JSON language service extracted from VSCode to be reused, e.g in the Monaco editor.

The vscode-json-languageservice contains the language smarts behind the JSON editing experience of Visual Studio Code
and the Monaco editor.
- doValidation analyses an input string and returns syntax and lint errors.
- doComplete provides completion proposals for a given location.
- doResolve resolves a completion proposals.
- doHover provides a hover text for a given location.
- findDocumentSymbols provides all symbols in the given document.
- findDocumentColors provides all color symbols in the given document.
- getColorPresentations returns available color formats for a color symbol.
- format formats the code at the given range.
- getFoldingRanges gets folding ranges for the given document.
- getSelectionRanges gets selection ranges for a given location.
- getMatchingSchemas matches a document against its schema and returns all AST nodes along with the matching sub schemas.
- parseJSONDocument creates a JSON document from source code.
- newJSONDocument creates a JSON document from an AST.
For the complete API see jsonLanguageService.ts and jsonLanguageTypes.ts
npm install --save vscode-json-languageservice
See sample.ts for an example on how to use the JSON language service.
To run the sample use yarn sample
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-json-languageservice
cd vscode-json-languageservice
Use yarn test
to compile and run tests
How can I run and debug the service?
- open the folder in VSCode.
- set breakpoints, e.g. in
- run the Unit tests from the run viewlet and wait until a breakpoint is hit:

How can I run and debug the service inside an instance of VSCode?
- run VSCode out of sources setup as described here: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute
- use
yarn link vscode-json-languageservice
in vscode/extensions/json-language-features/server
to run VSCode with the latest changes from vscode-json-languageservice
- run VSCode out of source (
) and open a .json
- in VSCode window that is open on the
sources, run command Debug: Attach to Node process
and pick the code-oss
process with the json-language-features

- set breakpoints, e.g. in
- in the instance run from sources, invoke code completion in the