cascading-config-array-factory.js 18 KB

  1. /**
  2. * @fileoverview `CascadingConfigArrayFactory` class.
  3. *
  4. * `CascadingConfigArrayFactory` class has a responsibility:
  5. *
  6. * 1. Handles cascading of config files.
  7. *
  8. * It provides two methods:
  9. *
  10. * - `getConfigArrayForFile(filePath)`
  11. * Get the corresponded configuration of a given file. This method doesn't
  12. * throw even if the given file didn't exist.
  13. * - `clearCache()`
  14. * Clear the internal cache. You have to call this method when
  15. * `additionalPluginPool` was updated if `baseConfig` or `cliConfig` depends
  16. * on the additional plugins. (`CLIEngine#addPlugin()` method calls this.)
  17. *
  18. * @author Toru Nagashima <>
  19. */
  20. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. // Requirements
  22. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. import debugOrig from "debug";
  24. import os from "os";
  25. import path from "path";
  26. import { ConfigArrayFactory } from "./config-array-factory.js";
  27. import {
  28. ConfigArray,
  29. ConfigDependency,
  30. IgnorePattern
  31. } from "./config-array/index.js";
  32. import ConfigValidator from "./shared/config-validator.js";
  33. import { emitDeprecationWarning } from "./shared/deprecation-warnings.js";
  34. const debug = debugOrig("eslintrc:cascading-config-array-factory");
  35. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. // Helpers
  37. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. // Define types for VSCode IntelliSense.
  39. /** @typedef {import("./shared/types").ConfigData} ConfigData */
  40. /** @typedef {import("./shared/types").Parser} Parser */
  41. /** @typedef {import("./shared/types").Plugin} Plugin */
  42. /** @typedef {import("./shared/types").Rule} Rule */
  43. /** @typedef {ReturnType<ConfigArrayFactory["create"]>} ConfigArray */
  44. /**
  45. * @typedef {Object} CascadingConfigArrayFactoryOptions
  46. * @property {Map<string,Plugin>} [additionalPluginPool] The map for additional plugins.
  47. * @property {ConfigData} [baseConfig] The config by `baseConfig` option.
  48. * @property {ConfigData} [cliConfig] The config by CLI options (`--env`, `--global`, `--ignore-pattern`, `--parser`, `--parser-options`, `--plugin`, and `--rule`). CLI options overwrite the setting in config files.
  49. * @property {string} [cwd] The base directory to start lookup.
  50. * @property {string} [ignorePath] The path to the alternative file of `.eslintignore`.
  51. * @property {string[]} [rulePaths] The value of `--rulesdir` option.
  52. * @property {string} [specificConfigPath] The value of `--config` option.
  53. * @property {boolean} [useEslintrc] if `false` then it doesn't load config files.
  54. * @property {Function} loadRules The function to use to load rules.
  55. * @property {Map<string,Rule>} builtInRules The rules that are built in to ESLint.
  56. * @property {Object} [resolver=ModuleResolver] The module resolver object.
  57. * @property {string} eslintAllPath The path to the definitions for eslint:all.
  58. * @property {Function} getEslintAllConfig Returns the config data for eslint:all.
  59. * @property {string} eslintRecommendedPath The path to the definitions for eslint:recommended.
  60. * @property {Function} getEslintRecommendedConfig Returns the config data for eslint:recommended.
  61. */
  62. /**
  63. * @typedef {Object} CascadingConfigArrayFactoryInternalSlots
  64. * @property {ConfigArray} baseConfigArray The config array of `baseConfig` option.
  65. * @property {ConfigData} baseConfigData The config data of `baseConfig` option. This is used to reset `baseConfigArray`.
  66. * @property {ConfigArray} cliConfigArray The config array of CLI options.
  67. * @property {ConfigData} cliConfigData The config data of CLI options. This is used to reset `cliConfigArray`.
  68. * @property {ConfigArrayFactory} configArrayFactory The factory for config arrays.
  69. * @property {Map<string, ConfigArray>} configCache The cache from directory paths to config arrays.
  70. * @property {string} cwd The base directory to start lookup.
  71. * @property {WeakMap<ConfigArray, ConfigArray>} finalizeCache The cache from config arrays to finalized config arrays.
  72. * @property {string} [ignorePath] The path to the alternative file of `.eslintignore`.
  73. * @property {string[]|null} rulePaths The value of `--rulesdir` option. This is used to reset `baseConfigArray`.
  74. * @property {string|null} specificConfigPath The value of `--config` option. This is used to reset `cliConfigArray`.
  75. * @property {boolean} useEslintrc if `false` then it doesn't load config files.
  76. * @property {Function} loadRules The function to use to load rules.
