String utilities.
Convert string to "camelCase" text.
See: pascalCase()
, unCamelCase()
camelCase('lorem-ipsum-dolor'); // "loremIpsumDolor"
camelCase('lorem ipsum dolor'); // "loremIpsumDolor"
Checks if string contains the given substring.
See: startsWith()
, endsWith()
contains('lorem', 'or'); // true
contains('lorem', 'bar'); // false
Truncate string at full words. Alias to truncate(str, maxChars, append, true);
See: truncate()
crop('lorem ipsum dolor', 10); // "lorem..."
crop('lorem ipsum dolor', 10, '+'); // "lorem+"
Checks if string ends with specified suffix.
See: startsWith()
, contains()
endsWith('lorem ipsum', 'lorem'); // false
endsWith('lorem ipsum', 'ipsum'); // true
Escapes the following special characters for use in HTML:
becomes &
becomes <
becomes >
becomes '
becomes "
No other characters are escaped. To HTML-escape other characters as well, use a third-party library like he.
See: unescapeHtml()
escapeHtml('lorem & "ipsum"'); // "lorem &amp; &quot;ipsum&quot;"
Escape special chars to be used as literals in RegExp constructors.
str = escapeRegExp('[lorem.ipsum]'); // "\\[lorem\\.ipsum\\]"
reg = new RegExp(str); // /\[lorem\.ipsum\]/
Unicode escape chars.
It will only escape non-printable ASCII chars unless shouldEscapePrintable
set to true
See: unescapeUnicode()
escapeUnicode('føo bår');
// > "f\u00f8o b\u00e5r"
escapeUnicode('føo bår', true);
// > "\u0066\u00f8\u006f\u0020\u0062\u00e5\u0072"
Replaces spaces with hyphens, split camelCase text, remove non-word chars, remove accents and convert to lower case.
See: slugify()
, underscore()
hyphenate(' %# lorem ipsum ? $ dolor'); // "lorem-ipsum-dolor"
hyphenate('spéçïãl çhârs'); // "special-chars"
hyphenate('loremIpsum'); // "lorem-ipsum"
Inserts a partial
before the given index
in the provided str
If the index is larger than the length of the string the partial is appended at the end.
A negative index is treated as length - index
where length
is the length or the string.
insert('this is a sentence', 10, 'sample '); // "this is a sample sentence"
insert('foo', 100, 'bar'); // "foobar"
insert('image.png', -4, '-large'); // "image-large.png"
String interpolation. Format/replace tokens with object properties.
var tmpl = 'Hello {{name}}!';
interpolate(tmpl, {name: 'World'}); // "Hello World!"
interpolate(tmpl, {name: 'Lorem Ipsum'}); // "Hello Lorem Ipsum!"
tmpl = 'Hello {{name.first}}!';
interpolate(tmpl, {name: {first: 'Lorem'}}); // "Hello Lorem!"
It uses a mustache-like syntax by default but you can set your own format if needed. You can also use Arrays for the replacements (since Arrays are objects as well):
// matches everything inside "${}"
var syntax = /\$\{([^}]+)\}/g;
var tmpl = "Hello ${0}!";
interpolate(tmpl, ['Foo Bar'], syntax); // "Hello Foo Bar!"
"Safer" String.toLowerCase()
. (Used internally)
(null).toLowerCase(); // Error!
(undefined).toLowerCase(); // Error!
lowerCase(null); // ""
lowerCase(undefined); // ""
Pad string from left with char
if its' length is smaller than minLen
See: rpad()
lpad('a', 5); // " a"
lpad('a', 5, '-'); // "----a"
lpad('abc', 3, '-'); // "abc"
lpad('abc', 4, '-'); // "-abc"
Remove chars or white-spaces from beginning of string.
is an array of chars to remove from the beginning of the string. If
is not specified, Unicode whitespace chars will be used instead.
ltrim(' lorem ipsum '); // "lorem ipsum "
ltrim('--lorem ipsum--', ['-']); // "lorem ipsum--"
Group arguments as path segments, if any of the args is null
or undefined
it will be ignored from resulting path. It will also remove duplicate "/".
See: array/join()
makePath('lorem', 'ipsum', null, 'dolor'); // "lorem/ipsum/dolor"
makePath('foo///bar/'); // "foo/bar/"
Normalize line breaks to a single format. Defaults to Unix \n
It handles DOS (\r\n
), Mac (\r
) and Unix (\n
) formats.
// "foo\nbar\nlorem\nipsum"
// "foo\rbar\rlorem\ripsum"
normalizeLineBreaks('foo\nbar\r\nlorem\ripsum', '\r');
// "foo bar lorem ipsum"
normalizeLineBreaks('foo\nbar\r\nlorem\ripsum', ' ');
Convert string to "PascalCase" text.
