处理
        if (UDE && UDE["ST"]) { UDE["ST"].call(this, UDOD) }; //初始化回调
        U.UF.C.AddObj(this, {
            IsD: false, //设置未拖动状态
            UMD: U.UF.F.maskFrame(), //虚拟框
            E: _UKE, //鼠标位置
            SO: UDOD, //拖动元素
            UE: _UE, //元素的位置
            UCF: UDE, //拖动传参
            MT: _UE["PXT"] + US.height - 10, //拖动最大top
            ML: _UE["PXL"] + US.width, MIL: -_UE["OW"] + 10, //拖动最大left
            MIT: 0 //最小拖动范围
        UDOD.setCapture(); //事件聚焦
        U.selectEl(document).bind(_UCE); //事件绑定 
        U.UF.F.topWindow(this.UMD, true); //置顶
        U.selectEl(UDOD).css("z-index", 9999); //当前拖动元素置顶
        return this;

U.UF.F.iconmove.init.prototype = {
    move: function () {
        var i, _UTL,
        _UDOD = this.SO; //当前拖动元素处理
        _UE = U.UF.EL.getMousePosition(),  //当前拖动鼠标位置
        _UKE = this.E, //初始鼠标位置
        _UME = this.UE, //元素位置
        _UAE = [["x", "L"], ["y", "T"]]; //变化top left对应参数
        U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); //阻止冒泡
        if (!this.UMD) {
            this.UMD = U.UF.F.maskFrame();
            U.selectEl(this.UMD).bind(this.UCE); //事件绑定 
        for (i = 0; i < _UAE.length; i++) {
            _UTL = _UE[_UAE[i][0]] - _UKE[_UAE[i][0]];
            if (Math.abs(_UTL) > 2) { this.IsD = true };
            _UAE[i] = Math.min(Math.max(_UTL + _UME["O" + _UAE[i][1]], this["MI" + _UAE[i][1]]), this["M" + _UAE[i][1]]);
        U.selectEl(_UDOD).addAttrArray({ "style": { "cssText": "left:" + _UAE[0] + "px;top:" + _UAE[1] + "px"} }); //?
        if (this.UCF && this.UCF["Move"]) { this.UCF["Move"].apply(this, [_UDOD, _UAE, _UKE, _UE]) }; //回调
        this.ism = true;
    up: function () {
        var _UDOD = this.SO, //拖动元素
            _UFE = this.UCF; //回调函数
        U.UF.EV.stopBubble(); //阻止冒泡
        _UDOD.setCapture(); //事件聚焦
        this.ism = null;
        U.selectEl(this.UMD).remove(); //虚拟框移除
        U.selectEl(document).unbind(this.UCE); //移除绑定
        U.selectEl(_UDOD).css("z-index", ""); //去除置顶
        //        //回调
        if (_UFE && _UFE["UP"]) { _UFE["UP"].apply(this, [_UDOD]) }; //回调函数处理
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 0); ; //鼠标聚焦移除


* 分页获取数据!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!放这里是什么意思?????
* @param  {array} 帖子信息
* @param  {number} 位置
* @param  {number} 数量
* @returns {array}
U.MD.D.D.FYGBL = function (UDE, UP, UHP) {
    UHP = UHP || [10, 300];
    var _UDV, _UNP = UHP[1] / UHP[0],
    _UTP = Math.ceil(UP / _UNP),
    _UCP = UP % _UNP;
    UP = !_UCP ? _UNP : _UCP; //分页的页码
    if (UDE && (UDE = UDE[_UTP])) {
        _UDV = UDE.slice((UP - 1) * UHP[0], (UP * UHP[0]));
    return [_UDV, _UTP]; //分页的数据

//U.MD.D.D.Desktop = function (UTF) {
//    //  return UTF === 1 ? U.MD.D.D.Class : U.MD.D.D.DesktopOr(UTF);
//    //    if ((!U.MD.D.D.Class && UTF == 1) || UTF == 2) {
//    //        var i, j, _UDE = U.MD.D.D.Class = [], _UKE = U.MD.D.D.GetDesk();
//    //        for (i = 0; i < _UKE.length; i++) { if (!(i % 7)) { _UDE[(j = _UDE.length)] = []; } _UDE[j].push(new U.MD.D.T(_UKE[i])); }
//    //        return _UDE;
//    //    } else { return UTF === 1 ? U.MD.D.D.Class : U.MD.D.D.DesktopOr(UTF); }