@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+ <div class="appManagement">
+ <div class="ac_left">
+ <!-- <recentUseCard/>
+ <collectCard/> -->
+ <saveCard title="最近使用" :data="recentUse"/>
+ <saveCard title="收藏" :data="collect"/>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_right">
+ <div class="ac_header">
+ <div class="ac_h_top">
+ <span>应用管理</span>
+ <!-- <span>知识库</span> -->
+ <el-button
+ type="primary"
+ size="small"
+ icon="el-icon-plus"
+ style="position: absolute;right: 15px;"
+ @click="addApp"
+ >添加应用</el-button
+ >
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_h_bottom">
+ <div class="ac_h_b_selectList">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="searchText"
+ style="width: 200px;"
+ placeholder="请输入应用名称"
+ @keyup.enter.native="getData"
+ />
+ <el-select
+ v-model="selectJuri"
+ placeholder="请选择"
+ @change="changeSelectType"
+ >
+ <el-option
+ v-for="item in selectList"
+ :key="item.index"
+ :label="item.label"
+ :value="item.index"
+ ></el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ <el-button
+ type="primary"
+ style="margin-left: 10px;"
+ icon="el-icon-search"
+ @click="getData"
+ ></el-button>
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="resetData">重置</el-button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_h_b_typeList">
+ <span
+ :class="{ ac_h_b_typeList_active: showType === '' }"
+ @click="changeType('')"
+ >全部</span
+ >
+ <span
+ v-for="item in typeList"
+ :key="item.id"
+ :class="{ ac_h_b_typeList_active: showType === item.id }"
+ @click="changeType(item.id)"
+ >{{ item.name }}</span
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_content">
+ <div
+ class="ac_c_item"
+ v-for="(item, index) in dataList"
+ :key="item.id"
+ @click="openApp(item)"
+ >
+ <div class="ac_c_i_top">
+ <div class="ac_c_i_t_left">
+ <svg
+ v-if="isImageOrSvg(typeof item.json =='object'?item.json.icon:'') === 0"
+ t="1732605901531"
+ class="icon"
+ viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+ version="1.1"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ p-id="4275"
+ width="200"
+ height="200"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M179.2 153.6a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-51.2 51.2v128a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 51.2 51.2h128a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 51.2-51.2V204.8a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-51.2-51.2H179.2z m0-102.4h128a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 153.6 153.6v128a153.6 153.6 0 0 1-153.6 153.6H179.2a153.6 153.6 0 0 1-153.6-153.6V204.8a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 153.6-153.6z m0 614.4a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-51.2 51.2v128a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 51.2 51.2h128a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 51.2-51.2V716.8a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-51.2-51.2H179.2z m0-102.4h128a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 153.6 153.6v128a153.6 153.6 0 0 1-153.6 153.6H179.2a153.6 153.6 0 0 1-153.6-153.6V716.8a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 153.6-153.6z m611.84-403.4048a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-72.3968 0L646.144 232.2432a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0 72.3968l72.448 72.3968a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 72.3968 0l72.3968-72.3968a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0-72.3968L791.04 159.744z m72.3968-72.3968l72.3968 72.3968a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 0 217.2416l-72.3968 72.3968a153.6 153.6 0 0 1-217.2416 0l-72.3968-72.3968a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 0-217.2416l72.3968-72.3968a153.6 153.6 0 0 1 217.2416 0zM699.7504 896a51.2 51.2 0 0 1 0 102.4A162.1504 162.1504 0 0 1 537.6 836.2496v-110.8992A162.1504 162.1504 0 0 1 699.7504 563.2h110.8992a162.1504 162.1504 0 0 1 162.1504 162.1504v8.448a51.2 51.2 0 0 1-102.4 0v-8.448c0-33.024-26.7264-59.7504-59.7504-59.7504h-110.8992c-33.024 0-59.7504 26.7264-59.7504 59.7504v110.8992c0 33.024 26.7264 59.7504 59.7504 59.7504z"
