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+ 5 - 5

+ 1242 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+  <div class="choseWorksDetailDialog">
+    <el-dialog
+      :visible.sync="show"
+      width="100%"
+      height="100%"
+      fullscreen
+      :modal="true"
+      :close-on-click-modal="false"
+      :show-close="false"
+    >
+      <div class="s_box">
+        <div class="s_b_main">
+          <div class="s_b_m_top">
+            <div class="s_b_m_t_left">
+              <span
+                v-for="item in dialogTypeList"
+                :key="item.value"
+                :class="{ s_b_m_t_l_active: showType === item.value }"
+                @click="changeShowType(item.value)"
+                >{{ item.label }}</span
+              >
+            </div>
+            <div class="s_b_m_t_right">
+              <span @click="close">关闭</span>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="s_b_m_bottom">
+            <div class="s_b_m_b_item" v-if="showType === 0">
+              <div class="s_b_m_b_i_main">
+                <div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_title" v-if="testData">
+                  <div>
+                    <svg
+                      t="1731461684123"
+                      class="icon"
+                      viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+                      version="1.1"
+                      xmlns=""
+                      p-id="4452"
+                      width="200"
+                      height="200"
+                    >
+                      <path
+                        d="M361.425 318.506h389.4v427.6h-389.4z"
+                        fill="#CFD5F8"
+                        p-id="4453"
+                      ></path>
+                      <path
+                        d="M773.825 514.306h-293.3v-48.1h293.3v48.1z m0-216.4h-293.3v48.1h293.3v-48.1z m0 336.7h-293.3v48.1h293.3v-48.1z m-415.5-168.4c-13.3 0.2-23.9 11.2-23.7 24.4 0.2 13.3 11.2 23.9 24.4 23.7 13.1-0.2 23.7-10.9 23.7-24 0-13.3-10.8-24.1-24-24.1h-0.4m0-48.1c39.8 0.6 71.6 33.5 71 73.3s-33.5 71.6-73.3 71c-39.4-0.6-71-32.7-71-72.2 0-39.9 32.3-72.2 72.2-72.2 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.1 0.1z m0-120.2c-13.3 0.2-23.9 11.2-23.7 24.4 0.2 13.3 11.2 23.9 24.4 23.7 13.1-0.2 23.7-10.9 23.7-24 0-13.3-10.8-24.1-24.1-24.1h-0.3m0-48.1c39.8 0.6 71.6 33.5 71 73.3s-33.5 71.6-73.3 71c-39.4-0.6-71-32.8-71-72.2 0-39.9 32.3-72.2 72.1-72.2 0.4 0 0.8 0 1.2 0.1z m0 384.8c-13.3 0.2-23.9 11.2-23.7 24.4 0.2 13.3 11.2 23.9 24.4 23.7 13.1-0.2 23.7-10.9 23.7-24 0-13.3-10.8-24.1-24-24.1h-0.4m0-48.2c39.8 0.6 71.6 33.5 71 73.3-0.6 39.8-33.5 71.6-73.3 71-39.4-0.6-71-32.7-71-72.2 0-39.9 32.3-72.2 72.2-72.2 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.1 0.1z"
+                        fill="#486EFF"
+                        p-id="4454"
+                      ></path>
+                    </svg>
+                    <span>选择题</span>
+                  </div>
+                  <span v-if="testData.toolDetail">{{ testData.toolDetail }}</span>
+                </div>
+                <span>题目内容</span>
+                <div
+                  class="s_b_m_b_i_m_choseList"
+                  v-for="(item, index) in testJson"
+                >
+                  <div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_title">
+                    <span>{{ index + 1 }}</span>
+                    <svg
+                      width="16"
+                      height="16"
+                      viewBox="0 0 16 16"
+                      fill="none"
+                      xmlns=""
+                    >
+                      <path
+                        d="M15.3536 8.35355C15.5488 8.15829 15.5488 7.84171 15.3536 7.64645L12.1716 4.46447C11.9763 4.2692 11.6597 4.2692 11.4645 4.46447C11.2692 4.65973 11.2692 4.97631 11.4645 5.17157L14.2929 8L11.4645 10.8284C11.2692 11.0237 11.2692 11.3403 11.4645 11.5355C11.6597 11.7308 11.9763 11.7308 12.1716 11.5355L15.3536 8.35355ZM1 8.5H15V7.5H1V8.5Z"
+                        fill="#3681FC"
+                      />
+                    </svg>
+                    <span
+                      >{{
+                        typeof item.answer === "number"
+                          ? "单选题:"
+                          : "多选题:"
+                      }}{{ item.teststitle }}</span
+                    >
+                  </div>
+                  <div
+                    class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_options"
+                    v-for="(item2, index2) in item.checkList"
+                    :class="{
+                      s_b_m_b_i_m_c_o_right:
+                        typeof item.answer === 'number'
+                          ? item.answer === index2
+                          : item.answer.includes(index2)
+                    }"
+                  >
+                    <div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_o_btn">
+                      <span
+                        class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_o_btn1"
+                        v-if="typeof item.answer === 'number'"
+                      >
+                        <span v-if="item.answer === index2"></span>
+                      </span>
+                      <span class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_o_btn2" v-else>
+                        <span v-if="item.answer.includes(index2)">
+                          <svg
+                            width="8"
+                            height="6"
+                            viewBox="0 0 8 6"
+                            fill="none"
+                            xmlns=""
+                          >
+                            <path
+                              fill-rule="evenodd"
+                              clip-rule="evenodd"
+                              d="M7.44194 0.558058C7.68602 0.802136 7.68602 1.19786 7.44194 1.44194L3.44194 5.44194C3.19786 5.68602 2.80214 5.68602 2.55806 5.44194L0.558058 3.44194C0.313981 3.19786 0.313981 2.80214 0.558058 2.55806C0.802136 2.31398 1.19786 2.31398 1.44194 2.55806L3 4.11612L6.55806 0.558058C6.80214 0.313981 7.19786 0.313981 7.44194 0.558058Z"
+                              fill="white"
+                            />
+                          </svg>
+                        </span>
+                      </span>
+                    </div>
+                    <span>
+                      <img
+                        v-if="item2.imgType && item2.imgType === 1"
+                        :src="item2.src"
+                        alt=""
+                        @click="$hevueImgPreview(item2.src)"
+                      />
+                      <span v-else>{{ item2 }}</span>
