lsc преди 8 месеца

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       width: 100%;
       background: #e6eaf0;
       font-family: '黑体';
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 488 - 11

@@ -667,7 +667,9 @@
                       @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiOutline')">生成大纲</button>
                     <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;"
-                      @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiOutline')" v-if="panOutline() > 0">重新生成大纲</button>
+                      @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiOutline')" v-if="panOutline() > 0 && templateid != '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'">重新生成大纲</button>
+                    <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;"
+                      @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiOutline2')" v-if="panOutline() > 0 && templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'">重新生成大纲</button>
                   <!-- <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;">AI优化</button> -->
                 <div class="task_outline">
@@ -679,14 +681,20 @@
                     <div class="outline_detail" v-loading="taskDetailLoading.indexOf('task-' + index) !== -1" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等...">
                       <textarea v-autoHeight="100" rows="4" class="binfo_input binfo_textarea" cols
-                        placeholder="请输入任务描述" v-model="item.taskDetail2"></textarea>
+                        placeholder="请输入任务描述" v-model="item.taskDetail2" v-if="item.isTask2"></textarea>
+                      <div class="markBox vditor-reset" style="white-space:pre-wrap;" v-text="item.taskDetail2" v-else-if="ttaskDetailLoading.indexOf('task-' + index) !== -1"></div>
+                      <div class="markBox vditor-reset" v-html="MarkdownT(item.taskDetail2)" v-else></div>
                       <div class="op_box">
                         <div class="op_remark">*可以将需要优化的建议添加在任务描述后,点击“智能优化”,自动进行修改</div>
-                        <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
-                          <div class="r_pub_button_op"
-                            @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiDetail1', item, index)"
-                            @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiDetail1', item, index)">智能优化</div>
-                        </el-tooltip>
+                        <div style="display: flex;">
+                          <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
+                            <div class="r_pub_button_op"
+                              @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiDetail1', item, index)"
+                              @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiDetail1', item, index)">智能优化</div>
+                          </el-tooltip>
+                          <div class="r_pub_button_edit" style="margin-left:10px" @click="editTask2(index)">{{
+                            item.isTask3 ? '确定' : '编辑'}}</div>
+                        </div>
@@ -6884,7 +6892,7 @@ export default {
       // if (this.cidType == 1) {
       if (this.steps == 1) {
         if (this.courseName != "") {
-          if ((this.ttaskDetailLoading5.join(",").indexOf('task-') !== -1) || this.cpotetLoading.cpote1 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote2 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote3 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote4) {
+          if ((this.ttaskDetailLoading5.join(",").indexOf('task-') !== -1) || (this.ttaskDetailLoading.join(",").indexOf('task-') !== -1) || this.cpotetLoading.cpote1 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote2 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote3 || this.cpotetLoading.cpote4) {
               message: "请回答完毕后再次发送",
               type: "warning"
@@ -6893,7 +6901,11 @@ export default {
           if (this.templateid != "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" && !this.isOutline) {
-            this.openAiDialog(clickType, 'aiOutline')
+            if(this.templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'){
+              this.openAiDialog(clickType, 'aiOutline2')
+            }else {
+              this.openAiDialog(clickType, 'aiOutline')
+            }
@@ -9660,6 +9672,10 @@ export default {
             this.tipsJson =[0][0]
             this.aiJson = JSON.parse([0][0].tips)
             this.aiJson.teacherDetail2 = this.aiJson.teacherDetail2 ? this.aiJson.teacherDetail2 : '请根据<任务名>、<任务描述>,<课程简要描述>,为该任务设计详细的教案,教案需要包含该任务的教学目标,教学过程(包含分步骤的教师活动和学生活动,教师活动与学生活动应该一一对应),相关知识点的讲解,练习(练习需要包含示例答案)。'
+            if(this.templateid == '61c628b9-3d96-11ef-b873-005056b86db5'){
