searchArea.vue 161 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="search">
  3. <div class="s_top" ref="chatRef" v-if="cardType == 0">
  4. <div class="s_t_chat" v-for="(item, index) in chatList" :key="index">
  5. <div
  6. class="s_t_c_user"
  7. v-if="
  8. item.content &&
  9. item.content != 'wanSearch' &&
  10. item.content != 'getImage' &&
  11. item.content != 'addAsk'
  12. "
  13. >
  14. <div class="s_t_c_u_left">
  15. <div class="s_t_c_u_l_content">{{ item.content }}</div>
  16. <div class="s_t_c_u_l_time">{{ item.createtime }}</div>
  17. </div>
  18. <div class="s_t_c_u_right">
  19. <span>我</span>
  20. </div>
  21. </div>
  22. <div
  23. class="s_t_c_ai"
  24. v-if="
  25. item.content != 'wanSearch' &&
  26. item.content != 'getImage' &&
  27. item.content != 'addAsk'
  28. "
  29. >
  30. <div class="s_t_c_a_left">
  31. <el-avatar v-if="item.filename" :src="item.filename"></el-avatar>
  32. <span v-else>Ai</span>
  33. </div>
  34. <div class="s_t_c_a_right">
  35. <div
  36. class="s_t_c_a_r_content"
  37. v-if="pan(item.aiContent).length"
  38. style="
  39. display: flex;
  40. justify-content: space-between;
  41. flex-wrap: wrap;
  42. "
  43. >
  44. <div
  45. v-if="!pan(item.aiContent).length"
  46. class="d_t_c_a_r_content"
  47. v-loading="item.loading"
  48. v-html="item.aiContent"
  49. ></div>
  50. <div
  51. v-else
  52. v-for="(i, index) in pan(item.aiContent)"
  53. :key="index"
  54. style="position: relative"
  55. class="d_t_c_a_r_c_img"
  56. >
  57. <img
  58. style="width: 130px; height: 130px; object-fit: cover"
  59. :src="i.image"
  60. alt=""
  61. @error="setDefaultSrc"
  62. @click="previewImg(i.image)"
  63. />
  64. <span class="download_image" @click.stop="download(i.image)">
  65. <img
  66. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/fileIcon/download.png')"
  67. />
  68. </span>
  69. </div>
  70. <!-- {{ item }} -->
  71. <div
  72. style="
  73. margin-top: 10px;
  74. width: 100%;
  75. display: flex;
  76. justify-content: end;
  77. "
  78. v-if="
  79. pan(item.aiContent).length > 1 && chatList.length - 2 == index
  80. "
  81. >
  82. <img
  83. style="cursor: pointer"
  84. @click="resetImg(item.content)"
  85. src="../../../assets/icon/course/resImg.png"
  86. alt=""
  87. />
  88. </div>
  89. </div>
  90. <div
  91. v-else
  92. class="s_t_c_a_r_content"
  93. v-loading="item.loading"
  94. v-html="htmlContent(item.aiContent)"
  95. ></div>
  96. <!-- {{ Array.isArray(JSON.parse(item.aiContent)) }} -->
  97. <!-- {{ JSON.parse(item) }} -->
  98. <div
  99. v-if="!pan(item.aiContent).length && !item.loading"
  100. class="aiCopy"
  101. >
  102. <img
  103. v-if="chatList.length - 2 == index"
  104. @click.stop="refresh(item)"
  105. style="width: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px"
  106. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/refresh.svg')"
  107. />
  108. <img
  109. @click="onCopy(item.aiContent)"
  110. style="width: 30px; margin-bottom: 7px"
  111. src="../../../assets/icon/course/copyTxt.png"
  112. alt=""
  113. />
  114. <svg
  115. @click.stop="aiTalkAll(item)"
  116. width="16"
  117. height="16"
  118. viewBox="0 0 16 16"
  119. fill="none"
  120. style="width: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px"
  121. xmlns=""
  122. >
  123. <path
  124. fill-rule="evenodd"
  125. clip-rule="evenodd"
  126. d="M10.92 1.6203C11.1849 1.42128 11.5611 1.47474 11.7601 1.73969C13.0908 3.51135 13.8796 5.71444 13.8796 8.10004C13.8796 10.4856 13.0908 12.6887 11.7601 14.4604C11.5611 14.7253 11.1849 14.7788 10.92 14.5798C10.655 14.3808 10.6016 14.0046 10.8006 13.7397C11.9806 12.1687 12.6796 10.2169 12.6796 8.10004C12.6796 5.98321 11.9806 4.03137 10.8006 2.46038C10.6016 2.19543 10.655 1.81931 10.92 1.6203ZM6.91962 4.6203C7.18457 4.42128 7.56069 4.47474 7.75971 4.73969C8.46276 5.67568 8.8796 6.84005 8.8796 8.10003C8.8796 9.36002 8.46276 10.5244 7.75971 11.4604C7.56069 11.7253 7.18457 11.7788 6.91962 11.5798C6.65467 11.3808 6.60121 11.0046 6.80023 10.7397C7.35255 10.0044 7.6796 9.09126 7.6796 8.10003C7.6796 7.10881 7.35255 6.19571 6.80023 5.46038C6.60121 5.19543 6.65467 4.81931 6.91962 4.6203ZM4.05485 7.29282C3.82996 7.04946 3.45035 7.03449 3.20698 7.25939C2.96362 7.48428 2.94865 7.86389 3.17355 8.10725C3.23988 8.17904 3.27961 8.27348 3.27961 8.37855C3.27961 8.48652 3.23762 8.58344 3.16781 8.65593C2.93796 8.89462 2.94512 9.27445 3.18381 9.50431C3.4225 9.73416 3.80233 9.727 4.03219 9.48831C4.30866 9.20122 4.47961 8.80923 4.47961 8.37855C4.47961 7.95987 4.318 7.57758 4.05485 7.29282Z"
  127. :fill="
  128. aiTalkUid == item.uid && aiIsTalk ? '#3681FC' : 'black'
  129. "
  130. />
  131. </svg>
  132. <!-- <img
  133. @click.stop="aiTalkAll(item)"
  134. v-if="aiTalkUid == item.uid && aiIsTalk"
  135. style="width: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px"
  136. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/megaphone.svg')"
  137. />
  138. <img
  139. @click.stop="aiTalkAll(item)"
  140. v-else
  141. style="width: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px"
  142. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/megaphone3.svg')"
  143. /> -->
  144. </div>
  145. <!-- <div
  146. class="s_t_c_a_r_contentImage"
  147. v-loading="item.loading"
  148. >
  149. <span style="margin-bottom: 10px;">为您找到以下图片: {{ item.content }}</span> -->
  150. <!-- {{ item.aiContent }} -->
  151. <!-- <img
  152. v-for="(i, index) in item.aiContent"
  153. @click.stop="$hevueImgPreview(item)"
  154. :key="index"
  155. :src="i.image"
  156. /> -->
  157. <!-- <div class="imgNumberBlock">
  158. <div class="imgNumber" v-for="(i,index) in imgNumList" :key="index+'b'">
  159. {{ i }}
  160. </div>
  161. <div class="imgNumber" style="background: none;">
  162. <img style="width: 36px;height: 30px;" src="" alt="">
  163. </div>
  164. </div> -->
  165. <!-- </div> -->
  166. <!-- <div class="s_t_c_a_r_time">{{ item.createtime }}</div> -->
  167. </div>
  168. </div>
  169. <div class="s_t_chat" v-if="item.content == 'wanSearch'">
  170. <div class="s_t_c_ai">
  171. <div class="s_t_c_a_left">
  172. <el-avatar v-if="item.filename" :src="item.filename"></el-avatar>
  173. <span v-else>Ai</span>
  174. </div>
  175. <div class="s_t_c_a_right">
  176. <div class="s_t_c_a_r_content2" v-loading="item.loading">
  177. <div class="s_t_c_a_r_c_title">
  178. <img :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/idea.png')" />
  179. <span>猜你想搜:</span>
  180. </div>
  181. <div
  182. class="s_t_c_a_r_c_item"
  183. v-for="(item, index) in item.aiContent"
  184. :key="index"
  185. @click="sendAiIdea(item.label)"
  186. >
  187. {{ index + 1 }}.{{ item.title ? item.title : "" }}:{{
  188. item.label
  189. }}
  190. </div>
  191. </div>
  192. <div class="s_t_c_a_r_time">{{ item.createtime }}</div>
  193. </div>
  194. </div>
  195. </div>
  196. <div
  197. class="s_t_addAsk"
  198. v-if="
  199. item.content == 'addAsk' &&
  200. !item.aiContent.questions &&
  201. item.aiContent.length &&
  202. !item.loading
  203. "
  204. >
  205. <span
  206. v-for="item2 in item.aiContent"
  207. :key="item2.index"
  208. @click.stop="send(item2.label)"
  209. >{{ item2.label }}</span
  210. >
  211. </div>
  212. <div
  213. class="s_t_addAsk"
  214. v-if="
  215. item.content == 'addAsk' &&
  216. item.aiContent.questions &&
  217. !item.loading
  218. "
  219. >
  220. <span
  221. v-for="(item2, index2) in item.aiContent.questions"
  222. :key="index2"
  223. @click.stop="send(item2.question ? item2.question : item2)"
  224. >{{ item2.question ? item2.question : item2 }}</span
  225. >
  226. </div>
  227. <div class="s_t_addAsk" v-if="item.content == 'addAsk' && item.loading">
  228. <span style="width: 50px; height: 50px" v-loading="true"></span>
  229. </div>
  230. </div>
  231. </div>
  232. <div class="choiceTopArea" v-if="cardType == 1">
  233. <div class="choiceTop">
  234. <div class="choiceRoleHeader">
  235. <div class="s_t_c_ai">
  236. <div class="s_t_c_a_left">
  237. <el-avatar
  238. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/ai.png')"
  239. ></el-avatar>
  240. </div>
  241. <div class="s_t_c_a_right">
  242. <div class="s_t_c_a_r_content">选择您需要的智能体,开始对话</div>
  243. </div>
  244. </div>
  245. </div>
  246. <div class="choiceSelect">
  247. <div class="cs_type">
  248. <span
  249. :class="sortOption == 0 ? 'cs_typeActive' : ''"
  250. @click="optBtn(0)"
  251. >我的</span
  252. >
  253. <span
  254. :class="sortOption == 1 ? 'cs_typeActive' : ''"
  255. @click="optBtn(1)"
  256. >社区</span
  257. >
  258. </div>
  259. <div class="cs_box">
  260. <div
  261. :class="[
  262. 'cs_b_item',
  263. choseRoleItem && choseRoleItem.assistant_id == item.assistant_id
  264. ? 'cs_b_itemActive'
  265. : ''
  266. ]"
  267. v-for="(item, index) in showRoleList"
  268. :key="sortOption + '-' + index"
  269. @click.stop="choseRole(item)"
  270. >
  271. <el-avatar
  272. class="cs_b_i_avatar"
  273. fit="cover"
  274. shape="square"
  275. :src="
  276. item.headUrl && item.headUrl != ''
  277. ? item.headUrl
  278. : require('../../../assets/icon/course/ai.png')
  279. "
  280. ></el-avatar>
  281. <div class="cs_b_i_name">{{ item.assistantName }}</div>
  282. <div class="cs_b_i_des">{{ item.description }}</div>
  283. </div>
  284. </div>
  285. <!-- <div style="width: 100%">
  286. <div class="roleInput">
  287. <el-input
  288. placeholder="请输入内容"
  289. v-model="roleText"
  290. prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
  291. clearable
  292. >
  293. </el-input>
  294. </div>
  295. <div class="roleBtn">
  296. <el-button
  297. class="option"
  298. :style="{
  299. background: sortOption == 0 ? '#36A9FC' : '',
  300. color: sortOption == 0 ? '#fff' : '',
  301. }"
  302. @click="optBtn(0)"
  303. plain
  304. >我的</el-button
  305. >
  306. <el-button
  307. class="option"
  308. :style="{
  309. background: sortOption == 1 ? '#36A9FC' : '',
  310. color: sortOption == 1 ? '#fff' : '',
  311. }"
  312. @click="optBtn(1)"
  313. plain
  314. >社区</el-button
  315. >
  316. </div>
  317. </div>
  318. <div class="roleListBox">
  319. <div
  320. class="characterBlock"
  321. v-for="(item, index) in showRoleList"
  322. :key=""
  323. @click.stop="choseRole(item)"
  324. >
  325. <div class="imgLeft">
  326. <div class="img">
  327. <img
  328. style="width: 100%; height: 100%"
  329. :src="
  330. item.headUrl && item.headUrl != ''
  331. ? item.headUrl
  332. : require('../../../assets/icon/course/ai.png')
  333. "
  334. />
  335. </div>
  336. </div>
  337. <div class="txtRight">
  338. <el-tooltip
  339. class="item"
  340. effect="dark"
  341. :content="item.assistantName"
  342. placement="top"
  343. >
  344. <div class="bir">{{ item.assistantName }}</div>
  345. </el-tooltip>
  346. <div
  347. :style="{
  348. color: '#fff',
  349. display:
  350. choseRoleItem &&
  351. choseRoleItem.assistant_id == item.assistant_id
  352. ? 'block'
  353. : 'none',
  354. }"
  355. >
  356. 已选择
  357. </div>
  358. </div>
  359. </div>
  360. </div> -->
  361. </div>
  362. <!-- <div
  363. class="characterBlock"
  364. v-if="sortOption == 0"
  365. v-for="(item, index) in roleList"
  366. :key=""
  367. @click.stop="choseRole(item)"
  368. >
  369. <div class="imgLeft">
  370. <div class="img">
  371. <img v-if="item.headUrl" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" :src="item.headUrl" />
  372. <img v-else style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/ai.png')">
  373. </div>
  374. </div>
  375. <div class="txtRight">
  376. <div class="bir">{{ item.assistantName }}</div>
  377. <div
  378. :style="{
  379. color: '#fff',
  380. display:
