/** * @license * Blockly Demos: Block Factory * * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview FactoryUtils is a namespace that holds block starter code * generation functions shared by the Block Factory, Workspace Factory, and * Exporter applications within Blockly Factory. Holds functions to generate * block definitions and generator stubs and to create and download files. * * @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser), quachtina96 (Tina Quach) */ 'use strict'; /** * Namespace for FactoryUtils. */ goog.provide('FactoryUtils'); /** * Get block definition code for the current block. * @param {string} blockType Type of block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} rootBlock RootBlock from main workspace in which * user uses Block Factory Blocks to create a custom block. * @param {string} format 'JSON' or 'JavaScript'. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Where the root block lives. * @return {string} Block definition. */ FactoryUtils.getBlockDefinition = function(blockType, rootBlock, format, workspace) { blockType = blockType.replace(/\W/g, '_').replace(/^(\d)/, '_\\1'); switch (format) { case 'JSON': var code = FactoryUtils.formatJson_(blockType, rootBlock); break; case 'JavaScript': var code = FactoryUtils.formatJavaScript_(blockType, rootBlock, workspace); break; } return code; }; /** * Get the generator code for a given block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Rendered block in preview workspace. * @param {string} generatorLanguage 'JavaScript', 'Python', 'PHP', 'Lua', * 'Dart'. * @return {string} Generator code for multiple blocks. */ FactoryUtils.getGeneratorStub = function(block, generatorLanguage) { function makeVar(root, name) { name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '_'); return ' var ' + root + '_' + name; } // The makevar function lives in the original update generator. var language = generatorLanguage; var code = []; code.push("Blockly." + language + "['" + block.type + "'] = function(block) {"); // Generate getters for any fields or inputs. for (var i = 0, input; input = block.inputList[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0, field; field = input.fieldRow[j]; j++) { var name = field.name; if (!name) { continue; } if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldVariable) { // Subclass of Blockly.FieldDropdown, must test first. code.push(makeVar('variable', name) + " = Blockly." + language + ".variableDB_.getName(block.getFieldValue('" + name + "'), Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE);"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldAngle) { // Subclass of Blockly.FieldTextInput, must test first. code.push(makeVar('angle', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } else if (Blockly.FieldDate && field instanceof Blockly.FieldDate) { // Blockly.FieldDate may not be compiled into Blockly. code.push(makeVar('date', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldColour) { code.push(makeVar('colour', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldCheckbox) { code.push(makeVar('checkbox', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "') == 'TRUE';"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldDropdown) { code.push(makeVar('dropdown', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldNumber) { code.push(makeVar('number', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } else if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldTextInput) { code.push(makeVar('text', name) + " = block.getFieldValue('" + name + "');"); } } var name = input.name; if (name) { if (input.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE) { code.push(makeVar('value', name) + " = Blockly." + language + ".valueToCode(block, '" + name + "', Blockly." + language + ".ORDER_ATOMIC);"); } else if (input.type == Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT) { code.push(makeVar('statements', name) + " = Blockly." + language + ".statementToCode(block, '" + name + "');"); } } } // Most languages end lines with a semicolon. Python does not. var lineEnd = { 'JavaScript': ';', 'Python': '', 'PHP': ';', 'Dart': ';' }; code.push(" // TODO: Assemble " + language + " into code variable."); if (block.outputConnection) { code.push(" var code = '...';"); code.push(" // TODO: Change ORDER_NONE to the correct strength."); code.push(" return [code, Blockly." + language + ".ORDER_NONE];"); } else { code.push(" var code = '..." + (lineEnd[language] || '') + "\\n';"); code.push(" return code;"); } code.push("};"); return code.join('\n'); }; /** * Update the language code as JSON. * @param {string} blockType Name of block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} rootBlock Factory_base block. * @return {string} Generanted language code. * @private */ FactoryUtils.formatJson_ = function(blockType, rootBlock) { var JS = {}; // Type is not used by Blockly, but may be used by a loader. JS.type = blockType; // Generate inputs. var message = []; var args = []; var contentsBlock = rootBlock.getInputTargetBlock('INPUTS'); var lastInput = null; while (contentsBlock) { if (!contentsBlock.disabled && !contentsBlock.getInheritedDisabled()) { var fields = FactoryUtils.getFieldsJson_( contentsBlock.getInputTargetBlock('FIELDS')); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (typeof fields[i] == 'string') { message.push(fields[i].replace(/%/g, '%%')); } else { args.push(fields[i]); message.push('%' + args.length); } } var input = {type: contentsBlock.type}; // Dummy inputs don't have names. Other inputs do. if (contentsBlock.type != 'input_dummy') { input.name = contentsBlock.getFieldValue('INPUTNAME'); } var check = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(contentsBlock, 'TYPE') || 'null'); if (check) { input.check = check; } var align = contentsBlock.getFieldValue('ALIGN'); if (align != 'LEFT') { input.align = align; } args.push(input); message.push('%' + args.length); lastInput = contentsBlock; } contentsBlock = contentsBlock.nextConnection && contentsBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock(); } // Remove last input if dummy and not empty. if (lastInput && lastInput.type == 'input_dummy') { var fields = lastInput.getInputTargetBlock('FIELDS'); if (fields && FactoryUtils.getFieldsJson_(fields).join('').trim() != '') { var align = lastInput.getFieldValue('ALIGN'); if (align != 'LEFT') { JS.lastDummyAlign0 = align; } args.pop(); message.pop(); } } JS.message0 = message.join(' '); if (args.length) { JS.args0 = args; } // Generate inline/external switch. if (rootBlock.getFieldValue('INLINE') == 'EXT') { JS.inputsInline = false; } else if (rootBlock.getFieldValue('INLINE') == 'INT') { JS.inputsInline = true; } // Generate output, or next/previous connections. switch (rootBlock.getFieldValue('CONNECTIONS')) { case 'LEFT': JS.output = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(rootBlock, 'OUTPUTTYPE') || 'null'); break; case 'BOTH': JS.previousStatement = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(rootBlock, 'TOPTYPE') || 'null'); JS.nextStatement = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(rootBlock, 'BOTTOMTYPE') || 'null'); break; case 'TOP': JS.previousStatement = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(rootBlock, 'TOPTYPE') || 'null'); break; case 'BOTTOM': JS.nextStatement = JSON.parse( FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(rootBlock, 'BOTTOMTYPE') || 'null'); break; } // Generate colour. var colourBlock = rootBlock.getInputTargetBlock('COLOUR'); if (colourBlock && !colourBlock.disabled) { var hue = parseInt(colourBlock.getFieldValue('HUE'), 10); JS.colour = hue; } JS.tooltip = ''; JS.helpUrl = 'http://www.example.com/'; return JSON.stringify(JS, null, ' '); }; /** * Update the language code as JavaScript. * @param {string} blockType Name of block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} rootBlock Factory_base block. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Where the root block lives. * @return {string} Generated language code. * @private */ FactoryUtils.formatJavaScript_ = function(blockType, rootBlock, workspace) { var code = []; code.push("Blockly.Blocks['" + blockType + "'] = {"); code.push(" init: function() {"); // Generate inputs. var TYPES = {'input_value': 'appendValueInput', 'input_statement': 'appendStatementInput', 'input_dummy': 'appendDummyInput'}; var contentsBlock = rootBlock.getInputTargetBlock('INPUTS'); while (contentsBlock) { if (!contentsBlock.disabled && !contentsBlock.getInheritedDisabled()) { var name = ''; // Dummy inputs don't have names. Other inputs do. if (contentsBlock.type != 'input_dummy') { name = FactoryUtils.escapeString(contentsBlock.getFieldValue('INPUTNAME')); } code.push(' this.' + TYPES[contentsBlock.type] + '(' + name + ')'); var check = FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom(contentsBlock, 'TYPE'); if (check) { code.push(' .setCheck(' + check + ')'); } var align = contentsBlock.getFieldValue('ALIGN'); if (align != 'LEFT') { code.push(' .setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_' + align + ')'); } var fields = FactoryUtils.getFieldsJs_( contentsBlock.getInputTargetBlock('FIELDS')); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { code.push(' .appendField(' + fields[i] + ')'); } // Add semicolon to last line to finish the statement. code[code.length - 1] += ';'; } contentsBlock = contentsBlock.nextConnection && contentsBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock(); } // Generate inline/external switch. if (rootBlock.getFieldValue('INLINE') == 'EXT') { code.push(' this.setInputsInline(false);'); } else if (rootBlock.getFieldValue('INLINE') == 'INT') { code.push(' this.setInputsInline(true);'); } // Generate output, or next/previous connections. switch (rootBlock.getFieldValue('CONNECTIONS')) { case 'LEFT': code.push(FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_('setOutput', 'OUTPUTTYPE', workspace)); break; case 'BOTH': code.push( FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_('setPreviousStatement', 'TOPTYPE', workspace)); code.push( FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_('setNextStatement', 'BOTTOMTYPE', workspace)); break; case 'TOP': code.push( FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_('setPreviousStatement', 'TOPTYPE', workspace)); break; case 'BOTTOM': code.push( FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_('setNextStatement', 'BOTTOMTYPE', workspace)); break; } // Generate colour. var colourBlock = rootBlock.getInputTargetBlock('COLOUR'); if (colourBlock && !colourBlock.disabled) { var hue = parseInt(colourBlock.getFieldValue('HUE'), 10); if (!isNaN(hue)) { code.push(' this.setColour(' + hue + ');'); } } code.push(" this.setTooltip('');"); code.push(" this.setHelpUrl('http://www.example.com/');"); code.push(' }'); code.push('};'); return code.join('\n'); }; /** * Create JS code required to create a top, bottom, or value connection. * @param {string} functionName JavaScript function name. * @param {string} typeName Name of type input. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Where the root block lives. * @return {string} Line of JavaScript code to create connection. * @private */ FactoryUtils.connectionLineJs_ = function(functionName, typeName, workspace) { var type = FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom( FactoryUtils.getRootBlock(workspace), typeName); if (type) { type = ', ' + type; } else { type = ''; } return ' this.' + functionName + '(true' + type + ');'; }; /** * Returns field strings and any config. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Input block. * @return {!Array.} Field strings. * @private */ FactoryUtils.getFieldsJs_ = function(block) { var fields = []; while (block) { if (!block.disabled && !block.getInheritedDisabled()) { switch (block.type) { case 'field_static': // Result: 'hello' fields.push(FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('TEXT'))); break; case 'field_input': // Result: new Blockly.FieldTextInput('Hello'), 'GREET' fields.push('new Blockly.FieldTextInput(' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('TEXT')) + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_number': // Result: new Blockly.FieldNumber(10, 0, 100, 1), 'NUMBER' var args = [ Number(block.getFieldValue('VALUE')), Number(block.getFieldValue('MIN')), Number(block.getFieldValue('MAX')), Number(block.getFieldValue('PRECISION')) ]; // Remove any trailing arguments that aren't needed. if (args[3] == 0) { args.pop(); if (args[2] == Infinity) { args.pop(); if (args[1] == -Infinity) { args.pop(); } } } fields.push('new Blockly.FieldNumber(' + args.join(', ') + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_angle': // Result: new Blockly.FieldAngle(90), 'ANGLE' fields.push('new Blockly.FieldAngle(' + parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('ANGLE')) + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_checkbox': // Result: new Blockly.FieldCheckbox('TRUE'), 'CHECK' fields.push('new Blockly.FieldCheckbox(' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('CHECKED')) + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_colour': // Result: new Blockly.FieldColour('#ff0000'), 'COLOUR' fields.push('new Blockly.FieldColour(' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('COLOUR')) + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_date': // Result: new Blockly.FieldDate('2015-02-04'), 'DATE' fields.push('new Blockly.FieldDate(' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('DATE')) + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_variable': // Result: new Blockly.FieldVariable('item'), 'VAR' var varname = FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('TEXT') || null); fields.push('new Blockly.FieldVariable(' + varname + '), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); break; case 'field_dropdown': // Result: // new Blockly.FieldDropdown([['yes', '1'], ['no', '0']]), 'TOGGLE' var options = []; for (var i = 0; i < block.optionCount_; i++) { options[i] = '[' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('USER' + i)) + ', ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('CPU' + i)) + ']'; } if (options.length) { fields.push('new Blockly.FieldDropdown([' + options.join(', ') + ']), ' + FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'))); } break; case 'field_image': // Result: new Blockly.FieldImage('http://...', 80, 60) var src = FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('SRC')); var width = Number(block.getFieldValue('WIDTH')); var height = Number(block.getFieldValue('HEIGHT')); var alt = FactoryUtils.escapeString(block.getFieldValue('ALT')); fields.push('new Blockly.FieldImage(' + src + ', ' + width + ', ' + height + ', ' + alt + ')'); break; } } block = block.nextConnection && block.nextConnection.targetBlock(); } return fields; }; /** * Returns field strings and any config. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Input block. * @return {!Array.