FEATURES TO ADD AND FIX AND STUFF [ ]hull glitch [ ]clean up the repository (there's lots of unused stuff still laying around) [ ]icons for operations (unions, translates, etc) [ ]fix safari download STL problem [x]touchscreen-friendly resize [ ]add blocks to library (and get block from library, and library implementation) [ ]project sharing [ ]STEP/IGES support [ ]Arrays [ ]aria stuff [ ]Implement openscad children() [ ]Storing color as a variable [x]Text (and strings) [ ]Draft [ ]Minkowski Sum [ ]Switch to three.js [ ]Transparency (like openscad's #, or alpha channel in color) [ ]Internationalization support (bring back from blockly) [ ]Simplified mode (elementary-friendly, hiding distracting fancy stuff) [ ]SVG/DXF import [x]STL import