+              this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask = this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask : '请根据<课程名字>以及该课程的<课程简要描述>来为该课程生成100字以内的序列课程任务,序列任务要求彼此连结紧密且没有重复。'
+              this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail = this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail ? this.aiJson.aiOutlineDetail : '参考<课程名字>、<任务名>和<课程简要描述>的内容,为该序列生成任务详情。任务详情中需要包含教学目标,任务设计和评价标准。'
+            }
@@ -11634,8 +11650,8 @@ export default {
               try {
-                this.courseJie = JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseJie;
-                this.courseTime = JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseTime;
+                this.courseJie = JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseJie ? JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseJie : 1;
+                this.courseTime = JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseTime ? JSON.parse([0][0].setting).courseTime : 45;
@@ -13618,6 +13634,14 @@ export default {
+    editTask2(index){
+      if(this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].isTask2){
+        this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].isTask2 = false
+      }else {
+        this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].isTask2 = true
+      }
+      this.$forceUpdate();
+    },
         this.cpote[index] = false
@@ -13691,6 +13715,10 @@ export default {
         this.aitype = "aiOutline"
         // this.aiText = `请根据${this.courseText}设计一个名为${this.courseName}的${sub.length ? sub.join(",") + "学科的" : ""},面向${this.getListClassC(this.checkboxList2)}的项目式学习课程设计序列教学活动(需要每个任务都需要至少50个token的详细描述),每个教学活动的活动设计(可以直接使用文件内容)以及每个教学活动的评价量规(学生能做到...)。`
         this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiOutline
+      } else if (type == "aiOutline2") {
+        this.aitype = "aiOutline2"
+        // this.aiText = `请根据${this.courseText}设计一个名为${this.courseName}的${sub.length ? sub.join(",") + "学科的" : ""},面向${this.getListClassC(this.checkboxList2)}的项目式学习课程设计序列教学活动(需要每个任务都需要至少50个token的详细描述),每个教学活动的活动设计(可以直接使用文件内容)以及每个教学活动的评价量规(学生能做到...)。`
+        this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiOutlineTask
       } else if (type == "aiTask") {
         this.aitype = "aiTask"
         var _text = ""
@@ -13893,6 +13921,33 @@ ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime
           this.loading = false
           this.isOutline = true
+      } else if (this.aitype == "aiOutline2") {
+        this.loading = true
+        let message = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数据。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Context
+## 要求 
+${msg} 以及##参考资料
+## 参考资料
+${this.courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + this.courseText : ''}
+${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
+${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
+${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
+# Format example
+[{"task": "任务1的名字"}, {"task": "任务2的名字"}, {"task": "任务2的名字"}, {"task": "任务n的名字"}]`
+        this.aiGetTask2(message, () => {
+          this.loading = false
+          this.isOutline = true
+        })
       } else if (this.aitype == "aiTask") {
         var _text = ""
         for (var i = 0; i < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++) {
@@ -14423,6 +14478,268 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
+    async aiGetTask2(messages, callback) {
+      let _this = this
+      let fileid = _this.isFileSearch ? [..._this.fileIds] : []
+      if (_this.infoData.length) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < _this.infoData.length; i++) {
+          if(_this.infoData[i].fileid){
+            fileid.push(_this.infoData[i].fileid)
+          }else {
+            let _fileid = await _this.createFileid(_this.infoData[i].url)
+            if(_fileid){
+              _this.infoData[i].fileid = _fileid
+              _this.$forceUpdate();
+              fileid.push(_fileid)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      console.log('fileid=========',fileid)
+      // let params = JSON.stringify({
+      //   // "model": "Chat",
+      //   model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
+      //   temperature: 0,
+      //   max_tokens: 4096,
+      //   top_p: 1,
+      //   frequency_penalty: 0,
+      //   presence_penalty: 0,
+      //   messages: [{
+      //     content: messages,
+      //     role: 'user'
+      //   }],
+      //   stream: false,
+      //   uid: this.userid,
+      //   mind_map_question: "",
+      // })
+      // // let params = JSON.stringify({
+      // //     message: {
+      // //         anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
+      // //         max_tokens: 4096,
+      // //         temperature: 0,
+      // //         top_p: 1,
+      // //         messages: [{
+      // //           content: messages,
