@@ -1897,10 +1897,10 @@
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;width: 100%;" class="lineTitle">
- <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="istemplate == 1">
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
<button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 0 0 auto;"
- @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiTask',()=>{loading = false})"
- @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiTask',()=>{loading = false})">生成任务</button>
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog2(1, 'aiTask2','all')"
+ @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiTask2','all')">重新生成任务</button>
@@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@
<div class="taskBorder" :style="{
minHeight: unitJson[unitIndex].easy && 'unset',
}" :class="{ smallTaskBorder: itemTask.isFold === 1 }"
- v-for="(itemTask, itemTaskIndex) in item.taskJson" :key="itemTaskIndex">
+ v-for="(itemTask, itemTaskIndex) in item.taskJson" :key="itemTaskIndex" v-loading="taskLoading[itemTaskIndex]" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等...">
<div style="background: #fff; border-radius: 5px">
<div class="taskTitle">
<div style="display: flex;width: 100%;justify-content: space-between;">
<span>任务{{ itemTaskIndex + 1 }}</span>
- <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="istemplate == 1 && courseState == 5">
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
<button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 0 0 auto;"
- @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiTask',()=>{loading = false})"
- @click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiTask',()=>{loading = false})">生成任务</button>
+ @contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog2(1, 'aiTask2',itemTaskIndex)"
+ @click="openAiDialog2(2, 'aiTask2',itemTaskIndex)">重新生成任务</button>
@@ -6779,7 +6779,8 @@ export default {
targetCourseTextB: false,
courseTextB: true,
targetCourseText2B: false,
- yiKeTemplateArray:['cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86db5','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc4','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc5']
+ yiKeTemplateArray:['cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86db5','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc4','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3','cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc5'],
+ taskLoading: [],
directives: {
@@ -7593,11 +7594,10 @@ export default {
if (this.cid) {
this.loading = true
- functionA()
} else {
- this.openAiDialog(clickType, "aiTask", functionA)
+ this.openAiDialog(clickType, "aiTask2", 'all')
+ functionA()
} else {
@@ -8093,11 +8093,18 @@ export default {
this.loading = true
let md = new MarkdownIt();
if(this.courseState == 4){
- for(var i = 0; i < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
- let _task = this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i]
+ if(index == 0 || index){
+ let _task = this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index]
let name = _task.task+'-教案'
let _html = _task.taskDetail3 ? md.render(_task.taskDetail3) : ''
- await this.generate(name, _html, i)
+ await this.generate(name, _html, 0)
+ }else {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
+ let _task = this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i]
+ let name = _task.task+'-教案'
+ let _html = _task.taskDetail3 ? md.render(_task.taskDetail3) : ''
+ await this.generate(name, _html, 0)
+ }
}else if(this.courseState == 5){
if(index == 0 || index){
@@ -14499,14 +14506,16 @@ export default {
if(pan == 'aiTeacher2'){
this.aiJson['teacherDetail2'] = string
- }if(pan == 'aiOutline2'){
+ }else if(pan == 'aiOutline2'){
this.aiJson['aiOutlineTask'] = string
this.aiJson['aiOutlineDetail'] = string2
this.aiText2 = ''
- }if(pan == 'aiTeacher3'){
+ }else if(pan == 'aiTeacher3'){
this.aiJson['aiCpoteTask'] = string
this.aiJson['teacherDetail2'] = string2
this.aiText2 = ''
+ }else if(pan == 'aiTask2'){
+ this.aiJson['aiTask'] = string
}else {
this.aiJson[pan] = string
@@ -14641,6 +14650,17 @@ export default {
// this.aiText = `请根据${_text}。`
this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiTask
this.aiCallBack = callback
+ } else if (type == "aiTask2") {
+ if (this.taskLoading[callback]) {
+ this.$message({
+ message: "请回答完毕后再次发送",
+ type: "warning"
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ this.aitype = "aiTask2"
+ this.aiText = this.aiJson.aiTask
+ this.aiCallBack = callback
} else if (type == "aiDetail1") {
if (this.ttaskDetailLoading.indexOf('task-' + index) !== -1) {
@@ -14875,6 +14895,7 @@ ${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
# Format example
[{"task": "任务名称1","detail": "${txt}"},{"task": "任务名称2","detail": "${txt}"}]`
@@ -14943,6 +14964,66 @@ ${(this.templateid == "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" || this.templateid
this.loading = true
this.aiGet3(message, this.aiCallBack)
+ } else if (this.aitype == "aiTask2") {
+ if(this.aiCallBack == 'all'){
+ for(var _task = 0; _task < this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; _task++){
+ var _text = `任务名称:${this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_task].task} 任务描述:${this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_task].taskDetail3.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','')} \n`
+ let message = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数组的数据。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Context
+## 要求
+${msg} 为教学任务分别输出以下内容。
+${(this.templateid == "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" || this.templateid == "cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3") ? '#目标层\n'+this.cpote.cpote3.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','')+'\n\n#任务簇\n'+this.cpote.cpote4.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','') : ''}
+## 参考资料
+## 格式要求
+# Format example
+ this.taskLoading[_task] = true
+ this.aiGet32(message, _task)
+ }
+ }else{
+ var _text = `任务名称:${this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[this.aiCallBack].task} 任务描述:${this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[this.aiCallBack].taskDetail3.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','')} \n`
+ let message = `NOTICE
+Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数组的数据。
+Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
+ATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. Output format carefully referenced "Format example".
+Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
+# Context
+## 要求
+${msg} 为教学任务分别输出以下内容。
+${(this.templateid == "4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5" || this.templateid == "cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3") ? '#目标层\n'+this.cpote.cpote3.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','')+'\n\n#任务簇\n'+this.cpote.cpote4.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','') : ''}
+## 参考资料
+## 格式要求
+# Format example
+ this.taskLoading[this.aiCallBack] = true
+ this.aiGet32(message, this.aiCallBack)
+ }
} else if (this.aitype == "aiDetail1") {
this.aiDetail(msg, this.aiIndex)
} else if (this.aitype == "aiDetail2") {
@@ -15435,8 +15516,8 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- dArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ dArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);
@@ -15445,7 +15526,7 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
_this.dArray = dArray
+ console.log(dArray)
if(_this.panOutline() > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson.length; i++){
_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].task = ""
@@ -15699,8 +15780,8 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- dArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ dArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);
@@ -15954,8 +16035,8 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- dArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ dArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);
@@ -16245,8 +16326,8 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- tArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);
@@ -16317,6 +16398,269 @@ ${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参考内
+ async aiGet32(messages, index) {
+ let _this = this
+ let fileid = _this.isFileSearch ? [..._this.fileIds] : []
+ if (_this.infoData.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < _this.infoData.length; i++) {
+ if(_this.infoData[i].fileid){
+ fileid.push(_this.infoData[i].fileid)
+ }else {
+ let _fileid = await _this.createFileid(_this.infoData[i].url)
+ if(_fileid){
+ _this.infoData[i].fileid = _fileid
+ _this.$forceUpdate();
+ fileid.push(_fileid)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // let params = JSON.stringify({
+ // // "model": "Chat",
+ // model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
+ // temperature: 0,
+ // max_tokens: 4096,
+ // top_p: 1,
+ // frequency_penalty: 0,
+ // presence_penalty: 0,
+ // messages: [{
+ // content: messages,
+ // role: 'user'
+ // }],
+ // stream: false,
+ // uid: this.userid,
+ // mind_map_question: "",
+ // })
+ // // let params = JSON.stringify({
+ // // message: {
+ // // anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31",
+ // // max_tokens: 4096,
+ // // temperature: 0,
+ // // top_p: 1,
+ // // messages: [{
+ // // content: messages,
+ // // role: 'user'
+ // // }], //
+ // // },
+ // // model: "Claude 3 Sonnet" // Claude 3 Sonnet或者Claude 3 Haiku
+ // // });
+ // _this.ajax.post('https://gpt4.cocorobo.cn/chat', params).then(function (response) {
+ // // _this.ajax.post('https://claude3.cocorobo.cn/claude3Chat', params).then(function (response) {
+ // console.log(response);
+ // let data = response.data.FunctionResponse
+ // if (data.choices && data.choices.length && data.choices[0].message) {
+ // console.log(data.choices[0].message.content);
+ // let tArray = JSON.parse(data.choices[0].message.content)
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].task = []
+ // let toolsJson = {
+ // "电子白板": { tool: 1, type: 1 },
+ // "文档": { tool: 52, type: 1 },
+ // "思维导图": { tool: 3, type: 1 },
+ // "表格": { tool: 48, type: 1 },
+ // "作业提交": { tool: 16, type: 2 }
+ // }
+ // for (var i = 0; i < tArray.length; i++) {
+ // let _task = tArray[i]
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail = _task.detail
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList = _task.elist
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose = []
+ // if (_task.toolChoose.length) {
+ // for (var j = 0; j < _task.toolChoose.length; j++) {
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose.push(
+ // {
+ // tool: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? [toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].tool] : [],
+ // toolDetail: _task.toolChoose[j].detail,
+ // toolType: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].type : 0,
+ // askCount: 1,
+ // askTitle: "",
+ // askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ // },
+ // )
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose.push(
+ // {
+ // tool: [],
+ // toolDetail: "",
+ // toolType: 0,
+ // askCount: 1,
+ // askTitle: "",
+ // askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ // },
+ // )
+ // }
+ // }
+ // // if (_this.infoData.length) {
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[0].chapterData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.infoData))
+ // // }
+ // _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+ // _this.$forceUpdate();
+ // }
+ // // if (data.result) {
+ // // console.log(data.result);
+ // // let tArray = JSON.parse(data.result)
+ // // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].task = []
+ // // let toolsJson = {
+ // // "电子白板": { tool: 1, type: 1 },
+ // // "文档": { tool: 52, type: 1 },
+ // // "思维导图": { tool: 3, type: 1 },
+ // // "表格": { tool: 48, type: 1 },
+ // // "作业提交": { tool: 16, type: 2 }
+ // // }
+ // // for (var i = 0; i < tArray.length; i++) {
+ // // let _task = tArray[i]
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].taskDetail = _task.detail
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].eList = _task.elist
