@@ -658,6 +658,11 @@
@contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiOutline')"
@click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiOutline')">生成大纲</button>
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="panOutline() > 0">
+ <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;"
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog2(1, 'aiOutline')"
+ @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiOutline')">重新生成大纲</button>
+ </el-tooltip>
<!-- <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;">AI优化</button> -->
<div class="task_outline">
@@ -796,6 +801,11 @@
@contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiTeacher2')"
@click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiTeacher2')" v-if="istemplate == 1 && dArray.length">生成教案</button>
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="panTeacher() > 0">
+ <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;"
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog2(1, 'aiTeacher2')"
+ @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiTeacher2')">重新生成大纲</button>
+ </el-tooltip>
<!-- <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;">AI优化</button> -->
<div class="task_outline">
@@ -1441,6 +1451,11 @@
<div class="chapter_upload_ic">
<div class="chapter_upload_noSee" v-if="item1.type == 12"></div>
+ <div class="chapter_upload_ic_check" v-if="item1.type == 3" @click.stop="
+ checkChpater( $event, unitIndex, 0, index1 )
+ ">
+ <div></div>
+ </div>
<div class="chapter_upload_ud" style="z-index: 99">
<div class="chapter_upload_up" @click="
@@ -1942,6 +1957,11 @@
v-if="item1.type == 12"
+ <div class="chapter_upload_ic_check" v-if="item1.type == 3" @click.stop="
+ checkChpater( $event, unitIndex, itemTaskIndex, index1 )
+ ">
+ <div></div>
+ </div>
style="z-index: 99"
@@ -4655,7 +4675,7 @@
" class="dialog_diy fullStyle">
- <div style="height: 100%">
+ <div style="height: 100%" v-loading="choiceLoading" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等...">
<!-- <div class="a_add_title" style="
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
@@ -4671,8 +4691,13 @@
color: #c7c7c7;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
<!-- 请输入题目内容 -->
+ <button class="c_pub_button_add pub_btn_paste_img" @click="aiChoice(45)" style="margin-left: 10px">
+ 智能生成
+ </button>
+ <!-- 请输入题目内容 -->
<button class="c_pub_button_add pub_btn_paste_img" @click="pasteOption" style="margin-left: 10px"
@@ -5710,6 +5735,8 @@
@retrunCourse="retrunCourse" :templateid.sync="templateid" @addWork="addWork"></tipsDialog>
<aiCreateDialog :dialogVisibleAiCreate.sync="dialogVisibleAiCreate" :courseName="courseName" @createAiPpt="createAiPpt" :infoData="infoData" :courseTypeId="courseTypeId" :CourseTypeJson="CourseTypeJson" :courseState="courseState" :lineCount="lineCount" :unitJson="unitJson"></aiCreateDialog>
<aiCreateVideoDialog :dialogVisibleAiCreateVideo.sync="dialogVisibleAiCreateVideo" :courseName="courseName" @createAiVideo="createAiVideo" :courseState="courseState" :lineCount="lineCount" :unitJson="unitJson"></aiCreateVideoDialog>
+ <wpdf :dialogVisiblePdf.sync="dialogVisiblePdf" :url="wurl"></wpdf>
+ <wOffice :dialogVisibleOffice.sync="dialogVisibleOffice" :url="wurl" ></wOffice>
@@ -5738,6 +5765,8 @@ import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import aiCreateDialog from './aiCreateDialog.vue'
import aiCreateVideoDialog from './aiCreateVideoDialog.vue'
+import wpdf from "../test/file/wPdf2.vue";
+import wOffice from "../test/file/wOffice.vue";
var OpenCC = require("opencc-js");
let converter = OpenCC.Converter({
@@ -5765,6 +5794,8 @@ export default {
+ wpdf,
+ wOffice,
data() {
return {
@@ -6126,6 +6157,10 @@ export default {
allTextArray: [],
+ dialogVisiblePdf: false,
+ dialogVisibleOffice: false,
+ wurl: "",
+ choiceLoading: false,
directives: {
@@ -6250,6 +6285,34 @@ export default {
? md.render(c) : "";
+ panOutline(){
+ return function () {
+ let count = 0;
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.unitJson.length; i++){
+ let _task = this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson
+ for(var j = 0; j < _task.length; j++){
+ if(_task[j].taskDetail2){
+ count++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ };
+ },
+ panTeacher(){
+ return function () {
+ let count = 0;
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.unitJson.length; i++){
+ let _task = this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson
+ for(var j = 0; j < _task.length; j++){
+ if(_task[j].taskDetail3){
+ count++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ };
+ },
watch: {
unitIndex(newValue, oldValue) {
@@ -8962,12 +9025,56 @@ export default {
// ic
// ].name = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.target.value));
this.line =
- this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[0].chapterData[ic].name;