+                    </span>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="s_b_m_b_item" v-if="showType === 1">
+							<div class="s_b_m_b_i_eChartsArea">
+								<div class="s_b_m_b_i_e_title">
+									<span v-for="item in statisticsTypeList" :key="item.value" :class="{'s_b_m_b_i_e_t_active':showStatisticsType===item.value}" @click="changeShowStatisticsType(item.value)">{{item.label}}</span>
+								</div>
+								<div class="s_b_m_b_i_e_charts">
+									<eChartsView1 v-if="showStatisticsType===0 && accuracyRateData" :data="accuracyRateData"/>
+									<eChartsView2 v-if="showStatisticsType===1 && optionSummaryData" :data="optionSummaryData"/>
+								</div>
+								<div class="s_b_m_b_i_e_charts_bottom">
+									<span v-if="accuracyRateData" v-for="(item,index) in accuracyRateData.series[0].data">第{{ index+1 }}题 {{ item }}%</span>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+              <div class="s_b_m_b_i_table">
+                <div
+                  class="s_b_m_b_i_m_choseList"
+                  v-for="(item, index) in tableData"
+                >
+                  <div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_title">
+                    <span>{{ index + 1 }}</span>
+                    <svg
+                      width="16"
+                      height="16"
+                      viewBox="0 0 16 16"
+                      fill="none"
+                      xmlns=""
+                    >
+                      <path
+                        d="M15.3536 8.35355C15.5488 8.15829 15.5488 7.84171 15.3536 7.64645L12.1716 4.46447C11.9763 4.2692 11.6597 4.2692 11.4645 4.46447C11.2692 4.65973 11.2692 4.97631 11.4645 5.17157L14.2929 8L11.4645 10.8284C11.2692 11.0237 11.2692 11.3403 11.4645 11.5355C11.6597 11.7308 11.9763 11.7308 12.1716 11.5355L15.3536 8.35355ZM1 8.5H15V7.5H1V8.5Z"
+                        fill="#3681FC"
+                      />
+                    </svg>
+                    <span
+                      >{{
+                        typeof item.answer === "number"
+                          ? "单选题:"
+                          : "多选题:"
+                      }}{{ item.title }}</span
+                    >
+                  </div>
+									<div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_accuracyRate">
+										<span>准确率:{{ item.accuracyRate }}%</span>
+									</div>
+                  <div class="s_b_m_b_i_m_c_table">
+                    <el-table :data="item.optionsList" style="width: 800px">
+                      <el-table-column prop="label" label="选项">
+												<template slot-scope="scope">
+													<img  @click.stop="$hevueImgPreview(scope.row.label.src)" class="tableImage" v-if="scope.row.label.imgType && scope.row.label.imgType === 1" :src="scope.row.label.src"></img>
+													<span v-else>{{ scope.row.label }}</span>
+												</template>
+                      </el-table-column>
+                      <el-table-column prop="count" align="center" label="小计" width="60">
+                      </el-table-column>
+                      <el-table-column prop="scale" label="比例" width="300">
+												<template slot-scope="scope">
+													<div class="tableProgress">
+														<el-progress :percentage="scope.row.scale"></el-progress>
+													</div>
+												</template>
+                      </el-table-column>
+                    </el-table>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="s_b_m_b_item s_b_m_b_worksSubmit" v-if="showType === 2">
+              <div class="s_b_b_i_noSubmit">
+                <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_top">
+                  <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_t_left">
+                    <div @click="foldList.noSubmit = !foldList.noSubmit">
+                      <span>未提交</span>
+                      <span> ({{ noWorksStudent.length }}) </span>
+                      <svg
+                        :style="{
+                          transform: foldList.noSubmit
+                            ? 'rotate(-180deg)'
+                            : 'rotate(0deg)'
+                        }"
+                        width="16"
+                        height="16"
+                        viewBox="0 0 16 16"
+                        xmlns=""
+                      >
+                        <path
+                          d="M3.54028 6.45964L4.45952 5.54041L7.9999 9.08079L11.5403 5.54041L12.4595 6.45964L7.9999 10.9193L3.54028 6.45964Z"
+                        />
+                      </svg>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_t_right"></div>
+                </div>
+                <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_bottom" v-show="!foldList.noSubmit">
+                  <div
+                    class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_noSubmitItem"
+                    v-if="noWorksStudent.length > 0"
+                    v-for="item in noWorksStudent"
+                    :key="item.userid"
+                  >
+                    {{ item.student }}
+                  </div>
+                  <span v-if="noWorksStudent.length === 0"
+                    >无未提交学生...</span
+                  >
+                </div>
+              </div>
+              <div class="s_b_b_i_worksPreview">
+                <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_top">
+                  <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_t_left">
+                    <div
+                      @click="foldList.worksPreview = !foldList.worksPreview"
+                    >
+                      <span>作业预览</span>
+                      <span> ({{ worksStudent.length }}) </span>
+                      <svg
+                        :style="{
+                          transform: foldList.worksPreview
+                            ? 'rotate(-180deg)'
+                            : 'rotate(0deg)'
+                        }"
+                        width="16"
+                        height="16"
+                        viewBox="0 0 16 16"
+                        xmlns=""
+                      >
+                        <path
+                          d="M3.54028 6.45964L4.45952 5.54041L7.9999 9.08079L11.5403 5.54041L12.4595 6.45964L7.9999 10.9193L3.54028 6.45964Z"
+                        />
+                      </svg>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_t_right"></div>
+                </div>
+                <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_bottom" v-show="!foldList.worksPreview">
+                  <div
+                    class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_isSubmitItem"
