History.md 36 KB

1.11.0 / 2015-06-12

1.10.0 / 2015-05-25

  • Now supports jstransformers, which allows improved handling of embedded languages such as Coffee-Script, and deprecated Transformers support in filters - to be removed in 2.0.0 (@ForbesLindesay)
  • CLI: added a flag to keep directory hierarchy when a directory is specified - this behavior will be the default in 2.0.0 (@TimothyGu)
  • disabled 'compileDebug' flag by default when used with express in production mode (Andreas Lubbe)
  • Fixed a memory leak on modern versions of Chrome as well as node 0.12 and iojs (Andreas Lubbe)
  • update website (@GarthDB)

1.9.2 / 2015-01-18

1.9.1 / 2015-01-17

  • Clean up path/fs functions in CLI as we no longer support node@0.6 (@TimothyGu)
  • Update commander (@TimothyGu)
  • Document cache and parser options (@TimothyGu)
  • Fix bug in 1.9.0 where we read the file if cache was enabled, even if a string was provided (@TimothyGu)
  • Fix year in changelog (@tomByrer)

1.9.0 / 2015-01-13

1.8.2 / 2014-12-16

1.8.1 / 2014-11-30

  • Fix corner case when the pretty option was passed a non-string truthy value (@TimothyGu)
  • Warn when lexer is given as an option (@TimothyGu)
  • Update dependencies (@TimothyGu)

1.8.0 / 2014-11-28

1.7.0 / 2014-09-17

1.6.0 / 2014-08-31

  • Allow optional white space after + when calling a mixin (@char101)
  • Use void-elements module to replace internal self-closing list (@hemanth)
  • Fix a warning that eroniously warned for un-used blocks if in an extending template from an include (Reported by @Dissimulazione)
  • Fix mixins not working at end of file (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix error reporting when mixin block was followed by blank lines (@ForbesLindesay)

1.5.0 / 2014-07-23

  • Added compileFile API (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix line number in un-used blocks warning (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix a warning that eroniously warned for un-used blocks if they were under another block (Reported by @pesho)

1.4.2 / 2014-07-16

  • Fix a warning that eroniously warned for un-used blocks if they were under a "Code" element (Reported by @narirou)

1.4.1 / 2014-07-16

  • Fix an error that sometimes resulted in 'unexpected token "pipless-text"' being erroniously thrown (Reported by @Artazor and @thenitai)

1.4.0 / 2014-07-15

1.3.1 / 2014-04-04

  • Fix error with tags in xml that are self-closing in html (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix error message for inline tags with content (@hiddentao)

1.3.0 / 2014-03-02

  • Fix a bug where sometimes mixins were removed by an optimisation even though they were being called (@ForbesLindesay, reported by @leider)
  • Updated with to support automatically detecting when a value is "global" and removed redundant options.globals option (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Improve warnings for tags with multiple attributes (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Deprecate (with a warning) node.clone, block.replace, attrs.removeAttribute, attrs.getAttribute - these are all internal APIs for the AST (@ForbesLindesay)

1.2.0 / 2014-02-26

  • Use variables instead of properties of pug, improving performance and reliability with nested templates (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Support compiling templates from stdin via a user typing (@yorkie)
  • Lazily add mixins (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix case fall-through (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Earlier errors for when without case and else without if (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Allow if/else etc. to not have a block.
  • Remove lib-cov legacy to make browserify work better (@silver83)
  • Add and improve test coverage using istanbul (@ForbesLindesay)

1.1.5 / 2014-01-19

  • Add filename to and fix line numbers for missing space before text warning (@ijin82)
  • Fix filenames for some error reporting in extends/includes (@doublerebel)
  • Fix a corner case where a mixin was called with &attributes but no other attributes and a block that was supposed to be fixed in 1.1.4 (@ForbesLindesay)

1.1.4 / 2014-01-09

  • Fix a corner case where a mixin was called with &attributes but no other attributes and a block (@ForbesLindesay)

1.1.3 / 2014-01-09

  • Fix failure of npm prepublish not running

1.1.2 / 2014-01-09

  • Fix same interaction of &attributes with false null or undefined but combined with dynamic attributes (@ForbesLindesay)

1.1.1 / 2014-01-09

  • Fix a bug when &attributes is combined with static attributes that evaluate to false or null or undefined (@ForbesLindesay)

