123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433 |
- wordwrap = require 'wordwrap'
- USAGE = /^Usage:/
- HEADER = /^[^-].*:$/
- OPTION = /^\s+-/
- COMMAND = ///^ \s+ (\w+) (?: \s{2,} (\S.*) ) $///
- ARGUMENT = /// ^ \s+ .* \s\s | ^ \s+ \S+ $ ///
- TEXT = /^\S/
- # if only JavaScript had a sane split(), we'd skip some of these
- OPTION_DESC = ///^ (.*?) \s{2,} (.*) $///
- OPTION_METAVARS = ///^ ([^\s,]+ (?:,\s* \S+)? ) \s+ ([^,].*) $///
- OPTION_SHORT = ///^ (-\S) (?: , \s* (.*) )? $///
- OPTION_LONG = ///^ (--\S+) $///
- OPTION_BOOL = ///^ --\[no-\](.*) $///
- OPTION_DESC_TAG = ///^ (.*) \#(\w+) (?: \( ([^()]*) \) )? \s* $///
- DUMMY = /// \# /// # make Sublime Text syntax highlighting happy
- OPTION_DESC_DEFAULT = /// \( (?: default: | default\s+is | defaults\s+to ) \s+ ([^()]+) \) ///i
- DefaultHandlers =
- auto: (value) ->
- return value unless typeof value is 'string'
- return Number(value) if not isNaN(Number(value))
- return value
- string: (value) -> value
- int: (value) ->
- return value unless typeof value is 'string'
- if isNaN(parseInt(value, 10))
- throw new Error("Integer value required: #{value}")
- return parseInt(value, 10)
- flag: (value, options, optionName, tagValue) ->
- return yes if !value?
- return value if typeof value isnt 'string'
- return no if value.toLowerCase() in ['0', 'false', 'no', 'off']
- return yes if value.toLowerCase() in ['', '1', 'true', 'yes', 'on']
- throw new Error("Invalid flag value #{JSON.stringify(value)} for option #{optionName}")
- alignment = 24
- indent = " "
- separator = " "
- width = 100
- wrapText = require('wordwrap')(width)
- formatUsageString = (left, right) ->
- overhead = indent.length + separator.length
- if left.length < alignment - overhead
- padding = new Array(alignment - overhead - left.length + 1).join(' ')
- else
- padding = ''
- actualAlignment = overhead + left.length + padding.length
- descriptionWidth = width - actualAlignment
- wrappedLineIndent = new Array(actualAlignment + 1).join(' ')
- [firstLine, otherLines...] = wordwrap(descriptionWidth)(right).trim().split('\n')
- right = [firstLine].concat(otherLines.map (line) -> wrappedLineIndent + line).join("\n")
- right += "\n" if otherLines.length
- return " #{left}#{padding} #{right}"
- class Option
- constructor: (@shortOpt, @longOpt, @desc, tagPairs, @metavars, @defaultValue) ->
- if @longOpt || @shortOpt
- @name = @longOpt && @longOpt.slice(2) || @shortOpt.slice(1)
- else if @metavars.length
- @name = @metavars[0]
- if $ = @name.match ///^ \[ (.*) \] $///
- @name = $[1]
- @var = @name
- @tags = {}
- @tagsOrder = []
- for [tag, value] in tagPairs
- @tags[tag] = value
- @tagsOrder.push tag
- switch tag
- when 'default' then @defaultValue = value
- when 'var' then @var = value
- @func = null
- leftUsageComponent: ->
- longOpt = @longOpt
- if longOpt && @tags.acceptsno
- longOpt = "--[no-]" + longOpt.slice(2)
- string = switch
- when @shortOpt and longOpt then "#{@shortOpt}, #{longOpt}"
- when @shortOpt then @shortOpt
- when @longOpt then " #{longOpt}"
- else ''
- if @metavars
- string = string + (string && ' ' || '') + @metavars.join(' ')
- return string
- toUsageString: -> formatUsageString(@leftUsageComponent(), @desc)
- coerce: (value, options, syntax) ->
- any = no
- for tag in @tagsOrder
- if handler = (syntax.handlers[tag] || DefaultHandlers[tag])
- newValue = handler(value, options, @leftUsageComponent(), @tags[tag])
- unless typeof newValue is undefined
- value = newValue
- any = yes
- unless any
