"plugins": ["no-unsanitized"],
"env": {
// $ruleName is either "method" or "property"
"no-unsanitized/$ruleName": ["errorlevel",
// This object is optional would use default config for all default ruleChecks
// optional, omitting or length 0 would be considered permitting all objectNames
objectMatches: ["$stringRegex"],
// optional, removes default $ruleCheckName's provided by this rule
disableDefault: $boolean,
// optional, if omitted would disallow use of matched "$ruleCheckName" prop/method
escape: {
// optional: Tagged template permitted as arguments/assignments
taggedTemplates: ["$taggedTemplateFunctionName"],
// optional: method permitted as arguments/assignments
methods: ["$MethodName"]
// optional would use default ruleChecks, will merge each $ruleCheckName with default rule setup so user doesn't have to specify properties if already defined
"$ruleCheckName": {
// optional, same as above and overrides parent even if blank array
objectMatches: ["$stringRegex"],
// optional, same as above, overrides parent even if blank object
escape: {...}
// indices to check for arguments passed to a method call. Only applies to $ruleName="method"
properties: [...]