1.1.0 / 2014-01-07

  • Fix class merging to work as documented (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Throw an error when the same attribute is duplicated multiple times (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Move more errors into the parser/lexer so they have more info about line numbers (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Support mixin blocks at the end of files (@ForbesLindesay)

1.0.2 / 2013-12-31

  • Fix a bug when &attributes is combined with dynamic attributes (@ForbesLindesay)

1.0.1 / 2013-12-29

  • Allow self closing tags to contian whitespace (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Allow tags to have a single white space after them (@ForbesLindesay)
  • Support text bodies of tags that begin with // rather than treating them as comments (@ForbesLindesay)

1.0.0 / 2013-12-22

0.35.0 / 2013-08-21

  • Add support for space separated attributes (thanks to @ForbesLindesay)
  • Add earlier errors for invalid JavaScript expressions (thanks to @ForbesLindesay)
  • Fix parsing files with UTF8 BOMs when they are includes or parent/layout templates (thanks to @kiinoo)

0.34.1 / 2013-07-26

  • fix render file not working when called with callback (reported by @xieren58)

0.34.0 / 2013-07-26

  • callbacks only called once for async methods even if they throw (reported by @davidcornu)
  • HTML comments are pretty printed better (thanks to @eddiemonge)
  • callbacks are optional and leaving them out results in synchronous operation (thanks to @ForbesLindesay)
  • empty filter nodes are now permitted (thanks to @coderanger)
  • overhaul website and documentation (thanks to @ForbesLindesay), much more of this to come.

0.33.0 / 2013-07-12

  • Hugely more powerful error reporting (especially with compileDebug set explicitly to true)
  • Add a warning for tags with multiple attributes
  • be strict about requiring newlines after tags to fix some odd corner cases
  • fix escaping of class to allow it to be unescaped (thanks to @christiangenco)

0.32.0 / 2013-06-28

  • remove pug.version and fix pug --version
  • add file name and line number to deprecation warnings
  • use constantinople for better constant detection
  • update with for a massive performance upgrade at compile time

0.31.2 / 2013-06-07

  • fix overzealous deprecation warnings

0.31.1 / 2013-05-31

  • fix line endings for executable command
  • fix locals variable being undefined
  • fix an obscure bug that could occur if multiple mixins interact badly (see substack/lexical-scope#13)

0.31.0 / 2013-05-30

  • deprecate implicit text-only script and style tags
  • make with at compile time using lexical-scope
  • add options.parser that behaves exactly like options.compiler
  • add "component.json" for component (runtime) support
  • removed hasOwnProperty check in each loops
  • removed .min files from the repository (people can just generate these themselves)
  • use browserify to compile client side libraries
  • fix buggy block extending should now be fixed
  • fix preserve case of custom doctypes
  • fix regexps in attributes sometimes not being accepted
  • fix allow $ sign in each loop variable names
  • fix mixins with buffered code on the same line
  • fix separate class names by rather than , (was sometimes incorrect)

0.30.0 / 2013-04-25

  • add support for 'include' and 'extends' to use paths relative to basedir
  • fix accidental calling of functions in iteration block. Closes #986
  • fix: skip rethrow on client
  • fix each/else prefixed with -
  • fix multi-block prepend/append
  • swap -o and -O, set -o to --out

0.29.0 / 2013-04-16

  • add "monocle" for watcher that actually works...
  • fix interpolation in blocks of text
  • fix attribute interpolation
  • move filters to an external library
  • fix JavaScript escaping corner cases

0.28.2 / 2013-03-04

  • wtf coffeescript is not a dep

0.28.1 / 2013-01-10

  • add passing of filename to include filters
  • fix wrong new lines for include filters

0.28.0 / 2013-01-08

  • add .css and .js "filters". re #438
  • add include filters. Closes #283
  • fix "class:" within attribute escaping
  • removing ast filters
  • things I can't read:
  • 反馈地址
  • 样式
  • 联系
  • 初稿,翻译完
  • 接受大鸟的建议
  • 头晕,翻译一点点
  • 到过滤器翻译完毕
  • 翻译一部分
  • 中文翻译单独放
  • 特性部分
  • 再翻
  • 翻译一点点

0.27.7 / 2012-11-05

  • fix each/else clause for enumerated objects
  • fix #764 (incorrect line number for error messages)
  • fix double-escaping of interpolated js slashes. Closes #784

