
Merge branch 'beta' of https://git.cocorobo.cn/CocoRoboLabs/pbl-teacher-table into beta

SanHQin 9 月之前

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       width: 100%;
       background: #e6eaf0;
       font-family: '黑体';
-    }</style><link href=./static/css/app.6c23ad25a48059bb508ee8f0812bc15a.css rel=stylesheet></head><body><div id=app></div><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/manifest.571c38d63f24b1ae9e16.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/vendor.85f22e7b4ab99591785c.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/app.52913876d0680d53aa81.js></script></body></html><script>function stopSafari() {
+    }</style><link href=./static/css/app.036237228612c19f583274e3e6683602.css rel=stylesheet></head><body><div id=app></div><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/manifest.571c38d63f24b1ae9e16.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/vendor.85f22e7b4ab99591785c.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=./static/js/app.a657ee3e0477ff91b2d9.js></script></body></html><script>function stopSafari() {
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+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 13 - 15

@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
                     <div class="add_info_box" style="margin: 0 0 0 auto">
                       <button class="c_pub_button_add pub_btn_add_img" @click="addImg($event)">
-                        <input type="file" accept=".docx,.doc,.ppt,.pptx,.md,.txt" style="display: none" v-if="inputShow" @change="
+                        <input type="file" accept=".docx,.doc,.ppt,.pptx,.md,.txt,.pdf" style="display: none" v-if="inputShow" @change="
@@ -7610,7 +7610,7 @@ export default {
       var bucket = new window.AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket: "ccrb" } }); //选择桶
       var _this = this;
-      var xianObj = ['DOCX','DOC','PPT','PPTX','MD','TXT']
+      var xianObj = ['DOCX','DOC','PPT','PPTX','MD','TXT','PDF']
       if (
@@ -7618,7 +7618,7 @@ export default {
             [file.name.split(".").length - 1].toLocaleUpperCase()
           ) == -1
         ) {
-        this.$message.error("请上传.doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.md,.txt文件!");
+        this.$message.error("请上传.doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.md,.txt,.pdf文件!");
         this.inputShow = true;
         // var a = _this.$refs.upload1.uploadFiles;
         // a.splice(a.length - 1, a.length);
@@ -11038,7 +11038,7 @@ export default {
           .then((res) => {
             let _unitJson = JSON.parse(res.data[0][0].chapters);
             let fileInfo = []
-            var xianObj = ['DOCX','DOC','PPT','PPTX','MD','TXT']
+            var xianObj = ['DOCX','DOC','PPT','PPTX','MD','TXT','PDF']
             for(var i = 0; i < _unitJson.length; i++){
               let tasks = _unitJson[i].chapterInfo[0].taskJson
@@ -13205,8 +13205,7 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
 # Context
 ## 要求 
-${msg} 以及##参考资料,
-然后根据Format example的要求返回要以数组的格式
+${msg} 以及##参考资料
 ## 参考资料
@@ -13245,7 +13244,7 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
 # Context
 ## 要求
-${msg} 以及#教学任务教案 内容要求参考#格式要求, 然后根据Format example的要求返回要以数组的格式
+${msg} 以及#教学任务教案 内容要求参考#格式要求
 ## 教学任务教案
@@ -13253,15 +13252,14 @@ ${_text}
 ${this.templateid == "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" ? '#目标层\n'+this.cpote.cpote3.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','')+'\n\n#任务簇\n'+this.cpote.cpote4.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','') : ''}
 ## 格式要求
 # Format example
         this.loading = true
         this.aiGet3(message, this.aiCallBack)
       } else if (this.aitype == "aiDetail1") {
@@ -13297,7 +13295,7 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
 # Context
 ## 要求
-${msg} 以及${this.templateid != "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" ? '##任务大纲' : '##目标层,##任务簇'}, 然后根据Format example的要求返回要以数组的格式
+${msg} 以及${this.templateid != "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" ? '##任务大纲' : '##目标层,##任务簇'}
 ${this.templateid != "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" ? '## 任务大纲\n'+_text : ''}
@@ -13975,7 +13973,7 @@ ${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
 ## 教案
-# formate example
+# Format example
         }else if(type == 45){
@@ -13987,7 +13985,7 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
 # Context
 ## 任务
-根据本任务的#教案,在考虑到面向学生年级(<面向年级>)以及相对应的学科(<课程学科>)的基础上生成5道单选题。题目的意义是测试学生对本教学任务知识点的掌握情况,你的题目应当是有意义的。然后根据Format example的要求返回要以数组的格式
 ## 限制
 - 生成题目禁止重复。
@@ -14004,7 +14002,7 @@ ${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
 ## 教案
-# formate example
+# Format example