+                    v-if="worksStudent.length > 0"
+                    v-for="item in worksStudent"
+                    :key="item.userid"
+                  >
+                    <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_i_s_i_t_top" @click="openTools(item)">
+                      <div
+                        class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_i_s_i_t_t_delIcon"
+                        @click.stop="deleteWorks(item.wid)"
+                      >
+                        <img src="../../assets/deleteworks.png" alt="" />
+                      </div>
+											<div class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_i_s_i_t_t_answer">
+												<span v-for="(answer,answerIndex) in worksCheckAnswer(item)" :key="item.userid+'-'+answerIndex+'-'+answer.index">
+													<span v-if="answer.type===1" v-for="item2 in answer.label" :key="answer.index+'-'+item.userid+'-1'">
+														<span :class="`${item2.right?'answerRight':'answerWrong'}`">{{ item2.label }}</span>
+													</span>
+													<span v-if="answer.type===2" class="answer2" :class="`${answer.isRight?'answerRightLine':'answerWrongLine'}`" v-for="item3 in answer.label" :key="answer.index+'-'+item.userid+'-2'">
+														<span :class="`${item3.right?'answerRight':'answerWrong'}`">{{ item3.label }}</span>
+													</span>
+												</span>
+												<!-- <span>{{ worksCheckAnswer(item) }}</span> -->
+											</div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="s_b_b_i_ws_b_i_s_i_t_bottom">
+                      <el-tooltip
+                        class="item"
+                        effect="dark"
+                        :content="item.sName"
+                        placement="top"
+                      >
+                        <span>{{ item.sName }}</span>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                      <span>{{ item.time }}</span>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <span v-if="worksStudent.length === 0">暂无提交学生...</span>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </el-dialog>
+  </div>
+import eChartsView from './eChartsView.vue'
+export default {
+	components:{
+		eChartsView1:eChartsView,
+		eChartsView2:eChartsView
+	},
+  props: {
+    worksStudentData: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => []
+    },
+    noWorksSData: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => []
+    },
+    chapInfoListData: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => []
+    },
+    courseType: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ""
+    },
+    taskCount: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      show: false,
+      showType: 0,
+			showStatisticsType:0,
+      data: null,
+      testJson: null,
+      testData: null,
+      toolIndex: null,
+      worksStudent: [],
+      noWorksStudent: [],
+      foldList: {
+        noSubmit: false,
+        worksPreview: false
+      },
+      dialogTypeList: [
+        { label: "作业详细", value: 0, loading: false },
+        { label: "题目统计", value: 1, loading: false },
+        { label: "学生统计", value: 2, loading: false }
+      ],
+			statisticsTypeList:[
+				{label:"准确率",value:0},
+				{label:"选项汇总",value:1}
+			],
+			optionTypeList:['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
+    };
+  },
+  computed: {
+    tableData() {
+      let _result = [];
+      if ( && this.toolIndex !== null) {
+        let worksJson = [];
+        if (this.testJson) {
+          worksJson = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.testJson));
+        } else if (this.worksStudent.length > 0) {
+          worksJson = JSON.parse(this.worksStudent[0].works)[0].testJson
+            .testJson;
+        }
+        let isWorksData = [];
+        let pushData = [];
+        isWorksData = => JSON.parse([0].anwer);
+        pushData =, index) => {
+          return {
+            title: item.teststitle,
+            answer: item.answer,
+            accuracyRate: 0,
+            accuracyCount: 0,
+            choseCount: 0,
+            optionsList:, index2) => {
+              return { label: item2, count: 0, scale: 0 };
+            })
+          };
+        });
+        isWorksData.forEach(i => {
+          i.forEach((item, index) => {
+            pushData[index].choseCount++; //做了这道题的人数+1
+            if (typeof item === "number") {
+              //单选题
+              pushData[index].optionsList[item].count += 1; //选了这选项的次数+1
+              if (pushData[index].answer === item) {
+                pushData[index].accuracyCount += 1; //选对了的人数+1
+              }
+            } else {
+              //多选题
+              item.forEach(i2 => {
+                pushData[index].optionsList[i2].count += 1; //选了这选项的次数+1
+              });
+              if (JSON.stringify(item.sort()) === JSON.stringify(pushData[index].answer.sort())) {
+                pushData[index].accuracyCount += 1; //选对了的人数+1
+              }
+            }
+          });
+        });
+        pushData.forEach(i => {
+          i.accuracyRate = parseFloat(((i.accuracyCount / i.choseCount) * 100).toFixed(2));
+          i.optionsList.forEach(i2 => {
+            i2.scale = parseFloat(((i2.count / i.choseCount) * 100).toFixed(2));
+          });
+        });
+        _result = pushData;
+      }
+      return _result;
+    },
+		accuracyRateData(){
+			let _result = null;
+			if(this.tableData.length>0){
+				let eChartsData = {
+    		  xAxis: {
+    		    type: 'category',
+    		    data: []
+    		  },
+    		  yAxis: {
+    		    type: 'value'  // y 轴的值类型
+    		  },
+    		  series: [
+    		    {
+    		      name: '准确率',
+    		      type: 'bar',
+    		      data: [], 
+    		      itemStyle: {
+    		        color: '#5c87ef'  // 设置条形图的颜色
+    		      }
+    		    }
+    		  ],
+    		  // 设置条形图的间隔
+    		  barCategoryGap: '50%', 
+    		}
+				this.tableData.forEach((item,index)=>{
+					eChartsData.series[0].data.push(item.accuracyRate);
+				})
+				_result = eChartsData;
+				// = this.tableData.
+			}
+			return _result;
+		},
+		optionSummaryData(){
+			let _result = null;
+			if(this.tableData.length>0){
+				let eChartsData = {
+				  legend: {},
+				  tooltip: {},
+				  dataset: {
+				    source: [
+				      ['选项'],
+				      // ['Matcha Latte', 43.3,0, 93.7,90],
+				      // ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1],
+				      // ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5],
+				      // ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1]
+				    ]
+				  },
+				  xAxis: { type: 'category' },
+				  yAxis: {},
+				  // Declare several bar series, each will be mapped
+				  // to a column of dataset.source by default.