  381. (choseRoleItem && choseRoleItem.assistant_id == item.assistant_id)
  382. ? 'block'
  383. : 'none'
  384. }"
  385. >
  386. 已选择
  387. </div>
  388. </div>
  389. </div> -->
  390. </div>
  391. <!-- <div class="choiceBottom">
  392. <el-button class="cb_btn" size="mini" @click="noChangeRole()"
  393. >取消</el-button
  394. >
  395. <el-button
  396. class="cb_btn"
  397. size="mini"
  398. type="primary"
  399. @click="changeRole()"
  400. >确定</el-button
  401. >
  402. </div> -->
  403. </div>
  404. <div class="s_bottom">
  405. <div class="s_b_btnAreaTop" v-if="cardType != 1">
  406. <div class="s_b_bat_left">
  407. <span
  408. ><el-tooltip
  409. class="item"
  410. effect="dark"
  411. content="清空聊天记录"
  412. placement="top"
  413. >
  414. <svg
  415. width="20"
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  418. fill="none"
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  420. @click.stop="clear()"
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  423. fill-rule="evenodd"
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  425. d="M2.5 3.125C2.5 2.77982 2.77982 2.5 3.125 2.5H16.875C17.2202 2.5 17.5 2.77982 17.5 3.125V8.02715C17.5 8.37233 17.2202 8.65215 16.875 8.65215C16.5298 8.65215 16.25 8.37233 16.25 8.02715V3.75H3.75V16.25H8.125C8.47018 16.25 8.75 16.5298 8.75 16.875C8.75 17.2202 8.47018 17.5 8.125 17.5H3.125C2.77982 17.5 2.5 17.2202 2.5 16.875V3.125Z"
  426. fill="black"
  427. fill-opacity="0.6"
  428. />
  429. <path
  430. fill-rule="evenodd"
  431. clip-rule="evenodd"
  432. d="M5.625 6.1521C5.625 5.80692 5.90482 5.5271 6.25 5.5271H13.125C13.4702 5.5271 13.75 5.80692 13.75 6.1521C13.75 6.49728 13.4702 6.7771 13.125 6.7771H6.25C5.90482 6.7771 5.625 6.49728 5.625 6.1521Z"
  433. fill="black"
  434. fill-opacity="0.6"
  435. />
  436. <path
  437. fill-rule="evenodd"
  438. clip-rule="evenodd"
  439. d="M5.625 9.2771C5.625 8.93192 5.90482 8.6521 6.25 8.6521H9.37496C9.72014 8.6521 9.99996 8.93192 9.99996 9.2771C9.99996 9.62228 9.72014 9.9021 9.37496 9.9021H6.25C5.90482 9.9021 5.625 9.62228 5.625 9.2771Z"
  440. fill="black"
  441. fill-opacity="0.6"
  442. />
  443. <path
  444. fill-rule="evenodd"
  445. clip-rule="evenodd"
  446. d="M12.465 11.507L15.9141 14.9048C16.1279 14.5365 16.25 14.1088 16.25 13.6521C16.25 12.2714 15.1307 11.1521 13.75 11.1521C13.2799 11.1521 12.8406 11.2815 12.465 11.507ZM15.0374 15.7957L11.5873 12.397C11.3726 12.7659 11.25 13.1944 11.25 13.6521C11.25 15.0328 12.3693 16.1521 13.75 16.1521C14.2211 16.1521 14.6613 16.0222 15.0374 15.7957ZM11.0797 11.0192C11.759 10.3303 12.7051 9.9021 13.75 9.9021C15.8211 9.9021 17.5 11.581 17.5 13.6521C17.5 14.6767 17.0882 15.6064 16.4226 16.2827C15.7431 16.9729 14.7961 17.4021 13.75 17.4021C11.6789 17.4021 10 15.7232 10 13.6521C10 12.6263 10.4127 11.6957 11.0797 11.0192Z"
  447. fill="black"
  448. fill-opacity="0.6"
  449. />
  450. </svg>
  451. </el-tooltip>
  452. </span>
  453. <span
  454. ><el-tooltip
  455. class="item"
  456. effect="dark"
  457. :content="openMegaphone ? '默认不朗诵' : '默认朗诵'"
  458. placement="top"
  459. >
  460. <svg
  461. width="20"
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  464. fill="none"
  465. @click.stop="changeMegaphone()"
  466. xmlns=""
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  468. >
  469. <path
  470. fill-rule="evenodd"
  471. clip-rule="evenodd"
  472. d="M13.65 2.02537C13.9812 1.7766 14.4513 1.84342 14.7001 2.17461C16.3635 4.38918 17.3495 7.14305 17.3495 10.125C17.3495 10.9115 17.2809 11.6821 17.1494 12.4311L15.7571 11.6061C15.8181 11.121 15.8495 10.6267 15.8495 10.125C15.8495 7.47901 14.9758 5.03921 13.5007 3.07548C13.252 2.74429 13.3188 2.27414 13.65 2.02537ZM10.9679 8.76803C10.7613 7.71703 10.3195 6.74982 9.69963 5.92461C9.45087 5.59342 8.98072 5.5266 8.64952 5.77537C8.31833 6.02414 8.25152 6.49429 8.50028 6.82548C8.68121 7.06635 8.84279 7.32248 8.98275 7.59163L10.9679 8.76803ZM9.434 11.4702L10.7676 12.2604C10.5271 13.012 10.1631 13.7084 9.69963 14.3255C9.45087 14.6567 8.98072 14.7235 8.64952 14.4747C8.31833 14.226 8.25152 13.7558 8.50028 13.4246C8.93199 12.8499 9.2536 12.1882 9.434 11.4702ZM14.9175 14.7196L16.218 15.4903C15.8093 16.4122 15.2985 17.2787 14.7001 18.0755C14.4513 18.4067 13.9812 18.4735 13.65 18.2247C13.3188 17.9759 13.252 17.5058 13.5007 17.1746C14.0666 16.4213 14.544 15.5979 14.9175 14.7196ZM5.06857 9.11603C4.78744 8.81182 4.31294 8.79311 4.00873 9.07423C3.70452 9.35535 3.68581 9.82986 3.96693 10.1341C4.04986 10.2238 4.09951 10.3419 4.09951 10.4732C4.09951 10.6082 4.04703 10.7293 3.95977 10.8199C3.67245 11.1183 3.6814 11.5931 3.97976 11.8804C4.27812 12.1677 4.75291 12.1588 5.04023 11.8604C5.38582 11.5015 5.59951 11.0115 5.59951 10.4732C5.59951 9.94984 5.3975 9.47198 5.06857 9.11603Z"
  473. fill="black"
  474. fill-opacity="0.6"
  475. />
  476. <path
  477. fill-rule="evenodd"
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  480. fill="black"
  481. fill-opacity="0.6"
  482. />
  483. </svg>
  484. <svg
  485. v-else
  486. @click.stop="changeMegaphone()"
  487. width="20"
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  489. viewBox="0 0 20 20"
  490. fill="none"
  491. xmlns=""
  492. >
  493. <path
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  817. @click="
  818. atTask(`阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName} `, index1, 0, item1)
  819. "
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  821. <span>阶段{{ index1 + 1 }} {{ item1.dyName }}</span>
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  835. >
  836. <div
  837. class="s_b_at_l_i_header"
  838. v-if="item2.tool[0].tool != undefined"
  839. @click="
  840. atTask(
  841. `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}-任务${index2 + 1}:${
  842. item2.taskName
  843. } `,
  844. index2,
  845. 1,
  846. item2
  847. )
  848. "
  849. >
  850. <span
  851. class="s_b_at_l_i_h_icon1"
  852. :style="
  853. `${!item2.isOpen ? 'transform: rotate(-90deg);' : ''}'`
  854. "
  855. @click.stop="item2.isOpen = !item2.isOpen"
  856. ></span>
  857. <span>任务{{ index2 + 1 }}:{{ item2.taskName }}</span>
  858. </div>
  859. <div
  860. class="s_b_at_l_i_header"
  861. v-else
  862. @click="
  863. atTask(
  864. `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}-任务${index2 + 1}:${
  865. item2.taskName
  866. } `,
  867. index2,
  868. 1,
  869. item2
  870. )
  871. "
  872. >
  873. <span
  874. class="s_b_at_l_i_h_icon2"
  875. :style="
  876. `${!item2.isOpen ? 'transform: rotate(-90deg);' : ''}'`
  877. "
  878. @click.stop="item2.isOpen = !item2.isOpen"
  879. ></span>
  880. <span>任务{{ index2 + 1 }}:{{ item2.taskName }}</span>
  881. </div>
  882. <div
  883. class="s_b_at_l_i_content"
  884. v-if="item2.tool[0].tool != undefined && item2.isOpen"
  885. v-for="(item3, index3) in item2.tool"
  886. :key="index1 + '-' + index2 + '-' + index3"
  887. @click="
  888. atTask(
  889. `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}-任务${index2 + 1}:${
  890. item2.taskName
  891. }-工具${index3 + 1}:${toolsList[item3.tool]} `,
  892. index3,
  893. 2,
  894. item3
  895. )
  896. "
  897. >
  898. <span>工具{{ index3 + 1 }}:{{ toolsList[item3.tool] }}</span>
  899. </div>
  900. </div>
  901. </div>
  902. </template>
  903. <template v-if="atTagIndex == 1 && workSum != 0">
  904. <div v-if="userList.length == 0">暂无成员...</div>
  905. <div
  906. class="s_b_ab_user"
  907. v-for="(item, index) in userList"
  908. :key=""
  909. v-else
  910. >
  911. <div class="s_b_ab_u_name">
  912. <el-tooltip
  913. class="item"
  914. effect="light:"
  915. :content="item.username"
  916. placement="top"
  917. >
  918. <span>{{ item.username }}</span>
  919. </el-tooltip>
  920. </div>
  921. <div class="s_b_ab_u_message">
  922. <span>作业提交情况</span>
  923. <div>
  924. <span>已提交:{{ item.count }}</span>
  925. <span>未提交:{{ workSum - item.count }}</span>
  926. </div>
  927. </div>
  928. <div class="s_b_ab_u_btnArea">
  929. <span @click="sumUpStudent(item)">总结分析</span>
  930. <span @click.stop="lookStudentDetail(item)">作业详细</span>
  931. </div>
  932. </div>
  933. </template>
  934. <template v-if="atTagIndex == 2">
  935. <div class="s_b_at_studentDetail">
  936. <img
  937. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/back.svg')"
  938. @click.stop="atTagIndex = 1"
  939. />
  940. <span>学生:{{ lookStudentData.userName }}</span>
  941. </div>
  942. <div class="s_b_at_studentList">
  943. <div
  944. class="s_b_at_sl_item"
  945. v-if="[3, 2, 8].includes(item.type)"
  946. v-for="(item, index) in lookStudentData.list"
  947. @click.stop="sumUpStudent2(item)"
  948. >
  949. <div class="s_b_at_sl_phase">
  950. {{
  951. `阶段${item.stage + 1}/任务${item.task +
  952. 1}/工具${item.tool + 1}`
  953. }}
  954. </div>
  955. <div class="s_b_at_sl_message" v-if="item.type === 3">
  956. <div>
  957. 题目:
  958. <el-tooltip
  959. class="item"
  960. effect="light:"
  961. :content="item.content.answerTitle"
  962. placement="top"
  963. ><span>{{ item.content.answerTitle }}</span></el-tooltip
  964. >
  965. </div>
  966. <div>
  967. 答题:
  968. <span>{{ item.content.answer }}</span>
  969. </div>
  970. </div>
  971. <div
  972. class="s_b_at_sl_message"
  973. v-if="item.type === 8"
  974. v-for="(item1, index1) in item.content.testJson
  975. ? item.content.testJson.testJson
  976. : []"
  977. :key="index1"
  978. >
  979. <div>
  980. 题目:
  981. <el-tooltip
  982. class="item"
  983. effect="light:"
  984. :content="item1.teststitle"
  985. placement="top"
  986. ><span>{{ item1.teststitle }}</span></el-tooltip
  987. >
  988. </div>
  989. <div>
  990. 选项:
  991. <span>
  992. <div v-for="(item2, index2) in item1.checkList">
  993. {{ index2 + 1 }}、{{ item2.src ? item2.src : item2 }}
  994. </div>
  995. </span>
  996. </div>
  997. <div>
  998. 答案:{{ answerData(item1.checkList, item1.answer) }}
  999. </div>
  1000. <div>
  1001. 答题:
  1002. <span>{{
  1003. answerData(item1.checkList, item.content.anwer[index1])
  1004. }}</span>
  1005. </div>
  1006. </div>
  1007. <div
  1008. class="s_b_at_sl_message"
  1009. v-if="item.type === 2"
  1010. v-for="(item1, index1) in item.content.askJson
  1011. ? item.content.askJson.askJson
  1012. : []"
  1013. :key="index1"
  1014. >
  1015. <div>
  1016. 题目:
  1017. <el-tooltip
  1018. class="item"
  1019. effect="light:"
  1020. :content="item1.askstitle"
  1021. placement="top"
  1022. ><span>{{ item1.askstitle }}</span></el-tooltip
  1023. >
  1024. </div>
  1025. <div>
  1026. 选项:
  1027. <span>
  1028. <div v-for="(item2, index2) in item1.checkList">
  1029. {{ index2 + 1 }}、{{ item2.src ? item2.src : item2 }}
  1030. </div>
  1031. </span>
  1032. </div>
  1033. <div>
  1034. 答题:
  1035. <span>{{
  1036. answerData(item1.checkList, item.content.anwer[index1])
  1037. }}</span>
  1038. </div>
  1039. </div>
  1040. </div>
  1041. </div>
  1042. </template>
  1043. </div>
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  1054. sendFnType == 0
  1055. ? '请在此输入您想了解的内容'
  1056. : '请点击录音按钮开始录音'
  1057. "
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  1070. ref="inputEndRef"
  1071. ></el-input>
  1072. <div
  1073. class="s_b_recorded"
  1074. @click.stop="talk()"
  1075. v-loading="loading"
  1076. v-if="sendFnType && !isTalk"
  1077. >
  1078. <span>点击说话</span>
  1079. </div>
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  1081. <span></span>
  1082. </div> -->
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  1241. </span>
  1242. </el-tooltip>
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  1244. <!-- <div class="voice_or_keyboard">
  1245. <el-tooltip
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  1249. content="使用语音"
  1250. placement="top"
  1251. >
  1252. <img