0.27.6 / 2012-10-05

  • Included templates can not override blocks of their parent. Closes #699

0.27.5 / 2012-09-24

  • fix attr interpolation escaping. Closes #771

0.27.4 / 2012-09-18

  • fix include yields. Closes #770

0.27.3 / 2012-09-18

  • fix escaping of interpolation. Closes #769
  • loosen "mkdirp" version restriction [TooTallNate]

0.27.2 / 2012-08-07

  • Revert "fixing string interpolation escaping #731", problems reported

0.27.1 / 2012-08-06

  • fix attribute interpolation escaping #731
  • fix string interpolation escaping #731

0.27.0 / 2012-07-26

  • added ability to pass in json file to --obj
  • add preliminary each else support. Closes #716
  • fix doctype bug overlooked in #712
  • fix stripping of utf-8 BOMs

0.26.3 / 2012-06-25

  • Update version of commander that supports node v0.8.

0.26.2 / 2012-06-22

  • Added --options alias of --obj
  • Added reserved word conflict prevention in Google's Closure Compiler
  • Added tag interpolation. Closes #657
  • Allow the compiled client to use it's own pug util functions [3rd-Eden]
  • Fixed attrs() escape bug [caseywebdev]

0.26.1 / 2012-05-27

  • Changed default doctype to html5
  • Performance: statically compile attrs when possible [chowey]
  • Fixed some class attribute merging cases
  • Fixed so block doesn't consume blockquotes tag [chowey]
  • Fixed backslashes in text nodes [chowey]
  • Fixed / in text. Closes #638

0.26.0 / 2012-05-04

  • Added package.json component support
  • Added explicit self-closing tag support. Closes #605
  • Added block statement
  • Added mixin tag-like behaviour [chowey]
  • Fixed mixins with extends [chowey]

0.25.0 / 2012-04-18

  • Added preliminary mixin block support. Closes #310
  • Fixed whitespace handling in various situations [chowey]
  • Fixed indentation in various situations [chowey]

0.24.0 / 2012-04-12

  • Fixed unescaped attribute compilation
  • Fixed pretty-printing of text-only tags (Warning: this may affect rendering) [chowey]

0.23.0 / 2012-04-11

  • Added data-attr json stringification support. Closes #572
  • Added unescaped attr support. Closes #198
  • Fixed #1070, reverted mixin function statements
  • Fixed pug.1 typo

0.22.1 / 2012-04-04

  • Fixed source tags. now self-closing. Closes #308
  • Fixed: escape backslashes in coffeescript filter

0.22.0 / 2012-03-22

  • Added pug manpage (man pug after installation for docs)
  • Added -D, --no-debug to pug(1)
  • Added -p, --pretty to pug(1)
  • Added -c, --client option to pug(1)
  • Fixed -o { client: true } with stdin
  • Fixed: skip blank lines in lexer (unless within pipeless text). Closes #399

0.21.0 / 2012-03-10

  • Added new input/output test suite using Mocha's string diffing
  • Added alias extend -> extends. Closes #527 [guillermo]
  • Fixed include escapes. Closes #513
  • Fixed block-expansion with .foo and #foo short-hands. Closes #498

0.20.3 / 2012-02-16

  • Changed: pass .filename to filters only

0.20.2 / 2012-02-16

  • Fixed :stylus import capabilities, pass .filename

0.20.1 / 2012-02-02

  • Fixed Block#includeBlock() with textOnly blocks

0.20.0 / 2011-12-28

  • Added a browser example
  • Added yield for block includes
  • Changed: replaced internal __ var with __pug [chrisleishman]
  • Fixed two globals. Closes #433

0.19.0 / 2011-12-02

  • Added block append / prepend support. Closes #355
  • Added link in readme to pug-mode for Emacs
  • Added link to python implementation

0.18.0 / 2011-11-21

  • Changed: only ['script', 'style'] are text-only. Closes #398'

0.17.0 / 2011-11-10

  • pug.renderFile() is back! (for express 3.x)
  • Fixed Object.keys() failover bug

0.16.4 / 2011-10-24

  • Fixed a test due to reserved keyword
  • Fixed: commander 0.1.x dep for 0.5.x

0.16.3 / 2011-10-24

  • Added: allow leading space for conditional comments
  • Added quick implementation of a switch statement
  • Fixed parens in mixin args. Closes #380
  • Fixed: include files with a .pug extension as pug files