+ 1 - 2

@@ -12641,10 +12641,9 @@ ${msg} 以及补充参考资料和教学任务教案和输出格式和内容要
 ## 格式与要求

+ 4 - 487

@@ -1,496 +1,13 @@
-  <div class="testPersonExamine">
-      <div class="top_right">
-        <span style="margin-left:20px ;">审核进度:3/5</span>
-        <span style="margin-left:10px ;">认定分数:35.5分</span>
-        <div class="btn">
-          <div class="submit">提交</div>
-          <div class="save" style="margin-right: 15px;">保存</div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="main">
-      <div class="sBox_table">
-        <div class="table_title">
-          <div>一级指标</div>
-          <div>二级指标</div>
-          <div>评价方法</div>
-          <div>分值</div>
-          <div>自评</div>
-          <div>自评概述</div>
-          <div>数据来源</div>
-          <div>认定</div>
-          <div>认定概述</div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="table_Content" v-for="item in tableJsonCon" :key="item.id">
-          <div class="twoCol">
-            <div class="ColTit">{{ item.name }}</div>
-            <div class="ColCon">
-              <div class="twoCon" v-for="k in item.children" :key="k.id">
-                <div>{{ k.name }}</div>
-                <div>
-                  {{ k.dep.join(",") }}
-                </div>
-                <div>{{ k.score }}</div>
-                <div></div>
-                <div>{{ k.sco1 }}</div>
-                <div style="color:blue;cursor: pointer;" @click="lookScore">{{ k.sco2 }}</div>
-                <div>
-                  <div v-if="!k.testid.test.length">/</div>
-                  <div v-else>
-                    <div v-for="(item2, index) in k.testid.test" :key="item2.courseId">
-                      {{ item2.title }}
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-                <div style="display: flex;justify-content: space-around;padding: 0 10px;box-sizing: border-box;">
-                  <!-- <div class="TabBtn" @click="lookPrize">查看</div> -->
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <!-- 弹窗 -->
-    <!-- 点击查看 -->
-    <el-dialog title="" :visible.sync="diaIframe" :append-to-body="true" width="95%" :before-close="handleClose"
-      class="dialog_diy">
-      <div style="height: 100%;">
-        <iframe ref="viframe" style="width: 100%; height: 99%; border: none" :src="ifmUrl"></iframe>
-      </div>
-      <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
-        <el-button @click="diaIframe = false">关 闭</el-button>
-      </span>
-    </el-dialog>
-    <!-- 点击评分 -->
-    <el-dialog title="" :visible.sync="diaScore" :append-to-body="true" width="95%" :before-close="handleClose"
-      class="dialog_diy">
-      <div style="height: 100%;padding: 25px;">
-        <div class="diaScoreTop">
-          <div class="diaScoreLeft">
-            <div>数据来源</div>
-            <div>表格名称</div>
-            <div>创建者</div>
-          </div>
-          <div class="diaScoreRight">
-            <el-button size="small" type="primary">保存</el-button>
-            <el-button size="small" type="primary">提交</el-button>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 100%">
-          <el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="180">
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="name" label="提交人" width="180">
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="tea" label="提交时间"> </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="evaScore" label="学年"> </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="evaluation" label="获奖内容">
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="source" label="获奖级别"> </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="cognizance" label="获奖名次">
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="cognizance" label="证书或相关资料">
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column prop="cognizance" label="操作">
-            <el-button size="mini" >编辑</el-button>
-            <el-button size="mini" type="danger">删除</el-button>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table>
-      </div>
-      <!-- <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
-        <el-button @click="diaScore = false">关 闭</el-button>
-      </span> -->
-    </el-dialog>
-  </div>
+  <div>审核</div>
 export default {
-  props: {
-    pType: {
-      //0专任教师 1班主任
-      type: Number,
-      default: 0
