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Change Log
v3.10.0 (2015/05/29 04:25 +00:00)
v3.9.1 (2015/05/20 05:14 +00:00)
b6662b6 clarify .config() docs (@linclark )
0291360 fixed tests, switched to nyc for coverage, fixed security issue, added Lin as collaborator (@bcoe )
v3.9.0 (2015/05/10 18:32 +00:00)
#157 Merge pull request #157 from bcoe/command-yargs. allows handling of command specific arguments. Thanks for the suggestion @ohjames (@bcoe )
#158 Merge pull request #158 from kemitchell/spdx-license. Update license format (@kemitchell )
v3.8.0 (2015/04/24 23:10 +00:00)
#154 showHelp's method signature was misleading fixes #153 (@bcoe )
#151 refactor yargs' table layout logic to use new helper library (@bcoe )
#150 Fix README example in argument requirements (@annonymouse )
v3.7.2 (2015/04/13 11:52 -07:00)
v3.7.1 (2015/04/10 11:06 -07:00)
v3.7.0 (2015/04/04 02:29 -07:00)
56cbe2d make .requiresArg() work with type hints. (@bcoe ).
2f5d562 serialize arrays and objects in usage strings. (@bcoe ).
5126304 be more lenient about alias/primary key ordering in chaining API. (@bcoe )
v3.6.0 (2015/03/21 01:00 +00:00)
v3.5.4 (2015/03/12 05:56 +00:00)
c16cc08 message for non-option arguments is now optional, thanks to (@raine )
v3.5.3 (2015/03/09 06:14 +00:00)
870b428 completion script was missing in package.json (@bcoe )
v3.5.2 (2015/03/09 06:11 +00:00)
58a4b24 parse was being called multiple times, resulting in strange behavior (@bcoe )
v3.5.1 (2015/03/09 04:55 +00:00)
v3.5.0 (2015/03/09 04:49 +00:00)
v3.4.7 (2015/03/09 04:09 +00:00)
9845e5c the Argv singleton was not being updated when manually parsing arguments, fixes #114 (@bcoe )
v3.4.6 (2015/03/09 04:01 +00:00)
v3.4.5 (2015/03/01 20:31 +00:00)
v3.4.4 (2015/02/28 04:52 +00:00)
0476af7 added nargs feature, allowing you to specify the number of arguments after an option (@bcoe )
092477d updated README with full example of v3.0 API (@bcoe )
v3.3.3 (2015/02/28 04:23 +00:00)
0c4b769 remove string dependency, which conflicted with other libraries see #106 (@bcoe )
v3.3.2 (2015/02/28 04:11 +00:00)
v3.3.1 (2015/02/24 03:28 +00:00)
ad485ce fix for applying defaults to camel-case args (@bcoe )
v3.3.0 (2015/02/24 00:49 +00:00)
8bfe36d fix and document restart() command, as a tool for building nested CLIs (@bcoe )
v3.2.1 (2015/02/22 05:45 +00:00)
49a6d18 you can now provide a function that generates a default value (@bcoe )
v3.2.0 (2015/02/22 05:24 +00:00)
v3.1.0 (2015/02/19 19:37 +00:00)
9bd2379 version now accepts a function, making it easy to load version #s from a package.json (@bcoe )
v3.0.4 (2015/02/14 01:40 +00:00)
v3.0.3 (2015/02/14 00:59 +00:00)
c3f35e9 make sure dot-notation is applied to aliases (@bcoe )
3.0.2 (2015/02/13 16:50 +00:00)
74c8967 document epilog shorthand of epilogue. (@bcoe )
670110f any non-truthy value now causes check to fail see #76 (@bcoe )
0d8f791 finished implementing my wish-list of fetures for yargs 3.0. see #88 (@bcoe )
5768447 fix coverage. (@bcoe )
82e793f detect console width and perform word-wrapping. (@bcoe )
67476b3 refactor two-column table layout so that we can use it for examples and usage (@bcoe )
4724cdf major refactor of index.js, in prep for 3.x release. (@bcoe )
v2.3.0 (2015/02/08 20:41 +00:00)
v2.2.0 (2015/02/08 20:07 +00:00)
d6edd98 in-prep for further refactoring, and a 3.x release I've shuffled some things around and gotten test-coverage to 100%. (@bcoe )
v2.1.2 (2015/02/08 06:05 +00:00)
v2.1.1 (2015/02/06 08:08 +00:00)