+ fill="#2C6DD2"
+ p-id="4276"
+ ></path>
+ <path
+ d="M791.4496 160a51.2 51.2 0 0 0-72.3968 0l-72.448 72.3968a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0 72.3968l72.448 72.3968a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 72.3968 0l72.3968-72.3968a51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0-72.3968l-72.3968-72.3968z"
+ fill="#20C997"
+ p-id="4277"
+ ></path>
+ </svg>
+ <span
+ v-if="isImageOrSvg(typeof item.json =='object'?item.json.icon:'') === 1"
+ v-html="item.json.icon"
+ ></span>
+ <el-image
+ v-if="isImageOrSvg(typeof item.json =='object'?item.json.icon:'') === 2"
+ style="width: 100%; height: 100%"
+ :src="item.json.icon"
+ fit="cover"
+ ></el-image>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_c_i_t_right">
+ <div>{{ item.name }}</div>
+ <span>{{ item.label }}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_c_i_t_popover">
+ <div
+ class="ac_c_i_t_p_box"
+ v-if="editAppCard === item.id"
+ v-click-outside="handleBlur"
+ >
+ <div @click.stop="cancelCollectApp(item)" v-if="collect.map(i=>i.id).includes(item.id)">取消收藏</div>
+ <div @click.stop="collectApp(item)" v-else>收藏</div>
+ <div @click.stop="updateApp(item)" v-if="item.userid == userId">修改</div>
+ </div>
+ <svg
+ t="1732786015570"
+ @click.stop="updateCard(item.id)"
+ class="icon"
+ viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+ version="1.1"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ p-id="9199"
+ width="200"
+ height="200"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M192 443.733333c-38.4 0-68.266667 29.866667-68.266667 68.266667 0 38.4 29.866667 68.266667 68.266667 68.266667s68.266667-29.866667 68.266667-68.266667c0-38.4-29.866667-68.266667-68.266667-68.266667zM512 443.733333c-38.4 0-68.266667 29.866667-68.266667 68.266667 0 38.4 29.866667 68.266667 68.266667 68.266667s68.266667-29.866667 68.266667-68.266667c0-38.4-29.866667-68.266667-68.266667-68.266667zM832 443.733333c-38.4 0-68.266667 29.866667-68.266667 68.266667 0 38.4 29.866667 68.266667 68.266667 68.266667s68.266667-29.866667 68.266667-68.266667c0-38.4-34.133333-68.266667-68.266667-68.266667z"
+ fill="#111111"
+ p-id="9200"
+ ></path>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_c_i_bottom">
+ <div>{{ item.detail }}</div>
+ <!-- <span @click="openApp(item.url)">{{ item.url }}</span> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ac_c_empty" v-if="dataList.length === 0">
+ <span>暂无数据...</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <addAppDialog
+ ref="addAppDialogRef"
+ :typeList="typeList"
+ @success="addAppSuccess"
+ />
+ </div>
+const clickOutside = {
+ bind(el, binding) {
+ // 在元素上绑定一个点击事件监听器
+ el.clickOutsideEvent = function(event) {
+ // 检查点击事件是否发生在元素的内部
+ if (!(el === event.target || el.contains(event.target))) {
+ // 如果点击事件发生在元素的外部,则触发指令绑定的方法,将点击的event数据传过去
+ binding.value(event);
+ }
+ };
+ // 在文档上添加点击事件监听器
+ document.addEventListener("click", el.clickOutsideEvent);
+ },
+ unbind(el) {
+ // 在元素上解除点击事件监听器
+ document.removeEventListener("click", el.clickOutsideEvent);
+ }
+import addAppDialog from "../dialog/addAppDialog.vue";
+import saveCard from "../dialog/saveCard.vue";
+// import collectCard from "./dialog/collectCard.vue";
+// import recentUseCard from "./dialog/recentUseCard.vue";
+export default {
+ components: {
+ addAppDialog,
+ saveCard
+ // collectCard,