  1253. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/voice.svg')"
  1254. @click.stop="changeFnType(1)"
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  1256. </el-tooltip>
  1257. <el-tooltip
  1258. v-if="sendFnType == 1"
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  1261. content="使用键盘"
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  1263. >
  1264. <img
  1265. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/keyboard.svg')"
  1266. @click.stop="changeFnType(0)"
  1267. />
  1268. </el-tooltip>
  1269. </div> -->
  1270. <!-- <div class="s_b_btn" @click="send()" v-if="sendFnType == 0">
  1271. <span v-if="!loading && !chatLoading"></span>
  1272. <div v-else @click.stop="stopSend()">停止</div>
  1273. </div> -->
  1274. <!-- <div class="s_b_btn" v-if="sendFnType == 1">
  1275. <img
  1276. v-if="!loading && !chatLoading && !isTalk"
  1277. @click.stop="talk()"
  1278. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/voice2.svg')"
  1279. />
  1280. <img
  1281. style="width: 50px; height: 50px"
  1282. v-else-if="!loading && !chatLoading && isTalk"
  1283. @click.stop="stopTalk()"
  1284. :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/isTape.svg')"
  1285. />
  1286. <div v-else @click.stop="stopSend()">停止</div>
  1287. </div> -->
  1288. <!-- <div class="s_b_btn2" @click.stop="openPhone">
  1289. <img :src="require('../../../assets/icon/course/phone.svg')" />
  1290. </div> -->
  1291. </div>
  1292. <div class="s_b_inputArea" v-if="cardType == 1">
  1293. <div class="s_b_input">
  1294. <el-input
  1295. placeholder="搜索想要的智能体"
  1296. class="s_b_i_left"
  1297. v-model="roleText"
  1298. ></el-input>
  1299. <!-- <div class="s_b_i_right" @click="sendFile()">
  1300. <span></span>
  1301. </div> -->
  1302. </div>
  1303. <div class="s_b_inputBtnArea">
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  1307. content="查询"
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  1330. </div>
  1331. <iframe
  1332. allow="camera *; microphone *;display-capture;midi;encrypted-media;"
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  1335. v-show="false"
  1336. ></iframe>
  1337. <!-- 文字转语音-->
  1338. <iframe
  1339. allow="camera *; microphone *;display-capture;midi;encrypted-media;"
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  1346. <script>
  1347. import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
  1348. import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
  1349. import { tools } from "../../../common/tools";
  1350. import { fetchEventSource } from "@microsoft/fetch-event-source";
  1351. var OpenCC = require("opencc-js");
  1352. let converter = OpenCC.Converter({
  1353. from: "hk",
  1354. to: "cn"
  1355. });
  1356. export default {
  1357. props: {
  1358. courseDetail: {
  1359. type: Object,
  1360. default: () => {}
  1361. },
  1362. recordType: {
  1363. type: Number,
  1364. default: 0
  1365. },
  1366. navList: {
  1367. type: Array,
  1368. default: () => []
  1369. },
  1370. tcid: {
  1371. type: String,
  1372. default: ""
  1373. },
  1374. fileId: {
  1375. type: Array,
  1376. default: () => []
  1377. },
  1378. openMegaphone: {
  1379. type: Boolean,
  1380. default: false
  1381. },
  1382. canShowTips: {
  1383. type: Boolean,
  1384. default: false
  1385. },
  1386. showTipsLoading: {
  1387. type: Boolean,
  1388. default: false
  1389. },
  1390. tipsList: {
  1391. type: Array,
  1392. default: () => []
  1393. },
  1394. },
  1395. data() {
  1396. return {
  1397. text: "",
  1398. ppage: 1,
  1399. sendType: 0,
  1400. sendFnType: 0,
  1401. isTalk: false,
  1402. loading: false,
  1403. chatLoading: false,
  1404. imageCheck: false,
  1405. videoCheck: false,
  1406. userid: this.$route.query.userid,
  1407. courseId: this.$route.query.courseId,
  1408. tcid2: this.$route.query.tcid,
  1409. imgNumList: ["U1", "U2", "U3", "U4"],
  1410. chatList: [],
  1411. nowChatList: [],
  1412. atTagIndex: 0,
  1413. source: null,
  1414. saveUid: "",
  1415. toolsList: {
  1416. 58: "模拟驾驶",
  1417. 59: "路径搜索",
  1418. 60: "深度学习",
  1419. 10: "倒计时",
  1420. 65: "挑人",
  1421. 7: "思维网格",
  1422. 1: "电子白板",
  1423. 52: "文档",
  1424. 3: "思维导图",
  1425. 48: "表格",
  1426. 49: "学生分组",
  1427. 4: "问卷调查",
  1428. 45: "选择题",
  1429. 15: "问答",
  1430. 16: "作业提交",
  1431. 50: "批量上传",
  1432. 41: "选择匹配",
  1433. 47: "排序",
  1434. 40: "个人评价",
  1435. 18: "训练平台",
  1436. 21: "AIoT Blockly",
  1437. 23: "AI Python",
  1438. 24: "AI Blockly",
  1439. 32: "源码编辑",
  1440. 57: "CocoPi",
  1441. 63: "海龟编程",
  1442. 28: "翻译",
  1443. 31: "数字画板",
  1444. 39: "GeoGebra",
  1445. 66: "公式编辑",
  1446. 67: "分子结构",
  1447. 68: "时间轴",
  1448. 69: "英语写作",
  1449. 70: "英语口语",
  1450. 25: "目标管理",
  1451. 26: "课程设计",
  1452. 62: "交互视频",
  1453. 71: "AI智能体"
  1454. },
  1455. lookStudentData: {},
  1456. taskList: [],
  1457. userList: [],
  1458. tools: JSON.parse(converter(JSON.stringify(tools))),
  1459. aiTalkList: [],
  1460. aiIsTalk: false,
  1461. aiTalkUid: "",
  1462. choseRoleItem: null,
  1463. cardType: 0,
  1464. roleList: [],
  1465. roleList2: [],
  1466. sortOption: 0, //切换角色 0我的 1 社区
  1467. roleText: "",
  1468. isReadonly: true,
  1469. showTips: false,
  1470. showTipsList:[],
  1471. languageSetting:0,
  1472. userName:"",
  1473. };
  1474. },
  1475. computed: {
  1476. showRoleList() {
  1477. let _result = [];
  1478. if (this.sortOption == 0) {
  1479. _result = this.roleList;
  1480. } else if (this.sortOption == 1) {
  1481. _result = this.roleList2;
  1482. }
  1483. if (this.roleText) {
  1484. _result = _result.filter(
  1485. i => i.assistantName.indexOf(this.roleText) != -1
  1486. );
  1487. }
  1488. return _result;
  1489. },
  1490. openAtBox() {
  1491. // return false;
  1492. if (this.text.length == 0) return false;
  1493. if (this.text.lastIndexOf("@") == this.text.length - 1) {
  1494. return true;
  1495. } else {
  1496. return false;
  1497. }
  1498. },
  1499. atTaskList() {
  1500. let _result = [];
  1501. this.taskList.forEach((item1, index1) => {
  1502. if (item1.dyName) {
  1503. _result.push({
  1504. name: `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}`,
  1505. tool: null,
  1506. type: 0
  1507. });
  1508. }
  1509. item1.task.forEach((item2, index2) => {
  1510. if (item2.taskName) {
  1511. _result.push({
  1512. name: `任务${index2 + 1}:${item2.taskName}`,
  1513. tool: null,
  1514. type: 1,
  1515. superiors: {
  1516. name: `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}`,
  1517. type: 0
  1518. }
  1519. });
  1520. }
  1521. item2.tool.forEach((item3, index3) => {
  1522. if (item3.tool != undefined) {
  1523. _result.push({
  1524. name: `工具${index3 + 1}:${this.toolsList[item3.tool]}`,
  1525. tool: item3.tool,
  1526. type: 2,
  1527. superiors: {
  1528. name: `任务${index2 + 1}:${item2.taskName}`,
  1529. type: 1,
  1530. superiors: {
  1531. name: `阶段${index1 + 1} ${item1.dyName}`,
  1532. type: 0
  1533. }
  1534. }
  1535. });
  1536. }
  1537. });
  1538. });
  1539. });
  1540. return _result;
  1541. },
  1542. pan() {
  1543. return content => {
  1544. try {
  1545. return JSON.parse(content);
  1546. } catch (error) {
  1547. return [];
  1548. }
  1549. };
  1550. },
  1551. htmlContent() {
  1552. const md = new MarkdownIt();
  1553. return _md => {
  1554. return md.render(_md);
  1555. };
  1556. },
  1557. answerData() {
  1558. return (checkList, answer) => {
  1559. if (typeof answer == "number") {
  1560. return answer + 1;
  1561. } else {
  1562. let _result = ``;
  1563. answer.forEach((item, index) => {
  1564. _result += `${item + 1}`;
  1565. if (index != answer.length - 1) {
  1566. _result += `、`;
  1567. }
  1568. });
  1569. return _result;
  1570. }
  1571. };
  1572. },
  1573. workSum() {
  1574. let sum = 0;
  1575. this.atTaskList.forEach(i => {
  1576. if (i.type != 2) return;
  1577. if ([4, 15, 45].includes(i.tool)) {
  1578. return (sum += 1);
  1579. }
  1580. });
  1581. return sum;
  1582. }
  1583. },
  1584. watch: {
  1585. navList() {
  1586. this.initTaskList();
  1587. },
  1588. atTagIndex(newValue) {
  1589. if (newValue != 2) {
  1590. this.lookStudentData = {};
  1591. }
  1592. }
  1593. },
  1594. methods: {
  1595. showTipsFn() {
  1596. this.showTipsList = this.tipsList[this.tipsList.length-1]
  1597. this.showTips = true;
  1598. this.$parent.getTipsListTime(5000)
  1599. },
  1600. insertMemorandum(_html) {
  1601. //保存行为操作
  1602. //variable
  1603. //btn
  1604. let params = [
  1605. {
  1606. uid: this.userid,
  1607. courseId: this.courseId + (this.tcid2 ? this.tcid2 : ""),
  1608. content: _html
  1609. }
  1610. ];
  1611. this.ajax
  1612. .post(
  1613. this.$store.state.api + "insert_systemOperation_countdownBehavior",
  1614. params
  1615. )
  1616. .then(res => {
  1617. if ( == 1) {
  1618. console.log("保存操作成功");
  1619. } else {
  1620. console.log("保存操作失败");
  1621. }
  1622. })
  1623. .catch(e => {
  1624. console.log("保存操作失败");
  1625. console.log(e);
  1626. });
  1627. },
  1628. openPhone() {
  1629. // this.$"打开电话面板")
  1630. this.$parent.changeItemType(4);
  1631. },
  1632. setDefaultSrc(e) {
  1633. = require("../../../assets/icon/course/404.png");
  1634. },
  1635. refresh(item) {
  1636. this.send(item.content);
  1637. },
  1638. changeFnType(newValue) {
  1639. if (this.isTalk) return this.$"请先停止录音");
  1640. this.sendFnType = newValue;
  1641. },
  1642. chooseType(type) {
  1643. if (this.sendType == type) {
  1644. this.sendType = 0;
  1645. } else {
  1646. this.sendType = type;
  1647. }
  1648. },
  1649. talk() {
  1650. let iiframe = this.$refs["iiframe"];
  1651. iiframe.contentWindow.window.document.getElementById(
  1652. "languageOptions"
  1653. ).selectedIndex = 2; //普通话
  1654. iiframe.contentWindow.testdoContinuousPronunciationAssessment();
  1655. this.isTalk = true;
  1656. iiframe.contentWindow.onRecognizedResult = e => {
  1657. let _msg = e.privText;
  1658. console.log(_msg);
  1659. if (_msg) this.text += _msg;
  1660. };
  1661. // setTimeout(()=>this.text="珠穆朗玛峰的高度",3000)
  1662. },
  1663. stopTalk() {
  1664. if (!this.isTalk) return this.$"请先开始录音");
  1665. let iiframe = this.$refs["iiframe"];
  1666. iiframe.contentWindow.window.document
  1667. .getElementById("scenarioStopButton")
  1668. .click();
  1669. iiframe.contentWindow.onSessionStopped = (s, e) => {
  1670. this.isTalk = false;
  1671. this.send();
  1672. };
  1673. },
  1674. resetImg(_text) {
  1675. this.ppage++;
  1676. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  1677. this.chatList.push({
  1678. role: "user",
  1679. content: `${_text}`,
  1680. uid: _uuid,
  1681. AI: "AI",
  1682. aiContent: "",
  1683. oldContent: "",
  1684. isShowSynchronization: false,
  1685. filename: "",
  1686. index: this.chatList.length,
  1687. is_mind_map: false,
  1688. loading: true
  1689. });
  1690. this.text = "";
  1691. let params = {
  1692. page: this.ppage,
  1693. pagesize: 6,
  1694. query: _text
  1695. };
  1696. // this.$;
  1697. this.chatList.push({
  1698. role: "user",
  1699. content: `getImage`,
  1700. uid: _uuid,
  1701. AI: "AI",
  1702. aiContent: "",
  1703. oldContent: "",
  1704. isShowSynchronization: false,
  1705. filename: "",
  1706. index: this.chatList.length,
  1707. is_mind_map: false,
  1708. loading: true
  1709. });
  1710. this.scrollBottom();
  1711. this.ajax
  1712. .post("", params)
  1713. .then(res => {
  1714. let data =;
  1715. // console.log('res',;
  1716. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.stringify(
  1717. data
  1718. );
  1719. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  1720. this.chatLoading = false;
  1721. this.insertChat(_uuid);
