123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260 |
- 'use strict'
- var npm = require('../npm.js')
- var validate = require('aproba')
- var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
- var flattenTree = require('./flatten-tree.js')
- var isOnlyDev = require('./is-only-dev.js')
- var log = require('npmlog')
- var path = require('path')
- var ssri = require('ssri')
- var moduleName = require('../utils/module-name.js')
- var isOnlyOptional = require('./is-only-optional.js')
- function pkgRequested (pkg) {
- return pkg._requested || (pkg._resolved && npa(pkg._resolved)) || (pkg._from && npa(pkg._from))
- }
- function nonRegistrySource (requested) {
- if (fromGit(requested)) return true
- if (fromLocal(requested)) return true
- if (fromRemote(requested)) return true
- return false
- }
- function fromRemote (requested) {
- if (requested.type === 'remote') return true
- }
- function fromLocal (requested) {
- if (requested.type === 'file' || requested.type === 'directory' || requested.type === 'local') return true
- return false
- }
- function fromGit (requested) {
- if (requested.type === 'hosted' || requested.type === 'git') return true
- return false
- }
- function pkgIntegrity (pkg) {
- try {
- var sri = (pkg.dist && pkg.dist.integrity) ||
- pkg._integrity ||
- (pkg._shasum && ssri.fromHex(pkg._shasum, 'sha1').toString())
- if (!sri) return
- var integrity = ssri.parse(sri)
- if (Object.keys(integrity).length === 0) return
- return integrity
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- }
- function sriMatch (aa, bb) {
- if (!aa || !bb) return false
- for (let algo of Object.keys(aa)) {
- if (!bb[algo]) continue
- for (let aaHash of aa[algo]) {
- for (let bbHash of bb[algo]) {
- return aaHash.digest === bbHash.digest
- }
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- function pkgAreEquiv (aa, bb) {
- if (aa.isInLink !== bb.isInLink) return false
- if (aa.package === bb.package) return true
- var aaIntegrity = pkgIntegrity(aa.package)
- var bbIntegrity = pkgIntegrity(bb.package)
- if (aaIntegrity || bbIntegrity) return sriMatch(aaIntegrity, bbIntegrity)
- if (aa.isLink && bb.isLink) return aa.realpath === bb.realpath
- var aaReq = pkgRequested(aa.package)
- var bbReq = pkgRequested(bb.package)
- if (!aaReq || !bbReq) return false
- if (fromGit(aaReq) && fromGit(bbReq)) {
- return aa.package._resolved && bb.package._resolved &&
- aa.package._resolved === bb.package._resolved
- }
- if (nonRegistrySource(aaReq) || nonRegistrySource(bbReq)) return false
- return aa.package.version === bb.package.version
- }
- function pushAll (aa, bb) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(aa, bb)
- }
- module.exports = function (oldTree, newTree, differences, log, next) {
- validate('OOAOF', arguments)
- pushAll(differences, sortActions(diffTrees(oldTree, newTree)))
- log.finish()
- next()
- }
- function isNotTopOrExtraneous (node) {
- return !node.isTop && !node.userRequired && !node.existing
- }
- var sortActions = module.exports.sortActions = function (differences) {
- var actions = {}
- differences.forEach(function (action) {
- var child = action[1]
- actions[child.location] = action
- })
- var sorted = []
- var added = {}
- var sortedlocs = Object.keys(actions).sort(sortByLocation)
- var toplocs = sortedlocs.filter(function (location) {
- var mod = actions[location][1]
- if (!mod.requiredBy) return true
- return !mod.requiredBy.some(isNotTopOrExtraneous)
- })