See: camelCase()
pascalCase('lorem-ipsum-dolor'); // "LoremIpsumDolor"
pascalCase('lorem ipsum dolor'); // "LoremIpsumDolor"
UPPERCASE first char of each word, lowercase other chars.
properCase('loRem iPSum'); // "Lorem Ipsum"
Remove non-printable ASCII chars.
removeNonASCII('äÄçÇéÉêlorem-ipsumöÖÐþúÚ'); // "lorem-ipsum"
Remove non-word chars.
var str = 'lorem ~!@#$%^&*()_+`-={}[]|\\:";\'/?><., ipsum';
removeNonWord(str); // "lorem - ipsum"
Repeat string n-times.
repeat('a', 3); // "aaa"
repeat('bc', 2); // "bcbc"
repeat('a', 0); // ""
Replace string(s) with the replacement(s) in the source.
and replacements
can be an array, or a single item. For every item
in search
, it will call str.replace
with the search item and the matching
replacement in replacements
. If replacements
only contains one replacement,
it will be used for all the searches, otherwise it will use the replacement at
the same index as the search.
replace('foo bar', 'foo', 'test'); // "test bar"
replace('test 1 2', ['1', '2'], 'n'); // "test n n"
replace('test 1 2', ['1', '2'], ['one', 'two']); // "test one two"
replace('123abc', [/\d/g, /[a-z]/g], ['0', '.']); // "000..."
Replaces all accented chars with regular ones.
Important: Only covers Basic Latin and Latin-1 unicode chars.
replaceAccents('spéçïãl çhârs'); // "special chars"
Pad string from right with char
if its' length is smaller than minLen
See: lpad()
rpad('a', 5); // "a "
rpad('a', 5, '-'); // "a----"
rpad('abc', 3, '-'); // "abc"
rpad('abc', 4, '-'); // "abc-"
Remove chars or white-spaces from end of string.
is an array of chars to remove from the end of the string. If
is not specified, Unicode whitespace chars will be used instead.
rtrim(' lorem ipsum '); // " lorem ipsum"
rtrim('--lorem ipsum--', ['-']); // "--lorem ipsum"
UPPERCASE first char of each sentence and lowercase other chars.
var str = 'Lorem IpSum DoLOr. maeCeNnas Ullamcor.';
sentenceCase(str); // "Lorem ipsum dolor. Maecennas ullamcor."
Remove HTML/XML tags from string.
var str = '<p><em>lorem</em> <strong>ipsum</strong></p>';
stripHtmlTags(str); // "lorem ipsum"
Checks if string starts with specified prefix.
See: endsWith()
, contains()
startsWith('lorem ipsum', 'lorem'); // true
startsWith('lorem ipsum', 'ipsum'); // false
Convert to lower case, remove accents, remove non-word chars and replace spaces with the delimeter. The default delimeter is a hyphen.
Note that this does not split camelCase text.
See: hyphenate()
and underscore()
var str = 'loremIpsum dolor spéçïãl chârs';
slugify(str); // "loremipsum-dolor-special-chars"
slugify(str, '_'); // "loremipsum_dolor_special_chars"
Remove chars or white-spaces from beginning and end of string.
is an array of chars to remove from the beginning and end of the
string. If chars
is not specified, Unicode whitespace chars will be used
trim(' lorem ipsum '); // "lorem ipsum"
trim('-+-lorem ipsum-+-', ['-', '+']); // "lorem ipsum"
Limit number of chars. Returned string length
will be <= maxChars
See: crop()
(String) : StringmaxChars
(Number) : Maximum number of characters including append.length
(String) : Value that should be added to the end of string.
Defaults to "...".[onlyFullWords]
(Boolean) : If it shouldn't break words. Default is
. (favor crop()
since code will be clearer).truncate('lorem ipsum dolor', 11); // "lorem ip..."
truncate('lorem ipsum dolor', 11, '+'); // "lorem ipsu+"
truncate('lorem ipsum dolor', 11, null, true); // "lorem..."
Parses string and convert it into a native value.
typecast('lorem ipsum'); // "lorem ipsum"
typecast('123'); // 123
typecast('123.45'); // 123.45
typecast('false'); // false
typecast('true'); // true
typecast('null'); // null
typecast('undefined'); // undefined
Add the delimiter between camelCase text and convert first char of each word to lower case.
The delimiter defaults to a space character.
See: [camelCase()
unCamelCase('loremIpsumDolor'); // "lorem ipsum dolor"
unCamelCase('loremIpsumDolor', '-'); // "lorem-ipsum-color"
Replaces spaces with underscores, split camelCase text, remove non-word chars, remove accents and convert to lower case.
See: slugify()
, hyphenate()
underscore(' %# lorem ipsum ? $ dolor'); // "lorem_ipsum_dolor"
underscore('spéçïãl çhârs'); // "special_chars"
underscore('loremIpsum'); // "lorem_ipsum"
Unescapes the following HTML character references back into the raw symbol they map to:
becomes &
becomes <
becomes >
becomes '
becomes "
No other HTML character references are unescaped. To HTML-unescape other entities as well, use a third-party library like he.
See: escapeHtml()
unescapeHtml('lorem &amp; &quot;ipsum&quot;'); // 'lorem & "ipsum"'
Unescapes unicode char sequences.
See: escapeUnicode()
// > 'føo bår'
Replaces hyphens with spaces. (only hyphens between word chars)
See : hyphenate()
unhyphenate('lorem-ipsum-dolor'); // "lorem ipsum dolor"
"Safer" String.toUpperCase()
. (Used internally)
(null).toUpperCase(); // Error!
(undefined).toUpperCase(); // Error!
upperCase(null); // ""
upperCase(undefined); // ""
Constant array of all Unicode white-space characters.
For more usage examples check specs inside /tests
folder. Unit tests are the
best documentation you can get...