+				  series: [
+						// { type: 'bar' },
+					]
+				};
+				let maxChoseLength = this.tableData.reduce((max,item)=>{
+					return Math.max(max,item.optionsList.length)
+				},0)
+				for(let i=0;i<maxChoseLength;i++){
+					eChartsData.dataset.source[0].push(`选项${i+1}`)
+					eChartsData.series.push({type:'bar'})//,label: { show: true, position: 'top' }
+				}
+				this.tableData.forEach((item,index)=>{
+					eChartsData.dataset.source.push([`第${index+1}题`])
+					item.optionsList.forEach((item2,index2)=>{
+						eChartsData.dataset.source[index+1].push(item2.count)
+					})
+				})
+				_result = eChartsData;
+			}
+			return _result;
+		},
+		worksCheckAnswer(){
+			return data=>{
+				let _result = [];
+				let works = JSON.parse(;
+				let testJson = works[0].testJson.testJson;
+				let worksAnswer = works[0].anwer;
+				let answerList = [];
+				worksAnswer.forEach((item,index)=>{
+					let _workAnswer = testJson[index].answer;
+					if(typeof item === "number"){//单选题
+						if(item===_workAnswer){
+							answerList.push({type:1,index:index,label:[{right:true,label:this.optionTypeList[item]}]})
+						}else{
+							answerList.push({type:1,index:index,label:[{right:false,label:this.optionTypeList[item]}],})
+						}
+					}else{//多选题
+						let _item = item.sort();
+						let _workAnswer2 = _workAnswer.sort();
+						let _obj = {type:2,isRight:JSON.stringify(_item)===JSON.stringify(_workAnswer2),index:index,label:[]};
+						_item.forEach((item2,index2)=>{
+							if(_workAnswer2.includes(item2)){
+								_obj.label.push({right:true,label:this.optionTypeList[item2]})
+							}else{
+								_obj.label.push({right:false,label:this.optionTypeList[item2]})
+							}
+						})
+						answerList.push(_obj);
+					}
+				})
+				_result = answerList;
+				// _result = works[0].anwer;
+				return _result;
+			}
+		}
+  },
+  watch: {
+    worksStudentData: {
+      handler(newValue) {
+        if (
+ &&
+          this.toolIndex !== null &&
+          JSON.stringify(this.worksStudent) !==
+            JSON.stringify(newValue[this.toolIndex])
+        ) {
+          this.worksStudent = JSON.parse(
+            JSON.stringify(newValue[this.toolIndex])
+          );
+          this.dialogTypeList[2].loading = false;
+        }
+      },
+      deep: true
+    },
+    noWorksSData: {
+      handler(newValue) {
+        if (
+ &&
+          this.toolIndex !== null &&
+          JSON.stringify(this.noWorksStudent) !==
+            JSON.stringify(newValue[this.toolIndex])
+        ) {
+          this.noWorksStudent = JSON.parse(
+            JSON.stringify(newValue[this.toolIndex])
+          );
+          this.dialogTypeList[2].loading = false;
+        }
+      },
+      deep: true
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    open(data) {
+      if ( return;
+ = true;
+ = data;
+      this.toolIndex = data.toolIndex;
+      this.setData();
+    },
+    setData() {
+      if ( && this.toolIndex !== null) {
+        this.worksStudent = JSON.parse(
+          JSON.stringify(this.worksStudentData[this.toolIndex])
+        );
+        this.noWorksStudent = JSON.parse(
+          JSON.stringify(this.noWorksSData[this.toolIndex])
+        );
+        let _tempData = this.chapInfoListData[this.courseType].chapterInfo[0]
+          .taskJson[this.taskCount].toolChoose[this.toolIndex];
+        this.testData = _tempData ? _tempData : null;
+        this.testJson = this.testData.testJson
+          ? this.testData.testJson.testJson
+          : null;
+      }
+    },
+    close() {
+ = false;
+      this.init();
+			this.$emit("changeSplitScreenBehavior",{code:99})
+    },
+    init() {
+ = null;
+      this.showType = 0;
+			this.showStatisticsType = 0;
+      this.testJson = null;
+      this.worksStudent = [];
+      this.noWorksStudent = [];
+      this.toolIndex = null;
+      this.testData = null;
+      this.foldList = {
+        noSubmit: false,
+        worksPreview: false
+      };
+    },
+    changeShowType(type) {
+      this.showType = type;
+			this.$emit("changeSplitScreenBehavior",{code: 1,
+        form: {
+          toolIndex: this.toolIndex,
+          courseType: this.courseType,
+          taskCount: this.taskCount,
+          type: this.showType,
+					showStatisticsType:this.showStatisticsType
+        }})
+    },
+    deleteWorks(wid) {
+      this.$emit("deleteWorks", wid);
+      this.dialogTypeList[2].loading = true;
+    },
+		openTools(data){
+			this.$emit("openTools",45,this.toolIndex,this.taskCount,,data.sName)
+		},
+		changeShowStatisticsType(type){
+			this.showStatisticsType = type;
+			this.$emit("changeSplitScreenBehavior",{code: 1,
+        form: {
+          toolIndex: this.toolIndex,
+          courseType: this.courseType,
+          taskCount: this.taskCount,
+          type: this.showType,
+					showStatisticsType:this.showStatisticsType
+        }})
+		},
+		splitScreenFn(data){
+			console.log("splitScreenFn",data)
+			if(data.type!==undefined){
+				this.showType = data.type;
+			}
+			if(data.showStatisticsType!==undefined){
+				this.showStatisticsType = data.showStatisticsType;
+			}
+		}
+  }
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+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  background-color: #f3f7fd;
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+.s_b_m_b_i_m_c_o_btn2 > span > svg {
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+.s_b_m_b_i_m_c_options > span > img {
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+.s_b_m_b_i_m_c_options > span {
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+  display: block;
+  width: calc(100% - 30px);
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+  background-color: #f3f7fd;
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+  margin-bottom: 10px;
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+	cursor: pointer;
+	overflow: auto;
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+  width: 25px;
+  height: 25px;
+  position: absolute;
+  right: 10px;
+  top: 10px;
+  cursor: pointer;
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+	border-bottom: none
+.s_b_m_b_i_m_c_table>>>.el-table>.el-table__header-wrapper th{
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+	color: #000;
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+	margin-bottom: 10px;
+	font-size: 18px;
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+/* F9FAFB */
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+  width: 100%;
+  height: auto;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  padding: 20px;
+  background-color: red;
+.s_b_b_i_worksPreview {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: auto;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  padding: 20px;
+  background-color: blue;
+} */

