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- load();
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- async function loadFromWeb(url) {
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- gPath = url.substring(0, lastSlash + 1);
- }
- const response = await fetch(url);
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(response.statusText);
- }
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- }
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- const fileReader = new FileReader();
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- } else {
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- input.value = "";
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- function logPasted() {
- showPhase("loading");
- const entry = ID("logEntry");
- const log = entry.value;
- entry.value = "";
- processLog(log);
- }
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- function processLog(contents) {
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- if (!match) {
- continue;
- }
- line = match[1];
- match = line.match(
- );
- if (match) {
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- const random = match[2];
- const url = match[3];
- const extra = match[4];
- gTestItems.push({
- pass: !state.endsWith("FAIL"),
- unexpected: state.startsWith("TEST-UNEXPECTED"),
- random: random === "(EXPECTED RANDOM)",
- skip: extra === " (SKIP)",
- url,
- images: [],
- });
- continue;
- }
- match = line.match(
- /^ {2}IMAGE[^:]*\((\d+\.?\d*)x(\d+\.?\d*)x(\d+\.?\d*)\): (.*)$/
- );
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- height: parseFloat(match[2]),
- outputScale: parseFloat(match[3]),
- file: match[4],
- });
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- }
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- }
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- function (e) {
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- gPath + item.images[1].file
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- ID("feimage2").setAttributeNS(
- "xlink:href",
- gPath + item.images[1].file
- );
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- cell.style.display = "";
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- gImage1Data = data;
- });
- getImageData(item.images[1].file, function (data) {
- gImage2Data = data;
- });
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- ID("image2").style.display = "none";
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- ID("image2").style.display = "";
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- ID("diffrect").style.display = cb.checked ? "" : "none";
- }
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- return (i < 16 ? "0" : "") + i.toString(16);
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- return "#" + hex2(r) + hex2(g) + hex2(b);
- }
- function hexAsRgb(hex) {
- return (
- "rgb(" +
- [
- parseInt(hex.substring(1, 3), 16),
- parseInt(hex.substring(3, 5), 16),
- parseInt(hex.substring(5, 7), 16),
- ] +
- ")"
- );
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- const y = cursor.y;
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- const dy_lo = -Math.floor(gMagHeight / 2);
- const dy_hi = Math.floor(gMagHeight / 2);
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- for (let i = dx_lo; i <= dx_hi; i++) {
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- const py = y + j;
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- const p2 = gMagPixPaths[i + dx_hi][j + dy_hi][1];
- if (
- px < 0 ||
- py < 0 ||
- px >= gImage1Data.width ||
- py >= gImage1Data.height
- ) {
- p1.setAttribute("fill", "#aaa");
- p2.setAttribute("fill", "#888");
- } else {
- const color1 = canvasPixelAsHex(gImage1Data, x + i, y + j);
- const color2 = canvasPixelAsHex(gImage2Data, x + i, y + j);
- p1.setAttribute("fill", color1);
- p2.setAttribute("fill", color2);
- if (color1 !== color2) {
- gFlashingPixels.push(p1, p2);
- p1.parentNode.append(p1);
- p2.parentNode.append(p2);
- }
- if (i === 0 && j === 0) {
- centerPixelColor1 = color1;
- centerPixelColor2 = color2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- flashPixels(true);
- showPixelInfo(
- x,
- y,
- centerPixelColor1,
- hexAsRgb(centerPixelColor1),
- centerPixelColor2,
- hexAsRgb(centerPixelColor2)
- );
- }
- function showPixelInfo(x, y, pix1rgb, pix1hex, pix2rgb, pix2hex) {
- ID("coords").textContent = [x, y];
- ID("pix1hex").textContent = pix1hex;
- ID("pix1rgb").textContent = pix1rgb;
- ID("pix2hex").textContent = pix2hex;
- ID("pix2rgb").textContent = pix2rgb;
- }
- const logPastedButton = document.getElementById("logPasted");
- logPastedButton.addEventListener("click", logPasted, false);
- const fileEntryButton = document.getElementById("fileEntry");
- fileEntryButton.addEventListener("change", fileEntryChanged, false);
- const testImage = document.getElementById("testImage");
- testImage.addEventListener(
- "click",
- function () {
- showImage(1);
- },
- false
- );
- const referenceImage = document.getElementById("referenceImage");
- referenceImage.addEventListener(
- "click",
- function () {
- showImage(2);
- },
- false
- );
- const differences = document.getElementById("differences");
- differences.addEventListener(
- "click",
- function (e) {
- showDifferences(e.target);
- },
- false
- );
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- magnifyElement.addEventListener(
- "mousemove",
- function (e) {
- magnify(e);
- },
- false
- );
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- }
- document
- .querySelector('input[name="which"][value="' + val + '"]')
- .click();
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- document.getElementById("differences").click();
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- select = 0;
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- select++;
- } else {
- select--;
- }
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- select = length - 1;
- } else if (select >= length) {
- select = 0;
- }
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