+ // recentUseCard
+ },
+ directives: {
+ "click-outside": clickOutside // 注册自定义指令
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ showType: "",
+ searchText: "",
+ selectJuri: 3,
+ typeList: [],
+ selectList: [
+ { index: 1, label: "我的" },
+ { index: 2, label: "组织" },
+ { index: 3, label: "所有人" }
+ ],
+ userId: this.$route.query["userid"],
+ org: this.$route.query["org"],
+ oid: this.$route.query["oid"],
+ getDataLoading: false,
+ dataList: [],
+ recentUse: [],
+ collect: [],
+ editAppCard: null
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isImageOrSvg() {
+ return value => {
+ let _result = 0; //啥也不是
+ if (value) {
+ const svgPattern = /<svg.*<\/svg>/;
+ const imagePattern = /\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|svg|bmp|webp)$/i; // 图片链接的正则表达式
+ const urlPattern = /^(http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/; // 网络地址的正则表达式
+ if (svgPattern.test(value)) {
+ _result = 1;
+ } else if (urlPattern.test(value) && imagePattern.test(value)) {
+ _result = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return _result;
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ changeType(newIndex) {
+ let flag = this.showType === newIndex;
+ this.showType = newIndex;
+ if (!flag) {
+ this.getData();
+ }
+ },
+ changeSelectType() {
+ this.getData();
+ },
+ getData() {
+ this.getDataLoading = true;
+ let params = {
+ uid: this.userId, //用户ID
+ name: this.searchText, //应用名称搜索
+ label: "", //应用的标签搜索
+ type: this.showType, //应用的类型
+ juri: this.selectJuri, //应用权限 1:我的 2:组织内 3:所有人
+ stand: "cn" //cn站还是hk站
+ };
+ this.ajax
+ .get(this.$store.state.api + "select_appStore", params)
+ .then(res => {
+ this.getDataLoading = false;
+ let _data = res.data[0];
+ if (_data.length > 0) {
+ _data.forEach(i => {
+ if (i.json) {
+ i.json = JSON.parse(i.json);
+ }
+ });
+ this.dataList = _data;
+ } else {
+ this.dataList = [];
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ this.getDataLoading = false;
+ console.log(err);
+ this.$message.error("获取应用失败");
+ });
+ },
+ addApp() {
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.open({ type: 1 });
+ },
+ updateApp(data) {
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.open({
+ type: 2,
+ form: {
+ id: data.id,
+ name: data.name,
+ label: data.label,
+ detail: data.detail,
+ url: data.url,
+ type: data.type,
+ juri: data.juri,
+ stand: data.stand,
+ json: data.json
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // 收藏APP
+ collectApp(item) {
+ this.editAppCard = null;
+ this.insertSave(item,0)
+ },
+ // 取消收藏
+ cancelCollectApp(item){
+ this.editAppCard = null;
+ let _data = this.collect.find(i=>i.id===item.id);
+ if(_data){
+ let params = [{
+ sid:_data.sid
+ }]
+ this.ajax.post(this.$store.state.api+"delete_appStoreSave",params).then(res=>{
+ if(res.data){
+ this.$message.success("取消收藏成功")
+ }
+ this.getCollect();
+ }).catch(e=>{
+ console.log(e)
+ this.$message.error("取消收藏失败")
+ this.getCollect();
+ })
+ }else{
+ this.$message.error("取消收藏失败");
+ this.getCollect();
+ }
+ },
+ updateCard(id) {
+ if (this.editAppCard === id) return (this.editAppCard = null);
+ this.editAppCard = id;
+ },
+ handleBlur() {
+ this.updateCard(null);
+ },
+ addAppSuccess(data, type) {
+ if (type === 1) {
+ //添加
+ let params = [
+ {
+ name: data.name, //app名称
+ userid: this.userId, //创建的用户ID
+ label: data.label, //app标签
+ detail: data.detail, //app简介
+ url: data.url, //app链接
+ type: data.type, //app类型
+ juri: data.juri, //app权限 1:我的 2:组织 3:所有人
+ stand: "cn", //语言
+ json: JSON.stringify(data.json) //其他信息
+ }
+ ];
+ this.ajax
+ .post(this.$store.state.api + "insert_appStore", params)
+ .then(res => {
+ if (res.data == 1) {
+ this.$message.success("添加成功");
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.close(true);