} Array of static text and field configs. * @private */ FactoryUtils.getFieldsJson_ = function(block) { var fields = []; while (block) { if (!block.disabled && !block.getInheritedDisabled()) { switch (block.type) { case 'field_static': // Result: 'hello' fields.push(block.getFieldValue('TEXT')); break; case 'field_input': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), text: block.getFieldValue('TEXT') }); break; case 'field_number': var obj = { type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), value: parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('VALUE')) }; var min = parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('MIN')); if (min > -Infinity) { obj.min = min; } var max = parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('MAX')); if (max < Infinity) { obj.max = max; } var precision = parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('PRECISION')); if (precision) { obj.precision = precision; } fields.push(obj); break; case 'field_angle': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), angle: Number(block.getFieldValue('ANGLE')) }); break; case 'field_checkbox': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), checked: block.getFieldValue('CHECKED') == 'TRUE' }); break; case 'field_colour': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), colour: block.getFieldValue('COLOUR') }); break; case 'field_date': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), date: block.getFieldValue('DATE') }); break; case 'field_variable': fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), variable: block.getFieldValue('TEXT') || null }); break; case 'field_dropdown': var options = []; for (var i = 0; i < block.optionCount_; i++) { options[i] = [block.getFieldValue('USER' + i), block.getFieldValue('CPU' + i)]; } if (options.length) { fields.push({ type: block.type, name: block.getFieldValue('FIELDNAME'), options: options }); } break; case 'field_image': fields.push({ type: block.type, src: block.getFieldValue('SRC'), width: Number(block.getFieldValue('WIDTH')), height: Number(block.getFieldValue('HEIGHT')), alt: block.getFieldValue('ALT') }); break; } } block = block.nextConnection && block.nextConnection.targetBlock(); } return fields; }; /** * Fetch the type(s) defined in the given input. * Format as a string for appending to the generated code. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block with input. * @param {string} name Name of the input. * @return {?string} String defining the types. */ FactoryUtils.getOptTypesFrom = function(block, name) { var types = FactoryUtils.getTypesFrom_(block, name); if (types.length == 0) { return undefined; } else if (types.indexOf('null') != -1) { return 'null'; } else if (types.length == 1) { return types[0]; } else { return '[' + types.join(', ') + ']'; } }; /** * Fetch the type(s) defined in the given input. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block with input. * @param {string} name Name of the input. * @return {!Array.} List of types. * @private */ FactoryUtils.getTypesFrom_ = function(block, name) { var typeBlock = block.getInputTargetBlock(name); var types; if (!typeBlock || typeBlock.disabled) { types = []; } else if (typeBlock.type == 'type_other') { types = [FactoryUtils.escapeString(typeBlock.getFieldValue('TYPE'))]; } else if (typeBlock.type == 'type_group') { types = []; for (var n = 0; n < typeBlock.typeCount_; n++) { types = types.concat(FactoryUtils.getTypesFrom_(typeBlock, 'TYPE' + n)); } // Remove duplicates. var hash = Object.create(null); for (var n = types.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { if (hash[types[n]]) { types.splice(n, 1); } hash[types[n]] = true; } } else { types = [FactoryUtils.escapeString(typeBlock.valueType)]; } return types; }; /** * Escape a string. * @param {string} string String to escape. * @return {string} Escaped string surrouned by quotes. */ FactoryUtils.escapeString = function(string) { return JSON.stringify(string); }; /** * Return the uneditable container block that everything else attaches to in * given workspace. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Where the root block lives. * @return {Blockly.Block} Root block. */ FactoryUtils.getRootBlock = function(workspace) { var blocks = workspace.getTopBlocks(false); for (var i = 0, block; block = blocks[i]; i++) { if (block.type == 'factory_base') { return block; } } return null; }; // TODO(quachtina96): Move hide, show, makeInvisible, and makeVisible to a new // AppView namespace. /** * Hides element so that it's invisible and doesn't take up space. * @param {string} elementID ID of element to hide. */ FactoryUtils.hide = function(elementID) { document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = 'none'; }; /** * Un-hides an element. * @param {string} elementID ID of element to hide. */ FactoryUtils.show = function(elementID) { document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = 'block'; }; /** * Hides element so that it's invisible but still takes up space. * @param {string} elementID ID of element to hide. */ FactoryUtils.makeInvisible = function(elementID) { document.getElementById(elementID).visibility = 'hidden'; }; /** * Makes element visible. * @param {string} elementID ID of element to hide. */ FactoryUtils.makeVisible = function(elementID) { document.getElementById(elementID).visibility = 'visible'; }; /** * Create a file with the given attributes and download it. * @param {string} contents The contents of the file. * @param {string} filename The name of the file to save to. * @param {string} fileType The type of the file to save. */ FactoryUtils.createAndDownloadFile = function(contents, filename, fileType) { var data = new Blob([contents], {type: 'text/' + fileType}); var clickEvent = new MouseEvent("click", { "view": window, "bubbles": true, "cancelable": false }); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); a.download = filename; a.textContent = 'Download file!'; a.