  77. * @property {Map<string,Rule>} builtInRules The rules that are built in to ESLint.
  78. * @property {Object} [resolver=ModuleResolver] The module resolver object.
  79. * @property {string} eslintAllPath The path to the definitions for eslint:all.
  80. * @property {Function} getEslintAllConfig Returns the config data for eslint:all.
  81. * @property {string} eslintRecommendedPath The path to the definitions for eslint:recommended.
  82. * @property {Function} getEslintRecommendedConfig Returns the config data for eslint:recommended.
  83. */
  84. /** @type {WeakMap<CascadingConfigArrayFactory, CascadingConfigArrayFactoryInternalSlots>} */
  85. const internalSlotsMap = new WeakMap();
  86. /**
  87. * Create the config array from `baseConfig` and `rulePaths`.
  88. * @param {CascadingConfigArrayFactoryInternalSlots} slots The slots.
  89. * @returns {ConfigArray} The config array of the base configs.
  90. */
  91. function createBaseConfigArray({
  92. configArrayFactory,
  93. baseConfigData,
  94. rulePaths,
  95. cwd,
  96. loadRules
  97. }) {
  98. const baseConfigArray = configArrayFactory.create(
  99. baseConfigData,
  100. { name: "BaseConfig" }
  101. );
  102. /*
  103. * Create the config array element for the default ignore patterns.
  104. * This element has `ignorePattern` property that ignores the default
  105. * patterns in the current working directory.
  106. */
  107. baseConfigArray.unshift(configArrayFactory.create(
  108. { ignorePatterns: IgnorePattern.DefaultPatterns },
  109. { name: "DefaultIgnorePattern" }
  110. )[0]);
  111. /*
  112. * Load rules `--rulesdir` option as a pseudo plugin.
  113. * Use a pseudo plugin to define rules of `--rulesdir`, so we can validate
  114. * the rule's options with only information in the config array.
  115. */
  116. if (rulePaths && rulePaths.length > 0) {
  117. baseConfigArray.push({
  118. type: "config",
  119. name: "--rulesdir",
  120. filePath: "",
  121. plugins: {
  122. "": new ConfigDependency({
  123. definition: {
  124. rules: rulePaths.reduce(
  125. (map, rulesPath) => Object.assign(
  126. map,
  127. loadRules(rulesPath, cwd)
  128. ),
  129. {}
  130. )
  131. },
  132. filePath: "",
  133. id: "",
  134. importerName: "--rulesdir",
  135. importerPath: ""
  136. })
  137. }
  138. });
  139. }
  140. return baseConfigArray;
  141. }
  142. /**
  143. * Create the config array from CLI options.
  144. * @param {CascadingConfigArrayFactoryInternalSlots} slots The slots.
  145. * @returns {ConfigArray} The config array of the base configs.
  146. */
  147. function createCLIConfigArray({
  148. cliConfigData,
  149. configArrayFactory,
  150. cwd,
  151. ignorePath,
  152. specificConfigPath
  153. }) {
  154. const cliConfigArray = configArrayFactory.create(
  155. cliConfigData,
  156. { name: "CLIOptions" }
  157. );
  158. cliConfigArray.unshift(
  159. ...(ignorePath
  160. ? configArrayFactory.loadESLintIgnore(ignorePath)
  161. : configArrayFactory.loadDefaultESLintIgnore())
  162. );
  163. if (specificConfigPath) {
  164. cliConfigArray.unshift(
  165. ...configArrayFactory.loadFile(
  166. specificConfigPath,
  167. { name: "--config", basePath: cwd }
  168. )
  169. );
  170. }
  171. return cliConfigArray;
  172. }
  173. /**
  174. * The error type when there are files matched by a glob, but all of them have been ignored.
  175. */
  176. class ConfigurationNotFoundError extends Error {
  177. // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-description
  178. /**
  179. * @param {string} directoryPath The directory path.
  180. */
  181. constructor(directoryPath) {
  182. super(`No ESLint configuration found in ${directoryPath}.`);
  183. this.messageTemplate = "no-config-found";
  184. this.messageData = { directoryPath };
  185. }
  186. }
  187. /**
  188. * This class provides the functionality that enumerates every file which is
  189. * matched by given glob patterns and that configuration.
  190. */
  191. class CascadingConfigArrayFactory {
  192. /**
  193. * Initialize this enumerator.
  194. * @param {CascadingConfigArrayFactoryOptions} options The options.