0.16.2 / 2011-09-30

  • Fixed include regression. Closes #354

0.16.1 / 2011-09-29

  • Fixed unexpected else bug when compileDebug: false
  • Fixed attr state issue for balancing pairs. Closes #353

0.16.0 / 2011-09-26

  • Added include block support. Closes #303
  • Added template inheritance via block and extends. Closes #242
  • Added 'type="text/css"' to the style tags generated by filters.
  • Added 'uglifyjs' as an explicit devDependency.
  • Added -p, --path flag to pug(1)
  • Added support for any arbitrary doctype
  • Added pug.render(str[,options], fn) back
  • Added first-class while support
  • Added first-class assignment support
  • Fixed runtime.js Array.isArray() polyfill. Closes #345
  • Fixed: set .filename option in pug(1) when passing filenames
  • Fixed Object.keys() polyfill typo. Closes #331
  • Fixed include error context
  • Renamed magic "index" to "$index". Closes #350
  • 0.15.4 / 2011-09-05

    • Fixed script template html. Closes #316
    • Revert "Fixed script() tag with trailing ".". Closes #314"

    0.15.3 / 2011-08-30

    • Added Makefile example. Closes #312
    • Fixed script() tag with trailing ".". Closes #314

    0.15.2 / 2011-08-26

    • Fixed new conditional boundaries. Closes #307

    0.15.1 / 2011-08-26

    • Fixed pug(1) support due to res.render() removal
    • Removed --watch support (use a makefile + watch...)

    0.15.0 / 2011-08-26

    • Added client option to reference runtime helpers
    • Added Array.isArray() for runtime.js as well
    • Added Object.keys() for the client-side runtime
    • Added first-class if, unless, else and else if support
    • Added first-class each / for support
    • Added make benchmark for continuous-bench
    • Removed inline option, SS helpers are no longer inlined either
    • Removed Parser#debug()
    • Removed pug.render() and pug.renderFile()
    • Fixed runtime.js escape() bug causing window.escape to be used
    • Fixed a bunch of tests

    0.14.2 / 2011-08-16

    • Added include support for non-pug files
    • Fixed code indentation when followed by newline(s). Closes #295 [reported by masylum]

    0.14.1 / 2011-08-14

    • Added colons option for everyone stuck with ":". Closes #231
    • Optimization: consecutive lines are merged in compiled js

    0.14.0 / 2011-08-08

    • Added array iteration with index example. Closes #276
    • Added runtime.js
    • Added compileDebug option to enable lineno instrumentation
    • Added inline option to disable inlining of helpers (for client-side)

    0.13.0 / 2011-07-13

    • Added mixin support
    • Added include support
    • Added array support for the class attribute

    0.12.4 / 2011-06-23

    • Fixed filter indentation bug. Closes #243

    0.12.3 / 2011-06-21

    • Fixed empty strings support. Closes #223
    • Fixed conditional comments documentation. Closes #245

    0.12.2 / 2011-06-16

    • Fixed make test
    • Fixed block comments

    0.12.1 / 2011-06-04

    • Fixed attribute interpolation with double quotes. Fixes #232 [topaxi]

    0.12.0 / 2011-06-03

    • Added doctype as alias of !!!
    • Added; doctype value is now case-insensitive
    • Added attribute interpolation support
    • Fixed; retain original indentation spaces in text blocks

    0.11.1 / 2011-06-01

    • Fixed text block indentation [Laszlo Bacsi]
    • Changed; utilizing devDependencies
    • Fixed try/catch issue with renderFile(). Closes #227
    • Removed attribute ":" support, use "=" (option for ':' coming soon)

    0.11.0 / 2011-05-14

    • Added self object to avoid poor with(){} performance [masylum]
    • Added doctype option [Jeremy Larkin]

    0.10.7 / 2011-05-04

    • expose Parser

    0.10.6 / 2011-04-29

    • Fixed CS Object.keys() [reported by robholland]

    0.10.5 / 2011-04-26

    • Added error context after the lineno
    • Added; indicate failing lineno with ">"
    • Added Object.keys() for the client-side
    • Fixed attr strings when containing the opposite quote. Closes 207
    • Fixed attr issue with js expressions within strings
    • Fixed single-quote filter escape bug. Closes #196

