123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437 |
- /**
- * Clean-css - https://github.com/GoalSmashers/clean-css
- * Released under the terms of MIT license
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 GoalSmashers.com
- */
- var ColorShortener = require('./colors/shortener');
- var ColorHSLToHex = require('./colors/hsl-to-hex');
- var ColorRGBToHex = require('./colors/rgb-to-hex');
- var ColorLongToShortHex = require('./colors/long-to-short-hex');
- var ImportInliner = require('./imports/inliner');
- var UrlRebase = require('./images/url-rebase');
- var EmptyRemoval = require('./selectors/empty-removal');
- var CommentsProcessor = require('./text/comments');
- var ExpressionsProcessor = require('./text/expressions');
- var FreeTextProcessor = require('./text/free');
- var UrlsProcessor = require('./text/urls');
- var NameQuotesProcessor = require('./text/name-quotes');
- var Splitter = require('./text/splitter');
- var SelectorsOptimizer = require('./selectors/optimizer');
- var CleanCSS = module.exports = function CleanCSS(options) {
- options = options || {};
- // back compat
- if (!(this instanceof CleanCSS))
- return new CleanCSS(options);
- options.keepBreaks = options.keepBreaks || false;
- //active by default
- if (undefined === options.processImport)
- options.processImport = true;
- this.options = options;
- this.stats = {};
- this.context = {
- errors: [],
- warnings: [],
- debug: options.debug
- };
- this.errors = this.context.errors;
- this.warnings = this.context.warnings;
- this.lineBreak = process.platform == 'win32' ? '\r\n' : '\n';
- };
- CleanCSS.prototype.minify = function(data, callback) {
- var options = this.options;
- if (Buffer.isBuffer(data))
- data = data.toString();
- if (options.processImport || data.indexOf('@shallow') > 0) {
- // inline all imports
- var self = this;
- var runner = callback ?
- process.nextTick :
- function(callback) { return callback(); };
- return runner(function() {
- return new ImportInliner(self.context, options.inliner).process(data, {
- localOnly: !callback,
- root: options.root || process.cwd(),
- relativeTo: options.relativeTo,
- whenDone: function(data) {
- return minify.call(self, data, callback);
- }
- });
- });
- } else {
- return minify.call(this, data, callback);
- }
- };
- var minify = function(data, callback) {
- var startedAt;
- var stats = this.stats;
- var options = this.options;
- var context = this.context;
- var lineBreak = this.lineBreak;
- var commentsProcessor = new CommentsProcessor(
- context,
- 'keepSpecialComments' in options ? options.keepSpecialComments : '*',
- options.keepBreaks,
- lineBreak
- );
- var expressionsProcessor = new ExpressionsProcessor();
- var freeTextProcessor = new FreeTextProcessor();
- var urlsProcessor = new UrlsProcessor(context);
- var nameQuotesProcessor = new NameQuotesProcessor();
- if (options.debug) {
- this.startedAt = process.hrtime();
- this.stats.originalSize = data.length;
- }
- var replace = function() {
- if (typeof arguments[0] == 'function')
- arguments[0]();
- else
- data = data.replace.apply(data, arguments);
- };
- // replace function
- if (options.benchmark) {
- var originalReplace = replace;
- replace = function(pattern, replacement) {
- var name = typeof pattern == 'function' ?
- /function (\w+)\(/.exec(pattern.toString())[1] :
- pattern;
- var start = process.hrtime();
- originalReplace(pattern, replacement);
- var itTook = process.hrtime(start);
- console.log('%d ms: ' + name, 1000 * itTook[0] + itTook[1] / 1000000);
- };
- }
- if (options.debug) {
- startedAt = process.hrtime();
- stats.originalSize = data.length;
- }
- replace(function escapeComments() {
- data = commentsProcessor.escape(data);
- });
- // replace all escaped line breaks
- replace(/\\(\r\n|\n)/gm, '');
- // strip parentheses in urls if possible (no spaces inside)
- replace(/url\((['"])([^\)]+)['"]\)/g, function(match, quote, url) {
- var unsafeDataURI = url.indexOf('data:') === 0 && url.match(/data:\w+\/[^;]+;base64,/) === null;
- if (url.match(/[ \t]/g) !== null || unsafeDataURI)
- return 'url(' + quote + url + quote + ')';
- else
- return 'url(' + url + ')';
- });
- // strip parentheses in animation & font names
- replace(function removeQuotes() {
- data = nameQuotesProcessor.process(data);
- });
- // strip parentheses in @keyframes
- replace(/@(\-moz\-|\-o\-|\-webkit\-)?keyframes ([^{]+)/g, function(match, prefix, name) {
- prefix = prefix || '';