Diff do ficheiro suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 416 - 179

+ 250 - 137

@@ -1040,6 +1040,11 @@
                             <div style="margin: 5px 0">选择题</div>
+														<div class="upload_toolBtn" v-if="tType==='1' && worksStudent[toolIndex].length>0" @click="openChoseWorksDetailDialog(tooC,toolIndex,taskCount)"
+                              style="position: absolute;right: 33px;top: -30px;">
+                              作业详细
+                            </div>
                           <!-- <div v-if="tooC == 5">
@@ -9982,7 +9987,7 @@
       <div slot="title" class="header-title">
         <div style="color: #fff">查看文档</div>
-          @click="fullDialogVisible = false"
+          @click="()=>{fullDialogVisible = false,changeSplitScreenBehavior({code:99})}"
             cursor: pointer;
             position: absolute;
@@ -11948,6 +11953,17 @@
 		<statisticalAnalysis ref="statisticalAnalysisRef" @refresh="statisticalAnalysisRefresh"/>
+		<choseWorksDetailDialog
+      ref="choseWorksDetailDialogRef"
+      :worksStudentData="this.worksStudent"
+      :noWorksSData="noWorksS"
+      :chapInfoListData="chapInfoList"
+      :courseType="courseType"
+      :taskCount="taskCount"
+      @deleteWorks="deleteWorks"
+      @openTools="openTools"
+      @changeSplitScreenBehavior="changeSplitScreenBehavior"
+    />
@@ -11987,6 +12003,7 @@ import scoreZong from '../scoreZong/index.vue'
 import classRoomHelper from '../classRoomHelper/index.vue'
 import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
 import statisticalAnalysis from '../components/statisticalAnalysis.vue'
+import choseWorksDetailDialog from '../components/choseWorksDetailDialog.vue'
 import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
 const getFile = (url) => {
@@ -12065,7 +12082,7 @@ export default {
+		choseWorksDetailDialog
   data() {
     return {
@@ -17279,7 +17296,7 @@ export default {
-          if (this.IsFollow && this.tType == 2) {
+          if ((this.IsFollow && this.tType == 2) || (this.splitScreenData.isOpen && this.splitScreenData.uid != this.splitScreenData.myUid)) {
             let _followC =[0][0].followC.split("-");
             if (
@@ -18927,6 +18944,7 @@ export default {
         this.fullUrl =
           "" + encodeURIComponent(_uuurl);
+			this.changeSplitScreenBehavior({code:0,form:[t,f]})
     openSname(n, id, i, uid) {
       this.snameWid = id;
@@ -20085,142 +20103,237 @@ export default {
-		statisticalAnalysisRefresh(toolIndex){
-			this.$refs.statisticalAnalysisRef.refreshData({worksStudent:this.worksStudent[toolIndex],tType:this.tType,toolIndex:toolIndex})
-		},
-		async splitScreenBehavior(type=0){
-			if(this.splitScreenData.loading)return this.$"操作过快,请稍等")
-			if(type==0){//关闭分屏
-				this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-				// this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-				// this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-				this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-				await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
-				this.$message.success("已关闭分屏模式");
-				this.studentFreePreview(false)
-				this.OpenJobPreview(false)
-				this.followingMode(false)
-			}else if(type==1){//开启分屏
-				this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-				this.splitScreenData.userId = this.userid;
-				this.splitScreenData.uid = this.splitScreenData.myUid;
-				this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-				let status = await this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
-				if(status==1){
-					this.$message.success("已开启分屏")
-					this.studentFreePreview(true)
-					this.OpenJobPreview(true)
-					this.followingMode(true)
-				}else{
-					this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-					this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-					this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-					this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-					this.$message.success("分屏开启失败")
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		getSplitScreenData(){
-			return;
-			console.log("获取分屏数据👇")
-			if(this.tType!=1)return;
-			let params = {
-			}
-			this.ajax.get(this.$store.state.api+"select_courseSplitScreenData",params).then(async res=>{
-				let data =[0][0]["splitScreenData"];
-				console.log("获取了分屏数:",data)
-				if(data){
-					data = JSON.parse(data)
-					if(!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen && this.splitScreenData.myUid == data.uid){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
-					}else if(!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
-						this.$message.success("分屏模式已开启");
-					}else if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen && !data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
-					}else if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
-					}
+    openChoseWorksDetailDialog(tooC, toolIndex, taskCount) {
+      this.${
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+      this.changeSplitScreenBehavior({
+        code: 1,
+        form: {
+          toolIndex: toolIndex,
+          courseType: this.courseType,
+          taskCount: this.taskCount,
+          type: 0
+        }
+      });
+    },
+    openStatisticalAnalysis(tooC, toolIndex, taskCount) {
+      this.${
+        worksStudent: this.worksStudent[toolIndex],
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+    },
+    statisticalAnalysisRefresh(toolIndex) {
+      this.$refs.statisticalAnalysisRef.refreshData({
+        worksStudent: this.worksStudent[toolIndex],
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+    },
+    async splitScreenBehavior(type = 0) {
+      // return;
+      if (this.splitScreenData.loading)
+        return this.$"操作过快,请稍等");
+      if (type == 0) {
+        //关闭分屏
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+        // this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+        // this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+        await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
+        this.$message.success("已关闭分屏模式");
+        this.studentFreePreview(false);
+        this.OpenJobPreview(false);
+        this.followingMode(false);
+      } else if (type == 1) {
+        //开启分屏
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+        this.splitScreenData.userId = this.userid;
+        this.splitScreenData.uid = this.splitScreenData.myUid;
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+        let status = await this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
+        if (status == 1) {
+          this.$message.success("已开启分屏");
+          this.studentFreePreview(true);
+          this.OpenJobPreview(true);
+          this.followingMode(true);
+        } else {
