const { format } = require('../'); const { combine, json, metadata, timestamp } = format; // Default Functionality (no options passed) const defaultFormatter = combine( timestamp(), metadata(), json() ); const defaultMessage = defaultFormatter.transform({ level: 'info', message: 'This should be a message.', application: 'Microsoft Office', store: 'Big Box Store', purchaseAmount: '9.99' }); console.dir(defaultMessage); // Fill all keys into metadata except those provided const formattedLogger = combine( timestamp(), metadata({ fillExcept: ['message', 'level', 'timestamp'] }), json() ); const fillExceptMessage = formattedLogger.transform({ level: 'info', message: 'This should have attached metadata', category: 'movies', subCategory: 'action' }); console.dir(fillExceptMessage); // Fill only the keys provided into the object, and also give it a different key const customMetadataLogger = combine( timestamp(), metadata({ fillWith: ['publisher', 'author', 'book'], key: 'bookInfo' }), json() ); const fillWithMessage = customMetadataLogger.transform({ level: 'debug', message: 'This message should be outside of the bookInfo object', publisher: 'Lorem Press', author: 'Albert Einstein', book: '4D Chess for Dummies', label: 'myCustomLabel' }); console.dir(fillWithMessage); // Demonstrates Metadata 'chaining' to combine multiple datapoints. const chainedMetadata = combine( timestamp(), metadata({ fillWith: ['publisher', 'author', 'book'], key: 'bookInfo' }), metadata({ fillWith: ['purchasePrice', 'purchaseDate', 'transactionId'], key: 'transactionInfo' }), metadata({ fillExcept: ['level', 'message', 'label', 'timestamp'] }), json() ); const chainedMessage = chainedMetadata.transform({ level: 'debug', message: 'This message should be outside of the bookInfo object', publisher: 'Lorem Press', author: 'Albert Einstein', book: '4D Chess for Dummies', label: 'myCustomLabel', purchasePrice: '9.99', purchaseDate: '2.10.2018', transactionId: '123ABC' }); console.dir(chainedMessage);