- return '@' + prefix + 'keyframes ' + (name.indexOf(' ') > -1 ? name : name.replace(/['"]/g, ''));
- });
- // IE shorter filters, but only if single (IE 7 issue)
- replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.(Alpha|Chroma)(\([^\)]+\))([;}'"])/g, function(match, filter, args, suffix) {
- return filter.toLowerCase() + args + suffix;
- });
- replace(function escapeExpressions() {
- data = expressionsProcessor.escape(data);
- });
- // strip parentheses in attribute values
- replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, function(match, content) {
- var eqIndex = content.indexOf('=');
- var singleQuoteIndex = content.indexOf('\'');
- var doubleQuoteIndex = content.indexOf('"');
- if (eqIndex < 0 && singleQuoteIndex < 0 && doubleQuoteIndex < 0)
- return match;
- if (singleQuoteIndex === 0 || doubleQuoteIndex === 0)
- return match;
- var key = content.substring(0, eqIndex);
- var value = content.substring(eqIndex + 1, content.length);
- if (/^['"](?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)['"]$/.test(value))
- return '[' + key + '=' + value.substring(1, value.length - 1) + ']';
- else
- return match;
- });
- replace(function escapeFreeText() {
- data = freeTextProcessor.escape(data);
- });
- replace(function escapeUrls() {
- data = urlsProcessor.escape(data);
- });
- // remove invalid special declarations
- replace(/@charset [^;]+;/ig, function (match) {
- return match.indexOf('@charset') > -1 ? match : '';
- });
- // whitespace inside attribute selectors brackets
- replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, function(match) {
- return match.replace(/\s/g, '');
- });
- // line breaks
- replace(/[\r]?\n/g, ' ');
- // multiple whitespace
- replace(/[\t ]+/g, ' ');
- // multiple semicolons (with optional whitespace)
- replace(/;[ ]?;+/g, ';');
- // multiple line breaks to one
- replace(/ (?:\r\n|\n)/g, lineBreak);
- replace(/(?:\r\n|\n)+/g, lineBreak);
- // remove spaces around selectors
- replace(/ ([+~>]) /g, '$1');
- // remove extra spaces inside content
- replace(/([!\(\{\}:;=,\n]) /g, '$1');
- replace(/ ([!\)\{\};=,\n])/g, '$1');
- replace(/(?:\r\n|\n)\}/g, '}');
- replace(/([\{;,])(?:\r\n|\n)/g, '$1');
- replace(/ :([^\{\};]+)([;}])/g, ':$1$2');
- // restore spaces inside IE filters (IE 7 issue)
- replace(/progid:[^(]+\(([^\)]+)/g, function(match) {
- return match.replace(/,/g, ', ');
- });
- // trailing semicolons
- replace(/;\}/g, '}');
- replace(function hsl2Hex() {
- data = new ColorHSLToHex(data).process();
- });
- replace(function rgb2Hex() {
- data = new ColorRGBToHex(data).process();
- });
- replace(function longToShortHex() {
- data = new ColorLongToShortHex(data).process();
- });
- replace(function shortenColors() {
- data = new ColorShortener(data).process();
- });
- // replace font weight with numerical value
- replace(/(font\-weight|font):(normal|bold)([ ;\}!])(\w*)/g, function(match, property, weight, suffix, next) {
- if (suffix == ' ' && (next.indexOf('/') > -1 || next == 'normal' || /[1-9]00/.test(next)))
- return match;
- if (weight == 'normal')
- return property + ':400' + suffix + next;
- else if (weight == 'bold')
- return property + ':700' + suffix + next;
- else
- return match;
- });
- // minus zero to zero
- // repeated twice on purpose as if not it doesn't process rgba(-0,-0,-0,-0) correctly
- var zerosRegexp = /(\s|:|,|\()\-0([^\.])/g;
- replace(zerosRegexp, '$10$2');
- replace(zerosRegexp, '$10$2');
- // zero(s) + value to value
- replace(/(\s|:|,)0+([1-9])/g, '$1$2');
- // round pixels to 2nd decimal place
- var precision = 'roundingPrecision' in options ? options.roundingPrecision : 2;
- var decimalMultiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
- replace(new RegExp('(\\d*\\.\\d{' + (precision + 1) + ',})px', 'g'), function(match, number) {
- return Math.round(parseFloat(number) * decimalMultiplier) / decimalMultiplier + 'px';
- });
- // .0 to 0
- // repeated twice on purpose as if not it doesn't process {padding: .0 .0 .0 .0} correctly
- var leadingDecimalRegexp = /(\D)\.0+(\D)/g;
- replace(leadingDecimalRegexp, '$10$2');
- replace(leadingDecimalRegexp, '$10$2');
- // fraction zeros removal
- replace(/\.([1-9]*)0+(\D)/g, function(match, nonZeroPart, suffix) {
- return (nonZeroPart.length > 0 ? '.' : '') + nonZeroPart + suffix;
- });
- // zero + unit to zero
- var units = ['px', 'em', 'ex', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', '%'];
- if (['ie7', 'ie8'].indexOf(options.compatibility) == -1)
- units.push('rem');