  1722. });
  1723. },
  1724. stopSend() {
  1725. if (this.source) {
  1726. this.source.close();
  1727. if (this.chatList[this.chatList.length - 1].content == "wanSearch") {
  1728. this.chatList.pop();
  1729. }
  1730. this.loading = false;
  1731. this.chatLoading = false;
  1732. this.source = null;
  1733. this.insertChat(this.saveUid);
  1734. }
  1735. },
  1736. onCopy(content) {
  1737. // 创建临时textarea元素
  1738. const tempInput = document.createElement("textarea");
  1739. tempInput.value = content; // 设置要复制的内容
  1740. // 隐藏元素
  1741. = "absolute";
  1742. = "-9999px";
  1743. // 将元素添加到DOM中
  1744. document.body.appendChild(tempInput);
  1745. // 选中元素内容
  1747. // 执行复制操作
  1748. document.execCommand("copy");
  1749. // 移除临时元素
  1750. document.body.removeChild(tempInput);
  1751. this.$message({
  1752. message: "复制成功",
  1753. type: "success"
  1754. });
  1755. },
  1756. previewImg(url) {
  1757. this.$hevueImgPreview(url);
  1758. },
  1759. clear() {
  1760. // this.chatList = [];
  1761. this.$confirm("确定清空聊天记录吗?", "提示", {
  1762. confirmButtonText: "确定",
  1763. cancelButtonText: "取消",
  1764. type: "warning"
  1765. })
  1766. .then(_ => {
  1767. this.loading = true;
  1768. let params = {
  1769. user_id: this.userid,
  1770. id: "602def61-005d-11ee-91d8-005056b8q12w",
  1771. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`
  1772. };
  1773. this.ajax
  1774. .post("", params)
  1775. .then(res => {
  1776. this.chatList = [];
  1777. this.stopSend();
  1778. this.$message.success("清除聊天记录成功");
  1779. this.loading = false;
  1780. })
  1781. .catch(err => {
  1782. this.loading = false;
  1783. this.$message.error("清除聊天记录失败");
  1784. });
  1785. })
  1786. .catch(_ => {});
  1787. },
  1788. atTask(name, index, type, data) {
  1789. let _result = name;
  1790. // if(type == 1){
  1791. // _result=`任务${index+1}:${name} `
  1792. // }else if(type==2){
  1793. // _result=`工具${index+1}:${name} `
  1794. // }else if(type==0){
  1795. // _result=`阶段${index+1} ${name} `
  1796. // }
  1797. this.text += _result;
  1798. this.$refs.textRef.focus();
  1799. },
  1800. send(_text = this.text, val = 0) {
  1801. this.ppage = 1;
  1802. if (this.loading || this.chatLoading) return this.$"请稍等");
  1803. if (_text.trim().length == 0) return this.$"请输入内容");
  1804. let _atRoleList = [];
  1805. if ((this.cardType = 1)) {
  1806. this.cardType = 0;
  1807. }
  1808. this.atTaskList.forEach(i => {
  1809. let _result = ``;
  1810. if (i.type == 0) {
  1811. _result = `${} `;
  1812. } else if (i.type == 1) {
  1813. _result = `${}-${} `;
  1814. } else if (i.type == 2) {
  1815. _result = `${}-${}-${} `;
  1816. }
  1817. if (_text.indexOf(`@${_result}`) != -1) {
  1818. _atRoleList.push(i);
  1819. }
  1820. });
  1821. if (_atRoleList.length > 0) {
  1822. return this.atSend(_text, _atRoleList);
  1823. }
  1824. let _msg = ``;
  1825. this.chatLoading = true;
  1826. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  1827. // if(this.sendType==3){
  1828. // _text = `帮我生成一张图片:`
  1829. // }
  1830. this.chatList.push({
  1831. role: "user",
  1832. content: `${this.sendType == 3 ? `帮我生成一张图片:${_text}` : _text}`,
  1833. uid: _uuid,
  1834. AI: "AI",
  1835. aiContent: "",
  1836. oldContent: "",
  1837. isShowSynchronization: false,
  1838. filename: this.choseRoleItem ? this.choseRoleItem.headUrl : "",
  1839. index: this.chatList.length,
  1840. is_mind_map: false,
  1841. loading: true
  1842. });
  1843. this.scrollBottom();
  1844. if (this.sendType == 2 || _text.indexOf("视频") != -1) {
  1845. this.insertMemorandum(`<span class="btn">搜索视频</span>`);
  1846. return this.ajax
  1847. .post(``, {
  1848. engine: "bilibili",//bilibili youtube
  1849. keyword: _text
  1850. })
  1851. .then(res => {
  1852. console.log(res);
  1853. let _dataList =;
  1854. let _resultText = ``;
  1855. _dataList.forEach(i => {
  1856. i.title = i.title
  1857. .replaceAll('<em class="keyword">', "")
  1858. .replaceAll("</em>", "");
  1859. // bilibili👇
  1860. _resultText += `名称:${i.title}\n简介:${i.description}\n地址:[${i.arcurl}](${i.arcurl})\n\n`;
  1861. //youtube👇
  1862. // _resultText += `名称:${i.title}\n简介:${i.description}\n地址:[${}](${})\n\n`;
  1863. });
  1864. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = _resultText;
  1865. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  1866. this.chatLoading = false;
  1867. this.scrollBottom();
  1868. this.insertChat(_uuid);
  1869. this.text = "";
  1870. })
  1871. .catch(e => {
  1872. this.$message.error("获取视频失败");
  1873. this.chatLoading = false;
  1874. });
  1875. } else if (this.sendType == 3) {
  1876. this.insertMemorandum(`<span class="btn">生成图片</span>`);
  1877. this.text = "";
  1878. let params = {
  1879. n: 1,
  1880. prompt: _text,
  1881. quality: "standard",
  1882. size: "1024x1024",
  1883. style: "natural"
  1884. };
  1885. // this.$;
  1886. this.chatList.push({
  1887. role: "user",
  1888. content: `getImage`,
  1889. uid: _uuid,
  1890. AI: "AI",
  1891. aiContent: "",
  1892. oldContent: "",
  1893. isShowSynchronization: false,
  1894. filename: "",
  1895. index: this.chatList.length,
  1896. is_mind_map: false,
  1897. loading: true
  1898. });
  1899. this.ajax
  1900. .post("", params)
  1901. .then(res => {
  1902. let data =;
  1903. // console.log('res',;
  1904. let _result = [];
  1905. if (!data.image_url_list.length) {
  1906. this.chatLoading = false;
  1907. this.chatList.pop();
  1908. this.chatList.pop();
  1909. return this.$message.error("生成图片失败");
  1910. }
  1911. data.image_url_list.forEach(i => {
  1912. _result.push({
  1913. image: i
  1914. });
  1915. });
  1916. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.stringify(
  1917. _result
  1918. );
  1919. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  1920. console.log(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent);
  1921. this.chatLoading = false;
  1922. this.insertChat(_uuid);
  1923. this.scrollBottom();
  1924. })
  1925. .catch(e => {
  1926. this.chatLoading = false;
  1927. this.chatList.pop();
  1928. this.chatList.pop();
  1929. this.$message.error("生成失败");
  1930. });
  1931. return;
  1932. } else if (this.sendType == 1 || _text.indexOf("图片") != -1) {
  1933. this.insertMemorandum(`<span class="btn">搜索图片</span>`);
  1934. // console.log("图片");
  1935. this.text = "";
  1936. let params = {
  1937. page: this.ppage,
  1938. pagesize: 6,
  1939. query: _text
  1940. };
  1941. // this.$;
  1942. this.chatList.push({
  1943. role: "user",
  1944. content: `getImage`,
  1945. uid: _uuid,
  1946. AI: "AI",
  1947. aiContent: "",
  1948. oldContent: "",
  1949. isShowSynchronization: false,
  1950. filename: "",
  1951. index: this.chatList.length,
  1952. is_mind_map: false,
  1953. loading: true
  1954. });
  1955. this.ajax
  1956. .post("", params)
  1957. .then(res => {
  1958. let data =;
  1959. // console.log('res',;
  1960. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.stringify(
  1961. data
  1962. );
  1963. console.log("👇");
  1964. console.log(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent);
  1965. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  1966. this.chatLoading = false;
  1967. this.insertChat(_uuid);
  1968. // console.log('resresresres',res);
  1969. // if ( == "发送成功") {
  1970. // } else {
  1971. // this.$message.warning(;
  1972. // }
  1973. });
  1974. return;
  1975. }
  1976. let history = [];
  1977. // this.nowChatList.forEach(i => {
  1978. // if (i.content == "wanSearch") {
  1979. // // history.push({
  1980. // // role:"assistant",
  1981. // // content: JSON.stringify(i.aiContent)
  1982. // // })
  1983. // return;
  1984. // } else if (i.content == "getImage") {
  1985. // // return history.push({
  1986. // // role: "user",
  1987. // // content: i.content
  1988. // // });
  1989. // } else if (i.content == "addAsk") {
  1990. // }
  1991. // if (i.content) {
  1992. // history.push({
  1993. // type: "text",
  1994. // text: i.content
  1995. // });
  1996. // }
  1997. // if (i.aiContent) {
  1998. // history.push({
  1999. // type: "text",
  2000. // text: i.aiContent
  2001. // });
  2002. // }
  2003. // });
  2004. // history.pop();
  2005. // if (_msg) {
  2006. // history.push({ type: "text", text: _msg });
  2007. // } else {
  2008. // history.push({ type: "text", text: _text });
  2009. // }
  2010. // history =>({
  2011. // type:i.type,
  2012. // text:`Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2013. // Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2014. // Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2015. // ${i.text}`
  2016. // }))
  2017. let _msg2 = `
  2018. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2019. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2020. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2021. ${_text}
  2022. `
  2023. let params = {
  2024. assistant_id: this.choseRoleItem
  2025. ? this.choseRoleItem.assistant_id
  2026. : "b19f1a1a-7586-11ef-8ce0-12e77c4cb76b",
  2027. userId: this.userid,
  2028. message: _msg2,
  2029. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`,
  2030. uid: _uuid,
  2031. file_ids: this.fileId,
  2032. // model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  2033. model:"gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  2034. };
  2035. // let params = {
  2036. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  2037. // temperature: 0,
  2038. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2039. // top_p: 1,
  2040. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  2041. // presence_penalty: 0,
  2042. // messages: history,
  2043. // uid: _uuid,
  2044. // mind_map_question: _text
  2045. // };
  2046. // let params = {
  2047. // message: {
  2048. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  2049. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2050. // temperature: 0,
  2051. // top_p: 1,
  2052. // messages: history
  2053. // },
  2054. // uid: _uuid,
  2055. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  2056. // };
  2057. this.text = "";
  2058. this.ajax
  2059. // .post("", params)
  2060. // .post("", params)
  2061. .post("", params)
  2062. .then(res => {
  2063. if (
  2064. converter( == converter("发送成功")
  2065. ) {
  2066. } else {
  2067. // this.$message.warning(;
  2068. console.log(;
  2069. this.chatLoading = false;
  2070. }
  2071. })
  2072. .catch(e => {
  2073. console.log(e);
  2074. this.chatLoading = false;
  2075. });
  2076. this.saveUid = _uuid;
  2077. this.getAtAuContent(_uuid);
  2078. },
  2079. atSend(_text, _atList) {
  2080. let _msg = ``;
  2081. let noAtText = _text;
  2082. _atList.forEach(i => {
  2083. let _result = ``;
  2084. if (i.type == 0) {
  2085. _result = `${} `;
  2086. } else if (i.type == 1) {
  2087. _result = `${}-${} `;
  2088. } else if (i.type == 2) {
  2089. _result = `${}-${}-${} `;
  2090. }
  2091. if (_text.indexOf(`@${_result}`) != -1) {
  2092. noAtText = noAtText.replaceAll(`@${_result}`, "");
  2093. }
  2094. });
  2095. this.chatLoading = true;
  2096. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  2097. this.chatList.push({
  2098. role: "user",
  2099. content: `${_text}`,
  2100. uid: _uuid,
  2101. AI: "AI",
  2102. aiContent: "",
  2103. oldContent: "",
  2104. isShowSynchronization: false,
  2105. filename: "",
  2106. index: this.chatList.length,
  2107. is_mind_map: false,
  2108. loading: true
  2109. });
  2110. this.scrollBottom();
  2111. _msg = `
  2112. NOTICE
  2113. Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.if the user speaks Chinese Traditional, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese Traditional.