-    }
-  },
-  data() {
-    return {
-      diaIframe: false,
-      diaScore: false,
-      ifmUrl: "",
-      userid: this.$route.query.userid,
-      tableJsonCon: [
-        {
-          id: "q",
-          name: "师德师风",
-          children: [
-            {
-              id: "1q",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "德育获奖5份",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "廉洁从教",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 4,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              id: "2q",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "爱岗敬业",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 4,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              id: "3q",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "热爱学生",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 4,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              id: "4q",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "安全教学",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 4,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              id: "5q",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "团结协作",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 4,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          id: "1a",
-          name: "考勤情况",
-          children: [
-            {
-              id: "1a",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "日常考勤",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 2,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              id: "2a",
-              sco1: "",
-              sco2: "",
-              cogSum: "",
-              name: "会议活动考勤",
-              dep: ["行政事务中心"],
-              score: 2,
-              evaMethod: "自评概述",
-              type: 1,
-              testid: {
-                type: 1,
-                test: []
-              }
-            }
-          ]
-        },
-      ],
-      tableData: [
-        {
-          name: "王小虎",
-          tea: "语文",
-          evaScore: 5,
-          evaluation: "优秀",
-          source: 5,
-          cognizance: 5
-        },
-        {
-          name: "张三",
-          tea: "语文",
-          evaScore: 5,
-          evaluation: "优秀",
-          source: 5,
-          cognizance: 5
-        },
-        {
-          name: "李四",
-          tea: "语文",
-          evaScore: 5,
-          evaluation: "优秀",
-          source: 5,
-          cognizance: 5
-        },
-        {
-          name: "王五",
-          tea: "语文",
-          evaScore: 5,
-          evaluation: "优秀",
-          source: 5,
-          cognizance: 5
-        },
-        {
-          name: "金兀术",
-          tea: "语文",
-          evaScore: 5,
-          evaluation: "优秀",
-          source: 5,
-          cognizance: 5
-        }
-      ]
-    };
-  },
-  computed: {},
-  mounted() {
-    this.getData();
-    console.log(JSON.stringify(this.tableJsonCon));
-  },
-  methods: {
-    async getData() {
-      for (const e of this.tableJsonCon) {
-        for (const k of e.children) {
-          if (k.testid.test.length > 0) {
-            // console.log('computedTest',this.computedTest(k.testid));
-            k.testid.test = await this.computedTest(k.testid.test);
-            // console.log('k.testid', k.testid);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    computedTest(val) {
-      let params = [
-        {
-          testId: val.join(",")
-        }
-      ];
-      return new Promise(resolve => {
-        this.ajax
-          .post(this.$store.state.api + "selectExamineTestName", params)
-          .then(res => {
-            console.log("resresresres", res.data[0]);
-            // console.log(res.data[0]);
-            resolve(res.data[0]);
-          })
-          .catch(error => {
-            console.log(error);
-          });
-      });
-    },
-    // 查看数据来源
-    lookPrize() {
-      // this.ifmUrl = `https://beta.pbl.cocorobo.cn/pbl-teacher-table/dist/#/test?userid=${this.userid}&oid=45facc0a-1211-11ec-80ad-005056b86db5&org=&role=0`;
-      this.diaIframe = true;
-    },
-    // 关闭弹框
-    handleClose(done) {
-      done();
-    },
-    // 查看分数
-    lookScore() {
-      this.diaScore = true;
-    }
-  }
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