- replace(new RegExp('(\\s|:|,)\\-?0(?:' + units.join('|') + ')', 'g'), '$1' + '0');
- replace(new RegExp('(\\s|:|,)\\-?(\\d+)\\.(\\D)', 'g'), '$1$2$3');
- replace(new RegExp('rect\\(0(?:' + units.join('|') + ')', 'g'), 'rect(0');
- // restore % in rgb/rgba and hsl/hsla
- replace(/(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\(([^\)]+)\)/g, function(match, colorFunction, colorDef) {
- var tokens = colorDef.split(',');
- var applies = colorFunction == 'hsl' || colorFunction == 'hsla' || tokens[0].indexOf('%') > -1;
- if (!applies)
- return match;
- if (tokens[1].indexOf('%') == -1)
- tokens[1] += '%';
- if (tokens[2].indexOf('%') == -1)
- tokens[2] += '%';
- return colorFunction + '(' + tokens.join(',') + ')';
- });
- // transparent rgba/hsla to 'transparent' unless in compatibility mode
- if (!options.compatibility) {
- replace(/:([^;]*)(?:rgba|hsla)\(0,0%?,0%?,0\)/g, function (match, prefix) {
- if (new Splitter(',').split(match).pop().indexOf('gradient(') > -1)
- return match;
- return ':' + prefix + 'transparent';
- });
- }
- // none to 0
- replace(/outline:none/g, 'outline:0');
- // background:none to background:0 0
- replace(/background:(?:none|transparent)([;}])/g, 'background:0 0$1');
- // multiple zeros into one
- replace(/box-shadow:0 0 0 0([^\.])/g, 'box-shadow:0 0$1');
- replace(/:0 0 0 0([^\.])/g, ':0$1');
- replace(/([: ,=\-])0\.(\d)/g, '$1.$2');
- // restore rect(...) zeros syntax for 4 zeros
- replace(/rect\(\s?0(\s|,)0[ ,]0[ ,]0\s?\)/g, 'rect(0$10$10$10)');
- // remove universal selector when not needed (*#id, *.class etc)
- // pending a better fix
- if (options.compatibility != 'ie7') {
- replace(/([^,]?)(\*[^ \+\{]*\+html[^\{]*)(\{[^\}]*\})/g, function (match, prefix, selector, body) {
- var notHackedSelectors = new Splitter(',').split(selector).filter(function (m) {
- return !/^\*[^ \+\{]*\+html/.test(m);
- });
- return notHackedSelectors.length > 0 ?
- prefix + notHackedSelectors.join(',') + body :
- prefix;
- });
- replace(/\*([\.#:\[])/g, '$1');
- }
- // Restore spaces inside calc back
- replace(/calc\([^\}]+\}/g, function(match) {
- return match.replace(/\+/g, ' + ');
- });
- // get rid of IE hacks if not in compatibility mode
- if (!options.compatibility)
- replace(/([;\{])[\*_][\w\-]+:[^;\}]+/g, '$1');
- if (options.noAdvanced) {
- if (options.keepBreaks)
- replace(/\}/g, '}' + lineBreak);
- } else {
- replace(function optimizeSelectors() {
- data = new SelectorsOptimizer(data, context, {
- keepBreaks: options.keepBreaks,
- lineBreak: lineBreak,
- compatibility: options.compatibility,
- aggressiveMerging: !options.noAggressiveMerging
- }).process();
- });
- }
- // replace ' / ' in border-*-radius with '/'
- replace(/(border-\w+-\w+-radius:\S+)\s+\/\s+/g, '$1/');
- // replace same H/V values in border-radius
- replace(/(border-\w+-\w+-radius):([^;\}]+)/g, function (match, property, value) {
- var parts = value.split('/');
- if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0] == parts[1])
- return property + ':' + parts[0];
- else
- return match;
- });
- replace(function restoreUrls() {
- data = urlsProcessor.restore(data);
- });
- replace(function rebaseUrls() {
- data = options.noRebase ? data : new UrlRebase(options, context).process(data);
- });
- replace(function restoreFreeText() {
- data = freeTextProcessor.restore(data);
- });
- replace(function restoreComments() {
- data = commentsProcessor.restore(data);
- });
- replace(function restoreExpressions() {
- data = expressionsProcessor.restore(data);
- });
- // move first charset to the beginning
- replace(function moveCharset() {
- // get first charset in stylesheet
- var match = data.match(/@charset [^;]+;/);
- var firstCharset = match ? match[0] : null;
- if (!firstCharset)
- return;
- // reattach first charset and remove all subsequent
- data = firstCharset +
- (options.keepBreaks ? lineBreak : '') +
- data.replace(new RegExp('@charset [^;]+;(' + lineBreak + ')?', 'g'), '').trim();
- });
- if (options.noAdvanced) {
- replace(function removeEmptySelectors() {
- data = new EmptyRemoval(data).process();
- });
- }
- // trim spaces at beginning and end
- data = data.trim();
- if (options.debug) {
- var elapsed = process.hrtime(startedAt);
- stats.timeSpent = ~~(elapsed[0] * 1e3 + elapsed[1] / 1e6);
- stats.efficiency = 1 - data.length / stats.originalSize;
- stats.minifiedSize = data.length;
- }
- return callback ?
- callback.call(this, this.context.errors.length > 0 ? this.context.errors : null, data) :
- data;
- };