+          this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+          this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+          this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+          this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+          this.$message.success("分屏开启失败");
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    getSplitScreenData() {
+      // return;
+      if (this.tType != 1) return;
+      let params = {
+        cid:
+      };
+      this.ajax
+        .get(this.$store.state.api + "select_courseSplitScreenData", params)
+        .then(async res => {
+          let data =[0][0]["splitScreenData"];
+          console.log("获取了分屏数:", data);
+          if (data) {
+            data = JSON.parse(data);
+            if (
+              !this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+              data.isOpen &&
+              this.splitScreenData.myUid == data.uid
+            ) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
+            } else if (!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
+              this.$message.success("分屏模式已开启");
+            } else if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen && !data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
+            } else if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
+            }
+            this.doSplitScreenBehavior();
+          } else {
+            if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
+            }
+          }
+        })
+        .catch(e => {
+          console.log("获取分屏数出错:", e);
+        });
+    },
+    doSplitScreenBehavior() {
+      if (
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+        this.splitScreenData.uid != this.splitScreenData.myUid
+      ) {
+        let behavior = this.splitScreenData.behavior;
+        if (behavior) {
+          if (behavior.code === 99) {
+            //初始化
+            this.fullDialogVisible = false;
+						if(this.${
+							this.$refs.choseWorksDetailDialogRef.close();
+						}
+          } else if (behavior.code === 0) {
+            //开启内容列表弹窗
+            this.checkFileFull1(behavior.form[0], behavior.form[1]);
+          } else if (behavior.code === 1) {
+            //关于选择题的作业详细的操作
+            // toolIndex:toolIndex,courseType:this.courseType,taskCount:this.taskCount,type:0
+            this.courseType = behavior.form.courseType;
+            this.taskCount = behavior.form.taskCount;
+            this.$nextTick(() => {
+              if (this.$ {
+                //已经打开了
+								this.$refs.choseWorksDetailDialogRef.splitScreenFn({type:behavior.form.type,showStatisticsType:behavior.form.showStatisticsType})
+              } else {
+								this.${toolIndex:behavior.form.toolIndex,tType: this.tType,})
+              }
+            });
+          }
+        } else {
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    updateSplitScreenData(empty = 0) {
+      // return
+      return new Promise(resolve => {
+				if(this.userid!==this.courseDetail.userid)return;
+        if (
+          this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid &&
+          this.splitScreenData.userId == this.userid
+        ) {
+          this.splitScreenData.loading = true;
+          let params = [
+            {
+              cid:,
+              nData: empty === 1 ? "" : JSON.stringify(this.splitScreenData)
+            }
+          ];
-				}else{
-					if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式")
-					}
-				};
-			}).catch(e=>{
-				cosnole.log("获取分屏数出错:",e)
-			})
-		},
-		updateSplitScreenData(empty = 0){
-			return;
-			return new Promise((resolve)=>{
-				if(this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid && this.splitScreenData.userId == this.userid){
-				this.splitScreenData.loading = true;
-				let params = [{
-					nData:empty===1?"":JSON.stringify(this.splitScreenData)
-				}]
-					this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
-					if({
-						resolve(1);
-						console.log("修改分屏数据成功")
-					}
-				}).catch(e=>{
-					this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
-					console.log("修改分屏数据失败",e)
-					resoleve(0)
-				})
-			}else if(empty==2){
-				let params = [{
-					nData:""
-				}]
-				return$store.state.api+"update_courseSplitScreenData",params).then(_=>resolve(1)).catch(_=>resolve(0))
-			}else{
-				return resolve(0);
-			}
-			})
-		},
-		studentFreePreview(flag){
-			this.IsLookOpen = flag;
-			this.updateLookOpen();
-		},
-		OpenJobPreview(flag){
-			this.sIsOpen = flag;
-			this.updateSLook();
-		},
-		followingMode(flag){
-			this.IsFollow = flag;
-			this.updateFollow();
-		}
+          this.ajax
+            .post(
+              this.$store.state.api + "update_courseSplitScreenData",
+              params
+            )
+            .then(res => {
+              this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
+              if ( == 1) {
+                resolve(1);
+                console.log("修改分屏数据成功");
+              }
+            })
+            .catch(e => {
+              this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
+              console.log("修改分屏数据失败", e);
+              resoleve(0);
+            });
+        } else if (empty == 2 && this.tType == 1) {
+          let params = [
+            {
+              cid:,
+              nData: ""
+            }
+          ];
+          return this.ajax
+            .post(
+              this.$store.state.api + "update_courseSplitScreenData",
+              params
+            )
+            .then(_ => resolve(1))
+            .catch(_ => resolve(0));
+        } else {
+          return resolve(0);
+        }
+      });
+    },
+    changeSplitScreenBehavior(newValue) {
+      if (
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+        this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid
+      ) {
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = newValue;
+        this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
+      }
+    },
+    studentFreePreview(flag) {
+      this.IsLookOpen = flag;
+      this.updateLookOpen();
+    },
+    OpenJobPreview(flag) {
+      this.sIsOpen = flag;
+      this.updateSLook();
+    },
+    followingMode(flag) {
+      this.IsFollow = flag;
+      this.updateFollow();
+    }
   directives: {
     // 使用局部注册指令的方式

+ 255 - 138

@@ -1010,6 +1010,11 @@
                             <div style="margin: 5px 0">选择题</div>
+														<div class="upload_toolBtn" v-if="tType==='1'" @click="openChoseWorksDetailDialog(tooC,toolIndex,taskCount)"
+                              style="position: absolute;right: 33px;top: -30px;">
+                              作业详细
+                            </div>
                           <!-- <div v-if="tooC == 5">
@@ -9928,7 +9933,7 @@
