@@ -4714,11 +4714,18 @@
margin: 20px 0;
<div class="lineTitle clineTitle">评价设置</div>
- <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
- <div class="r_pub_button_op" style="margin-left:auto;"
- @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiDetail4', itemTask.eList, itemTaskIndex)"
- @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiDetail4', itemTask.eList, itemTaskIndex)">智能优化</div>
- </el-tooltip>
+ <div style="margin-left:auto;display: flex;">
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
+ <div class="r_pub_button_op"
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiRateRuleA', itemTaskIndex)"
+ @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiRateRuleA', itemTaskIndex)">一键生成评价细则</div>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
+ <div class="r_pub_button_op" style="margin-left:10px;"
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiDetail4', itemTask.eList, itemTaskIndex)"
+ @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiDetail4', itemTask.eList, itemTaskIndex)">智能优化</div>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </div>
<!-- <div class="line" style="width: 90%"></div> -->
@@ -4776,6 +4783,26 @@
<el-cascader :options="targetArray" v-model="itemTask.eList[eIndex].target"
:props="{ checkStrictly: true }" :show-all-levels="false" clearable></el-cascader>
+ <div class="elist_inptu_text" style="align-items: flex-start;" v-loading="ruleLoading[itemTaskIndex] && ruleLoading[itemTaskIndex][eIndex]" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等...">
+ <span>细则:</span>
+ <div style="width: calc(100%);">
+ <div @click="openRule(itemTaskIndex, eIndex)" class="ruleBtn">{{itemTask.eList[eIndex].isrule ? '收起细则' : '展开细则'}}</div>
+ <div style="width: calc(100%);" class='op_task_box' v-if="itemTask.eList[eIndex].isrule">
+ <textarea v-autoHeight="68" rows="2" class="binfo_input binfo_textarea" cols v-model="itemTask.eList[eIndex].rule" placeholder="请输入评价细则"></textarea>
+ <div class="op_box">
+ <div class="op_remark"></div>
+ <div style="display: flex;">
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
+ <div class="r_pub_button_op"
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiRateRule', itemTaskIndex, eIndex)"
+ @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiRateRule', itemTaskIndex, eIndex)">{{itemTask.eList[eIndex].rule ? '重新生成' : '生成细则'}}</div>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<!-- <div class="addToolFun" @click="addEList(unitIndex, itemTaskIndex)"
@@ -4987,6 +5014,7 @@
<aiTips ttitle="任务详情" title="任务描述优化" :detail="aiJson.aiDetail2" pan="aiDetail2" @setAiJson="setAiJson" />
<aiTips ttitle="任务详情" title="工具描述优化" :detail="aiJson.aiDetail3" pan="aiDetail3" @setAiJson="setAiJson" />
<aiTips ttitle="任务详情" title="任务评价优化" :detail="aiJson.aiDetail4" pan="aiDetail4" @setAiJson="setAiJson" />
+ <!-- <aiTips ttitle="任务详情" title="生成评价细则" :detail="aiJson.aiRateRule" pan="aiRateRule" @setAiJson="setAiJson" /> -->
<el-dialog title="提示" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" :append-to-body="true" width="25%" :before-close="handleClose"
@@ -6813,6 +6841,7 @@ export default {
// yiKeTemplateArray:['cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86db5','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc4','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc5','9dd4bb76-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86dc4'],
taskLoading: [],
+ ruleLoading: [],
directives: {
@@ -7381,6 +7410,21 @@ export default {
type: "warning",
.then(() => {
+ if (this.taskLoading.length) {
+ let _pan = 1
+ for(var k = 0; k < this.taskLoading.length; k++){
+ if(this.taskLoading[k]){
+ this.$message({
+ message: `请等待任务${k+1}回答完毕后再保存`,
+ type: "warning"
+ });
+ _pan = 2
+ }
+ }
+ if(_pan == 2){
+ return
+ }
+ }
if (this.cid == "" || this.cid == undefined) {
if (this.courseName == "") {
@@ -7695,6 +7739,21 @@ export default {
} else if (this.steps == 3) {
+ if (this.taskLoading.length) {
+ let _pan = 1
+ for(var k = 0; k < this.taskLoading.length; k++){
+ if(this.taskLoading[k]){
+ this.$message({
+ message: `请等待任务${k+1}回答完毕后再上传`,
+ type: "warning"
+ });
+ _pan = 2
+ }
+ }
+ if(_pan == 2){
+ return
+ }
+ }
if (this.cid == "" || this.cid == undefined) {
if (this.courseName == "") {
@@ -10786,6 +10845,7 @@ export default {
this.aiJson.aiSearchFile = this.aiJson.aiSearchFile ? this.aiJson.aiSearchFile : '请根据<关键词>,从你的相应知识库去检索5个最相关的信息。'
this.aiJson.aiTarget2 = this.aiJson.aiTarget2 ? this.aiJson.aiTarget2 : '请根据课程标题<课程标题>,从你的知识库去检索5个最相关的信息'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 : '请参考#参考资料,重新生成该任务,生成内容需包含任务名,任务设计,评价标准。注意,你绝对不能重复已有其他任务,也不要输出其他内容'
+ this.aiJson.aiRateRule = '根据<评价维度>和<维度描述>,制定具体的评价细则。 具体的评价细则分为6级——0星,1星,2星,3星,4星,5星。'
if(this.templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'){