+ this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[j].chapterData[ic].name;
this.taskCount = j;
this.lineCount = ic;
this.dialogVisibleupdataVideoT = true;
+ checkChpater(e, i, j, ic){
+ let type = this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[j].chapterData[ic].type
+ if(type == 3){
+ var fileA = [
+ "DOC",
+ "DOCX",
+ "DOCM",
+ "DOTM",
+ "DOTX",
+ "PPTX",
+ "PPSX",
+ "PPT",
+ "PPS",
+ "PPTM",
+ "POTM",
+ "PPAM",
+ "POTX",
+ "PPSM",
+ "XLSX",
+ "XLS"
+ ];
+ let url = this.unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[j].chapterData[ic].url
+ if (
+ fileA.indexOf(
+ url.split(".")[
+ url.split(".").length - 1
+ ].toLocaleUpperCase()
+ ) != -1
+ ) {
+ this.dialogVisibleOffice = true
+ this.wurl = url
+ } else if (
+ "pdf".indexOf(
+ url.split(".")[
+ url.split(".").length - 1
+ ].toLocaleLowerCase()
+ ) != -1
+ ) {
+ this.dialogVisiblePdf = true
+ this.wurl = url
+ }
+ }
+ },
updataVideoC() {
@@ -13517,6 +13624,23 @@ export default {
+ openAiDialog2(clickType, type, callback, index, tindex){
+ this.$confirm("重新生成会影响已生成内容,确定重新生成吗?", "提示", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消",
+ type: "warning",
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ if (this.templateid == "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" && type == "aiTeacher2") {
+ this.openAiDialog(clickType, 'aiTeacher')
+ }else {
+ this.openAiDialog(clickType, type, callback, index, tindex)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ });
+ },
openAiDialog(clickType, type, callback, index, tindex) {
// if(clickType == 1){
// return;
@@ -13905,6 +14029,7 @@ ${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
+${this.courseText ? '参考内容:'+this.courseText : ''}
## 要求
${message} 以及##参考资料 以文本格式输出项目概况,驱动性问题,最终作品
@@ -13912,7 +14037,9 @@ ${message} 以及##参考资料 以文本格式输出项目概况,驱动性问
## Format example
+${this.courseText ? '注意,你生成的内容不能与原有<参考内容>一致,重新生成不一样的<参考内容>' : ''}`
setUnitJson() {
@@ -14207,36 +14334,81 @@ ${message} 以及##参考资料 以文本格式输出项目概况,驱动性问
_this.dArray = dArray
- _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson = []
- for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
- let _task = dArray[i]
- _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
- task: _task.task,
- taskDetail: "",
- taskDetail2: _task.detail,
- taskDetail3: "",
- chapterData: [],
- toolText: "",
- toolChoose: [
- {
- tool: [],
- toolDetail: "",
- toolType: 0,
+ if(_this.panOutline() > 0){
+ for(var i = 0; i < _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].task = ""
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail2 = ""
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+ let _task = dArray[i]
+ if(_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i]){
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].task = _task.task
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail2 = _task.detail
+ }else {
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+ task: _task.task,
+ taskDetail: "",
+ taskDetail2: _task.detail,
+ taskDetail3: "",
+ chapterData: [],
+ toolText: "",
+ toolChoose: [
+ {
+ tool: [],
+ toolDetail: "",
+ toolType: 0,
+ askCount: 1,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ },
+ ],
+ isShowTools: false,
askCount: 1,
+ isFold: 2,
askTitle: "",
askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
- },
- ],
- isShowTools: false,
- askCount: 1,
- isFold: 2,
- askTitle: "",
- askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
- checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
- homeworkList: [],
- })
+ checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+ homeworkList: [],
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+ let _task = dArray[i]
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+ task: _task.task,
+ taskDetail: "",
+ taskDetail2: _task.detail,
+ taskDetail3: "",
+ chapterData: [],
+ toolText: "",
+ toolChoose: [
+ {
+ tool: [],
+ toolDetail: "",
+ toolType: 0,
+ askCount: 1,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ },
+ ],
+ isShowTools: false,
+ askCount: 1,
+ isFold: 2,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+ homeworkList: [],
+ })
+ }
_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[0].chapterData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.infoData))
_this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
@@ -14646,6 +14818,160 @@ ${_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[task].taskDetail3.replaceAll('#','')
+ async aiChoice(type){
+ if(type == 45){
+ this.choiceLoading = true
+ }
+ let _this = this
+ let fileid = _this.isFileSearch ? [..._this.fileIds] : []
+ if (_this.infoData.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < _this.infoData.length; i++) {
+ if(_this.infoData[i].fileid){
+ fileid.push(_this.infoData[i].fileid)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let sub = []