       <div slot="title" class="header-title">
         <div style="color: #fff">查看文档</div>
-          @click="fullDialogVisible = false"
+          @click="()=>{fullDialogVisible = false,changeSplitScreenBehavior({code:99})}"
             cursor: pointer;
             position: absolute;
@@ -11890,6 +11895,17 @@
 		<statisticalAnalysis ref="statisticalAnalysisRef" @refresh="statisticalAnalysisRefresh"/>
+		<choseWorksDetailDialog
+      ref="choseWorksDetailDialogRef"
+      :worksStudentData="this.worksStudent"
+      :noWorksSData="noWorksS"
+      :chapInfoListData="chapInfoList"
+      :courseType="courseType"
+      :taskCount="taskCount"
+      @deleteWorks="deleteWorks"
+      @openTools="openTools"
+      @changeSplitScreenBehavior="changeSplitScreenBehavior"
+    />
@@ -11928,6 +11944,7 @@ import scoreItem from './scoreList/scoreItem.vue'
 import scoreZong from './scoreZong/index.vue'
 import classRoomHelper from './classRoomHelper/index.vue'
 import statisticalAnalysis from "./components/statisticalAnalysis.vue";
+import choseWorksDetailDialog from './components/choseWorksDetailDialog.vue';
 import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
 const getFile = (url) => {
@@ -12005,7 +12022,8 @@ export default {
-		statisticalAnalysis
+		statisticalAnalysis,
+		choseWorksDetailDialog
   data() {
     return {
@@ -17270,7 +17288,7 @@ export default {
-          if (this.IsFollow && this.tType == 2) {
+          if ((this.IsFollow && this.tType == 2) || this.splitScreenData.isOpen) {
             let _followC =[0][0].followC.split("-");
             if (
@@ -18896,6 +18914,9 @@ export default {
       this.fullUrl = url;
     async checkFileFull1(t, f) {
       this.fullDialogVisible = true;
       if (t == 6) {
         this.fulltype = 1;
@@ -18916,7 +18937,8 @@ export default {
         this.fullUrl =
           "" + encodeURIComponent(_uuurl);
-    },
+			this.changeSplitScreenBehavior({code:0,form:[t,f]})
+		},
     openSname(n, id, i, uid) {
       this.snameWid = id;
       this.worksSName = n;
@@ -20071,142 +20093,237 @@ export default {
-		statisticalAnalysisRefresh(toolIndex){
-			this.$refs.statisticalAnalysisRef.refreshData({worksStudent:this.worksStudent[toolIndex],tType:this.tType,toolIndex:toolIndex})
-		},
-		async splitScreenBehavior(type=0){
-			if(this.splitScreenData.loading)return this.$"操作过快,请稍等")
-			if(type==0){//关闭分屏
-				this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-				// this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-				// this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-				this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-				await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
-				this.$message.success("已关闭分屏模式");
-				this.studentFreePreview(false)
-				this.OpenJobPreview(false)
-				this.followingMode(false)
-			}else if(type==1){//开启分屏
-				this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-				this.splitScreenData.userId = this.userid;
-				this.splitScreenData.uid = this.splitScreenData.myUid;
-				this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-				let status = await this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
-				if(status==1){
-					this.$message.success("已开启分屏")
-					this.studentFreePreview(true)
-					this.OpenJobPreview(true)
-					this.followingMode(true)
-				}else{
-					this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-					this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-					this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-					this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-					this.$message.success("分屏开启失败")
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		getSplitScreenData(){
-			return;
-			console.log("获取分屏数据👇")
-			if(this.tType!=1)return;
-			let params = {
-			}
-			this.ajax.get(this.$store.state.api+"select_courseSplitScreenData",params).then(async res=>{
-				let data =[0][0]["splitScreenData"];
-				console.log("获取了分屏数:",data)
-				if(data){
-					data = JSON.parse(data)
-					if(!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen && this.splitScreenData.myUid == data.uid){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
-					}else if(!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
-						this.$message.success("分屏模式已开启");
-					}else if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen && !data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
-					}else if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
-					}
+    openChoseWorksDetailDialog(tooC, toolIndex, taskCount) {
+      this.${
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+      this.changeSplitScreenBehavior({
+        code: 1,
+        form: {
+          toolIndex: toolIndex,
+          courseType: this.courseType,
+          taskCount: this.taskCount,
+          type: 0
+        }
+      });
+    },
+    openStatisticalAnalysis(tooC, toolIndex, taskCount) {
+      this.${
+        worksStudent: this.worksStudent[toolIndex],
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+    },
+    statisticalAnalysisRefresh(toolIndex) {
+      this.$refs.statisticalAnalysisRef.refreshData({
+        worksStudent: this.worksStudent[toolIndex],
+        tType: this.tType,
+        toolIndex: toolIndex
+      });
+    },
+    async splitScreenBehavior(type = 0) {
+      // return;
+      if (this.splitScreenData.loading)
+        return this.$"操作过快,请稍等");
+      if (type == 0) {
+        //关闭分屏
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+        // this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+        // this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+        await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
+        this.$message.success("已关闭分屏模式");
+        this.studentFreePreview(false);
+        this.OpenJobPreview(false);
+        this.followingMode(false);
+      } else if (type == 1) {
+        //开启分屏
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+        this.splitScreenData.userId = this.userid;
+        this.splitScreenData.uid = this.splitScreenData.myUid;
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+        let status = await this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
+        if (status == 1) {
+          this.$message.success("已开启分屏");
+          this.studentFreePreview(true);
+          this.OpenJobPreview(true);
+          this.followingMode(true);
+        } else {
+          this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+          this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+          this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+          this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+          this.$message.success("分屏开启失败");
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    getSplitScreenData() {