  195. */
  196. constructor({
  197. additionalPluginPool = new Map(),
  198. baseConfig: baseConfigData = null,
  199. cliConfig: cliConfigData = null,
  200. cwd = process.cwd(),
  201. ignorePath,
  202. resolvePluginsRelativeTo,
  203. rulePaths = [],
  204. specificConfigPath = null,
  205. useEslintrc = true,
  206. builtInRules = new Map(),
  207. loadRules,
  208. resolver,
  209. eslintRecommendedPath,
  210. getEslintRecommendedConfig,
  211. eslintAllPath,
  212. getEslintAllConfig
  213. } = {}) {
  214. const configArrayFactory = new ConfigArrayFactory({
  215. additionalPluginPool,
  216. cwd,
  217. resolvePluginsRelativeTo,
  218. builtInRules,
  219. resolver,
  220. eslintRecommendedPath,
  221. getEslintRecommendedConfig,
  222. eslintAllPath,
  223. getEslintAllConfig
  224. });
  225. internalSlotsMap.set(this, {
  226. baseConfigArray: createBaseConfigArray({
  227. baseConfigData,
  228. configArrayFactory,
  229. cwd,
  230. rulePaths,
  231. loadRules
  232. }),
  233. baseConfigData,
  234. cliConfigArray: createCLIConfigArray({
  235. cliConfigData,
  236. configArrayFactory,
  237. cwd,
  238. ignorePath,
  239. specificConfigPath
  240. }),
  241. cliConfigData,
  242. configArrayFactory,
  243. configCache: new Map(),
  244. cwd,
  245. finalizeCache: new WeakMap(),
  246. ignorePath,
  247. rulePaths,
  248. specificConfigPath,
  249. useEslintrc,
  250. builtInRules,
  251. loadRules
  252. });
  253. }
  254. /**
  255. * The path to the current working directory.
  256. * This is used by tests.
  257. * @type {string}
  258. */
  259. get cwd() {
  260. const { cwd } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  261. return cwd;
  262. }
  263. /**
  264. * Get the config array of a given file.
  265. * If `filePath` was not given, it returns the config which contains only
  266. * `baseConfigData` and `cliConfigData`.
  267. * @param {string} [filePath] The file path to a file.
  268. * @param {Object} [options] The options.
  269. * @param {boolean} [options.ignoreNotFoundError] If `true` then it doesn't throw `ConfigurationNotFoundError`.
  270. * @returns {ConfigArray} The config array of the file.
  271. */
  272. getConfigArrayForFile(filePath, { ignoreNotFoundError = false } = {}) {
  273. const {
  274. baseConfigArray,
  275. cliConfigArray,
  276. cwd
  277. } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  278. if (!filePath) {
  279. return new ConfigArray(...baseConfigArray, ...cliConfigArray);
  280. }
  281. const directoryPath = path.dirname(path.resolve(cwd, filePath));
  282. debug(`Load config files for ${directoryPath}.`);
  283. return this._finalizeConfigArray(
  284. this._loadConfigInAncestors(directoryPath),
  285. directoryPath,
  286. ignoreNotFoundError
  287. );
  288. }
  289. /**
  290. * Set the config data to override all configs.
  291. * Require to call `clearCache()` method after this method is called.
  292. * @param {ConfigData} configData The config data to override all configs.
  293. * @returns {void}
  294. */
  295. setOverrideConfig(configData) {
  296. const slots = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  297. slots.cliConfigData = configData;
  298. }
  299. /**
  300. * Clear config cache.
  301. * @returns {void}
  302. */
  303. clearCache() {
  304. const slots = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  305. slots.baseConfigArray = createBaseConfigArray(slots);
  306. slots.cliConfigArray = createCLIConfigArray(slots);
  307. slots.configCache.clear();
  308. }
  309. /**
  310. * Load and normalize config files from the ancestor directories.
  311. * @param {string} directoryPath The path to a leaf directory.
  312. * @param {boolean} configsExistInSubdirs `true` if configurations exist in subdirectories.
  313. * @returns {ConfigArray} The loaded config.
  314. * @private
  315. */
  316. _loadConfigInAncestors(directoryPath, configsExistInSubdirs = false) {
  317. const {
  318. baseConfigArray,
  319. configArrayFactory,
  320. configCache,
  321. cwd,
  322. useEslintrc
  323. } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  324. if (!useEslintrc) {
  325. return baseConfigArray;
  326. }
  327. let configArray = configCache.get(directoryPath);
  328. // Hit cache.
  329. if (configArray) {
  330. debug(`Cache hit: ${directoryPath}.`);
  331. return configArray;
  332. }
  333. debug(`No cache found: ${directoryPath}.`);
  334. const homePath = os.homedir();
  335. // Consider this is root.
  336. if (directoryPath === homePath && cwd !== homePath) {
  337. debug("Stop traversing because of considered root.");
  338. if (configsExistInSubdirs) {
  339. const filePath = ConfigArrayFactory.getPathToConfigFileInDirectory(directoryPath);
  340. if (filePath) {
  341. emitDeprecationWarning(
  342. filePath,
  344. );
  345. }
  346. }
  347. return this._cacheConfig(directoryPath, baseConfigArray);
  348. }
  349. // Load the config on this directory.
