This Blockly demo uses Closure Templates to create a multilingual application. Any changes to the file require a recompile. Here is the command to generate a quick English version for debugging: java -jar soy/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar --outputPathFormat generated/en.js --srcs To generate a full set of language translations, first extract all the strings from using this command: java -jar soy/SoyMsgExtractor.jar --outputFile xlf/extracted_msgs.xlf This generates xlf/extracted_msgs.xlf, which may then be used by any XLIFF-compatible translation console to generate a set of files with the translated strings. These should be placed in the xlf directory. Finally, generate all the language versions wih this command: java -jar soy/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar --locales ar,be-tarask,br,ca,da,de,el,en,es,fa,fr,he,hrx,hu,ia,is,it,ja,ko,ms,nb,nl,pl,pms,pt-br,ro,ru,sc,sv,th,tr,uk,vi,zh-hans,zh-hant --messageFilePathFormat xlf/translated_msgs_{LOCALE}.xlf --outputPathFormat "generated/{LOCALE}.js" This is the process that Google uses for maintaining Blockly Games in 40+ languages. The XLIFF fromat is simple enough that it is trival to write a Python script to reformat it into some other format (such as JSON) for compatability with other translation consoles. For more information, see message translation for Closure Templates: