123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- 'use strict';
- const normalizeRuleSettings = require('../normalizeRuleSettings');
- const Result = require('postcss/lib/result');
- const { isPlainObject } = require('./validateTypes');
- const getStylelintRule = require('./getStylelintRule');
- /**
- * Useful for third-party code (e.g. plugins) to run a PostCSS Root
- * against a specific rule and do something with the warnings
- *
- * @type {typeof import('stylelint').utils.checkAgainstRule}
- */
- function checkAgainstRule(options, callback) {
- if (!isPlainObject(options)) throw new Error('Expected an options object');
- if (!callback) throw new Error('Expected a callback function');
- const { ruleName, ruleSettings, root, result, context = {} } = options;
- if (!ruleName) throw new Error('Expected a "ruleName" option');
- const rule = getStylelintRule(ruleName, result && result.stylelint.config);
- if (!rule) throw new Error(`Rule "${ruleName}" does not exist`);
- if (!ruleSettings) throw new Error('Expected a "ruleSettings" option');
- if (!root) throw new Error('Expected a "root" option');
- const settings = normalizeRuleSettings(ruleSettings, rule);
- if (!settings) {
- return;
- }
- // @ts-expect-error - this error should not occur with PostCSS 8
- const tmpPostcssResult = new Result();
- rule(settings[0], /** @type {Object} */ (settings[1]), context)(root, tmpPostcssResult);
- for (const warning of tmpPostcssResult.warnings()) callback(warning);
- }
- module.exports = checkAgainstRule;