    0.10.4 / 2011-04-05

    • Added html doctype, same as "5"
    • Fixed pre, no longer text-only

    0.10.3 / 2011-03-30

    • Fixed support for quoted attribute keys ex rss("xmlns:atom"="atom")

    0.10.2 / 2011-03-30

    • Fixed pipeless text bug with missing outdent

    0.10.1 / 2011-03-28

    • Fixed support/compile.js to exclude browser js in node
    • Fixes for IE [Patrick Pfeiffer]

    0.10.0 / 2011-03-25

    • Added AST-filter support back in the form of <tag>[attrs]<:><block>

    0.9.3 / 2011-03-24

    • Added Block#unshift(node)
    • Added pug.js for the client-side to the repo
    • Added pug.min.js for the client-side to the repo
    • Removed need for pipes in filters. Closes #185 Note that this will break filters used to manipulate the AST, until we have a different syntax for doing so.

    0.9.2 / 2011-03-23

    • Added pug --version
    • Removed ${} interpolation support, use #{}

    0.9.1 / 2011-03-16

    • Fixed invalid .map() call due to recent changes

    0.9.0 / 2011-03-16

    • Added client-side browser support via make pug.js and make pug.min.js.

    0.8.9 / 2011-03-15

    • Fixed preservation of newlines in text blocks

    0.8.8 / 2011-03-14

    • Fixed pug(1) stdio

    0.8.7 / 2011-03-14

    • Added mkdirs() to pug(1)
    • Added pug(1) stdio support
    • Added new features to pug(1), --watch, recursive compilation etc [khingebjerg]
    • Fixed pipe-less text newlines
    • Removed pug(1) --pipe flag

    0.8.6 / 2011-03-11

    • Fixed parenthesized expressions in attrs. Closes #170
    • Changed; default interpolation values == null to ''. Closes #167

    0.8.5 / 2011-03-09

    • Added pipe-less text support with immediate ".". Closes #157
    • Fixed object support in attrs
    • Fixed array support for attrs

    0.8.4 / 2011-03-08

    • Fixed issue with expressions being evaluated several times. closes #162

    0.8.2 / 2011-03-07

    • Added markdown, discount, and markdown-js support to :markdown. Closes #160
    • Removed :discount

    0.8.1 / 2011-03-04

    • Added pre pipe-less text support (and auto-escaping)

    0.8.0 / 2011-03-04

    • Added block-expansion support. Closes #74
    • Added support for multi-line attrs without commas. Closes #65

    0.7.1 / 2011-03-04

    • Fixed script() etc pipe-less text with attrs

    0.7.0 / 2011-03-04

    • Removed :javascript filter (it doesn't really do anything special, use script tags)
    • Added pipe-less text support. Tags that only accept text nodes (script, textarea, etc) do not require |.
    • Added :text filter for ad-hoc pipe-less
    • Added flexible indentation. Tabs, arbitrary number of spaces etc
    • Added conditional-comment support. Closes #146
    • Added block comment support
    • Added rss example
    • Added :stylus filter
    • Added :discount filter
    • Fixed; auto-detect xml and do not self-close tags. Closes #147
    • Fixed whitespace issue. Closes #118
    • Fixed attrs. ,, =, and : within attr value strings are valid Closes #133
    • Fixed; only output "" when code == null. Ex: span.name= user.name when undefined or null will not output "undefined". Closes #130
    • Fixed; throw on unexpected token instead of hanging

    0.6.3 / 2011-02-02

    • Added each support for Array-like objects [guillermo]

    0.6.2 / 2011-02-02

    • Added CSRF example, showing how you can transparently add inputs to a form
    • Added link to vim-pug
    • Fixed self-closing col support [guillermo]
    • Fixed exception when getAttribute or removeAttribute run into removed attributes [Naitik Shah]

    0.6.0 / 2010-12-19

    • Added unescaped interpolation variant !{code}. Closes #124
    • Changed; escape interpolated code by default #{code}

    0.5.7 / 2010-12-08

    • Fixed; hyphen in get tag()

    0.5.6 / 2010-11-24

    • Added exports.compile(str, options)
    • Renamed internal _ to __, since _() is commonly used for translation

    0.5.5 / 2010-10-30

    • Add coffeescript filter [Michael Hampton]
    • Added link to slim; a ruby implementation
    • Fixed quoted attributes issue.