this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask = this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask : '请根据<课程名字>以及该课程的<课程简要描述>来为该课程生成100字以内的序列课程任务,序列任务要求彼此连结紧密且没有重复。'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail : '参考<课程名字>、<任务名>和<课程简要描述>的内容,为该序列生成任务详情。任务详情中需要包含教学目标,任务设计和评价标准。'
@@ -12771,6 +12831,7 @@ export default {
this.aiJson.aiSearchFile = this.aiJson.aiSearchFile ? this.aiJson.aiSearchFile : '请根据<关键词>,从你的相应知识库去检索5个最相关的信息。'
this.aiJson.aiTarget2 = this.aiJson.aiTarget2 ? this.aiJson.aiTarget2 : '请根据课程标题<课程标题>,从你的知识库去检索5个最相关的信息'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 : '请参考#参考资料,重新生成该任务,生成内容需包含任务名,任务设计,评价标准。注意,你绝对不能重复已有其他任务,也不要输出其他内容'
+ this.aiJson.aiRateRule = '根据<评价维度>和<维度描述>,制定具体的评价细则。 具体的评价细则分为6级——0星,1星,2星,3星,4星,5星。'
if(this.templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'){
this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask = this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask : '请根据<课程名字>以及该课程的<课程简要描述>来为该课程生成100字以内的序列课程任务,序列任务要求彼此连结紧密且没有重复。'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail : '参考<课程名字>、<任务名>和<课程简要描述>的内容,为该序列生成任务详情。任务详情中需要包含教学目标,任务设计和评价标准。'
@@ -12908,6 +12969,7 @@ export default {
this.aiJson.aiSearchFile = this.aiJson.aiSearchFile ? this.aiJson.aiSearchFile : '请根据<关键词>,从你的相应知识库去检索5个最相关的信息。'
this.aiJson.aiTarget2 = this.aiJson.aiTarget2 ? this.aiJson.aiTarget2 : '请根据课程标题<课程标题>,从你的知识库去检索5个最相关的信息'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail2 : '请参考#参考资料,重新生成该任务,生成内容需包含任务名,任务设计,评价标准。注意,你绝对不能重复已有其他任务,也不要输出其他内容'
+ this.aiJson.aiRateRule = '根据<评价维度>和<维度描述>,制定具体的评价细则。 具体的评价细则分为6级——0星,1星,2星,3星,4星,5星。'
if(this.templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'){
this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask = this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask : '请根据<课程名字>以及该课程的<课程简要描述>来为该课程生成100字以内的序列课程任务,序列任务要求彼此连结紧密且没有重复。'
this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail : '参考<课程名字>、<任务名>和<课程简要描述>的内容,为该序列生成任务详情。任务详情中需要包含教学目标,任务设计和评价标准。'
@@ -14845,6 +14907,8 @@ export default {
if(pan == 'aiTeacher2'){
this.aiJson['teacherDetail2'] = string
+ }else if(pan == 'aiRateRuleA'){
+ this.aiJson['aiRateRule'] = string
}else if(pan == 'aiOutline2'){
this.aiJson['aiOutlineTask'] = string
this.aiJson['aiOutlineDetail'] = string2
@@ -14876,6 +14940,14 @@ export default {
+ openRule(i, k){
+ if(this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].isrule){
+ this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].isrule = false
+ }else {
+ this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].isrule = true
+ }
+ this.$forceUpdate();
+ },
this.cpote[index] = false
@@ -15199,8 +15271,27 @@ export default {
this.aitype = type
this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiSearchFile
+ } else if (type == 'aiRateRule'){
+ this.aitype = type
+ this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiRateRule
+ this.aiCallback = [callback, index]
+ } else if (type == 'aiRateRuleA'){
+ this.$confirm("是否确定一键生成所有细则", "提示", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消",
+ type: "warning",
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ this.aitype = type
+ this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiRateRule
+ this.aiCallback = callback
+ this.dialogVisibleAiD = true
+ }).catch(() => {})
+ }
+ if(type != 'aiRateRuleA'){
+ this.dialogVisibleAiD = true
- this.dialogVisibleAiD = true
async aiConfirm(msg,msg2) {
let sub = []
@@ -15496,6 +15587,17 @@ ${msg}。相关信息内容至少要有300tokens,可以是markdown格式
this.fileSLoading = false
+ } else if (this.aitype == 'aiRateRule'){
+ this.againEva(msg, this.aiCallback[0], this.aiCallback[1])
+ } else if (this.aitype == 'aiRateRuleA'){
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
+ let task = this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i]
+ for(var k = 0; k < task.eList.length; k++){
+ if(!task.eList[k].rule){
+ this.againEva(msg, i, k)
+ }
+ }
+ }
this.setAiJson(this.aitype, msg, msg2)
@@ -16981,7 +17083,6 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
let _task = tArray
_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].taskDetail = _task.detail
_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].eList = _task.elist
- _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose = []
_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].chapterData = []
if(!_task.toolChoose || (_task.detail && _task.detail.length < 20) || !_task.detail){
@@ -16989,25 +17090,31 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
_this.aiGet32(messages, index)
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose = []
if (_task.toolChoose && _task.toolChoose.length) {
for (var j = 0; j < _task.toolChoose.length; j++) {
let _json = {
