1.6 KB

Build instructions

ng-annotate is written in ES6 constlet style and uses defs.js to transpile to ES5, via an optional build step, so that it can execute without the --harmony flag passed to node.

The git repository contains the original constlet style source code as well as the build scripts. It does not contain build artefacts (transpiled or bundled source).

The build scripts populates the build/es5 directory. The NPM package contains a snapshot of the git repository at the time as well as build/es5. package.json refers to the transpiled version in build/es5, so there's no need to execute node with --harmony when running a npm -g installed ng-annotate from the command line or when doing a require("ng-annotate") of the same.

If you clone the git repository then don't forget to also npm install the dependencies (see package.json).

If you want to run ng-annotate in its original form (rather than transpiled), for instance if you're hacking on it, then just run the tool via ng-annotate-harmony (not a NPM exported binary but check the package root) or include it as a library via require("ng-annotate/ng-annotate-main"). This applies to a git clone just as well as the NPM package.

run-tests.js is the test runner. Run it on the original source via node --harmony run-tests.js or npm test. The tests are run automatically in the build scripts.

To build, cd build then run ./ for defs transpilation. ./ removes the build artefacts.

I use to prepare a release tarball for NPM publishing.

Happy hacking!