- value = DefaultHandlers.auto(value, options, syntax, @leftUsageComponent())
- return value
- class Command
- constructor: (@name, @desc, @syntax) ->
- @func = null
- leftUsageComponent: -> @name
- toUsageString: -> formatUsageString(@leftUsageComponent(), @desc)
- class Syntax
- constructor: (@handlers, specs=[]) ->
- @usage = []
- @options = []
- @arguments = []
- @commands = {}
- @commandsOrder = []
- @shortOptions = {}
- @longOptions = {}
- @usageFound = no
- @headerAdded = no
- @implicitHeaders =
- options: "Options:"
- arguments: "Arguments:"
- commands: "Commands:"
- @lastSectionType = 'none'
- @customHeaderAdded = no
- if specs
- @add(specs)
- addHeader: (header) ->
- @usage.push "\n#{header}"
- @lastSectionType = 'any'
- ensureHeaderExists: (sectionType) ->
- if @lastSectionType is 'any'
- @lastSectionType = sectionType
- else if @lastSectionType != sectionType
- @addHeader @implicitHeaders[sectionType]
- @lastSectionType = sectionType
- add: (specs) ->
- unless typeof specs is 'object'
- specs = [specs]
- specs = specs.slice(0)
- gotArray = -> (typeof specs[0] is 'object') and (specs[0] instanceof Array)
- gotFunction = -> typeof specs[0] is 'function'
- while spec = specs.shift()
- if typeof spec != 'string'
- throw new Error("Expected string spec, found #{typeof spec}")
- if spec.match(HEADER)
- @addHeader spec
- else if spec.match(USAGE)
- @usage.unshift "#{spec}"
- @usageFound = yes
- else if spec.match(OPTION)
- @options.push (option = Option.parse(spec.trim()))
- @shortOptions[option.shortOpt.slice(1)] = option if option.shortOpt
- @longOptions[option.longOpt.slice(2)] = option if option.longOpt
- if gotFunction()
- option.func = specs.shift()
- @ensureHeaderExists 'options'
- @usage.push option.toUsageString()
- else if !gotArray() and spec.match(ARGUMENT)
- @arguments.push (option = Option.parse(spec.trim()))
- if gotFunction()
- option.func = specs.shift()
- @ensureHeaderExists 'arguments'
- @usage.push option.toUsageString()
- else if $ = spec.match COMMAND
- [name, desc] = $
- unless gotArray()
- throw new Error("Array must follow a command spec: #{JSON.stringify(spec)}")
- subsyntax = new Syntax(@handlers, specs.shift())
- @commands[name] = command = new Command(name, desc, subsyntax)
- @commandsOrder.push name
- @ensureHeaderExists 'commands'
- @usage.push command.toUsageString()
- else if spec.match TEXT
- @usage.push "\n" + wrapText(spec.trim())
- else
- throw new Error("String spec invalid: #{JSON.stringify(spec)}")
- return this
- toUsageString: -> (line + "\n" for line in @usage).join('')
- parse: (argv) ->
- argv = argv.slice(0)
- result = {}
- positional = []
- funcs = []
- executeHook = (option, value) =>
- if option.func
- if option.tags.delayfunc
- funcs.push [option.func, option, value]
- else
- newValue = option.func(value, result, this, option)
- if newValue?
- value = newValue
- return value
- processOption = (result, arg, option, value) =>
- switch option.metavars.length
- when 0
- value = true
- when 1
- value ?= argv.shift()
- if typeof value is 'undefined'
- throw new Error("Option #{arg} requires an argument: #{option.leftUsageComponent()}")
- else
- value = []
- for metavar, index in option.metavars
- value.push (subvalue = argv.shift())
- if typeof subvalue is 'undefined'
- throw new Error("Option #{arg} requires #{option.metavars.length} arguments: #{option.leftUsageComponent()}")
- return option.coerce(value, result, this)
- assignValue = (result, option, value) =>
- if option.tags.list
- if not result.hasOwnProperty(option.var)
- result[option.var] = []
- if value?
