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- /**
- Import a module lazily.
- @example
- ```
- // Pass in `require` or a custom import function
- import importLazy = require('import-lazy');
- const _ = importLazy(require)('lodash');
- // Instead of referring to its exported properties directly…
- _.isNumber(2);
- // …it's cached on consecutive calls
- _.isNumber('unicorn');
- // Works out of the box for functions and regular properties
- const stuff = importLazy(require)('./math-lib');
- console.log(stuff.sum(1, 2)); // => 3
- console.log(stuff.PHI); // => 1.618033
- ```
- */
- declare function importLazy<T = unknown>(
- importFn: (moduleId: string) => T
- ): (moduleId: string) => T;
- export = importLazy;