1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- extends layout
- //- this logic should be moved to a view at some point
- block content
- - var lineHeight = 2.2;
- - var archives = _.chain(env.helpers.getArticles(contents)).groupBy(function(item) {
- - return item.date.getFullYear();
- - }).value();
- - for (var archive in archives) {
- - archives[archive] = _.groupBy(archives[archive], function(item) { return item.date.getMonth(); });
- - }
- - var month_names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
- section.archive
- h2 Archive
- ul
- - var yearsK = _.chain(archives).keys().reverse().value();
- each yearK in yearsK
- - var months = archives[yearK];
- - var yearHeight = lineHeight * _.reduce(months, function(memo,month) { return memo + month.length; }, 0);
- li
- span.year-label(style='line-height:' + yearHeight + 'em')= yearK
- ul(style='margin-left:4em')
- - var monthsK = _.chain(months).keys().reverse().value();
- each monthK in monthsK
- - var monthHeight = lineHeight * months[monthK].length;
- li
- span.month-label(style='line-height:' + monthHeight + 'em')= month_names[monthK]
- ul(style='margin-left:7em')
- each item in months[monthK]
- li(style='height:'+ lineHeight + 'em;line-height:' + lineHeight + 'em')
- a(href=item.url)= item.title