/** * AccessibleBlockly * * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Angular2 Component that details how Blockly.Block's are * rendered in the workspace in AccessibleBlockly. Also handles any * interactions with the blocks. * @author madeeha@google.com (Madeeha Ghori) */ blocklyApp.WorkspaceTreeComponent = ng.core .Component({ selector: 'blockly-workspace-tree', template: `
  • `, directives: [blocklyApp.FieldComponent, ng.core.forwardRef(function() { return blocklyApp.WorkspaceTreeComponent; })], inputs: ['block', 'level', 'tree', 'isTopLevel'], pipes: [blocklyApp.TranslatePipe] }) .Class({ constructor: [ blocklyApp.ClipboardService, blocklyApp.TreeService, blocklyApp.UtilsService, function(_clipboardService, _treeService, _utilsService) { this.infoBlocks = Object.create(null); this.clipboardService = _clipboardService; this.treeService = _treeService; this.utilsService = _utilsService; }], isIsolatedTopLevelBlock_: function(block) { // Returns whether the given block is at the top level, and has no // siblings. return Boolean( !block.nextConnection.targetConnection && !block.previousConnection.targetConnection && blocklyApp.workspace.topBlocks_.some(function(topBlock) { return topBlock.id == block.id; })); }, removeBlockAndSetFocus_: function(block, deleteBlockFunc) { // This method runs the given function and then does one of two things: // - If the block is an isolated top-level block, it shifts the tree // focus. // - Otherwise, it sets the correct new active desc for the current tree. if (this.isIsolatedTopLevelBlock_(block)) { var nextNodeToFocusOn = this.treeService.getNodeToFocusOnWhenTreeIsDeleted(this.tree.id); deleteBlockFunc(); nextNodeToFocusOn.focus(); } else { var blockRootNode = document.getElementById(this.idMap['blockRoot']); var nextActiveDesc = this.treeService.getNextActiveDescWhenBlockIsDeleted( blockRootNode); this.treeService.runWhilePreservingFocus( deleteBlockFunc, this.tree.id, nextActiveDesc.id); } }, cutBlock_: function() { var that = this; this.removeBlockAndSetFocus_(this.block, function() { that.clipboardService.cut(that.block); }); }, deleteBlock_: function() { var that = this; this.removeBlockAndSetFocus_(this.block, function() { that.block.dispose(true); }); }, pasteToConnection_: function(connection) { var that = this; this.treeService.runWhilePreservingFocus(function() { // If the connection is a 'previousConnection' and that connection is // already joined to something, use the 'nextConnection' of the // previous block instead in order to do an insertion. if (connection.type == Blockly.PREVIOUS_STATEMENT && connection.isConnected()) { that.clipboardService.pasteFromClipboard( connection.targetConnection); } else { that.clipboardService.pasteFromClipboard(connection); } }, this.tree.id); }, sendToMarkedSpot_: function() { this.clipboardService.pasteToMarkedConnection(this.block, false); var that = this; this.removeBlockAndSetFocus_(this.block, function() { that.block.dispose(true); }); alert('Block moved to marked spot: ' + this.block.toString()); }, ngOnInit: function() { var that = this; // Generate a list of action buttons. this.actionButtonsInfo = [{ baseIdKey: 'cut', translationIdForText: 'CUT_BLOCK', action: that.cutBlock_.bind(that), isDisabled: function() { return false; } }, { baseIdKey: 'copy', translationIdForText: 'COPY_BLOCK', action: that.clipboardService.copy.bind( that.clipboardService, that.block, true), isDisabled: function() { return false; } }, { baseIdKey: 'pasteBelow', translationIdForText: 'PASTE_BELOW', action: that.pasteToConnection_.bind(that, that.block.nextConnection), isDisabled: function() { return Boolean( !that.block.nextConnection || !that.isCompatibleWithClipboard(that.block.nextConnection)); } }, { baseIdKey: 'pasteAbove', translationIdForText: 'PASTE_ABOVE', action: that.pasteToConnection_.bind( that, that.block.previousConnection), isDisabled: function() { return Boolean( !that.block.previousConnection || !that.isCompatibleWithClipboard(that.block.previousConnection)); } }, { baseIdKey: 'markBelow', translationIdForText: 'MARK_SPOT_BELOW', action: that.clipboardService.markConnection.bind( that.clipboardService, that.block.nextConnection), isDisabled: function() { return !that.block.nextConnection; } }, { baseIdKey: 'markAbove', translationIdForText: 'MARK_SPOT_ABOVE', action: that.clipboardService.markConnection.bind( that.clipboardService, that.block.previousConnection), isDisabled: function() { return !that.block.previousConnection; } }, { baseIdKey: 'sendToMarkedSpot', translationIdForText: 'MOVE_TO_MARKED_SPOT', action: that.sendToMarkedSpot_.bind(that), isDisabled: function() { return !that.clipboardService.isMovableToMarkedConnection( that.block); } }, { baseIdKey: 'delete', translationIdForText: 'DELETE', action: that.deleteBlock_.bind(that), isDisabled: function() { return false; } }]; // Make a list of all the id keys. this.idKeys = ['blockRoot', 'blockSummary', 'listItem', 'label']; this.actionButtonsInfo.forEach(function(buttonInfo) { that.idKeys.push(buttonInfo.baseIdKey, buttonInfo.baseIdKey + 'Button'); }); for (var i = 0; i < this.block.inputList.length; i++) { var inputBlock = this.block.inputList[i]; if (inputBlock.connection && !inputBlock.connection.targetBlock()) { that.idKeys.push( 'inputList' + i, 'inputMenuLabel' + i, 'markSpot' + i, 'markSpotButton' + i, 'paste' + i, 'pasteButton' + i); } } }, ngDoCheck: function() { // Generate a unique id for each id key. This needs to be done every time // changes happen, but after the first ng-init, in order to force the // element ids to change in cases where, e.g., a block is inserted in the // middle of a sequence of blocks. this.idMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.idKeys.length; i++) { this.idMap[this.idKeys[i]] = this.block.id + this.idKeys[i]; } }, ngAfterViewInit: function() { // If this is a top-level tree in the workspace, set its id and active // descendant. if (this.tree && this.isTopLevel && !this.tree.id) { this.tree.id = this.utilsService.generateUniqueId(); } if (this.tree && this.isTopLevel && !this.treeService.getActiveDescId(this.tree.id)) { this.treeService.setActiveDesc(this.idMap['blockRoot'], this.tree.id); } }, generateAriaLabelledByAttr: function(mainLabel, secondLabel, isDisabled) { return this.utilsService.generateAriaLabelledByAttr( mainLabel, secondLabel, isDisabled); }, isCompatibleWithClipboard: function(connection) { return this.clipboardService.isCompatibleWithClipboard(connection); } });