  2114. ## 目的
  2115. 你是用户的课堂助手,你需要基于提供给你的课程相关信息,对用户的提问进行回答。
  2116. ---
  2117. ## 定义
  2118. 给你提供的课程发生在一个网络教学平台上,各元素存在以下的关系:课程⊇阶段⊇任务⊇工具。
  2119. 【课程】:课程通常是一个完整的项目,有一个或多个阶段。
  2120. 【阶段】:阶段表示课程的某一单独部分,通常包含一个或多个任务。
  2121. 【任务】:任务是课程的基本单元,包含一个或多个工具,通常写明了学生要具体完成的事项。
  2122. 【工具】:工具通常是指学生要完成任务的手段。比如“提交作业”表示学生需要提交一份文件;又比如“问答”,表示学生需要输入一个回答;再比如“选择题”,表示学生需要根据题目要求选择正确的答案。
  2123. ---
  2124. ## 工作流程
  2125. 1. 读取【课程信息】中的内容,了解课程说明、课程结构以及【任务】详情。
  2126. 2. 用户会询问你某个【任务】的具体信息,你需要总结该任务信息,并就用户的问题进行回答。
  2127. 3. 你的总结包括以下要点:
  2128. 3.1 任务从属于哪个阶段。
  2129. 3.2 任务包含哪些工具。
  2130. 3.3 该任务目标是什么,以及该任务的工具如何达成它的目标。
  2131. ---
  2132. ## 规则
  2133. 1.你和用户讨论的范围应当仅局限于课程相关内容。
  2134. 2.当用户的提问需要你对课程拥有完整的信息、而你又缺乏部分信息时,你应当向客户询问你缺少的信息,再回答用户的提问。
  2135. 3.你通常可以在【任务描述】中了解任务目标,但当【任务描述】不包含此内容的时候,你不需要总结这部分内容。
  2136. ---
  2137. ## 课程信息
  2138. ###课程说明与课程结构
  2139. 课程标题:${this.courseDetail.title ? this.courseDetail.title : ""}
  2140. 分类:${ ? : "无"}
  2141. 学生年级:${this.courseDetail.classname ? this.courseDetail.classname : "无"}
  2142. 学习内容:${this.exportCourse()}
  2143. ## 要求
  2144. ${_atList
  2145. .map(i => {
  2146. let _result = ``;
  2147. if (i.type == 0) {
  2148. _result = `${}`;
  2149. } else if (i.type == 1) {
  2150. _result = `${}-${}`;
  2151. } else if (i.type == 2) {
  2152. _result = `${}-${}-${}`;
  2153. }
  2154. console.log(_result);
  2155. return _result;
  2156. })
  2157. .join(",")} ${noAtText}
  2158. `;
  2159. // this.chatLoading = false;
  2160. // console.log(_msg)
  2161. // return
  2162. // ${>',')} ${noAtText}
  2163. let history = [];
  2164. this.nowChatList.forEach(i => {
  2165. if (i.content == "wanSearch") {
  2166. return;
  2167. } else if (i.content == "getImage") {
  2168. return history.push({
  2169. role: "assistant",
  2170. content: i.aiContent
  2171. });
  2172. }
  2173. if (i.content) {
  2174. history.push({
  2175. role: "user",
  2176. content: i.content
  2177. });
  2178. }
  2179. if (i.aiContent) {
  2180. history.push({
  2181. role: "assistant",
  2182. content: i.aiContent
  2183. });
  2184. }
  2185. });
  2186. // if (_msg) {
  2187. history.push({ role: "user", content: _msg });
  2188. // }
  2189. history.push({ role: "user", content: _text });
  2190. let params = {
  2191. assistant_id: "f8e1ebb2-2e0d-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b",
  2192. userId: this.userid,
  2193. message: _text,
  2194. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`,
  2195. uid: _uuid,
  2196. file_ids: this.fileId,
  2197. model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  2198. };
  2199. // let params = {
  2200. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  2201. // temperature: 0,
  2202. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2203. // top_p: 1,
  2204. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  2205. // presence_penalty: 0,
  2206. // messages: history,
  2207. // uid: _uuid,
  2208. // mind_map_question: noAtText
  2209. // };
  2210. // let params = {
  2211. // message: {
  2212. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  2213. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2214. // temperature: 0,
  2215. // top_p: 1,
  2216. // messages: history
  2217. // },
  2218. // uid: _uuid,
  2219. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  2220. // };
  2221. this.text = "";
  2222. this.ajax
  2223. // .post("", params)
  2224. // .post("", params)
  2225. .post("", params)
  2226. .then(res => {
  2227. if (
  2228. converter( == converter("发送成功")
  2229. ) {
  2230. } else {
  2231. // this.$message.warning(;
  2232. console.log(;
  2233. this.chatLoading = false;
  2234. }
  2235. })
  2236. .catch(e => {
  2237. console.log(e);
  2238. this.chatLoading = false;
  2239. });
  2240. this.saveUid = _uuid;
  2241. // this.getAiContent(_uuid);
  2242. this.getAtAuContent(_uuid);
  2243. },
  2244. exportCourse() {
  2245. let _user = `<div style="font-size:30px;margin-top:10px;"><span style="color: rgb(113, 124, 141); font-weight: 400;">创建者:</span><span>${this.courseDetail.username}</span></div>`;
  2246. const _chapInfo = JSON.parse(this.courseDetail.chapters);
  2247. let _chap = "";
  2248. for (let i = 0; i < _chapInfo.length; i++) {
  2249. _chap += `<div style="font-size:40px;margin-top:70px;"><span>第${i +
  2250. 1}阶段:${_chapInfo[i].dyName}</span></div>`;
  2251. let _task = _chapInfo[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson;
  2252. for (let j = 0; j < _task.length; j++) {
  2253. _chap += `<div style="font-size:30px;margin-top:50px;"><span>任务${j +
  2254. 1}:${_task[j].task}</span></div>`;
  2255. if (_task[j].taskDetail) {
  2256. _chap += `<div style="font-size:25px;margin-top:40px;">任务描述</div>`;
  2257. _chap += `<div style="font-size:25px;margin-top:10px;">${_task[j].taskDetail}</div>`;
  2258. }
  2259. let _tool = _task[j].toolChoose;
  2260. if (_tool[0].tool.length) {
  2261. for (let z = 0; z < _tool.length; z++) {
  2262. _chap += `<div style="font-size:23px;margin-top:30px;"><span>步骤${z +
  2263. 1}:</span><span>${
  2264. tools[_tool[z].tool[0]] ? tools[_tool[z].tool[0]].name : ""
  2265. }</span></div>`;
  2266. if (_tool[z].toolDetail) {
  2267. _chap += `<div style="font-size:23px;margin-top:20px;">工具描述</div>`;
  2268. _chap += `<div style="font-size:23px;margin-top:10px;">${_tool[z].toolDetail}</div>`;
  2269. }
  2270. }
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. }
  2274. let _html = _user + _chap;
  2275. return _html;
  2276. },
  2277. // 获取ai对话
  2278. getAiContent(_uid) {
  2279. // this.source = new EventSource(
  2280. // `${_uid}`
  2281. // );
  2282. this.source = new EventSource(
  2283. `${_uid}`
  2284. );
  2285. // this.source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`); //
  2286. let _allText = "";
  2287. let _mdText = "";
  2288. // const md = new MarkdownIt();
  2289. this.source.onmessage = _e => {
  2290. if ("'", "").replace("'", "") == "[DONE]") {
  2291. //对话已经完成
  2292. _mdText = _mdText.replace("_", "");
  2293. this.source.close();
  2294. this.chatLoading = false;
  2295. this.scrollBottom();
  2296. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).aiContent = _mdText;
  2297. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isalltext = true;
  2298. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2299. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).loading = false;
  2300. this.nowChatList.push(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid));
  2301. // this.addAsk(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).content);
  2302. // 这里保存对话
  2303. this.insertChat(_uid);
  2304. return;
  2305. } else {
  2306. //对话还在继续
  2307. let _text = "";
  2308. _text ="'", "");
  2309. if (_allText == "") {
  2310. _allText = _text.replace(/^\n+/, ""); //去掉回复消息中偶尔开头就存在的连续换行符
  2311. } else {
  2312. _allText += _text;
  2313. }
  2314. _mdText = _allText + "_";
  2315. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\n/g, "\n");
  2316. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\/g, "");
  2317. if (_allText.split("```").length % 2 == 0) _mdText += "\n```\n";
  2318. //转化返回的回复流数据
  2319. // _mdText = md.render(_mdText);
  2320. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).aiContent = _mdText;
  2321. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).loading = false;
  2322. this.scrollBottom();
  2323. // 处理流数据
  2324. }
  2325. };
  2326. },
  2327. getAtAuContent(_uid) {
  2328. this.source = new EventSource(
  2329. `${_uid}`
  2330. );
  2331. //
  2332. let _allText = "";
  2333. let _mdText = "";
  2334. let _index = 0;
  2335. let _talkText = "";
  2336. // const md = new MarkdownIt();
  2337. this.source.onmessage = _e => {
  2338. let _eData = JSON.parse(;
  2339. if (_eData.content.replace("'", "").replace("'", "") == "[DONE]") {
  2340. let _result = [];
  2341. if ("result" in _eData) {
  2342. _result = _eData.result;
  2343. for (let i = 0; i < _result.length; i++) {
  2344. _mdText = _mdText.replace(_result[i].text, _result[i].fileName);
  2345. }
  2346. }
  2347. _mdText = _mdText.replace("_", "");
  2348. if (this.openMegaphone && this.aiTalkUid == _uid) {
  2349. if (_talkText != "") {
  2350. let _resultText = this.removeMarkdown(_talkText);
  2351. this.aiTalkList.push(_resultText);
  2352. _talkText = "";
  2353. if (!this.aiIsTalk) this.aiTalk(1);
  2354. }
  2355. }
  2356. this.chatLoading = false;
  2357. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).aiContent = _mdText;
  2358. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isalltext = true;
  2359. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2360. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).loading = false;
  2361. this.nowChatList.push(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid));
  2362. // this.addAsk(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).content);
  2363. this.source.close();
  2364. this.insertChat(_uid);
  2365. } else {
  2366. _index += 1;
  2367. let _text = _eData.content.replace("'", "").replace("'", "");
  2368. if (_allText == "") {
  2369. _allText = _text.replace(/^\n+/, ""); //去掉回复消息中偶尔开头就存在的连续换行符
  2370. _talkText += _text.replace(/^\n+/, "");
  2371. } else {
  2372. _allText += _text;
  2373. _talkText += _text;
  2374. }
  2375. _mdText = _allText + "_";
  2376. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\n/g, "\n");
  2377. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\/g, "");
  2378. if (_allText.split("```").length % 2 == 0) _mdText += "\n```\n";
  2379. //转化返回的回复流数据
  2380. // _mdText = md.render(_mdText);
  2381. if (_index == 10) {
  2382. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).aiContent = _mdText;
  2383. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).loading = false;
  2384. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2385. this.$refs.chatRef.scrollTop = this.$refs.chatRef.scrollHeight;
  2386. });
  2387. _index = 0;
  2388. }
  2389. if (this.openMegaphone && /[,。:;?!)]/.test(_talkText)) {
  2390. let _resultText = this.removeMarkdown(_talkText);
  2391. if (this.aiTalkUid != _uid) {
  2392. this.aiTalkList = [];
  2393. }
  2394. this.aiTalkList.push(_resultText);
  2395. _talkText = "";
  2396. if (this.aiTalkUid != _uid) {
  2397. this.aiTalkUid = _uid;
  2398. this.aiTalk(0);
  2399. } else if (!this.aiIsTalk) {
  2400. this.aiTalk(1);
  2401. }
  2402. }
  2403. // 处理流数据
  2404. }
  2405. };
  2406. },
  2407. getWAntSearchContent(_uid) {
  2408. // this.source = new EventSource(
  2409. // `${_uid}`
  2410. // );
  2411. let source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`);
  2412. // this.source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`); //
  2413. let _allText = "";
  2414. let _mdText = "";
  2415. this.scrollBottom();
  2416. source.onmessage = _e => {
  2417. if ("'", "").replace("'", "") == "[DONE]") {
  2418. //对话已经完成
  2419. _mdText = _mdText.replace("_", "");
  2420. _mdText = _mdText.replace("```json", "");
  2421. _mdText = _mdText.replace("```", "");
  2422. // 使用正则表达式匹配JSON数组
  2423. const regex = /\[\s*{[^]*}\s*\]/;
  2424. const match = _mdText.match(regex);
  2425. let _result = match[0];
  2426. source.close();
  2427. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2428. _result
  2429. );
  2430. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isalltext = true;
  2431. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2432. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).loading = false;
  2433. this.nowChatList.push(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid));
  2434. this.scrollBottom();
  2435. // 这里保存对话
  2436. return;
  2437. } else {
  2438. //对话还在继续
  2439. let _text = "";
  2440. _text ="'", "");
  2441. if (_allText == "") {
  2442. _allText = _text.replace(/^\n+/, ""); //去掉回复消息中偶尔开头就存在的连续换行符
  2443. } else {
  2444. _allText += _text;
  2445. }
  2446. _mdText = _allText + "_";
  2447. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\n/g, "\n");
