
v1.3.4 2018 January 31

  • Updated base files

v1.3.3 2016 November 4

  • Properly add node 0.8 support

v1.3.2 2016 November 4

  • Added node 0.8 support

v1.3.1 2016 October 11

  • Fixed failure to load editions that had the edition directory within the edition entry

v1.3.0 2016 October 11

  • Added support for EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST environment variable
  • Dropped need for DEBUG_BEVRY_EDITIONS as failures will not output all the necessary debugging information

v1.2.1 2016 October 10

  • Change esnext skip from v8 engines < 4 to node engines < 0.12

v1.2.0 2016 October 10

  • Skip syntaxes that require preprocessors
  • Skip import syntax, as the module field inside package.json skips the autoloader if supported
  • Skip esnext syntax on v8 engines < 4

v1.1.2 2016 June 16

  • Parent errors are now displayed in a more sensible way

v1.1.1 2016 March 20

v1.1.0 2016 March 20

v1.0.1 2016 March 9

  • Initial release