4.9 KB


  • Preserve empty script with src attribute
  • Make draggable enumerated attribute
  • Add option to preserve a single line break on collapse
  • Do not treat draggable as a boolean attribute
  • Add minifyURLs option
  • Add customAttrCollapse option
  • collapseBoolean is case-insensitive
  • Remove removable attrs with unspecified values
  • removeComments affects htmlmin:ignore comments
  • Quote terminal attribute value by unary slash
  • Closing tag search is case-insensitive
  • s tag has been reinstated
  • Remove i, b, u tags from linter as problematic


  • Fix Firefox attribute bug
  • Add customAttrAssign option
  • Add maxLineLength option
  • Add customAttrSurround option


  • caseSensitive option now applies to tags and attributes


  • Support for mixed-case tags
  • Support IE downlevel-revealed conditional comments
  • Add support for wbr element


  • Do not treat translate attribute as boolean
  • Add svg element in inline list
  • Do not remove special spaces like  
  • Make collapseWhitespace more resilient


  • Fix bug introduced by processScripts option


  • Add CLI
  • Fix error with valueless attributes (e.g. <a href>). #169


  • Minify meta viewport value #159
  • Add support for ignoring markup via <!-- htmlmin:ignore --> #89
  • Add support for processScripts #139
  • Add support for ignoreCustomComments #145
  • Add conservativeCollapse option
  • Fix handling of valueless attributes #150
  • Escape closing script tag #142
  • Add support for minifying CSS (minifyCSS)
  • Add support for minifying JS (minifyJS)
  • Don't add empty string value to valueless attributes
  • Add more boolean attributes
  • No more tags in lint output (Node friendly)
  • Add more optional tags
  • Node.js v0.10 is needed for development

0.5.6 / 2014-03-12

  • Add an option to keep closing slash in singleton tags #76
  • Make </source> tag optional #92
  • Add td and th to optional tags list #95
  • Add caseSensitive option #106
  • Add options quick reference in #131
  • Fix quotes in attributes
  • Ignore unneeded files from being included in the npm package
  • Switch to Grunt for development

0.5.5 / 2014-01-03

  • Add missing inline tags for collapsing whitespace
  • Preserve quotes if attribute ends with a trailing slash
  • Add space around time tag
  • Newlines are collapsed to one space

0.5.4 / 2013-09-04

  • Add support for ignoring <%...%> and <?...?>
  • Fix space after textarea
  • Add support for ignored comments (<!--!)
  • Add more tags to collapseWhitespaceSmart whitelist

0.5.3 / 2013-06-19

  • Better support for boolean attributes #63
  • Make sure code, kbd and quote tags have space around them
  • Improve canRemoveAttributeQuotes
  • Add html5 option (supports custom elements, block elements in inline)

0.5.2 / 2013-05-13

  • Fix NPM package

0.5.1 / 2013-05-12

  • Menu is no longer deprecated in HTML5 #23
  • Make parser ignore block elements in inline elements (allowed in HTML5). #51 #52 #54
  • Fix issue with closing tags
  • Smarter collapseWhitespace (preserve space around inline tags)