+      // return;
+      if (this.tType != 1) return;
+      let params = {
+        cid:
+      };
+      this.ajax
+        .get(this.$store.state.api + "select_courseSplitScreenData", params)
+        .then(async res => {
+          let data =[0][0]["splitScreenData"];
+          console.log("获取了分屏数:", data);
+          if (data) {
+            data = JSON.parse(data);
+            if (
+              !this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+              data.isOpen &&
+              this.splitScreenData.myUid == data.uid
+            ) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              await this.updateSplitScreenData(1);
+            } else if (!this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
+              this.$message.success("分屏模式已开启");
+            } else if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen && !data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
+            } else if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen && data.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = true;
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = data.uid;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = data.userId;
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = data.behavior;
+            }
+            this.doSplitScreenBehavior();
+          } else {
+            if (this.splitScreenData.isOpen) {
+              this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
+              this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
+              this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
+              this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式");
+            }
+          }
+        })
+        .catch(e => {
+          console.log("获取分屏数出错:", e);
+        });
+    },
+    doSplitScreenBehavior() {
+      if (
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+        this.splitScreenData.uid != this.splitScreenData.myUid
+      ) {
+        let behavior = this.splitScreenData.behavior;
+        if (behavior) {
+          if (behavior.code === 99) {
+            //初始化
+            this.fullDialogVisible = false;
+						if(this.${
+							this.$refs.choseWorksDetailDialogRef.close();
+						}
+          } else if (behavior.code === 0) {
+            //开启内容列表弹窗
+            this.checkFileFull1(behavior.form[0], behavior.form[1]);
+          } else if (behavior.code === 1) {
+            //关于选择题的作业详细的操作
+            // toolIndex:toolIndex,courseType:this.courseType,taskCount:this.taskCount,type:0
+            this.courseType = behavior.form.courseType;
+            this.taskCount = behavior.form.taskCount;
+            this.$nextTick(() => {
+              if (this.$ {
+                //已经打开了
+								this.$refs.choseWorksDetailDialogRef.splitScreenFn({type:behavior.form.type,showStatisticsType:behavior.form.showStatisticsType})
+              } else {
+								this.${toolIndex:behavior.form.toolIndex,tType: this.tType,})
+              }
+            });
+          }
+        } else {
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    updateSplitScreenData(empty = 0) {
+      // return
+      return new Promise(resolve => {
+				if(this.userid!==this.courseDetail.userid)return;
+        if (
+          this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid &&
+          this.splitScreenData.userId == this.userid
+        ) {
+          this.splitScreenData.loading = true;
+          let params = [
+            {
+              cid:,
+              nData: empty === 1 ? "" : JSON.stringify(this.splitScreenData)
+            }
+          ];
+          this.ajax
+            .post(
+              this.$store.state.api + "update_courseSplitScreenData",
+              params
+            )
+            .then(res => {
+              this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
+              if ( == 1) {
+                resolve(1);
+                console.log("修改分屏数据成功");
+              }
+            })
+            .catch(e => {
+              this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
+              console.log("修改分屏数据失败", e);
+              resoleve(0);
+            });
+        } else if (empty == 2 && this.tType == 1) {
+          let params = [
+            {
+              cid:,
+              nData: ""
+            }
+          ];
-				}else{
-					if(this.splitScreenData.isOpen){
-						this.splitScreenData.isOpen = false;
-						this.splitScreenData.userId = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.uid = "";
-						this.splitScreenData.behavior = null;
-						this.$message.error("已结束分屏模式")
-					}
-				};
-			}).catch(e=>{
-				cosnole.log("获取分屏数出错:",e)
-			})
-		},
-		updateSplitScreenData(empty = 0){
-			return;
-			return new Promise((resolve)=>{
-				if(this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid && this.splitScreenData.userId == this.userid){
-				this.splitScreenData.loading = true;
-				let params = [{
-					nData:empty===1?"":JSON.stringify(this.splitScreenData)
-				}]
-					this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
-					if({
-						resolve(1);
-						console.log("修改分屏数据成功")
-					}
-				}).catch(e=>{
-					this.splitScreenData.loading = false;
-					console.log("修改分屏数据失败",e)
-					resoleve(0)
-				})
-			}else if(empty==2){
-				let params = [{
-					nData:""
-				}]
-				return$store.state.api+"update_courseSplitScreenData",params).then(_=>resolve(1)).catch(_=>resolve(0))
-			}else{
-				return resolve(0);
-			}
-			})
-		},
-		studentFreePreview(flag){
-			this.IsLookOpen = flag;
-			this.updateLookOpen();
-		},
-		OpenJobPreview(flag){
-			this.sIsOpen = flag;
-			this.updateSLook();
-		},
-		followingMode(flag){
-			this.IsFollow = flag;
-			this.updateFollow();
-		}
+          return this.ajax
+            .post(
+              this.$store.state.api + "update_courseSplitScreenData",
+              params
+            )
+            .then(_ => resolve(1))
+            .catch(_ => resolve(0));
+        } else {
+          return resolve(0);
+        }
+      });
+    },
+    changeSplitScreenBehavior(newValue) {
+      if (
+        this.splitScreenData.isOpen &&
+        this.splitScreenData.uid == this.splitScreenData.myUid
+      ) {
+        this.splitScreenData.behavior = newValue;
+        this.updateSplitScreenData(0);
+      }
+    },
+    studentFreePreview(flag) {
+      this.IsLookOpen = flag;
+      this.updateLookOpen();
+    },
+    OpenJobPreview(flag) {
+      this.sIsOpen = flag;
+      this.updateSLook();
+    },
+    followingMode(flag) {
+      this.IsFollow = flag;
+      this.updateFollow();
+    }
   directives: {
     // 使用局部注册指令的方式

Alguns ficheiros não foram mostrados porque muitos ficheiros mudaram neste diff