  350. try {
  351. configArray = configArrayFactory.loadInDirectory(directoryPath);
  352. } catch (error) {
  353. /* istanbul ignore next */
  354. if (error.code === "EACCES") {
  355. debug("Stop traversing because of 'EACCES' error.");
  356. return this._cacheConfig(directoryPath, baseConfigArray);
  357. }
  358. throw error;
  359. }
  360. if (configArray.length > 0 && configArray.isRoot()) {
  361. debug("Stop traversing because of 'root:true'.");
  362. configArray.unshift(...baseConfigArray);
  363. return this._cacheConfig(directoryPath, configArray);
  364. }
  365. // Load from the ancestors and merge it.
  366. const parentPath = path.dirname(directoryPath);
  367. const parentConfigArray = parentPath && parentPath !== directoryPath
  368. ? this._loadConfigInAncestors(
  369. parentPath,
  370. configsExistInSubdirs || configArray.length > 0
  371. )
  372. : baseConfigArray;
  373. if (configArray.length > 0) {
  374. configArray.unshift(...parentConfigArray);
  375. } else {
  376. configArray = parentConfigArray;
  377. }
  378. // Cache and return.
  379. return this._cacheConfig(directoryPath, configArray);
  380. }
  381. /**
  382. * Freeze and cache a given config.
  383. * @param {string} directoryPath The path to a directory as a cache key.
  384. * @param {ConfigArray} configArray The config array as a cache value.
  385. * @returns {ConfigArray} The `configArray` (frozen).
  386. */
  387. _cacheConfig(directoryPath, configArray) {
  388. const { configCache } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  389. Object.freeze(configArray);
  390. configCache.set(directoryPath, configArray);
  391. return configArray;
  392. }
  393. /**
  394. * Finalize a given config array.
  395. * Concatenate `--config` and other CLI options.
  396. * @param {ConfigArray} configArray The parent config array.
  397. * @param {string} directoryPath The path to the leaf directory to find config files.
  398. * @param {boolean} ignoreNotFoundError If `true` then it doesn't throw `ConfigurationNotFoundError`.
  399. * @returns {ConfigArray} The loaded config.
  400. * @private
  401. */
  402. _finalizeConfigArray(configArray, directoryPath, ignoreNotFoundError) {
  403. const {
  404. cliConfigArray,
  405. configArrayFactory,
  406. finalizeCache,
  407. useEslintrc,
  408. builtInRules
  409. } = internalSlotsMap.get(this);
  410. let finalConfigArray = finalizeCache.get(configArray);
  411. if (!finalConfigArray) {
  412. finalConfigArray = configArray;
  413. // Load the personal config if there are no regular config files.
  414. if (
  415. useEslintrc &&
  416. configArray.every(c => !c.filePath) &&
  417. cliConfigArray.every(c => !c.filePath) // `--config` option can be a file.
  418. ) {
  419. const homePath = os.homedir();
  420. debug("Loading the config file of the home directory:", homePath);
  421. const personalConfigArray = configArrayFactory.loadInDirectory(
  422. homePath,
  423. { name: "PersonalConfig" }
  424. );
  425. if (
  426. personalConfigArray.length > 0 &&
  427. !directoryPath.startsWith(homePath)
  428. ) {
  429. const lastElement =
  430. personalConfigArray[personalConfigArray.length - 1];
  431. emitDeprecationWarning(
  432. lastElement.filePath,
  434. );
  435. }
  436. finalConfigArray = finalConfigArray.concat(personalConfigArray);
  437. }
  438. // Apply CLI options.
  439. if (cliConfigArray.length > 0) {
  440. finalConfigArray = finalConfigArray.concat(cliConfigArray);
  441. }
  442. // Validate rule settings and environments.
  443. const validator = new ConfigValidator({
  444. builtInRules
  445. });
  446. validator.validateConfigArray(finalConfigArray);
  447. // Cache it.
  448. Object.freeze(finalConfigArray);
  449. finalizeCache.set(configArray, finalConfigArray);
  450. debug(
  451. "Configuration was determined: %o on %s",
  452. finalConfigArray,
  453. directoryPath
  454. );
  455. }
  456. // At least one element (the default ignore patterns) exists.
  457. if (!ignoreNotFoundError && useEslintrc && finalConfigArray.length <= 1) {
  458. throw new ConfigurationNotFoundError(directoryPath);
  459. }
  460. return finalConfigArray;
  461. }
  462. }
  463. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  464. // Public Interface
  465. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  466. export { CascadingConfigArrayFactory };