v2.1.0 (2015/02/06 07:59 +00:00)
6a1a3fa try to guess argument types, and apply sensible defaults see #73 (@bcoe )
v2.0.1 (2015/02/06 07:54 +00:00)
v2.0.0 (2015/02/06 07:45 +00:00)
v1.3.2 (2014/10/06 21:56 +00:00)
list (2014/08/30 18:41 +00:00)
fbc777f Now that yargs is the successor to optimist, I'm changing the README language to be more universal. Pirate speak isn't very accessible to non-native speakers. (@chevex )
a54d068 version output will not print extra newline (@boneskull )
1cef5d6 Added contributors section to package.json (@chrisn )
cc295c0 Added 'require' and 'required' as synonyms for 'demand' (@chrisn )
d0bf951 Updating minimist. (@chevex )
c15f8e7 Fix #31 (bad interaction between camelCase options and strict mode) (@nylen )
d991b9b Added .help() and .version() methods (@chrisn )
e8c8aa4 Added .showHelpOnFail() method (@chrisn )
e855af4 Allow boolean flag with .demand() (@chrisn )
14dbec2 Fixes issue #22 . Arguments are no longer printed to the console when using .config. (@chevex )
bef74fc Informing users that Yargs is the official optimist successor. (@chevex )
#24 Merge pull request #24 from chrisn/strict (@chrisn )
889a2b2 Added requiresArg option, for options that require values (@chrisn )
eb16369 Added .strict() method, to report error if unknown arguments are given (@chrisn )
0471c3f Changed optimist to yargs in usage-options.js example (@chrisn )
5c88f74 Change optimist to yargs in examples (@chrisn )
66f12c8 Fix a couple of bad interactions between aliases and defaults (@nylen )
8fa1d80 Document second argument of usage(message, opts) (@Gobie )
56e6528 For "--some-option", also set argv.someOption (@nylen )
ed5f6d3 Finished porting unit tests to Mocha. (@chevex )
v1.0.15 (2014/02/05 23:18 +00:00)
v1.0.14 (2014/02/05 23:17 +00:00)
f33bbb0 Revert "Fixed issue which caused .demand function not to work correctly." (@chevex )
v1.0.13 (2014/02/05 22:13 +00:00)
6509e5e Fixed issue which caused .demand function not to work correctly. (@chevex )
v1.0.12 (2013/12/13 00:09 +00:00)
v1.0.11 (2013/12/13 00:07 +00:00)
v1.0.10 (2013/12/12 23:57 +00:00)
v1.0.9 (2013/12/12 23:47 +00:00)
v1.0.8 (2013/12/06 16:36 +00:00)
v1.0.7 (2013/11/24 18:01 +00:00)
v1.0.6 (2013/11/23 19:21 +00:00)
v1.0.5 (2013/11/23 19:09 +00:00)
v1.0.4 (2013/11/23 19:05 +00:00)
9e81e81 Updated README with a notice about yargs being a fork of optimist and what that implies. (@chevex )
v1.0.3 (2013/11/23 17:43 +00:00)
65e7a78 Changed some small wording in (@chevex )
459e20e Fix a bug in the options function, when string and boolean options weren't applied to aliases. (@shockone )
v1.0.2 (2013/11/23 09:46 +00:00)
v1.0.1 (2013/11/23 09:39 +00:00)
v1.0.0 (2013/11/23 09:33 +00:00)
54e31d5 Rebranded from optimist to yargs in the spirit of the fork :D (@chevex )
4ebb6c5 Added documentation for demandCount(). (@chevex )
4561ce6 Simplified the error messages returned by .check(). (@chevex )
661c678 Fixed an issue with demand not accepting a zero value. (@chevex )
731dd3c Add .fail(fn) so death isn' ;t the only option. Should fix issue #39. (@chevex )
fa15417 Added a few missing 'return self' (@chevex )
e655e4d Fix showing help in certain JS environments. (@chevex )
a746a31 Better string representation of default values. (@chevex )
6134619 Implies: conditional demands (@chevex )
046b93b Added support for JSON config files. (@chevex )
a677ec0 Add .example(cmd, desc) feature. (@chevex )