  2448. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\/g, "");
  2449. if (_allText.split("```").length % 2 == 0) _mdText += "\n```\n";
  2450. //转化返回的回复流数据
  2451. this.scrollBottom();
  2452. }
  2453. };
  2454. },
  2455. //保存消息
  2456. async insertChat(_uid) {
  2457. if (_uid == "") return;
  2458. let _data = this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid);
  2459. if (!_data) return;
  2460. let params = {
  2461. userId: this.userid,
  2462. userName: this.userName?this.userName:await this.getUser(this.userid),
  2463. groupId: "602def61-005d-11ee-91d8-005056b8q12w",
  2464. answer: _data.aiContent,
  2465. problem: _data.content,
  2466. file_id: _data.fileid ? _data.fileid : "",
  2467. alltext: _data.aiContent,
  2468. type: "chat",
  2469. filename: _data.filename,
  2470. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md` //这是对话记录位置
  2471. };
  2472. this.saveUid = "";
  2473. this.ajax
  2474. .post("", params)
  2475. .then(res => {});
  2476. },
  2477. getUser(uid) {
  2478. return new Promise(resolve => {
  2479. let params = { uid: uid };
  2480. this.ajax
  2481. .get(this.$store.state.api + "getUser", params)
  2482. .then(res => {
  2483. let data =[0][0];
  2484. this.userName = data.username;
  2485. resolve(data.username)
  2486. })
  2487. .catch(err => {
  2488. console.error(err);
  2489. });
  2490. });
  2491. },
  2492. // 获取对应的聊天记录
  2493. getChatList() {
  2494. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2495. if (this.loading) return this.$"请稍等...");
  2496. this.chatList = [];
  2497. this.loading = true;
  2498. let params = {
  2499. userid: this.userid,
  2500. groupid: "602def61-005d-11ee-91d8-005056b8q12w",
  2501. // session_name:``
  2502. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`
  2503. };
  2504. this.ajax
  2505. .post("", params)
  2506. .then(res => {
  2507. let _data = JSON.parse(;
  2508. if (_data.length > 0) {
  2509. let _chatList = [];
  2510. for (let i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) {
  2511. _chatList.push({
  2512. loading: false,
  2513. role: "user",
  2514. content: _data[i].problem,
  2515. uid: _data[i].id,
  2516. AI: "AI",
  2517. aiContent: _data[i].answer,
  2518. oldContent: _data[i].answer,
  2519. isShowSynchronization: false,
  2520. filename: _data[i].filename,
  2521. index: i,
  2522. is_mind_map: false,
  2523. fileid: _data[i].fileid
  2524. });
  2525. }
  2526. this.chatList = _chatList;
  2527. this.loading = false;
  2528. } else {
  2529. //没有对话记录
  2530. this.loading = false;
  2531. }
  2532. resolve();
  2533. })
  2534. .catch(err => {
  2535. console.log(err);
  2536. this.$message.error("获取对话记录失败");
  2537. this.loading = false;
  2538. resolve();
  2539. });
  2540. });
  2541. },
  2542. sendAiIdea(text) {
  2543. if (this.loading) return this.$"请稍等");
  2544. this.send(text);
  2545. },
  2546. getWantSearch(_uuid2) {
  2547. // if(!this.$parent.getWangLoading){
  2548. // return this.getWantSearch(_uuid2)
  2549. // }
  2550. if(_uuid2 && this.$parent.getWangLoading){
  2551. return setTimeout(()=>{
  2552. console.log("等待获取")
  2553. this.getWantSearch(_uuid2)
  2554. },1000)
  2555. }else if(this.$parent.wangData && this.$parent.canUseWangData && _uuid2){
  2556. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid2).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2557. this.$parent.getWanData()
  2558. );
  2559. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid2).isalltext = true;
  2560. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid2).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2561. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid2).loading = false;
  2562. return;
  2563. }
  2564. if(_uuid2 && !this.$parent.getWangLoading){
  2565. let _index = this.chatList.findIndex(i=>i.uid==_uuid2)
  2566. if(_index>-1){
  2567. this.chatList.splice(_index,1)
  2568. }
  2569. }
  2570. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  2571. let _msg = `
  2572. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  2573. ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
  2574. Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content
  2575. ## 任务
  2576. 你的任务是根据“课程信息”,提供用户需要的搜索建议,将搜索建议的结果以有序列表的形式返回给用户。
  2577. ## 课程信息
  2578. #### 课程标题:${this.courseDetail.title ? this.courseDetail.title : ""}
  2579. #### 分类:${ ? : "无"}
  2580. #### 学生年级:${
  2581. this.courseDetail.classname ? this.courseDetail.classname : "无"
  2582. }
  2583. ## 规则
  2584. 输出结果基于“课程信息”,避免提供无关的信息。
  2585. 搜索建议的结果符合伦理规范。
  2586. ## 输出
  2587. 输出应包括5个相关的搜索建议,每个搜索建议需要以问号的方式结束。
  2588. 请一步步思考如何根据现有信息推送搜索建议,但是不需要输出搜索建议以外的内
  2589. ## 输出格式
  2590. 搜索建议应以有序列表形式呈现,每个建议包括关键词和简短描述。输出JSON格式的
  2591. ## Format example
  2592. [{"index": 1,"title": "垃圾分类标准","label": "不同国家的垃圾分类标准和方法?"},{"index": 2,"title":"可回收垃圾处理","label": "可回收垃圾的处理流程和再利用方法?"},{ "index": 3, "title": "有害垃圾的影响", "label": "有害垃圾对环境和人体健康的潜在影响?"},{ "index": 4, "title": "垃圾分类标准", "label": "不同国家的垃圾分类标准和方法?"},{ "index": 5, "title": "可回收垃圾处理", "label": "可回收垃圾的处理流程和再利用方法?"},{ "index": 6, "title": "有害垃圾的影响", "label": "有害垃圾对环境和人体健康的潜在影响?"}]
  2593. `;
  2594. this.chatList.push({
  2595. role: "user",
  2596. content: `wanSearch`,
  2597. uid: _uuid,
  2598. AI: "AI",
  2599. aiContent: "",
  2600. oldContent: "",
  2601. isShowSynchronization: false,
  2602. filename: "",
  2603. index: this.chatList.length,
  2604. is_mind_map: false,
  2605. loading: true
  2606. });
  2607. this.scrollBottom();
  2608. if(this.$parent.getWangLoading){
  2609. return setTimeout(()=>{
  2610. this.getWantSearch(_uuid)
  2611. },1000)
  2612. }else if(this.$parent.wangData && this.$parent.canUseWangData){
  2613. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2614. this.$parent.getWanData()
  2615. );
  2616. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isalltext = true;
  2617. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2618. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  2619. return;
  2620. }
  2621. // let params = {
  2622. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  2623. // temperature: 0,
  2624. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2625. // top_p: 1,
  2626. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  2627. // presence_penalty: 0,
  2628. // messages: [{ role: "user", content: _msg }],
  2629. // uid: _uuid,
  2630. // mind_map_question: ""
  2631. // };
  2632. let params = {
  2633. assistant_id: "6063369f-289a-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b",
  2634. userId: this.userid,
  2635. message: [{ type: "text", text: _msg }],
  2636. session_name: _uuid,
  2637. // uid: _uuid,
  2638. file_ids: this.fileId,
  2639. model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20",
  2640. stream:true
  2641. };
  2642. // let params = {
  2643. // message: {
  2644. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  2645. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2646. // temperature: 0,
  2647. // top_p: 1,
  2648. // messages: [{ role: "user", content: _msg }]
  2649. // },
  2650. // uid: _uuid,
  2651. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  2652. // };
  2653. this.text = "";
  2654. let _allText = "";
  2655. let _mdText = "";
  2656. const md = new MarkdownIt();
  2657. let _this = this;
  2658. // const curRequestController = new AbortController();
  2659. this.curRequestController = new AbortController();
  2660. fetchEventSource("",{
  2661. method: "POST",
  2662. headers: {
  2663. "Content-Type": "application/json"
  2664. },
  2665. body: JSON.stringify(params),
  2666. signal: _this.curRequestController.signal,
  2667. onmessage(_e){
  2668. if ("'", "").replace("'", "") == "[DONE]") {
  2669. //对话已经完成
  2670. _mdText = _mdText.replace("_", "");
  2671. _mdText = _mdText.replace("```json", "");
  2672. _mdText = _mdText.replace("```", "");
  2673. // 使用正则表达式匹配JSON数组
  2674. const regex = /\[\s*{[^]*}\s*\]/;
  2675. const match = _mdText.match(regex);
  2676. let _result = match[0];
  2677. source.close();
  2678. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2679. _result
  2680. );
  2681. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isalltext = true;
  2682. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2683. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  2684. this.nowChatList.push(this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid));
  2685. this.scrollBottom();
  2686. // 这里保存对话
  2687. return;
  2688. } else {
  2689. //对话还在继续
  2690. let _text = "";
  2691. _text ="'", "");
  2692. if (_allText == "") {
  2693. _allText = _text.replace(/^\n+/, ""); //去掉回复消息中偶尔开头就存在的连续换行符
  2694. } else {
  2695. _allText += _text;
  2696. }
  2697. _mdText = _allText + "_";
  2698. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\n/g, "\n");
  2699. _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\/g, "");
  2700. if (_allText.split("```").length % 2 == 0) _mdText += "\n```\n";
  2701. //转化返回的回复流数据
  2702. this.scrollBottom();
  2703. }
  2704. },
  2705. onclose(){
  2706. _this.$forceUpdate();
  2707. // _this.stopTalkToken = null;
  2708. // _this.faloading = false;
  2709. // _this.curRequestController = null;
  2710. // _this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isalltext = true;
  2711. // _this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2712. _this.insertChat(_uuid);
  2713. console.log("连接关闭")
  2714. },
  2715. onerror(err){
  2716. console.log("连接错误",err)
  2717. }
  2718. })
  2719. // this.ajax
  2720. // // .post("", params)
  2721. // // .post("", params)
  2722. // .post("", params)
  2723. // .then(res => {
  2724. // // console.log(res);
  2725. // let _data =;
  2726. // _data = _data.replaceAll("```json", "").replaceAll("```", "");
  2727. // const match = _data.match(/\[\s*{[^]*}\s*\]/);
  2728. // // console.log(_data);
  2729. // // console.log(match);
  2730. // this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2731. // match[0]
  2732. // );
  2733. // this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isalltext = true;
  2734. // this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2735. // this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  2736. // this.scrollBottom();
  2737. // // this.chatLoading = false;
  2738. // })
  2739. // .catch(e => {
  2740. // this.chatLoading = false;
  2741. // console.log(e);
  2742. // });
  2743. // this.getWAntSearchContent(_uuid);
  2744. },
  2745. addAsk(_text) {
  2746. // this.chatLoading = true;
  2747. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  2748. let _msg = `Language: ${this.getLang()}NOTICERole: 你是一个多功能的AI助手,能够根据学生的文本内容判断其情感状态,并提供相应的支持和引导。Output: Provide your output in json format.ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced \"Format example\".Instruction: Based on the context, follow \"Format example\", write content.# Context## 任务1.学生文本内容,执行以下任务。首先,请你判断学生是否进行情感倾诉,比如心情不好、遭遇校园暴力、对他人进行人身攻击等。如果是,请扮演一个心理咨询师的角色,坚持人本主义的立场,善良、温柔地引导对方,安抚对方的情绪,为对方提供心理支持。剩下的其它情况,请你扮演提问引导者的角色,延续学生的提问,围绕问题本身,提出3个问题,激发学生的深度思考、创造性思考。2.人本主义心理学人本主义心理学强调个体的主观体验和自我实现,认为每个人都有内在的潜力和价值。心理咨询师应当以同理心、无条件积极关注和真诚的态度对待来访者,帮助他们发现自身的力量和解决问题的能力。3.提问引导技巧提问引导技巧包括开放性问题、反思性问题和假设性问题等,旨在通过提问激发对方的思考和探索,帮助他们深入理解问题并找到解决方案。## 工作流程1. 仔细阅读并分析学生提供的文本内容。2. 判断学生是否进行情感倾诉。3. 如果是情感倾诉,扮演心理咨询师的角色,提供情感支持和引导。4. 如果不是情感倾诉,扮演提问引导者的角色,围绕问题本身提出3个问题。## 限制/注意事项 1.在回答时应保持专业性和权威性,确保信息的准确性和可靠性。2.避免生成与问题无关或不恰当的回答,确保回答的相关性和实用性。3.在提供情感支持时,注意用词温柔,避免引起对方的负面情绪。## 要求1. 内容包含情感支持或追加问题。2. 情感支持部分应体现同理心和积极关注。3. 追加问题应具有启发性和深度。## 学生文本内容${_text}# Format example [{\"index\": 1,\"label\": \"不同国家的垃圾分类标准和方法?\"},{\"index\": 2, \"label\": \"可回收垃圾的处理流程和再利用方法?\"},{\"index\": 3,\"label\": \"有害垃圾对环境和人体健康的潜在影响?\"}]`;
  2749. _msg = _msg.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
  2750. this.chatList.push({
  2751. role: "user",
  2752. content: `addAsk`,
  2753. uid: _uuid,
  2754. AI: "AI",
  2755. aiContent: "",
  2756. oldContent: "",
  2757. isShowSynchronization: false,