+      // //           role: 'user'
+      // //         }], // 
+      // //     },
+      // //     model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
+      // // });
+      //'', params).then(function (response) {
+      //   //'', params).then(function (response) {
+      //   console.log(response);
+      //   let data =
+      //   if (data.choices && data.choices.length && data.choices[0].message) {
+      //     console.log(data.choices[0].message.content);
+      //     let dArray = JSON.parse(data.choices[0].message.content)
+      //     _this.dArray = dArray
+      //     _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson = []
+      //     for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+      //       let _task = dArray[i]
+      //       _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+      //         task: _task.task,
+      //         taskDetail: "",
+      //         taskDetail2: _task.detail,
+      //         taskDetail3: "",
+      //         chapterData: [],
+      //         toolText: "",
+      //         toolChoose: [
+      //           {
+      //             tool: [],
+      //             toolDetail: "",
+      //             toolType: 0,
+      //             askCount: 1,
+      //             askTitle: "",
+      //             askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+      //           },
+      //         ],
+      //         isShowTools: false,
+      //         askCount: 1,
+      //         isFold: 2,
+      //         askTitle: "",
+      //         askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+      //         checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+      //         homeworkList: [],
+      //       })
+      //     }
+      //       _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[0].chapterData = _this.infoData
+      //           _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+      //     _this.$forceUpdate();
+      //   }
+      //   // if (data.result) {
+      //   //   console.log(data.result);
+      //   //   let dArray = JSON.parse(data.result)
+      //   //   _this.dArray = dArray
+      //   //   _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson = []
+      //   //   for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+      //   //     let _task = dArray[i]
+      //   //     _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+      //   //       task: _task.task,
+      //   //       taskDetail: "",
+      //   //       taskDetail2: _task.detail,
+      //   //       taskDetail3: "",
+      //   //       chapterData: [],
+      //   //       toolText: "",
+      //   //       toolChoose: [
+      //   //         {
+      //   //           tool: [],
+      //   //           toolDetail: "",
+      //   //           toolType: 0,
+      //   //           askCount: 1,
+      //   //           askTitle: "",
+      //   //           askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+      //   //         },
+      //   //       ],
+      //   //       isShowTools: false,
+      //   //       askCount: 1,
+      //   //       isFold: 1,
+      //   //       askTitle: "",
+      //   //       askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+      //   //       checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+      //   //       homeworkList: [],
+      //   //     })
+      //   //   }
+      //   //   _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+      //   //   _this.$forceUpdate();
+      //   // }
+      //   callback ? callback() : ''
+      // }).catch(function (error) {
+      //   _this.loading = false
+      //   console.log(error);
+      // });
+      let parm = {
+        assistant_id: '6063369f-289a-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b',
+        message: [{"type":"text", "text":messages}],
+        session_name: uuidv4(),
+        userId: this.userid,
+        file_ids: fileid.length ? [...fileid] : '',
+      }
+      this.ajax
+        .post("", parm)
+        .then((response) => {
+          console.log(response);
+          let data =
+          if (data.message) {
+            console.log(data.message);
+            let dArray = {}
+            try {
+              dArray = JSON.parse(data.message.replaceAll('```json','').replaceAll('```',''))
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log("error_________________" + error);
+              try {
+                  let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
+                  let match = data.message.match(regex);
+                  dArray = JSON.parse(match[0]);
+                  // var message = data.message;
+                  // var jsonStart = message.indexOf("```json") + 7; // `+ 7` 是为了跳过 ```json
+                  // var jsonEnd = message.indexOf("```", jsonStart);