1bd4375 Added 'defaults' as alias to 'default' so as to avoid usage of a reserved keyword. (@chevex )
6b753c1 add .normalize(args..) support for normalizing paths (@chevex )
33d7d59 Customize error messages with demand(key, msg) (@chevex )
647d37f Merge branch 'rewrite-duplicate-test' of (@chevex )
9059d1a Pass aliases object to check functions for greater versatility. (@chevex )
623dc26 Added ability to count boolean options and rolled minimist library back into project. (@chevex )
49f0dce Fixed small typo. (@chevex )
79ec980 Removed dependency on wordwrap module. (@chevex )
ea14630 Merge branch 'master' of (@chevex )
2b75da2 Merge branch 'master' of (@chevex )
d9bda11 Merge branch 'patch-1' of (@chevex )
d6cc606 Renamed README. (@chevex )
9498d3f Renamed readme and added .gitignore. (@chevex )
bbd1fe3 Included examples for help
and showHelp
functions and fixed few formatting issues (@thefourtheye )
37fea04 .alias({}) behaves differently based on mapping direction when generating descriptions (@chbrown )
855b20d Documented function signatures are useful for dynamically typed languages. (@chbrown )
0.6.0 (2013/06/25 08:48 +00:00)
0.5.2 (2013/05/31 03:46 +00:00)
0.5.1 (2013/05/30 07:17 +00:00)
0.5.0 (2013/05/18 21:59 +00:00)
0.4.0 (2013/04/13 19:03 +00:00)
0.3.7 (2013/04/04 04:07 +00:00)
6c7a0ec Fix for windows. On windows there is no _ in environment. (@hdf )
0.3.6 (2013/04/04 04:04 +00:00)
0.3.5 (2012/10/10 11:09 +00:00)
0.3.4 (2012/04/30 06:54 +00:00)
0.3.3 (2012/04/30 06:45 +00:00)
0.3.2 (2012/04/12 20:28 +00:00)
0.3.1 (2011/12/31 08:44 +00:00)
0.3.0 (2011/12/09 06:03 +00:00)
0.2.7 (2011/10/20 02:25 +00:00)
94adee2 argv._ can be told 'Hey! argv._! Don't be messing with my args.', and it WILL obey (@colinta )
c46fdd5 optimistic critter image (@substack )
5c95c73 alias options() to option() (@substack )
f7692ea [fix] Fix for parsing boolean edge case (@indexzero )
b01bda8 [fix test] Update to ensure optimist is aware of default booleans. Associated tests included (@indexzero )
aa753e7 [dist test] Update devDependencies in package.json. Update test pathing to be more npm and require.paths future-proof (@indexzero )
7bfce2f s/sys/util/ (@substack )
d420a7a update usage output (@substack )
cf86eed some sage readme protips about parsing rules (@substack )
5da9f7a documented all the methods finally (@substack )
8ca6879 fenced syntax highlighting (@substack )
b72bacf right-alignment of wrapped extra params (@substack )
2b980bf now with .wrap() (@substack )
d614f63 don't show 'Options:' when there aren't any (@substack )
691eda3 failing test for multi-aliasing (@substack )
0826c9f "Options:" > "options:" (@substack )
72f7490 [minor] Update formatting for .showHelp()
(@indexzero )
75aecce options works again, too lazy to write a proper test right now (@substack )
f742e54 line_count_options example, which breaks (@substack )
4ca06b8 line count example (@substack )
eeb8423 remove self.argv setting in boolean (@substack )
6903412 removed camel case for now (@substack )
5a0d88b remove dead longest checking code (@substack )
d782170 .help() too (@substack )
622ec17 rm old help generator (@substack )
7c8baac nub keys (@substack )
8197785 generate help message based on the previous calls, todo: nub (@substack )
3ffbdc3 stub out new showHelp, better checks (@substack )
d4e21f5 let .options() take single options too (@substack )
3c4cf29 .options() is now heaps simpler (@substack )
89f0d04 defaults work again, all tests pass (@substack )