  2758. filename: "",
  2759. index: this.chatList.length,
  2760. is_mind_map: false,
  2761. loading: true
  2762. });
  2763. this.scrollBottom();
  2764. let history = [];
  2765. // this.nowChatList.forEach(i => {
  2766. // if (i.content == "wanSearch") {
  2767. // // history.push({
  2768. // // role:"assistant",
  2769. // // content: JSON.stringify(i.aiContent)
  2770. // // })
  2771. // return;
  2772. // } else if (i.content == "getImage") {
  2773. // return history.push({
  2774. // role: "assistant",
  2775. // content: i.aiContent
  2776. // });
  2777. // }else if(i.content == "addAsk"){
  2778. // }
  2779. // if (i.content) {
  2780. // history.push({
  2781. // role: "user",
  2782. // content: i.content
  2783. // });
  2784. // }
  2785. // if (i.aiContent) {
  2786. // history.push({
  2787. // role: "assistant",
  2788. // content: i.aiContent
  2789. // });
  2790. // }
  2791. // });
  2792. history.push({ type: "text", text: _msg });
  2793. console.log(history);
  2794. // let params = {
  2795. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  2796. // temperature: 0,
  2797. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2798. // top_p: 1,
  2799. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  2800. // presence_penalty: 0,
  2801. // messages:history,
  2802. // stream: false,
  2803. // uid: _uuid,
  2804. // mind_map_question: ""
  2805. // };
  2806. let params = {
  2807. assistant_id: "6063369f-289a-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b",
  2808. userId: this.userid,
  2809. message: history,
  2810. session_name: _uuid,
  2811. // uid: _uuid,
  2812. file_ids: this.fileId,
  2813. model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  2814. };
  2815. // let params = {
  2816. // message: {
  2817. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  2818. // max_tokens: 4096,
  2819. // temperature: 0,
  2820. // top_p: 1,
  2821. // messages: [{ role: "user", content: _msg }]
  2822. // },
  2823. // uid: _uuid,
  2824. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  2825. // };
  2826. this.text = "";
  2827. this.ajax
  2828. // .post("", params)
  2829. // .post("", params)
  2830. .post("", params)
  2831. .then(res => {
  2832. console.log(res);
  2833. let _data =;
  2834. _data = _data.replaceAll("```json", "").replaceAll("```", "");
  2835. const match = _data.match(/\[\s*{[^]*}\s*\]/);
  2836. console.log(match[0]);
  2837. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).aiContent = JSON.parse(
  2838. match[0]
  2839. );
  2840. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isalltext = true;
  2841. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).isShowSynchronization = true;
  2842. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  2843. this.scrollBottom();
  2844. // this.chatLoading = false;
  2845. })
  2846. .catch(e => {
  2847. this.chatLoading = false;
  2848. this.chatList.find(i => i.uid == _uuid).loading = false;
  2849. console.log(e);
  2850. });
  2851. },
  2852. scrollBottom() {
  2853. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2854. this.$refs.chatRef.scrollTop = this.$refs.chatRef.scrollHeight;
  2855. });
  2856. },
  2857. initTaskList() {
  2858. this.taskList = [];
  2859. this.taskList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.navList));
  2860. this.taskList.forEach(i1 => {
  2861. i1.isOpen = true;
  2862. i1.task.forEach(i2 => {
  2863. i2.isOpen = true;
  2864. i2.tool.forEach(i3 => {
  2865. i3.isOpen = true;
  2866. });
  2867. });
  2868. });
  2869. },
  2870. getWorkData() {
  2871. if (this.workSum == 0) return;
  2872. let params = {
  2873. cid: this.courseId,
  2874. classid: this.tcid
  2875. };
  2876. this.userList = [];
  2877. this.ajax
  2878. .get(this.$store.state.api + "selectWorkBycidAi", params)
  2879. .then(res => {
  2880. let _data =[0];
  2881. console.log(_data);
  2882. if (_data.length > 0) {
  2883. this.userList = _data;
  2884. }
  2885. })
  2886. .catch(e => {
  2887. // this.$message.error()
  2888. this.userList = [];
  2889. console.log(e);
  2890. });
  2891. },
  2892. lookStudentDetail(_data) {
  2893. this.loading = true;
  2894. let params = {
  2895. cid: this.courseId,
  2896. uid: _data.userid
  2897. };
  2898. this.ajax
  2899. .get(this.$store.state.api + "selectWorkBycidAiByUid", params)
  2900. .then(res => {
  2901. let _result =[0];
  2902. this.atTagIndex = 2;
  2903. this.loading = false;
  2904. _result.forEach(i => {
  2905. i.content = JSON.parse(i.content)[0];
  2906. });
  2907. this.lookStudentData = {
  2908. userName: _data.username,
  2909. list: _result ? _result : []
  2910. };
  2911. console.log(this.lookStudentData);
  2912. });
  2913. },
  2914. sumUpStudent(_data) {
  2915. let params = {
  2916. cid: this.courseId,
  2917. uid: _data.userid
  2918. };
  2919. this.loading = true;
  2920. this.ajax
  2921. .get(this.$store.state.api + "selectWorkBycidAiByUid", params)
  2922. .then(res => {
  2923. let _result =[0];
  2924. console.log(_result);
  2925. console.log("👆");
  2926. this.text += `${_data.username} 总结分析`;
  2927. let _msg = ``;
  2928. this.chatLoading = true;
  2929. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  2930. this.chatList.push({
  2931. role: "user",
  2932. content: `${this.text}`,
  2933. uid: _uuid,
  2934. AI: "AI",
  2935. aiContent: "",
  2936. oldContent: "",
  2937. isShowSynchronization: false,
  2938. filename: "",
  2939. index: this.chatList.length,
  2940. is_mind_map: false,
  2941. loading: true
  2942. });
  2943. this.text = "";
  2944. let _wordData = "";
  2945. _result.forEach(i => {
  2946. if (i.type == 3) {
  2947. let content = JSON.parse(i.content)[0];
  2948. return (_wordData += `问答题:\n题目:${content.answerTitle}\n学生回答:${content.answer}\n\n`);
  2949. } else if (i.type == 8) {
  2950. let content = JSON.parse(i.content)[0];
  2951. _wordData += `选择题:\n`;
  2952. let _json = content.testJson ? content.testJson.testJson : [];
  2953. _json.forEach((i2, index2) => {
  2954. _wordData += `题目:${i2.teststitle}\n选项:\n`;
  2955. i2.checkList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2956. _wordData += `${index + 1}:${item.src ? item.src : item}\n`;
  2957. });
  2958. if (typeof i2.answer != "number") {
  2959. i2.answer.forEach(a => {
  2960. a += 1;
  2961. });
  2962. content.anwer[index2].forEach(b => {
  2963. b += 1;
  2964. });
  2965. _wordData += `答案:${i2.answer.join("、")}`;
  2966. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2].join(
  2967. "、"
  2968. )}\n\n`;
  2969. } else {
  2970. _wordData += `答案:${i2.answer + 1}`;
  2971. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2] + 1}\n\n`;
  2972. }
  2973. });
  2974. return _wordData;
  2975. } else if (i.type == 2) {
  2976. let content = JSON.parse(i.content)[0];
  2977. _wordData += `问卷:${content.askJson.askTitle}\n`;
  2978. let _json = content.askJson ? content.askJson.askJson : [];
  2979. _json.forEach((i2, index2) => {
  2980. _wordData += `题目:${i2.askstitle}\n选项:\n`;
  2981. i2.checkList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2982. _wordData += `${index + 1}:${item.src ? item.src : item}\n`;
  2983. });
  2984. if (typeof content.anwer[index2] != "number") {
  2985. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2].join(
  2986. "、"
  2987. )}\n\n`;
  2988. } else {
  2989. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2] + 1}\n\n`;
  2990. }
  2991. });
  2992. }
  2993. });
  2994. // console.log(_wordData)
  2995. // this.loading = false;
  2996. // return this.chatLoading = false;
  2997. _msg = `
  2998. NOTICE
  2999. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  3000. ## 目的
  3001. 你是教师用户的课堂助手,你需要基于提供给你的课程相关信息以及学生的作业数据,就某些具体作业对全班学生进行总结分析。
  3002. ---
  3003. ## 定义
  3004. 给你提供的课程发生在一个网络教学平台上,各元素存在以下的关系:课程⊇阶段⊇任务⊇工具。
  3005. 【课程】:课程通常是一个完整的项目,有一个或多个阶段。
  3006. 【阶段】:阶段表示课程的某一单独部分,包含一个或多个任务。
  3007. 【任务】:任务是课程的基本单元,包含一个或多个工具,通常写明了学生要具体完成的事项。
  3008. 【工具】:工具通常是指学生的作业(在课上要具体做的事情)。比如“提交作业”表示学生需要提交一份文件;又比如“问答”,表示学生需要输入一个回答;再比如“选择题”,表示学生需要根据题目要求选择正确的答案。工具中通常会包含学生的作业数据。
  3009. ---
  3010. ## 工作流程与规则
  3011. 1. 了解信息。读取【工具总览表格】以及【工具详情:总体数据】中的内容,了解学生作业详情。
  3012. 2. 确保信息的完整性和可解读性。当面对不确定信息时,你应当积极提问。这一点适用于以下两种情况:
  3013. 2.1 当用户的提问需要你对课程、任务或工具拥有完整的信息、而你又缺乏部分信息时,你应当向客户询问你缺少的信息,再回答用户的提问。
  3014. 2.2 当你不理解某个工具的设置时(比如当你发现题目、选项的表述不完整或者有不符合中文表达规则的符号;又比如你发现缺乏必要的统计信息),你应当积极向用户询问。
  3015. 2.3 **例外情况**:在告知用户并征得同意的情况下,你可以忽视上述问题并执行后续流程。
  3016. 3. 进行总结。
  3017. 3.1 对表格信息进行简单总结。包括任务、阶段、工具及其内容。
  3018. 3.2 进行结果分析。对于每一个工具,都从全班的角度出发进行简单总结。
  3019. 3.3 进行错因分析。仅仅针对于某些错误率较高的题目,从全班的角度出发,进行错因分析。
  3020. 4. 提供扩展题目。针对错误的题目,向用户提供同等水平的题目以起到举一反三的练习效果。
  3021. 5. 回答问题。当用户询问你某个【工具】的具体信息,这部分信息通常将就是学生的作业。你需要简单总结该部分信息,并就用户的问题进行回答。
  3022. ---
  3023. ## 做题信息
  3024. 学生名称:${_data.username}
  3025. ${_wordData}
  3026. `;
  3027. console.log(_msg);
  3028. // this.chatLoading = false;
  3029. // return;
  3030. let history = [];
  3031. this.nowChatList.forEach(i => {
  3032. if (i.content == "wanSearch") {
  3033. return;
  3034. } else if (i.content == "getImage") {
  3035. return history.push({
  3036. role: "assistant",
  3037. content: i.aiContent
  3038. });
  3039. }
  3040. if (i.content) {
  3041. history.push({
  3042. role: "user",
  3043. content: i.content
  3044. });
  3045. }
  3046. if (i.aiContent) {
  3047. history.push({
  3048. role: "assistant",
  3049. content: i.aiContent
  3050. });
  3051. }
  3052. });
  3053. // if (_msg) {
  3054. history.push({ role: "user", content: _msg });
  3055. let params = {
  3056. assistant_id: "f8e1ebb2-2e0d-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b",
  3057. userId: this.userid,
  3058. message: _text,
  3059. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`,
  3060. uid: _uuid,
  3061. file_ids: this.fileId,
  3062. model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  3063. };
  3064. // let params = {
  3065. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  3066. // temperature: 0,
  3067. // max_tokens: 4096,
  3068. // top_p: 1,
  3069. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  3070. // presence_penalty: 0,
  3071. // messages: history,
  3072. // uid: _uuid,
  3073. // mind_map_question: _text
  3074. // };
  3075. // let params = {
  3076. // message: {
  3077. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  3078. // max_tokens: 4096,
  3079. // temperature: 0,
  3080. // top_p: 1,
  3081. // messages: history
  3082. // },
  3083. // uid: _uuid,
  3084. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  3085. // };
  3086. this.ajax
  3087. // .post("", params)
  3088. // .post("", params)
  3089. .post("", params)
  3090. .then(res => {
  3091. if (
  3092. converter( ==
  3093. converter("发送成功")
  3094. ) {
  3095. this.loading = false;
  3096. } else {
  3097. // this.$message.warning(;
  3098. console.log(;
  3099. this.chatLoading = false;
  3100. this.loading = false;
  3101. }
  3102. })
  3103. .catch(e => {
  3104. console.log(e);
  3105. this.chatLoading = false;
  3106. this.loading = false;
  3107. });
  3108. this.saveUid = _uuid;
  3109. // this.getAiContent(_uuid);
  3110. this.getAtAuContent(_uuid);
  3111. });
  3112. },
  3113. sumUpStudent2(_data) {
  3114. this.text += `${_data.username} 作业分析`;
  3115. let _msg = ``;
  3116. this.chatLoading = true;
  3117. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  3118. this.chatList.push({
  3119. role: "user",
  3120. content: `${this.text}`,
  3121. uid: _uuid,
  3122. AI: "AI",
  3123. aiContent: "",
  3124. oldContent: "",
  3125. isShowSynchronization: false,
  3126. filename: "",
  3127. index: this.chatList.length,
  3128. is_mind_map: false,
  3129. loading: true
  3130. });
  3131. this.text = "";
  3132. let _wordData = "";
  3133. let content = _data.content;
  3134. if (_data.type == 3) {
  3135. _wordData += `问答题:\n题目:${content.answerTitle}\n学生回答:${content.answer}\n\n`;
  3136. } else if (_data.type == 8) {
  3137. _wordData += `选择题:\n`;