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); }; /** * Get Blockly Block by rendering pre-defined block in workspace. * @param {!Element} blockType Type of block that has already been defined. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace on which to render * the block. * @return {!Blockly.Block} The Blockly.Block of desired type. */ FactoryUtils.getDefinedBlock = function(blockType, workspace) { workspace.clear(); return workspace.newBlock(blockType); }; /** * Parses a block definition get the type of the block it defines. * @param {string} blockDef A single block definition. * @return {string} Type of block defined by the given definition. */ FactoryUtils.getBlockTypeFromJsDefinition = function(blockDef) { var indexOfStartBracket = blockDef.indexOf('[\''); var indexOfEndBracket = blockDef.indexOf('\']'); if (indexOfStartBracket != -1 && indexOfEndBracket != -1) { return blockDef.substring(indexOfStartBracket + 2, indexOfEndBracket); } else { throw new Error ('Could not parse block type out of JavaScript block ' + 'definition. Brackets normally enclosing block type not found.'); } }; /** * Generates a category containing blocks of the specified block types. * @param {!Array.} blocks Blocks to include in the category. * @param {string} categoryName Name to use for the generated category. * @return {!Element} Category XML containing the given block types. */ FactoryUtils.generateCategoryXml = function(blocks, categoryName) { // Create category DOM element. var categoryElement = goog.dom.createDom('category'); categoryElement.setAttribute('name', categoryName); // For each block, add block element to category. for (var i = 0, block; block = blocks[i]; i++) { // Get preview block XML. var blockXml = Blockly.Xml.blockToDom(block); blockXml.removeAttribute('id'); // Add block to category and category to XML. categoryElement.appendChild(blockXml); } return categoryElement; }; /** * Parses a string containing JavaScript block definition(s) to create an array * in which each element is a single block definition. * @param {string} blockDefsString JavaScript block definition(s). * @return {!Array.} Array of block definitions. */ FactoryUtils.parseJsBlockDefinitions = function(blockDefsString) { var blockDefArray = []; var defStart = blockDefsString.indexOf('Blockly.Blocks'); while (blockDefsString.indexOf('Blockly.Blocks', defStart) != -1) { var nextStart = blockDefsString.indexOf('Blockly.Blocks', defStart + 1); if (nextStart == -1) { // This is the last block definition. nextStart = blockDefsString.length; } var blockDef = blockDefsString.substring(defStart, nextStart); blockDefArray.push(blockDef); defStart = nextStart; } return blockDefArray; }; /** * Parses a string containing JSON block definition(s) to create an array * in which each element is a single block definition. Expected input is * one or more block definitions in the form of concatenated, stringified * JSON objects. * @param {string} blockDefsString String containing JSON block * definition(s). * @return {!Array.} Array of block definitions. */ FactoryUtils.parseJsonBlockDefinitions = function(blockDefsString) { var blockDefArray = []; var unbalancedBracketCount = 0; var defStart = 0; // Iterate through the blockDefs string. Keep track of whether brackets // are balanced. for (var i = 0; i < blockDefsString.length; i++) { var currentChar = blockDefsString[i]; if (currentChar == '{') { unbalancedBracketCount++; } else if (currentChar == '}') { unbalancedBracketCount--; if (unbalancedBracketCount == 0 && i > 0) { // The brackets are balanced. We've got a complete block defintion. var blockDef = blockDefsString.substring(defStart, i + 1); blockDefArray.push(blockDef); defStart = i + 1; } } } return blockDefArray; }; /** * Define blocks from imported block definitions. * @param {string} blockDefsString Block definition(s). * @param {string} format Block definition format ('JSON' or 'JavaScript'). * @return {!Array.} Array of block types defined. */ FactoryUtils.defineAndGetBlockTypes = function(blockDefsString, format) { var blockTypes = []; // Define blocks and get block types. if (format == 'JSON') { var blockDefArray = FactoryUtils.parseJsonBlockDefinitions(blockDefsString); // Populate array of blocktypes and define each block. for (var i = 0, blockDef; blockDef = blockDefArray[i]; i++) { var json = JSON.parse(blockDef); blockTypes.push(json.type); // Define the block. Blockly.Blocks[json.type] = { init: function() { this.jsonInit(json); } }; } } else if (format == 'JavaScript') { var blockDefArray = FactoryUtils.parseJsBlockDefinitions(blockDefsString); // Populate array of block types. for (var i = 0, blockDef; blockDef = blockDefArray[i]; i++) { var blockType = FactoryUtils.getBlockTypeFromJsDefinition(blockDef); blockTypes.push(blockType); } // Define all blocks. eval(blockDefsString); } return blockTypes; }; /** * Inject code into a pre tag, with syntax highlighting. * Safe from HTML/script injection. * @param {string} code Lines of code. * @param {string} id ID of
 element to inject into.