+ this.getData();
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error("添加失败");
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.loading = false;
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.log(err);
+ this.$message.error("添加失败");
+ });
+ } else if (type === 2) {
+ let params = [
+ {
+ aid: data.id,
+ name: data.name, //app名称
+ userid: this.userId, //创建的用户ID
+ label: data.label, //app标签
+ detail: data.detail, //app简介
+ url: data.url, //app链接
+ type: data.type, //app类型
+ juri: data.juri, //app权限 1:我的 2:组织 3:所有人
+ stand: "cn", //语言
+ json: JSON.stringify(data.json) //其他信息
+ }
+ ];
+ this.ajax
+ .post(this.$store.state.api + "update_appStore", params)
+ .then(res => {
+ if (res.data == 1) {
+ this.$message.success("修改成功");
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.close(true);
+ this.getData();
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error("修改失败");
+ this.$refs.addAppDialogRef.loading = false;
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.log(err);
+ this.$message.error("修改失败");
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ getTypeList() {
+ let params = {
+ suserid: this.userId, //用户ID
+ sorg: this.org,
+ soid: this.oid,
+ sstand: "cn"
+ };
+ this.ajax
+ .get(this.$store.state.api + "select_appStoreType", params)
+ .then(res => {
+ let data = res.data[0];
+ if (data.length > 0) {
+ this.typeList = data;
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.log(err);
+ this.$message.error("获取应用类型失败");
+ });
+ },
+ openApp(item) {
+ window.open(item.url, "_blank");
+ if (!(this.recentUse.length > 0 && item.id === this.recentUse[0].id)) {
+ this.insertSave(item,1);
+ }
+ },
+ resetData() {
+ this.searchText = "";
+ this.selectJuri = 3;
+ this.showType = "";
+ this.getData();
+ },
+ getRecentUse(){
+ let params = {
+ uid:this.userId,
+ type:1,
+ limit:10,
+ }
+ this.ajax.get(this.$store.state.api+"select_appStoreSave",params).then(res=>{
+ let data = res.data[0];
+ if(data.length>0){
+ data.forEach(i => {
+ if (i.json) {
+ i.json = JSON.parse(i.json);
+ }
+ });
+ this.recentUse = data;
+ }else{
+ this.recentUse = [];
+ }
+ }).catch(err=>{
+ console.log(err)
+ console.log("获取最近使用失败")
+ // this.$message.error("获取收藏应用失败")
+ })
+ },
+ getCollect(){
+ let params = {
+ uid:this.userId,
+ type:0,
+ limit:0,
+ }
+ this.ajax.get(this.$store.state.api+"select_appStoreSave",params).then(res=>{
+ let data = res.data[0];
+ if(data.length>0){
+ data.forEach(i => {
+ if (i.json) {
+ i.json = JSON.parse(i.json);
+ }
+ });
+ this.collect = data;
+ }else{
+ this.collect = [];
+ }
+ }).catch(err=>{
+ console.log(err)
+ this.$message.error("获取收藏应用失败")
+ })
+ },
+ insertSave(item,type){
+ let params = [{
+ uid:this.userId,
+ type:type,
+ aid:item.id,
+ json:"",
+ }]
+ this.ajax.post(this.$store.state.api+"insert_appStoreSave",params).then(res=>{
+ if(res.data){
+ if(type===0){
+ this.$message.success("收藏成功")
+ this.getCollect();
+ }else if(type===1){
+ this.getRecentUse();
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(err=>{
+ console.log(err)
+ if(type===0)this.$message.error("收藏失败")
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ this.getTypeList();
+ this.getData();
+ this.getCollect();
+ this.getRecentUse();
+ }
+<style scoped>
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+ width: 100vw;
+ height: 100vh;
+ background-color: #f2f4f7;
+ margin: 0;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ height: calc(100%);
+ /* 第四行溢出显示... */
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+ display: block;
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+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
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+ white-space: nowrap;
+ cursor: pointer;