+                  // var jsonString = message.substring(jsonStart, jsonEnd).trim();
+                  // dArray = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+              } catch (error) {
+                console.log("error_________________" + error);
+              }
+            }
+            _this.dArray = dArray
+            if(_this.panOutline() > 0){
+              for(var i = 0; i < _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
+                _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].task = ""
+                _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail2 = ""
+              }
+              for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+                let _task = dArray[i]
+                if(_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i]){
+                  _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].task = _task.task
+                  // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail2 = _task.detail
+                }else {
+                  _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+                    task: _task.task,
+                    taskDetail: "",
+                    taskDetail2: "",
+                    taskDetail3: "",
+                    chapterData: [],
+                    toolText: "",
+                    toolChoose: [
+                      {
+                        tool: [],
+                        toolDetail: "",
+                        toolType: 0,
+                        askCount: 1,
+                        askTitle: "",
+                        askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    isShowTools: false,
+                    askCount: 1,
+                    isFold: 2,
+                    askTitle: "",
+                    askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+                    checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+                    homeworkList: [],
+                  })
+                }
+              }
+            }else { 
+              _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson = []
+              for (var i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++) {
+                let _task = dArray[i]
+                _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.push({
+                  task: _task.task,
+                  taskDetail: "",
+                  taskDetail2: "",
+                  taskDetail3: "",
+                  chapterData: [],
+                  toolText: "",
+                  toolChoose: [
+                    {
+                      tool: [],
+                      toolDetail: "",
+                      toolType: 0,
+                      askCount: 1,
+                      askTitle: "",
+                      askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  isShowTools: false,
+                  askCount: 1,
+                  isFold: 2,
+                  askTitle: "",
+                  askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+                  checkJson: [{ checkCount: [], checkPerent: [] }],
+                  homeworkList: [],
+                })
+              }
+            }
+            _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[0].chapterData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.infoData))
+            _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+            _this.$forceUpdate();
+            setTimeout(()=>{
+              for (var i = 0; i < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++) {
+                this.aiOutlineDetail('', i)
+              }
+            }, 0)
+          }
+          callback ? callback() : ''
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          _this.loading = false
+          console.log(error);
+        });
+    },
     async aiGet3(messages, callback) {
       let _this = this
@@ -15442,6 +15759,166 @@ ${msg}
         // this.$forceUpdate();
+    async aiOutlineDetail(msg, index) {
+      let _this = this
+      const _tindex = 'task-' + index
+      const _tindex2 = index
+      let fileid = _this.isFileSearch ? [..._this.fileIds] : []
+      if (_this.infoData.length) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < _this.infoData.length; i++) {
+          if(_this.infoData[i].fileid){
+            fileid.push(_this.infoData[i].fileid)
+          }else {
+            let _fileid = await _this.createFileid(_this.infoData[i].url)
+            if(_fileid){
+              _this.infoData[i].fileid = _fileid
+              _this.$forceUpdate();
+              fileid.push(_fileid)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      let url = []
+      if (this.infoData.length) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.infoData.length; i++) {
+          url.push(this.infoData[i].url)
+        }
+      }