- toplocs.concat(sortedlocs).forEach(function (location) {
- sortByDeps(actions[location])
- })
- function sortByLocation (aa, bb) {
- return bb.localeCompare(aa)
- }
- function sortModuleByLocation (aa, bb) {
- return sortByLocation(aa && aa.location, bb && bb.location)
- }
- function sortByDeps (action) {
- var mod = action[1]
- if (added[mod.location]) return
- added[mod.location] = action
- if (!mod.requiredBy) mod.requiredBy = []
- mod.requiredBy.sort(sortModuleByLocation).forEach(function (mod) {
- if (actions[mod.location]) sortByDeps(actions[mod.location])
- })
- sorted.unshift(action)
- }
- differences.forEach((_) => {
- if (sorted.indexOf(_) === -1) sorted.push(_)
- })
- return sorted
- }
- function setAction (differences, action, pkg) {
- differences.push([action, pkg])
- }
- var diffTrees = module.exports._diffTrees = function (oldTree, newTree) {
- validate('OO', arguments)
- var differences = []
- var flatOldTree = flattenTree(oldTree)
- var flatNewTree = flattenTree(newTree)
- var toRemove = {}
- var toRemoveByName = {}
- Object.keys(flatOldTree).forEach(function (flatname) {
- if (flatname === '/') return
- if (flatNewTree[flatname]) return
- var pkg = flatOldTree[flatname]
- if (pkg.isInLink && /^[.][.][/\\]/.test(path.relative(newTree.realpath, pkg.realpath))) return
- toRemove[flatname] = pkg
- var name = moduleName(pkg)
- if (!toRemoveByName[name]) toRemoveByName[name] = []
- toRemoveByName[name].push({flatname: flatname, pkg: pkg})
- })
- Object.keys(flatNewTree).forEach(function (flatname) {
- if (flatname === '/') return
- var pkg = flatNewTree[flatname]
- var oldPkg = pkg.oldPkg = flatOldTree[flatname]
- if (oldPkg) {
- if (!pkg.userRequired && pkgAreEquiv(oldPkg, pkg)) return
- setAction(differences, 'update', pkg)
- } else {
- var name = moduleName(pkg)
- var removing = (toRemoveByName[name] || []).filter((rm) => pkgAreEquiv(rm.pkg, pkg))
- var bundlesOrFromBundle = pkg.fromBundle || pkg.package.bundleDependencies
- if (removing.length && !bundlesOrFromBundle) {
- var toMv = removing.shift()
- toRemoveByName[name] = toRemoveByName[name].filter((rm) => rm !== toMv)
- pkg.fromPath = toMv.pkg.path
- setAction(differences, 'move', pkg)
- delete toRemove[toMv.flatname]
- } else if (!pkg.isInLink || !(pkg.fromBundle && pkg.fromBundle.isLink)) {
- setAction(differences, 'add', pkg)
- }
- }
- })
- Object
- .keys(toRemove)
- .map((flatname) => toRemove[flatname])
- .forEach((pkg) => setAction(differences, 'remove', pkg))
- return filterActions(differences)
- }
- function filterActions (differences) {
- const includeOpt = npm.config.get('optional')
- const includeDev = npm.config.get('dev') ||
- (!/^prod(uction)?$/.test(npm.config.get('only')) && !npm.config.get('production')) ||
- /^dev(elopment)?$/.test(npm.config.get('only')) ||
- /^dev(elopment)?$/.test(npm.config.get('also'))
- const includeProd = !/^dev(elopment)?$/.test(npm.config.get('only'))
- if (includeProd && includeDev && includeOpt) return differences
- log.silly('diff-trees', 'filtering actions:', 'includeDev', includeDev, 'includeProd', includeProd, 'includeOpt', includeOpt)
- return differences.filter((diff) => {
- const pkg = diff[1]
- const pkgIsOnlyDev = isOnlyDev(pkg)
- const pkgIsOnlyOpt = isOnlyOptional(pkg)
- if (!includeProd && pkgIsOnlyDev) return true
- if (includeDev && pkgIsOnlyDev) return true
- if (includeProd && !pkgIsOnlyDev && (includeOpt || !pkgIsOnlyOpt)) return true
- return false
- })
- }