- tool: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? [toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].tool] : [16],
- toolDetail: _task.toolChoose[j].detail,
- toolType: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].type : 2,
- askCount: 1,
- askTitle: "",
- askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
- }
+ tool: [],
+ toolDetail: _task.toolChoose[j].detail,
+ toolType: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].type : 2,
+ askCount: 1,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ }
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.push(_json)
if(converter(_task.toolChoose[j].tool) == converter('问答')){
let answerQ = await _this.aiCreateQuestion(15, index)
- _json.answerQ = answerQ.answerQ
+ // _json.answerQ = answerQ.answerQ
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose[_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.length - 1].answerQ = answerQ.answerQ
}else if(converter(_task.toolChoose[j].tool) == converter('选择题')){
let testJson = await _this.aiCreateQuestion(45, index)
- _json.testJson = {"testCount":testJson.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":testJson}
+ // _json.testJson = {"testCount":testJson.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":testJson}
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose[_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.length - 1].testJson = {"testCount":testJson.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":testJson}
- _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.push(_json)
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose[_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.length - 1].tool = toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? [toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].tool] : [16]
+ _this.$forceUpdate();
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.push(_json)
} else {
@@ -19543,6 +19650,101 @@ ${this.targetCourseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参
// this.$forceUpdate();
+ againEva(msg, i, k) {
+ if(!this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].value || !this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].detail){
+ this.$message.error(`任务${i+1}的第${k+1}个评价完善信息后再生成细则`)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.ruleLoading[i]) {
+ this.ruleLoading[i][k] = true
+ } else {
+ this.ruleLoading[i] = []
+ this.ruleLoading[i][k] = true
+ }
+ let message = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是一个专业的项目式学习导师,你要根据<评价维度>和<维度描述>制定具体的评价细则。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Format example
+== 0 星,作业内容与作业要求无关;
+1 星,没有识别问题和需求;
+2 星,问题或需求没有被清晰理解或准确识别;
+3 星,问题或需求的一部分被识别;
+4 星,问题或需求的大部分被识别;
+5 星,问题或需求都被识别。 ==
+ `
+ let params = {
+ // "model": "Chat",
+ model: "gpt-4o",
+ temperature: 0,
+ max_tokens: 4096,
+ top_p: 1,
+ frequency_penalty: 0,
+ presence_penalty: 0,
+ messages: [
+ {
+ content: message.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("*", ""),
+ role: "user"
+ }
+ ],
+ stream: false,
+ uid: this.userid,
+ mind_map_question: ""
+ };
+ this.ajax
+ .post("https://gpt4.cocorobo.cn/chat", params)
+ .then(response => {
+ let data = response.data.FunctionResponse;
+ console.log("data", data);
+ if (data.choices && data.choices.length && data.choices[0].message) {
+ let content = data.choices[0].message.content;
+ var regex = new RegExp('==([^=]+)==');
+ let match = content.match(regex);
+ if (match) {
+ content = match[1].trim().replaceAll(' ', '');
+ // 获取匹配到的内容并去除两端空格
+ console.log('contentInsideDoubleEquals', content);
+ if (content.indexOf('0星') == -1 || content.indexOf('2星') == -1 || content.indexOf('3星') == -1 || content.indexOf('4星') == -1 || content.indexOf('5星') == -1) {
+ console.log("未有星级。");
+ this.againEva(msg, i, k)
+ return
+ }
+ // return
+ } else {
+ console.log("未找到匹配的内容。");
+ this.againEva(msg, i, k)
+ return
+ }
+ let elist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k]))
+ // this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList[k].rule=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(content.replaceAll("#", "")))
+ elist.rule = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(content.replaceAll("#", "")))
+ this.$set(this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList, k, elist)
+ this.$forceUpdate();
+ this.ruleLoading[i][k] = false
+ }else{
+ this.ruleLoading[i][k] = false
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ console.log(error);
+ this.ruleLoading[i][k] = false
+ });
+ },
async aiSearchFile(messages, callback) {
let _this = this
@@ -24082,4 +24284,11 @@ ol {
background-image: url('../../../assets/icon/checked.png');
+.ruleBtn {
+ height: 36px;
+ line-height: 36px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: #0061FF;