+      let messages = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,内容不要以markdown形式出现,只需要口语化的形式。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+## 要求
+## 参考信息
+${_this.courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + _this.courseText : ''}
+# Format example
+评价标准:评价标准。 内容不要以markdown形式出现,只需要口语化的形式
+// -------- #补充参考资料和
+// ## 补充参考资料
+// - 补充资料:${url.join(",")}
+// - 补充描述:${_this.courseText2}
+      _this.taskDetailLoading.push(_tindex)
+      _this.ttaskDetailLoading.push(_tindex)
+      let _uuid = uuidv4();
+      // let params = JSON.stringify({
+      //   // "model": "Chat",
+      //   model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
+      //   temperature: 0,
+      //   max_tokens: 4096,
+      //   top_p: 1,
+      //   frequency_penalty: 0,
+      //   presence_penalty: 0,
+      //   messages: [{
+      //     content: messages,
+      //     role: 'user'
+      //   }],
+      //   uid: _uuid,
+      //   mind_map_question: "",
+      // })
+      let params = {
+        assistant_id: 'f8e1ebb2-2e0d-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b',
+        message: [{"type":"text", "text":messages.replaceAll('\n', " ").replaceAll('*', "")}],
+        session_name: _uuid,
+        userId: _this.userid,
+        uid: _uuid,
+        file_ids: fileid.length ? [...fileid] : '',
+      }
+      // let params = JSON.stringify({
+      //     message: {
+      //         anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
+      //         max_tokens: 4096,
+      //         temperature: 0,
+      //         top_p: 1,
+      //         messages:  [{
+      //             "role": "user",
+      //             "content": messages
+      //         }] , 
+      //     },
+      //     uid: _uuid,
+      //     model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
+      // });
+      //'', params).then(function (response) {
+'', params).then(function (response) {
+      //'', params).then(function (response) {
+        console.log(response);
+        // let data =
+        // if (data.choices && data.choices.length && data.choices[0].message) {
+        //   console.log(data.choices[0].message.content);
+        //   _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_tindex2].taskDetail2 = data.choices[0].message.content
+        //   _this.$forceUpdate()
+        // }
+        if (converter( == converter("发送成功")) {
+        } else {
+          this.$message.warning(;
+        }
+        // _this.taskDetailLoading.splice(_this.taskDetailLoading.indexOf(_tindex), 1)
+      }).catch(function (error) {
+        _this.taskDetailLoading.splice(_this.taskDetailLoading.indexOf(_tindex), 1)
+        _this.ttaskDetailLoading.splice(_this.ttaskDetailLoading.indexOf(_tindex), 1)
+        console.log(error);
+      });
+      await _this.aiOutlineDetailgetAiContent(_uuid, _tindex, _tindex2)
+    },
+    aiOutlineDetailgetAiContent(_uid, loading, _tindex2) {
+      // let _source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`); //
+      let _source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`); //
+      // let _source = new EventSource(`${_uid}`); //
+      let _allText = "";
+      let _mdText = "";
+      let _iindex = 0
+      _source.onmessage = _e => {
+        let _eData = JSON.parse(;
+        if (_eData.replace("'", "").replace("'", "") == "[DONE]") {
+          //对话已经完成
+          _mdText = _mdText.replace("_", "");
+          _source.close();
+          this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_tindex2].taskDetail2 = _mdText;
+          this.taskDetailLoading.splice(this.taskDetailLoading.indexOf(loading), 1)
+          this.ttaskDetailLoading.splice(this.ttaskDetailLoading.indexOf(loading), 1)
+          return;
+        } else {
+          _iindex++
+          //对话还在继续
+          let _text = "";
+          _text = _eData.replaceAll("'", "");
+          if (_allText == "") {
+            _allText = _text.replace(/^\n+/, ""); //去掉回复消息中偶尔开头就存在的连续换行符
+          } else {
+            _allText += _text;
+          }
+          _mdText = _allText + "_";
+          _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\n/g, "\n");
+          _mdText = _mdText.replace(/\\/g, "");
+          if (_allText.split("```").length % 2 == 0) _mdText += "\n```\n";
+          //转化返回的回复流数据.
+          if(_iindex == 10){
+            this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_tindex2].taskDetail2 = _mdText;
+            _iindex = 0
+          }
+          if(this.taskDetailLoading.indexOf(loading) !== -1){
+            this.taskDetailLoading.splice(this.taskDetailLoading.indexOf(loading), 1)
+          }
+          // 处理流数据
+        }
+        // this.$forceUpdate();
+      };
+    },
     async aiDetail2(msg, index) {
       let _this = this
       const _tindex = 'task-' + index

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