FactoryUtils.injectCode = function(code, id) {
  var pre = document.getElementById(id);
  pre.textContent = code;
  code = pre.textContent;
  code = prettyPrintOne(code, 'js');
  pre.innerHTML = code;

 * Returns whether or not two blocks are the same based on their XML. Expects
 * XML with a single child node that is a factory_base block, the XML found on
 * Block Factory's main workspace.
 * @param {!Element} blockXml1 An XML element with a single child node that
 *    is a factory_base block.
 * @param {!Element} blockXml2 An XML element with a single child node that
 *    is a factory_base block.
 * @return {boolean} Whether or not two blocks are the same based on their XML.
FactoryUtils.sameBlockXml = function(blockXml1, blockXml2) {
  // Each XML element should contain a single child element with a 'block' tag
  if (blockXml1.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'xml' ||
      blockXml2.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'xml') {
    throw new Error('Expected two XML elements, recieved elements with tag ' +
        'names: ' + blockXml1.tagName + ' and ' + blockXml2.tagName + '.');

  // Compare the block elements directly. The XML tags may include other meta
  // information we want to igrore.
  var blockElement1 = blockXml1.getElementsByTagName('block')[0];
  var blockElement2 = blockXml2.getElementsByTagName('block')[0];

  if (!(blockElement1 && blockElement2)) {
    throw new Error('Could not get find block element in XML.');

  var blockXmlText1 = Blockly.Xml.domToText(blockElement1);
  var blockXmlText2 = Blockly.Xml.domToText(blockElement2);

  // Strip white space.
  blockXmlText1 = blockXmlText1.replace(/\s+/g, '');
  blockXmlText2 = blockXmlText2.replace(/\s+/g, '');

  // Return whether or not changes have been saved.
  return blockXmlText1 == blockXmlText2;

 * Checks if a block has a variable field. Blocks with variable fields cannot
 * be shadow blocks.
 * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block to check if a variable field exists.
 * @return {boolean} True if the block has a variable field, false otherwise.
FactoryUtils.hasVariableField = function(block) {
  if (!block) {
    return false;
  return block.getVars().length > 0;

 * Checks if a block is a procedures block. If procedures block names are
 * ever updated or expanded, this function should be updated as well (no
 * other known markers for procedure blocks beyond name).
 * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block to check.
 * @return {boolean} True if the block is a procedure block, false otherwise.
FactoryUtils.isProcedureBlock = function(block) {
  return block &&
      (block.type == 'procedures_defnoreturn' ||
      block.type == 'procedures_defreturn' ||
      block.type == 'procedures_callnoreturn' ||
      block.type == 'procedures_callreturn' ||
      block.type == 'procedures_ifreturn');

 * Returns whether or not a modified block's changes has been saved to the
 * Block Library.
 * TODO(quachtina96): move into the Block Factory Controller once made.
 * @param {!BlockLibraryController} blockLibraryController Block Library
 *    Controller storing custom blocks.
 * @return {boolean} True if all changes made to the block have been saved to
 *    the given Block Library.
FactoryUtils.savedBlockChanges = function(blockLibraryController) {
  if (BlockFactory.isStarterBlock()) {
    return true;
  var blockType = blockLibraryController.getCurrentBlockType();
  var currentXml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(BlockFactory.mainWorkspace);

  if (blockLibraryController.has(blockType)) {
    // Block is saved in block library.
    var savedXml = blockLibraryController.getBlockXml(blockType);
    return FactoryUtils.sameBlockXml(savedXml, currentXml);
  return false;