dd87333 update test error messages, down to 2 failing tests (@substack )
53f7bc6 fix for bools doubling up, passes the parse test again, others fail (@substack )
2213e2d refactored for an argv getter, failing several tests (@substack )
d1e7379 just rescan for now, alias test passes (@substack )
b2f8c99 failing alias test (@substack )
d0c0174 .alias() (@substack )
d85f431 [api] Remove .describe()
in favor of building upon the existing .usage()
API (@indexzero )
edbd527 [doc api] Add .describe()
, .options()
, and .showHelp()
methods along with example. (@indexzero )
be4902f updates for coffee since it now does argv the node way (@substack )
e24cb23 more general coffeescript detection (@substack )
78ac753 Don't trigger the CoffeeScript hack when running under node_g. (@papandreou )
bcfe973 .string() but failing test (@substack )
1987aca test hex strings (@substack )
ef36db3 more keywords (@substack )
cc53c56 Added camelCase function that converts --multi-word-option to camel case (so it becomes argv.multiWordOption). (@papandreou )
60b57da fixed boolean bug by rescanning (@substack )
dff6d07 boolean examples (@substack )
0e380b9 boolean() with passing test (@substack )
62644d4 coffee compatibility with node regex for versions too (@substack )
430fafc argv._ fixed by fixing the coffee detection (@substack )
343b8af whichNodeArgs test fails too (@substack )
63df2f3 replicated mnot's bug in whichNodeEmpty test (@substack )
35473a4 test for ./bin usage (@substack )
13df151 don't coerce booleans to numbers (@substack )
85f8007 package bump for automatic number conversion (@substack )
8f17014 updated readme and examples with new auto-numberification goodness (@substack )
73dc901 auto number conversion works yay (@substack )
bcec56b failing test for not-implemented auto numification (@substack )
ebd2844 odd that eql doesn't check types careflly (@substack )
fd854b0 package author + keywords (@substack )
656a1d5 updated readme with .default() stuff (@substack )
cd7f8c5 passing tests for new .default() behavior (@substack )
932725e new default() thing for setting default key/values (@substack )
4e6c7ab test for coffee usage (@substack )
d54ffcc new --key value style with passing tests. NOTE: changes existing behavior (@substack )
ed2a2d5 package bump for summatix's coffee script fix (@substack )
75a975e Added support for CoffeeScript (@summatix )
56b2b1d test coverage for the falsy check() usage (@substack )
a4843a9 check bug fixed plus a handy string (@substack )
857bd2d tests for demandCount, back up to 100% coverage (@substack )
073b776 call demandCount from demand (@substack )
4bd4b7a add demandCount to check for the number of arguments in the _ list (@marshall )
b8689ac Rebase checks. That will be its own module eventually. (@substack )
e688370 a $0 like in perl (@substack )
2e5e196 usage test hacking around process and console (@substack )
fcc3521 description pun (@substack )
87a1fe2 mit/x11 license (@substack )
8d089d2 bool example is more consistent and also shows off short option grouping (@substack )
448d747 start of the readme and examples (@substack )
da74dea more tests for long and short captures (@substack )
ab6387e silly bug in the tests with s/not/no/, all tests pass now (@substack )
102496a hack an instance for process.argv onto Argv so the export can be called to create an instance or used for argv, which is the most common case (@substack )
a01caeb divide example (@substack )
443da55 start of the lib with a package.json (@substack )