- result[option.var].push(value)
- else
- result[option.var] = value
- while arg = argv.shift()
- if arg is '--'
- while arg = argv.shift()
- positional.push arg
- else if arg is '-'
- positional.push arg
- else if arg.match(/^--no-/) && (option = @longOptions[arg.slice(5)]) && option.tags.flag
- assignValue result, option, false
- else if $ = arg.match(///^ -- ([^=]+) (?: = (.*) )? $///)
- [_, name, value] = $
- if option = @longOptions[name]
- value = processOption(result, arg, option, value)
- value = executeHook(option, value)
- assignValue result, option, value
- else
- throw new Error("Unknown long option: #{arg}")
- else if arg.match /^-/
- remainder = arg.slice(1)
- while remainder
- subarg = remainder[0]
- remainder = remainder.slice(1)
- if option = @shortOptions[subarg]
- if remainder && option.metavars.length > 0
- value = remainder
- remainder = ''
- else
- value = undefined
- value = processOption(result, arg, option, value)
- value = executeHook(option, value)
- assignValue result, option, value
- else
- if arg == "-#{subarg}"
- throw new Error("Unknown short option #{arg}")
- else
- throw new Error("Unknown short option -#{subarg} in #{arg}")
- else
- positional.push arg
- for option in @options
- if !result.hasOwnProperty(option.var)
- if option.tags.required
- throw new Error("Missing required option: #{option.leftUsageComponent()}")
- if option.defaultValue? or option.tags.fancydefault or option.tags.list
- if option.defaultValue?
- value = option.coerce(option.defaultValue, result, this)
- else
- value = null
- value = executeHook(option, value)
- assignValue result, option, value
- for arg, index in positional
- if option = @arguments[index]
- value = option.coerce(arg, result, this)
- value = executeHook(option, value)
- positional[index] = value
- if option.var
- assignValue result, option, value
- for option, index in @arguments
- if index >= positional.length
- if option.tags.required
- throw new Error("Missing required argument \##{index + 1}: #{option.leftUsageComponent()}")
- if option.defaultValue? or option.tags.fancydefault
- if option.defaultValue?
- value = option.coerce(option.defaultValue, result, this)
- else
- value = null
- value = executeHook(option, value)
- if option.var
- assignValue result, option, value
- if index == positional.length
- positional.push value
- else if !option.var && !option.func
- throw new Error("Cannot apply default value to argument \##{index + 1} (#{option.leftUsageComponent()}) because no #var is specified, no func is provided and previous arguments don't have default values")
- result.argv = positional
- for [func, option, value] in funcs
- func(value, result, this, option)
- return result
- Option.parse = (spec) ->
- isOption = (' ' + spec).match(OPTION)
- [_, options, desc] = spec.match(OPTION_DESC) || [undefined, spec, ""]
- if isOption
- [_, options, metavars] = options.match(OPTION_METAVARS) || [undefined, options, ""]
- [_, shortOpt, options] = options.match(OPTION_SHORT) || [undefined, "", options]
- [_, longOpt, options] = (options || '').match(OPTION_LONG) || [undefined, "", options]
- else
- [metavars, options] = [options, ""]
- metavars = metavars && metavars.split(/\s+/) || []
- tags = (([_, desc, tag, value] = $; [tag, value ? true]) while $ = desc.match(OPTION_DESC_TAG))
- tags.reverse()
- if longOpt && longOpt.match(OPTION_BOOL)
- tags.push ['acceptsno', true]
- longOpt = longOpt.replace('--[no-]', '--')
- if isOption && metavars.length == 0
- tags.push ['flag', true]
- if $ = desc.match(OPTION_DESC_DEFAULT)
- defaultValue = $[1]
- if defaultValue.match(/\s/)
- # the default is too fancy, don't use it verbatim, but call the user callback if any to obtain the default
- defaultValue = undefined
- tags.push ['fancydefault', true]
- if options
- throw new Error("Invalid option spec format (cannot parse #{JSON.stringify(options)}): #{JSON.stringify(spec)}")
- if isOption && !(shortOpt || longOpt)
- throw new Error("Invalid option spec format !(shortOpt || longOpt): #{JSON.stringify(spec)}")
- new Option(shortOpt || null, longOpt || null, desc.trim(), tags, metavars, defaultValue)
- printUsage = (usage) ->
- console.error(usage)
- process.exit 1
- handleUsage = (printUsage, value, options, syntax) ->
- printUsage syntax.toUsageString()
- parse = (specs, handlers, argv) ->
- if !argv? and (handlers instanceof Array)
- argv = handlers
- handlers = {}
- handlers ?= {}
- argv ?= process.argv.slice(2)
- syntax = new Syntax(handlers, specs)
- unless syntax.longOptions.help
- syntax.add [" -h, --help Display this usage information", (v, o, s) -> handleUsage(handlers.printUsage ? printUsage, v, o, s)]
- syntax.parse(argv)
- module.exports = parse
- # for testing
- module.exports.parseOptionSpec = Option.parse
- module.exports.Syntax = Syntax