  3138. let _json = content.testJson ? content.testJson.testJson : [];
  3139. _json.forEach((i2, index2) => {
  3140. _wordData += `题目:${i2.teststitle}\n选项:\n`;
  3141. i2.checkList.forEach((item, index) => {
  3142. _wordData += `${index + 1}:${item.src ? item.src : item}\n`;
  3143. });
  3144. if (typeof i2.answer != "number") {
  3145. i2.answer.forEach(a => {
  3146. a += 1;
  3147. });
  3148. content.anwer[index2].forEach(b => {
  3149. b += 1;
  3150. });
  3151. _wordData += `答案:${i2.answer.join("、")}`;
  3152. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2].join("、")}\n\n`;
  3153. } else {
  3154. _wordData += `答案:${i2.answer + 1}`;
  3155. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2] + 1}\n\n`;
  3156. }
  3157. });
  3158. _wordData;
  3159. } else if (_data.type == 2) {
  3160. _wordData += `问卷:${content.askJson.askTitle}\n`;
  3161. let _json = content.askJson ? content.askJson.askJson : [];
  3162. _json.forEach((i2, index2) => {
  3163. _wordData += `题目:${i2.askstitle}\n选项:\n`;
  3164. i2.checkList.forEach((item, index) => {
  3165. _wordData += `${index + 1}:${item.src ? item.src : item}\n`;
  3166. });
  3167. if (typeof content.anwer[index2] != "number") {
  3168. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2].join("、")}\n\n`;
  3169. } else {
  3170. _wordData += `学生选择:${content.anwer[index2] + 1}\n\n`;
  3171. }
  3172. });
  3173. }
  3174. // if(_data.type==3){
  3175. // _wordData+=`问答题:\n题目:${content.answerTitle}\n学生回答:${content.answer}\n`
  3176. // }else if(_data.type==8){
  3177. // _wordData+=`选择题:\n`
  3178. // content.testJson.testJson.forEach((i2,index2)=>{
  3179. // _wordData += `题目:${i2.teststitle}\n选项:\n`
  3180. // i2.checkList.forEach((item,index)=>{
  3181. // _wordData+=`${index+1}:${item}\n`
  3182. // })
  3183. // _wordData +=`答案:${i2.answer}`
  3184. // _wordData +=`学生选择:${(content.anwer[index2])+1}\n`
  3185. // })
  3186. // }
  3187. // console.log("👇👇👇")
  3188. // console.log(_wordData)
  3189. // this.chatLoading = false;
  3190. // this.loading = false;
  3191. // return
  3192. _msg = `
  3193. NOTICE
  3194. Language: ${this.getLang()}
  3195. ## 目的
  3196. 你是教师用户的课堂助手,你需要基于提供给你的课程相关信息以及学生的作业数据,就某些具体作业对全班学生进行总结分析。
  3197. ---
  3198. ## 定义
  3199. 给你提供的课程发生在一个网络教学平台上,各元素存在以下的关系:课程⊇阶段⊇任务⊇工具。
  3200. 【课程】:课程通常是一个完整的项目,有一个或多个阶段。
  3201. 【阶段】:阶段表示课程的某一单独部分,包含一个或多个任务。
  3202. 【任务】:任务是课程的基本单元,包含一个或多个工具,通常写明了学生要具体完成的事项。
  3203. 【工具】:工具通常是指学生的作业(在课上要具体做的事情)。比如“提交作业”表示学生需要提交一份文件;又比如“问答”,表示学生需要输入一个回答;再比如“选择题”,表示学生需要根据题目要求选择正确的答案。工具中通常会包含学生的作业数据。
  3204. ---
  3205. ## 工作流程与规则
  3206. 1. 了解信息。读取【工具总览表格】以及【工具详情:总体数据】中的内容,了解学生作业详情。
  3207. 2. 确保信息的完整性和可解读性。当面对不确定信息时,你应当积极提问。这一点适用于以下两种情况:
  3208. 2.1 当用户的提问需要你对课程、任务或工具拥有完整的信息、而你又缺乏部分信息时,你应当向客户询问你缺少的信息,再回答用户的提问。
  3209. 2.2 当你不理解某个工具的设置时(比如当你发现题目、选项的表述不完整或者有不符合中文表达规则的符号;又比如你发现缺乏必要的统计信息),你应当积极向用户询问。
  3210. 2.3 **例外情况**:在告知用户并征得同意的情况下,你可以忽视上述问题并执行后续流程。
  3211. 3. 进行总结。
  3212. 3.1 对表格信息进行简单总结。包括任务、阶段、工具及其内容。
  3213. 3.2 进行结果分析。对于每一个工具,都从全班的角度出发进行简单总结。
  3214. 3.3 进行错因分析。仅仅针对于某些错误率较高的题目,从全班的角度出发,进行错因分析。
  3215. 4. 提供扩展题目。针对错误的题目,向用户提供同等水平的题目以起到举一反三的练习效果。
  3216. 5. 回答问题。当用户询问你某个【工具】的具体信息,这部分信息通常将就是学生的作业。你需要简单总结该部分信息,并就用户的问题进行回答。
  3217. ---
  3218. ## 做题信息
  3219. 学生名称:${_data.username}
  3220. ${_wordData}
  3221. `;
  3222. console.log(_msg);
  3223. let history = [];
  3224. this.nowChatList.forEach(i => {
  3225. if (i.content == "wanSearch") {
  3226. return;
  3227. } else if (i.content == "getImage") {
  3228. return history.push({
  3229. role: "assistant",
  3230. content: i.aiContent
  3231. });
  3232. }
  3233. if (i.content) {
  3234. history.push({
  3235. role: "user",
  3236. content: i.content
  3237. });
  3238. }
  3239. if (i.aiContent) {
  3240. history.push({
  3241. role: "assistant",
  3242. content: i.aiContent
  3243. });
  3244. }
  3245. });
  3246. // if (_msg) {
  3247. history.push({ role: "user", content: _msg });
  3248. let params = {
  3249. assistant_id: "f8e1ebb2-2e0d-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b",
  3250. userId: this.userid,
  3251. message: _text,
  3252. session_name: `${this.courseId}-studyStudent-md`,
  3253. uid: _uuid,
  3254. file_ids: this.fileId,
  3255. model: "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
  3256. };
  3257. // let params = {
  3258. // model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  3259. // temperature: 0,
  3260. // max_tokens: 4096,
  3261. // top_p: 1,
  3262. // frequency_penalty: 0,
  3263. // presence_penalty: 0,
  3264. // messages: history,
  3265. // uid: _uuid,
  3266. // mind_map_question: _text
  3267. // };
  3268. // let params = {
  3269. // message: {
  3270. // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
  3271. // max_tokens: 4096,
  3272. // temperature: 0,
  3273. // top_p: 1,
  3274. // messages: history
  3275. // },
  3276. // uid: _uuid,
  3277. // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
  3278. // };
  3279. this.ajax
  3280. // .post("", params)
  3281. // .post("", params)
  3282. .post("", params)
  3283. .then(res => {
  3284. if (
  3285. converter( == converter("发送成功")
  3286. ) {
  3287. } else {
  3288. // this.$message.warning(;
  3289. console.log(;
  3290. this.chatLoading = false;
  3291. }
  3292. })
  3293. .catch(e => {
  3294. console.log(e);
  3295. this.chatLoading = false;
  3296. });
  3297. this.saveUid = _uuid;
  3298. // this.getAiContent(_uuid);
  3299. this.getAtAuContent(_uuid);
  3300. },
  3301. download(_url) {
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  3303."GET", _url, true);
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  3310. const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
  3311. downloadElement.href = url;
  3312. = "Image.jpg";
  3314. window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); // 释放内存
  3315. } else {
  3316. this.$message.error("此图片不支持下载");
  3317. }
  3318. };
  3319. xhr.onerror = e => {
  3320. console.log(e);
  3321. this.$message.error("此图片不支持下载");
  3322. };
  3323. xhr.send();
  3324. },
  3325. removeMarkdown(text) {
  3326. return text
  3327. .replace(/[#*_~`>+\-]/g, "") // 移除 #、*、_、~、`、>、+、- 符号
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  3331. .replace(/`[^`]*`/g, "") // 移除行内代码
  3332. .replace(/\d+\./g, "") // 移除有序列表
  3333. .replace(/^\s*[-*+]\s+/gm, "") // 移除无序列表
  3334. .replace(/\s+/g, " ") // 将多个空白字符替换为一个空格
  3335. .trim(); // 去除字符串两端的空白字符
  3336. },
  3337. aiTalk(type = 0) {
  3338. //0 新的 1继续
  3339. if (type == 0 && this.aiIsTalk) {
  3340. let _talkTextIiframe2 = this.$refs.iiframe2;
  3341. try {
  3342. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.pausesynthesizer();
  3343. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.closesynthesizer();
  3344. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3345. if (this.aiTalkList.length) this.aiTalk(0);
  3346. else this.aiTalkUid = "";
  3347. } catch (error) {
  3348. // console.log("error")
  3349. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3350. if (this.aiTalkList.length) this.aiTalk(0);
  3351. else this.aiTalkUid = "";
  3352. }
  3353. } else {
  3354. let _text = this.aiTalkList.shift();
  3355. let _talkTextIiframe2 = this.$refs.iiframe2;
  3356. if (_text) {
  3357. this.aiIsTalk = true;
  3358. // console.log("👇说👇");
  3359. // console.log(_text);
  3360. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.texttospeech(
  3361. _text,
  3362. () => {
  3363. this.aiTalk(1);
  3364. },
  3365. () => {
  3366. this.aiTalk(0);
  3367. }
  3368. );
  3369. } else {
  3370. try {
  3371. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.closesynthesizer();
  3372. } catch (error) {
  3373. return;
  3374. }
  3375. }
  3376. }
  3377. // if(_text){
  3378. // this.aiIsTalk = true;
  3379. // }
  3380. },
  3381. changeMegaphone() {
  3382. this.$parent.changeMegaphone();
  3383. if (this.aiIsTalk) {
  3384. try {
  3385. this.aiTalkList = [];
  3386. let _talkTextIiframe2 = this.$refs.iiframe2;
  3387. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.pausesynthesizer();
  3388. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.closesynthesizer();
  3389. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3390. } catch (error) {
  3391. this.aiTalkList = [];
  3392. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3393. }
  3394. }
  3395. },
  3396. aiTalkAll(item) {
  3397. if (this.aiTalkUid == item.uid && this.aiIsTalk) {
  3398. try {
  3399. this.aiTalkList = [];
  3400. let _talkTextIiframe2 = this.$refs.iiframe2;
  3401. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.pausesynthesizer();
  3402. _talkTextIiframe2.contentWindow.closesynthesizer();
  3403. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3404. } catch (error) {
  3405. this.aiTalkList = [];
  3406. this.aiIsTalk = false;
  3407. }
  3408. } else {
  3409. let _resultText = this.removeMarkdown(item.aiContent);
  3410. this.aiTalkUid = item.uid;
  3411. this.aiTalkList = [];
  3412. this.aiTalkList.push(_resultText);
  3413. this.aiTalk(0);
  3414. }
  3415. },
  3416. choseRole(item) {
  3417. if (
  3418. this.choseRoleItem &&
  3419. this.choseRoleItem.assistant_id == item.assistant_id
  3420. ) {
  3421. return (this.choseRoleItem = null);
  3422. }
  3423. this.choseRoleItem = item;
  3424. this.changeRole();
  3425. console.log("选择角色", this.choseRoleItem);
  3426. // this.scrollBottom();
  3427. },
  3428. noChangeRole() {
  3429. this.cardType = 0;
  3430. this.choseRoleItem = null;
  3431. this.scrollBottom();
  3432. },
  3433. changeRole() {
  3434. this.cardType = 0;
  3435. if (this.choseRoleItem && this.choseRoleItem.assistant_id) {
  3436. this.chatList = [];
  3437. this.nowChatList = [];
  3438. let _uuid = uuidv4();
  3439. this.chatList.push({
  3440. role: "user",
  3441. content: `您好,${this.choseRoleItem.assistantName}`,
  3442. uid: _uuid,
  3443. AI: "AI",
  3444. aiContent: this.choseRoleItem.prologue
  3445. ? this.choseRoleItem.prologue
  3446. : "您好,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?",
  3447. oldContent: "",
  3448. isShowSynchronization: false,
  3449. filename: this.choseRoleItem.headUrl,
  3450. index: this.chatList.length,
  3451. is_mind_map: false,
  3452. loading: false
  3453. });
  3454. this.scrollBottom();
  3455. this.insertMemorandum(
  3456. `选择智能体<span class="variable">${this.choseRoleItem.assistantName}</span>`
  3457. );
  3458. }
  3459. },
  3460. optBtn(val) {
  3461. this.sortOption = val;
  3462. },
  3463. getRoleList() {
  3464. this.roleList = [];
  3465. let params = {
  3466. userId: this.userid
  3467. };
  3468. this.ajax
  3469. .post("", params)
  3470. .then(res => {
  3471. let _data =;
  3472. if (_data.length == 0) return;
  3473. if (_data) {
  3474. this.roleList = JSON.parse(_data);
  3475. }
  3476. })
  3477. .catch(e => {
  3478. console.log("获取角色列表失败");
  3479. this.roleList = [];
  3480. });
  3481. },
  3482. getPublicRoleList() {
  3483. this.roleList2 = [];
  3484. let params = {
  3485. userId: this.userid,
  3486. // organizeid:,
  3487. organizeid: "45facc0a-1211-11ec-80ad-005056b86db5"
  3488. };
  3489. this.ajax
  3490. .post(
  3491. "",
  3492. params
  3493. )
  3494. .then(res => {
  3495. let _data =;
  3496. if (_data.length == 0) return;
  3497. if (_data) {
  3498. this.roleList2 = JSON.parse(_data);
  3499. }
  3500. })
  3501. .catch(e => {
  3502. this.roleList2 = [];
  3503. console.log("获取公共角色失败", e);
  3504. });
  3505. },
  3506. choiceRole() {
  3507. if (this.loading) return this.$"请稍等");
  3508. this.cardType = this.cardType == 1 ? 0 : 1;
  3509. },
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  3521. lang = 'Traditional Chinese.'
  3522. }else if(this.languageSetting == 2){
  3523. lang = 'English.'
  3524. }
  3525. return lang
  3526. },
  3527. },
  3528. mounted() {
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  3531. this.getWantSearch();
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