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose = []
+ // // if (_task.toolChoose.length) {
+ // // for (var j = 0; j < _task.toolChoose.length; j++) {
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose.push(
+ // // {
+ // // tool: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? [toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].tool] : [],
+ // // toolDetail: _task.toolChoose[j].detail,
+ // // toolType: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].type : 0,
+ // // askCount: 1,
+ // // askTitle: "",
+ // // askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ // // },
+ // // )
+ // // }
+ // // } else {
+ // // _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[i].toolChoose.push(
+ // // {
+ // // tool: [],
+ // // toolDetail: "",
+ // // toolType: 0,
+ // // askCount: 1,
+ // // askTitle: "",
+ // // askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ // // },
+ // // )
+ // // }
+ // // }
+ // // _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+ // // _this.$forceUpdate();
+ // // }
+ // callback ? callback() : ''
+ // }).catch(function (error) {
+ // _this.loading = false
+ // console.log(error);
+ // });
+ let parm = {
+ assistant_id: '6063369f-289a-11ef-8bf4-12e77c4cb76b',
+ message: [{"type":"text", "text":messages.replaceAll('\n', " ").replaceAll('*', "")}],
+ session_name: uuidv4(),
+ userId: this.userid,
+ file_ids: fileid.length ? [...fileid] : '',
+ }
+ this.ajax
+ .post("https://gpt4.cocorobo.cn/ai_agent_park_chat", parm)
+ .then(async (response) => {
+ console.log(response);
+ let data = response.data.FunctionResponse
+ if (data.message) {
+ console.log(data.message);
+ let tArray = {}
+ try {
+ tArray = JSON.parse(data.message.replaceAll('```json','').replaceAll('```',''))
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log("error_________________" + error);
+ try {
+ let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
+ let match = data.message.match(regex);
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0]);
+ // var message = data.message;
+ // var jsonStart = message.indexOf("```json") + 7; // `+ 7` 是为了跳过 ```json
+ // var jsonEnd = message.indexOf("```", jsonStart);
+ // var jsonString = message.substring(jsonStart, jsonEnd).trim();
+ // tArray = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ } catch (error) {
+ try {
+ let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
+ let match = data.message.match(regex);
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log("error_________________" + error);
+ }
+ console.log("error_________________" + error);
+ }
+ }
+ let toolsJson = {
+ "电子白板": { tool: 1, type: 1 },
+ "文档": { tool: 52, type: 1 },
+ "思维导图": { tool: 3, type: 1 },
+ "表格": { tool: 48, type: 1 },
+ "作业提交": { tool: 16, type: 2 },
+ "问答": { tool: 15, type: 2 },
+ "选择题": { tool: 45, type: 2 },
+ }
+ // answerQ:"sssssssssssssss"
+ // for (var i = 0; i < tArray.length; i++) {
+ let _task = tArray
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].taskDetail = _task.detail
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].eList = _task.elist
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose = []
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].chapterData = []
+ if (_task.toolChoose.length) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < _task.toolChoose.length; j++) {
+ let _json = {
+ tool: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? [toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].tool] : [16],
+ toolDetail: _task.toolChoose[j].detail,
+ toolType: toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool] ? toolsJson[_task.toolChoose[j].tool].type : 2,
+ askCount: 1,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ }
+ if(converter(_task.toolChoose[j].tool) == converter('问答')){
+ let answerQ = await _this.aiCreateQuestion(15, index)
+ _json.answerQ = answerQ.answerQ
+ }else if(converter(_task.toolChoose[j].tool) == converter('选择题')){
+ let testJson = await _this.aiCreateQuestion(45, index)
+ _json.testJson = {"testCount":testJson.length,"testTitle":"","testJson":testJson}
+ }
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.push(_json)
+ }
+ } else {
+ _this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[index].toolChoose.push(
+ {
+ tool: [],
+ toolDetail: "",
+ toolType: 0,
+ askCount: 1,
+ askTitle: "",
+ askJson: [{ askstitle: "", askItem: 1, checkList: [] }],
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ // }
+ _this.unitJson2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.unitJson))
+ _this.$forceUpdate();
+ _this.createTeacherAn(index);
+ }
+ // callback ? callback() : ''
+ _this.taskLoading[index] = false
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ // _this.loading = false
+ _this.taskLoading[index] = false
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ },
async aiCreateQuestion(type, task) {
let _this = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
@@ -16438,8 +16782,8 @@ ${_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[task].taskDetail3.replaceAll('#','')
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- tArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);
@@ -16596,8 +16940,8 @@ ${_this.unitJson[0].chapterInfo[0].taskJson[_this.taskCount].taskDetail3.replace
try {
let regex = new RegExp("(?<=```json)([\\s\\S]*?)(?=```)");
let match = data.message.match(regex);
- eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
- tArray = aaa;
+ // eval("var aaa = " + match[0])
+ tArray = JSON.parse(match[0].replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '));
} catch (error) {
console.log("error_________________" + error);