+ let mclass = []
+ if (this.courseTypeId.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.courseTypeId.length; i++) {
+ let _sid = this.courseTypeId[i]
+ for (var j = 0; j < this.CourseTypeJson['34628934-d02f-11ec-8c78-005056b86db5'].length; j++) {
+ if (_sid == this.CourseTypeJson['34628934-d02f-11ec-8c78-005056b86db5'][j].id) {
+ mclass.push(this.CourseTypeJson['34628934-d02f-11ec-8c78-005056b86db5'][j].name)
+ }
+ if (_sid == this.CourseTypeJson['34629907-d02f-11ec-8c78-005056b86db5'][j].id) {
+ sub.push(this.CourseTypeJson['34629907-d02f-11ec-8c78-005056b86db5'][j].name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let messages = ""
+ if(type == 15){
+ messages = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数据。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Context
+## 任务
+根据本任务的#教案,在考虑到面向学生年级(<面向年级>)以及相对应的学科(<课程学科>)的基础上生成1道问答题。题目的意义是测试学生对本教学任务知识点的掌握情况,你的题目应当是有意义的。然后根据Format example的要求返回要以json的格式
+## 限制
+- 生成题目应该充分考虑学生年级<面向年级>和面向学科<课程学科>,你的题目应有教学意义。
+- 你仅仅需要输出题目,其他什么内容都不需要输出。禁止输出题目以外的任何内容。
+## 课程简介
+${_this.courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + _this.courseText : ''}
+${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
+${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
+## 教案
+# Format example
+ }else if(type == 45){
+ messages = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数据。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Context
+## 任务
+## 限制
+- 生成题目禁止重复。
+- 生成题目应该充分考虑学生年级<面向年级>和面向学科<课程学科>,你的题目应有教学意义。
+- 请严格按照以下格式要求输出内容,题目必须是单选题。
+- 你仅仅需要输出题目,其他什么内容都不需要输出。禁止输出题目以外的任何内容。
+## 课程简介
+${_this.courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + _this.courseText : ''}
+${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
+${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
+## 教案
+# Format example
+ }
+ let parm = {
+ assistant_id: '6063369f-289a-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b',
+ message: [{"type":"text", "text":messages}],
+ session_name: uuidv4(),
+ userId: this.userid,
+ file_ids: fileid.length ? [...fileid] : '',
+ }
+ this.ajax
+ .post("https://gpt4.cocorobo.cn/ai_agent_park_chat", parm)
+ .then((response) => {
+ console.log(response);
+ let data = response.data.FunctionResponse
+ if (data.message) {
+ console.log(data.message);
+ try {
+ // let tArray = JSON.parse(data.message.replaceAll('```json','').replaceAll('```',''))
+ let tArray = {}
+ try {
+ tArray = JSON.parse(data.message.replaceAll('```json','').replaceAll('```',''))
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log("error_________________" + error);
+ try {
+ let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
+ let match = data.message.match(regex);
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0]);
+ // var message = data.message;
+ // var jsonStart = message.indexOf("```json") + 7; // `+ 7` 是为了跳过 ```json
+ // var jsonEnd = message.indexOf("```", jsonStart);
+ // var jsonString = message.substring(jsonStart, jsonEnd).trim();
+ // tArray = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log("error_________________" + error);
+ }
+ }
+ if(type == 45){
+ this.testJson = {"testCount":tArray.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":tArray}
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ if(type == 15){
+ {answerQ: "题目"}
+ }else if(type == 45){
+ let _test = [{"teststitle":"题目1","testItem":4,"checkList":["选项1","选项2","选项3","选项4"],"timuList":[],"answer":0,"type":"1"}]
+ this.testJson = {"testCount":_test.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":_test}
+ }
+ _this.choiceLoading = false
+ }
+ }else if(type == 15){
+ {answerQ: "题目"}
+ }else if(type == 45){
+ let _test = [{"teststitle":"题目1","testItem":4,"checkList":["选项1","选项2","选项3","选项4"],"timuList":[],"answer":0,"type":"1"}]
+ this.testJson = {"testCount":_test.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":_test}
+ }
+ _this.choiceLoading = false
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ if(type == 15){
+ {answerQ: "题目"}
+ }else if(type == 45){
+ let _test = [{"teststitle":"题目1","testItem":4,"checkList":["选项1","选项2","选项3","选项4"],"timuList":[],"answer":0,"type":"1"}]
+ this.testJson = {"testCount":_test.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":_test}
+ }
+ console.log(error);
+ _this.choiceLoading = false
+ });
+ },
async aiGet4(messages, callback, clickType) {
let _this = this
@@ -17224,6 +17550,22 @@ ${this.aitype == 'aiCpote4' ? '## 目标层\n'+this.cpote['cpote3'] : ''}`
background-size: 100% 100%;
+.chapter_upload_ic_check {
+ height: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin: 0 10px 0 0;
+.chapter_upload_ic_check div {
+ width: 18px;
+ height: 18px;
+ background-image: url("../../../assets/icon/course/lookeye.svg");
+ background-size: 100% 100%;
.chapter_upload_ic_r {
height: 100%;
display: flex;