Il2CppReversePInvokeWrapperTable.cpp 2.4 KB

  1. #include "pch-cpp.hpp"
  2. #ifndef _MSC_VER
  3. # include <alloca.h>
  4. #else
  5. # include <malloc.h>
  6. #endif
  7. #include <stdint.h>
  8. #include <limits>
  9. // System.Void
  10. struct Void_t700C6383A2A510C2CF4DD86DABD5CA9FF70ADAC5;
  13. #ifdef __clang__
  14. #pragma clang diagnostic push
  15. #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof"
  16. #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
  17. #endif
  18. // System.Object
  19. // System.ValueType
  20. struct ValueType_tDBF999C1B75C48C68621878250DBF6CDBCF51E52 : public RuntimeObject
  21. {
  22. public:
  23. public:
  24. };
  25. // Native definition for P/Invoke marshalling of System.ValueType
  26. struct ValueType_tDBF999C1B75C48C68621878250DBF6CDBCF51E52_marshaled_pinvoke
  27. {
  28. };
  29. // Native definition for COM marshalling of System.ValueType
  30. struct ValueType_tDBF999C1B75C48C68621878250DBF6CDBCF51E52_marshaled_com
  31. {
  32. };
  33. // System.IntPtr
  34. struct IntPtr_t
  35. {
  36. public:
  37. // System.Void* System.IntPtr::m_value
  38. void* ___m_value_0;
  39. public:
  40. inline static int32_t get_offset_of_m_value_0() { return static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(IntPtr_t, ___m_value_0)); }
  41. inline void* get_m_value_0() const { return ___m_value_0; }
  42. inline void** get_address_of_m_value_0() { return &___m_value_0; }
  43. inline void set_m_value_0(void* value)
  44. {
  45. ___m_value_0 = value;
  46. }
  47. };
  48. struct IntPtr_t_StaticFields
  49. {
  50. public:
  51. // System.IntPtr System.IntPtr::Zero
  52. intptr_t ___Zero_1;
  53. public:
  54. inline static int32_t get_offset_of_Zero_1() { return static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(IntPtr_t_StaticFields, ___Zero_1)); }
  55. inline intptr_t get_Zero_1() const { return ___Zero_1; }
  56. inline intptr_t* get_address_of_Zero_1() { return &___Zero_1; }
  57. inline void set_Zero_1(intptr_t value)
  58. {
  59. ___Zero_1 = value;
  60. }
  61. };
  62. // System.Void
  63. struct Void_t700C6383A2A510C2CF4DD86DABD5CA9FF70ADAC5
  64. {
  65. public:
  66. union
  67. {
  68. struct
  69. {
  70. };
  71. uint8_t Void_t700C6383A2A510C2CF4DD86DABD5CA9FF70ADAC5__padding[1];
  72. };
  73. public:
  74. };
  75. #ifdef __clang__
  76. #pragma clang diagnostic pop
  77. #endif
  78. extern "C" void DEFAULT_CALL ReversePInvokeWrapper_OSSpecificSynchronizationContext_InvocationEntry_m0045E44F7E960D6B4A864D5206D4116249C09BB0(intptr_t ___arg0);
  79. IL2CPP_EXTERN_C const Il2CppMethodPointer g_ReversePInvokeWrapperPointers[];
  80. const Il2CppMethodPointer g_ReversePInvokeWrapperPointers[1] =
  81. {
  82. reinterpret_cast<Il2CppMethodPointer>(ReversePInvokeWrapper_OSSpecificSynchronizationContext_InvocationEntry_m0045E44F7E960D6B4A864D5206D4116249C09BB0),
  83. };