    • Fixed attribute issue with over greedy regexp. Previously "p(foo=(((('bar')))))= ((('baz')))" would fail for example since the regexp would lookahead to far. Now we simply pair the delimiters.

    0.5.4 / 2010-10-18

    • Adding newline when using tag code when preceding text
    • Assume newline in tag text when preceding text
    • Changed; retain leading text whitespace
    • Fixed code block support to prevent multiple buffer openings [Jake Luer]
    • Fixed nested filter support

    0.5.3 / 2010-10-06

    • Fixed bug when tags with code also have a block [reported by chrisirhc]

    0.5.2 / 2010-10-05

    • Added; Text introduces newlines to mimic the grammar. Whitespace handling is a little tricky with this sort of grammar. Pug will now mimic the written grammar, meaning that text blocks using the "|" margin character will introduce a literal newline, where as immediate tag text (ex "a(href='#') Link") will not.

      This may not be ideal, but it makes more sense than what Pug was previously doing.

    • Added Tag#text to disambiguate between immediate / block text

    • Removed pretty option (was kinda useless in the state it was in)

    • Reverted ignoring of newlines. Closes #92.

    • Fixed; Parser#parse() ignoring newlines

    0.5.1 / 2010-10-04

    • Added many examples
    • Added; compiler api is now public
    • Added; filters can accept / manipulate the parse tree
    • Added filter attribute support. Closes #79
    • Added LL(*) capabilities
    • Performance; wrapping code blocks in {} instead of (function(){}).call(this)
    • Performance; Optimized attribute buffering
    • Fixed trailing newlines in blocks

    0.5.0 / 2010-09-11

    • Major refactor. Logic now separated into lexer/parser/compiler for future extensibility.
    • Added pretty option
    • Added parse tree output for debug option
    • Added new examples
    • Removed context option, use scope

    0.4.1 / 2010-09-09

    • Added support for arbitrary indentation for single-line comments. Closes #71
    • Only strip first space in text (ex '| foo' will buffer ' foo')

    0.4.0 / 2010-08-30

    • Added tab naive support (tabs are converted to a single indent, aka two spaces). Closes #24
    • Added unbuffered comment support. Closes #62
    • Added hyphen support for tag names, ex: "fb:foo-bar"
    • Fixed bug with single quotes in comments. Closes #61
    • Fixed comment whitespace issue, previously padding. Closes #55

    0.3.0 / 2010-08-04

    • Added single line comment support. Closes #25
    • Removed CDATA from :javascript filter. Closes #47
    • Removed sys local
    • Fixed code following tag

    0.2.4 / 2010-08-02

    • Added Buffer support to render()
    • Fixed filter text block exception reporting
    • Fixed tag exception reporting

    0.2.3 / 2010-07-27

    • Fixed newlines before block
    • Fixed; tag text allowing arbitrary trailing whitespace

    0.2.2 / 2010-07-16

    • Added support for pug.renderFile() to utilize primed cache
    • Added link to textmate bundle
    • Fixed filter issue with single quotes
    • Fixed hyphenated attr bug
    • Fixed interpolation single quotes. Closes #28
    • Fixed issue with comma in attrs

    0.2.1 / 2010-07-09

    • Added support for node-discount and markdown-js depending on which is available.

    • Added support for tags to have blocks and text. this kinda fucks with arbitrary whitespace unfortunately, but also fixes trailing spaces after tags with blocks.

    • Caching generated functions. Closes #46

    0.2.0 / 2010-07-08

    • Added - each support for readable iteration
    • Added markdown-js support (no compilation required)
    • Removed node-discount support

    0.1.0 / 2010-07-05

    • Added ${} support for interpolation. Closes #45
    • Added support for quoted attr keys: label("for": 'something') is allowed (although not required) [Guillermo]
    • Added :less filter [jakeluer]

    0.0.2 / 2010-07-03

    • Added context as synonym for scope option [Guillermo]
    • Fixed attr splitting: div(style:"color: red") is now allowed
    • Fixed issue with ( and ) within attrs: a(class: (a ? 'a' : 'b')) is now allowed
    • Fixed issue with leading / trailing spaces in attrs: a( href="#" ) is now allowed [Guillermo]