@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
- <div class="info_box_t" v-if="templatePan.includes(templateid)">
+ <!-- <div class="info_box_t" v-if="templatePan.includes(templateid)">
<div class="info_box_t_box">
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入课程节数" class="binfo_input" v-model="courseJie" @change="numberPanJie"/>
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入课程节数" class="binfo_input" v-model="courseTime" @change="numberPanTime"/>
- </div>
+ </div> -->
<div class="right_first" v-loading="imageloading2">
<!-- <div class="ai_box">
@@ -882,15 +882,16 @@
- <div class="whiteBg" style="background: #fff; margin: 0 0 10px;padding: 0 0 15px;" v-loading="textLoading" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等..." v-if="((!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid)) && courseTextBool) || (yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))">
+ <div class="whiteBg" style="background: #fff; margin: 0 0 10px;padding: 0 0 15px;" v-loading="textLoading" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等..." v-if="(!isuseT && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))) || (isuseT && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid)) && courseTextBool) || (yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))">
<div class="whiteBg" style="border-radius: 0; margin-top: 15px">
- <div class="c_info_title">
+ <div class="c_info_title" style="margin: 0 20px 0 20px;">
<el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom">
- <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 20px 0 auto;"
+ <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" style="margin: 0 0 0 auto;"
@contextmenu.prevent="openAiDialog(1, 'aiDetail',1)"
@click="openAiDialog(2, 'aiDetail',1)">AI优化</button>
- </el-tooltip>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" @click="clickGenTT2" style="margin: 0 0 0 5px;">生成概况和目标</button>
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 0px 20px; box-sizing: border-box">
<div style="width: calc(100%);" class='op_task_box'>
@@ -913,7 +914,7 @@
- <div class="whiteBg" style="background: #fff; margin: 0 0 10px;padding: 0 0 15px;" v-loading="targetTextLoading2" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等..." v-if="(!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid)) && courseTextBool">
+ <div class="whiteBg" style="background: #fff; margin: 0 0 10px;padding: 0 0 15px;" v-loading="targetTextLoading2" element-loading-text="小可正在努力生成中,请稍等..." v-if="(!isuseT && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))) || (isuseT && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid)) && courseTextBool)">
<div class="whiteBg" style="border-radius: 0; margin-top: 15px">
<div class="c_info_title">
@@ -1441,10 +1442,11 @@
<button class="c_pub_button_return pub_btn_last_img" v-if="steps > 1 && steps != 5" @click="lastSteps">
{{ steps == 4 ? "返回课程" : "上一步" }}
- <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" v-if="!isOutline && !courseTextBool && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))" @click="clickGenTT2">
+ <button class="c_pub_button_confirm" v-if="isuseT && !isOutline && !courseTextBool && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))" @click="clickGenTT2">
{{isuseT ? "重新生成概况和目标" : "生成概况和目标"}}
- <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="((isuseT || courseTextBool) && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))) && steps < 4">
+ <!-- ((isuseT || courseTextBool) && (!yiKeTemplateArray.includes(templateid))) && -->
+ <el-tooltip effect="light" content="右键单击可配置提示词" placement="bottom" v-if="steps < 4">
<button class="c_pub_button_confirm" @click="nextSteps(2)"
@contextmenu.prevent="nextSteps(1)" v-if="templateid != '4480d65a-1e48-11ef-bee5-005056b86db5' && templateid != 'cf5722a4-401b-11ef-b873-005056b86dc3'" :class="{
pub_btn_next_img: steps != 3,
@@ -15067,6 +15069,8 @@ export default {
let txt = (!this.yiKeTemplateArray.includes(this.templateid)) ? '任务设计、评价标准和教学目标(markdown格式)' : '任务设计和评价标准'
let courseText = this.courseText ? this.courseText : this.teacherCourseText
let target = this.targetCourseText2 ? this.targetCourseText2 : this.targetcoursetext
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
let message = `NOTICE
Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数据。
Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
@@ -15083,8 +15087,6 @@ ${courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + courseText : ''}
${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
${target ? '课程目标:' + target.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','') : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
# Format example
@@ -15097,6 +15099,8 @@ detail输出不要输出成json,文本或者markdown都可以
} else if (this.aitype == "aiOutline2") {
this.loading = true
let target = this.targetCourseText2 ? this.targetCourseText2 : this.targetcoursetext
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
let message = `NOTICE
Role: 你是创建课程的老师,可以利用file_search的方式完整的去分析文件内容(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容),并生成需要的JSON数据。
Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
@@ -15113,8 +15117,6 @@ ${this.courseText ? '课程简要描述:' + this.courseText : ''}
${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
${target ? '课程目标:' + target.replaceAll('#','').replaceAll('*','').replaceAll('-','').replaceAll('\n','') : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
# Format example
[{"task": "任务1的名字"}, {"task": "任务2的名字"}, {"task": "任务2的名字"}, {"task": "任务n的名字"}]`
@@ -15361,6 +15363,8 @@ ${msg}。相关信息内容至少要有300tokens,可以是markdown格式
// 补充资料:${url.join(",")}
// 补充描述:${this.courseText2} ##补充参考资料和
let target = this.targetCourseText2 ? this.targetCourseText2 : this.targetcoursetext
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+// ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
let msg = `NOTICE
Role: 你是创建课程的老师,内容以markdown形式出现(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容)
Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
@@ -15372,8 +15376,6 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
${(this.mode == 1 && (!this.yiKeTemplateArray.includes(this.templateid)) && this.teacherCourseText) ? '提取教案摘要:'+this.teacherCourseText : ''}
${(this.mode == 1 && (!this.yiKeTemplateArray.includes(this.templateid)) && target) ? '提取教案目标:'+target : ''}
${this.courseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '参考内容:'+this.courseText : ''}
@@ -18798,7 +18800,8 @@ ${this.aitype == 'aiCpote4' ? '## 目标层\n'+this.cpote['cpote3'] : ''}`
+ // ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+ // ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
let messages = `NOTICE
Role: 你是创建课程的老师,内容以markdown形式出现(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容)。
Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
@@ -18810,8 +18813,6 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
${this.teacherCourseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '参考内容:'+this.teacherCourseText : ''}
## 要求
@@ -18963,7 +18964,8 @@ ${this.teacherCourseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '注意,优化原有的<参
+ // ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
+ // ${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
let messages = `NOTICE
Role: 你是创建课程的老师,内容以markdown形式出现(注:如果文件内容里面不包含需要检索的内容,就不引用文件内容)。
Language: Please use the same language as the user requirement, if the user speaks Chinese, the specific text of your answer should also be in Chinese.
@@ -18975,8 +18977,6 @@ Instruction: Based on the context, follow "Format example", write content.
${sub.length ? '学科:' + sub.join(",") : ''}
${mclass.length ? '面向年级:' + mclass.join(",") : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程节数:'+this.courseJie+'节' : ''}
-${this.templatePan.includes(this.templateid) ? '课程时长:'+this.courseTime+'min' : ''}
${this.targetCourseText && this.aiCallback == 2 ? '参考内容:'+this.targetCourseText : ''}
## 要求